My Friends Trapped Me in a CREEPER Prison, So I Blew It Up

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my friends trapped me inside of this creeper person so today I have come up with a way to blow it up honestly this is what you should have done from the beginning I literally can't get out of this I mean I could yeah I guess I could just break the glass beneath me but I would die from that that's yeah yeah yeah all right you know a few days oh thank you yes this is my this is what I can eat for the week I'm glad you're giving me food this time around don't immediately die to the Phantoms oh lovely thank you thank you so you know guys you could have just built this kind of prison I mean I read the comments of all these videos and everybody says you can literally just trap me in a box and there's no way out but okay don't be confident I might be able to get out of here do you know why we trapped you in this one why it's because you smell bad wow that's amazing Kevin that's the best joke of the year it was nobody's laughing literally not one person all right guys you know what you think you're all cool and you got this giant creeper that's watching me fine okay we'll see we'll see how this one plays out shall we he has a name lovely I don't care about his name okay so we're here and the guys think I'm a complete idiot that's what I've assumed notice something a little bit unique right there there's a button this is definitely going to teleport me somewhere or get me out of this place like 100 this is the easiest Escape ever oh my God okay I thought for a second I was onto something but clearly still trapped hold up there's a chest on top of me this actually might not be that bad can I reach that oh oh oh yes there we go oh my goodness okay wait hold up we have uh one Spruce log and we have two dark oak planks okay okay wait so this can make a crafting table this gives me more dark oak planks hold up I could be onto something here wait what if I trap door my way out of here that could be it okay wait a second so if I want to do that I have to do this oh my God oh my God I'm a freaking genius you're definitely not gonna want to miss what happens later in the video so be sure to subscribe right now we're so close to 5 million and it's only possible with your help okay wait hold up we're gonna take the crafting table and the chest I feel like I'm gonna need as many blocks as I possibly humanly can okay wait what is this oh my God wait am I inside of that creeper there's a very good chance I could be it kind of looks I can't really tell yeah wait hold up so there's an area there there's a furnace there I might be able to reach it um there's a drop down there there's a boat right there dude this is massive where do I even go hey hold up if I can go up there I might be able to get over there and it looks like there's access to something else I can't tell we might as well give this a shot this can't hurt to try oh there we go oh my goodness dude so much anxiety making these jumps literally one mess up and I am permanently dead I'm on a luck streak so far the guys have yet to stop me getting out of one of their prisons oh wait I was right there is a door right there that's huge okay hold up so if I I could possibly do this I don't want it's too risky to make that jump I don't want I don't even want to try it okay wait and then there's okay and I have one more chest huh did I risk it for the biscuit I think I'm going to three two one I love this game okay wait hold up oh whoa what is this what is this okay starting K was shot by Mogi leave a like just for Kevin being Kevin okay we have a wet sponge what is up here oh wait hold up we have a crafting table on there hold up I think it might be onto something what is through this room exactly okay wait this right here leads me to the furnace okay wait a second this is all kind of starting to make a little bit of sense but what is through here oh my God what is this we have a bunch of vines there's got to be something hidden in here that we're looking for hold up there's there's an iron ingot right here I don't want to take it I feel like this could come in handy thank you there we go okay we have iron nice now what is the iron four is the true question I don't know okay hold up wait a second that sponge was a wet sponge so maybe I can make a bucket out of some of this wait what is this we have a redstone torch here in a trapdoor then this leads me over here wait what in the world am I seeing right now I'm definitely missing something this is way too confusing oh there's more iron yep hold up oh and there's a brewing stand okay I think I see where this might be going okay so I I have two iron ingots now if I can find one more I can craft the bucket and then I'm able to get the water out of that wet sponge so hard to see in here I don't even know where I'm looking dude what oh my God there's one right here oh wait I can make a bucket now okay wait hold up hold up we might be onto something here okay so I can go back this way hold up a second so we have a crafting table there oh my God there's a stick no way oh my God there's another one right here as well wait I think we're actually onto something okay right here boom now we have a bucket oh my God wait this is huge this could be huge okay so we go to the furnace okay wait so I put the wet sponge in there and then I put both the sticks and now assuming I've done this correctly I should be able to get the water out of that wet sponge into the bucket please please oh my god it worked oh my god it worked I'm not one to call myself a genius but boy oh boy I'm feeling like one okay wait a second hold up so now we can go over here okay wait there's another there's a dispenser right there and a cauldron it looks like okay so now there's lapis here and there's something on that side what is that oh wait there's a lever hold up so I'm gonna I'm gonna water right here and then if I can just go up there we go what does this do okay thank goodness I got rid of that water that would have despawned everything that would have sucked okay look at this this is nice if I've ever seen it oh my god wow oh my god wow okay dispenser oh we are making a potion okay that makes sense now what is The Cauldron here for exactly is there anything underneath this dispenser by chance I I saw something earlier that was sticking out underneath of this but I don't have anything to break it so I just have to break it with my hand and hope for the best let's hope I don't need the suspenser afterwards hers hopefully it's not wired up to anything oh my God oh my God that's all I needed that's all I needed okay wait water bucket there we go now glass bottle boom okay wait this is actually huge this could actually work okay now all I have to do is go back to this brewing stand right here okay first things first netherwort okay hold up I think we're onto something here guys if I can make a fire resistance potion I can get through the next part which I saw is lava and if I'm able to get through that I might have a chance of progressing through this wait hold up hold up hold up hold up then Magma Cream boom there we go all I have to do is mix this and we should be good come on come on come on almost done almost done yes let's go oh my God this is huge this is huge what's up gentlemen because believe me [Music] what are you doing buddy I'm doing great actually you guys thought you would trap me in that little one by one but you were surely mistaken let me tell you my boy my boy are you still trapped no I'm not oh are you still trapped are you still not I'm sorry trap no I'm not are you guys are getting through Lava right now I managed to find myself fire resistance okay there's an iron door down there there doesn't look like there's a button of any kind okay wait a second oh wait I know what to do I know what to do I know what to do okay if I go back there was the redstone torch here I could pout I could use that to power that door and get myself out and boom there we go okay I got it oh my God this is it this is actually the biggest play I've ever made I might just take that too I feel like that might not be a bad idea to have okay go go go go go there we go let's do this let's freaking get it let's freaking go okay wait a second yeah I was right I was right so now all we have to do is boom and then I love facing through doors okay where are we now where are we now this lava texture is tripping me out okay we're good okay there's a boat right there what is this what is this oh wait there's Redstone hold up wait oh it's gonna activate the netherride okay that makes more sense hold up so I couldn't do this ah okay okay wait are these barriers yes they are yes they are okay they are they are they are okay I need these boats I don't know what they're for but they're here for a reason there's another one right there what I'd even notice that okay grab it can't reach it I can't reach it but I can do this and that should be just enough oh my God yes it was yes it was let's go okay okay is there anything else before I move on wait what is this that's the door I came in from what is over here oh my God a third boat okay wait this is huge wait these are all barriers too wait this is so confusing the next part oh wait a second that leads down here and then I have to use the bolts to get across this and then I go down ah see what they're doing okay hold up hold up hold up this can't be too bad okay okay we can't mess this up guys you have fire resistance so this shouldn't be too bad three two one okay it's fine it's fine it's fine there we go thank goodness for the fire resistance still oh my God oh my God okay okay there's an arrow pointing this way I don't know what's down there but we're just gonna send it three two one oh my God okay okay that's that's nice I'm glad we made that hold up we only have uh 16 more seconds of fire resistance I want to get the most of it as I possibly can right now there we go what is this oh my what in the world is this wait where am I what wait I'm in like this this room I'm literally stuck in here for emergency use only huh wait there's literally diamonds here bro I could craft everything that I need right here right now wait that could be the power move I feel like I haven't seen you guys all day where are you guys at uh we're we're enjoying our time away from you you're you're enjoying your time well you're gonna see me very shortly you guys haven't even bothered to try and I don't know fight back or anything because we have confidence in our skills in Minecraft oh is that so you're you can't escape Frank right I just got an achievement guys don't you realize I'm actually doing stuff uh who built this prison sorry I did uh well did Kevin by any chance build a little mining room did his ADHD get to him and he wanted to build a little mining room what because all I'm gonna say is this room is actually really nice and it's full of so many nice resources I must say oh what do you mean there's some mining room um I I don't know exactly um I would expect you to be able to answer that question for yourself okay can't hear it I can explain no there's no need to explain but all you got to know is that I'm literally getting stacked all because of Kevin bruh wait how are you there in the first place sure what um what do you mean how am I there this is the easiest thing I've ever had to do oh dude everything you do is a quote unquote the easiest thing you've ever done yeah yeah this is by far the easiest things I've ever had to do by far that's with confidence too I'm not even stressed hey what is uh can I ask you guys a question what does the command block do the one that says emergency use only Evan uh uh it um sound a little bit pressed out Kevin I'm not stressed out I just need a little time to think that's it thank you what does it do that's all I'm asking you very much when you press the button steak spawn what yeah it was it was because I got hungry I made it I don't believe you just don't push it Moki gave you steaks already it says emergency use only which means it's only used for an emergency and quite honestly you guys are gonna be in an emergency in about uh T-minus 25 seconds here [Music] okay great great mistake giving me all of these resources to leave prison all right everybody does let's see what Kevin is set up for us oh I don't actually notice any difference everything looks the same oh I got 100 stakes in my inventory oh what is this guys huh oh what you see me here wait oh oh I see him oh he's got Diamond rubber I'm an armor what's up guys Smokey remember what I said I am I am PVP King in Minecraft actually both of you at the same time let's go okay we'll get ready ready three one two one Spartan charge charge no oh what's up Mogi oh that Spartan charge go for you Kev Kev did you please um how did you get any crystals I lost everything gosh Mogi you're not even gonna bother to fight back you're just gonna like okay I like that Loki don't let it get my Elijah bro okay yeah no I'm coming for you no wait no you guys look at that I mean he finished it actually I'm curious for one thing let's see what is that emergency button do no no no Mogi don't let him do it what have you done oh let's see let's see and voila oh what you looking for what is happening boom where is it blowing up oh my God and just like that I beat you guys why
Channel: Shark
Views: 651,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, My Friends Trapped Me in a CREEPER Prison So I Blew It Up, Trapped Minecraft, Escape Minecraft, Escape Prison, Escape Jail, Fooling Friends, my friends trapped me in a creeper, creeper prison, minecraft creeper prison, prison creeper minecraft
Id: AqSuGfLNL80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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