My Food Addiction Is Sabotaging My Budget

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Ali is with us in Minnesota Ali welcome to the Dave Ramsey show hi thank you for taking my call I appreciate it sure your question for dr. Jon oh yeah I have had a basically a food addiction for 14 years since my early teens I know it's an addictive pattern where I overeat or and I'm at work and I think about like this fast-food place I'm gonna drive by on my way home or I'm at the grocery store and I pass by candy and that's all I can think about and I try to be strong and then I go to leave and I just grab you know bags and I hide it from my husband I've had periods of success with it where I feel better and I'm eating healthy and has lost weight and my spouse they've always been so supportive of me and encouraging and I'm the nerd in the family you know I make the budget and we have a pretty tight budget but I just justify in the moment or I just ignore it like this is this is ruining our budget because it happened so many times a week or our grocery trips or whatever and I kind of just ignore them like I'll fix it later but it's obviously sabotages it so I'm just wondering if you have any tips for long-term how I can overcome this that it's sabotaging our budget I feel just guilt all the time so just wondering if you had any advice on that where does this come from this run on your family did you have a traumatic event your childhood no no my I mean my family was kind of snackers and I like I mean I was kind of made fun of growing up just because I was a little bit heavier so but nothing really traumatic from my childhood okay so you can there's a couple of different things here so number one I want to if you were with me I would hug you for a couple different reasons number one I love you and I'm glad that you called and I know this is a hard phone call to make number two I have a regular shame session with my wife when she is doing the laundry and I've got candy for shoved in my pockets I do health for a living right how about this I'm gonna put you on hold and then we're gonna catch you after the break because this is this is an important question I know many many people across the country have all right we're talking with Ally in Minnesota John give us a quick summary what we know so far so al you've been struggling ever since you were in high school yes some folks that kind of got on to you a little bit always felt like you were a little bit heavier than the rest and you've just struggled to wrestle with your eating ever since then and then you get caught in a shame cycle you caught in the financial cycle and you wrecked the budget and just to just piles and piles and piles is that about right yeah that's great okay so here's a here's a couple things that was talking about number one it's one two high five you because I'm in this with you and I've got experiences of my family my whole life and so I'm speaking from my own as though we're on the same side of the booth here food is comfortable right it just feels all right and I want everyone listening to this to know that it's the same chemistry that you can hide or deal with uncertainty deal with lack of love for what you see in the mirror it's all of the same pathology addiction as addiction is addiction and so people do the same thing with sex I do it with drinking they do with food it's this comfort it's this I'm not enough I'm in a situation I'm uncomfortable and I can make this feel better right this second and I'm gonna deal with it again and some people get obsessed about food the other way right they that's their way if that's their way of finding control is they get obsessive about not eating certain things or you can go on the internet blogs and find those who are having the keto wars and whatever it may be but it all comes back to this idea of comfort and this idea of I'm not valuable and so here's the the I'd love to hear about Dave's personal experience too but al here's what I'm going to tell you number one this is a good first step of really you surrendering to it the reality is there's going to be a shame spin cycle that you're gonna wrestle with the rest of your life until you get a community around you whether that's a traditional plan like Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers or I think it's noon that's out as has a lot of success to it but getting with a group of people and saying this is bigger than me and I need help number two I often find people myself included who run from shame instead of towards who and what they want to be and so they're tired of feeling gross they're tired of feeling embarrassed versus I'm worth being healthy and I'm worth showing up for my family hole and when I eat well my head's clear and I sleep better and I'm a better wife I'm a better mom I'm a better brother I'm a better husband and so you are worth going towards something not just always running away from something what's your experience been with his Dave mmm I you know we were talking about this with some of our team last night a lady asked me we have a thing after been here 90 days you sit and ask me questions for a couple hours and I just tell stories and one of the ladies was asking why we use personalities Ramzi personalities why don't we just put out the content and I was telling her content doesn't change people's lives people change people's lives and so anytime I have successfully transformed something inside Dave Ramsey that needed to transform it was with human beings around me helping me to do that and knowledge be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind Romans 12:2 says so the renewing of your mind is more than just content it's more than just facts raw facts you already know you already know the facts but you need humans around your group for encouragement for accountability to bust you to call you out to hold your arms up in the desert all of that and to give you the hug when you're hurting and you also need someone that's speaking speaking this truth over you lifting you up and I think that's true anytime that that's what we do in so well in the money space with Financial Peace University financial peace universities you know we found that personal finances eighty percent behavior it's only twenty percent had knowledge so the reason that we have gotten people out of debt where other people talk about it is is the power of the Chris Hogan personality Rachel personality or the Dave Ramsey personality and you know i'ma bust you cuz I love you and you know I'm gonna make you do it and no I'm not yeah I'm gonna tell you when it's stupid you're gonna get the truth because nothing else will set you free and so you got to have some people like that around you to do any kind of transformation that's just you know and that's what church works hmm you know full of imperfect people there's hypocrites over there there's people over there that are toxic but there's people over there that are good people and people that love people and they mean well even if sometimes they're dumb about how they do church but Church works mmm because that pastor stands up there and speaks and it you know it's different than just reading that's I've never seen somebody do something on their own without treating one pathology for another right so I've seen people by themselves say I'm gonna kick this and they get p90x or whatever the thing is and they start working out and they get crazy and all they've done is trade one insecurity for another now it's not all of my healing right they're not healed they're just training one that might be temporarily healthier right and then they move to the next one the next one the next one you've got to surrender and that's what this is it's just a humility saying this is bigger than me man I'm just a rendering in fact I cannot do this by myself 12-steppers I'm not God yes you know I'm powerless I'm powerless this is a burden that's right now so Ali made her first step today I want a high five youth that's a hard phone call to make and not setting up a ring of people around her that's gonna support her and walk alongside her she she gets to the bottom of this it's there uh one of the is are and eaters anonymous or uh I don't know what you would call I don't know I know the pay plans okay I'm here in this new Maz an electronic it sounds like an electronic Weight Watchers of sorts but okay like an app right okay but food food is art I mean you're talking we could do a whole show on that but we are tapping into a part of our brain Overeaters Anonymous overreach nafse okay we are tapping into a part of our brain that is designed to seek these comforts and goodness gracious goodness gracious it's tough when there's a fast-food joint in every corner that's hacking your that's hacking our biology right there mm-hmm gotta get people in your corner
Channel: The Ramsey Show Highlights
Views: 176,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the dave ramsey show, budget money debt cash, real estate, insurance, how to make money, dave ramsey, save, credit card, compound interest, buying house, buy, snowball, My Food Addiction Is Sabotaging My Budget, weight loss, food addiction, emotional eating, health, food, binge eating, addiction, diet, overeating, addictions, how to overcome food addiction, john delony, dr john delony
Id: oUR_4eQ8WYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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