My Followers Choose How I Spend $1000 in 1 Day!

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- Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel. Today's video, actually today's video I have no idea what's gonna happen in today's video. And that is because I am letting you guys, my followers, my viewers, specifically my Instagram followers. Decide what I'm gonna buy today. I'm gonna spend $1,000 that's how much we've set aside for this video but I don't get decide on who that money gets spent on, what we're buying, where we're buying it from, that is all up to you guys. So I just finished getting ready. I posted my first Instagram story. Today I'm filming a video that is gonna be so fun, but I need your help. So I am letting my followers, you guys, control my $1000 shopping spree. I need you guys to vote on these polls today to help me figure out what I'm gonna get. Obviously, that's a lot of money I'm not gonna be spending it all on myself. So should I start off shopping for me or shopping for someone else? And the winner was shopping for myself, which honestly surprised me because I was totally ready to like play Santa Claus and go buy something for one of my friends. But I guess we're starting with me, so after I posted that I asked you guys where I should go. I gave four options. Four options in very different price ranges. American Eagle, Forever 21, Target and Gucci. And it's been up for about two hours now and the winner is American Eagle so that's where we're gonna go. I'm all ready, I'm excited, I love that I have no idea what's gonna happen. I feel like that makes this so much fun to film and hopefully fun for you guys to watch too. So if you want to be part of future videos like this where I ask you guys for suggestions or have you guys control things, make sure that you are following me on Instagram because that is where I do all of those fun things. And also make sure that you're subscribed to this channel because I post new videos every Tuesday and Friday. And make sure to check out my podcasts. There's a link in the description. I have a YouTube channel where we play the video version or you can find it on any of the podcast platforms in the audio version. New episodes are every Monday, so check it out. But uh let's go do some shopping, let's go to American Eagle. I'm at the mall, this is Carly who works on the channel. Usually Skylar does these videos with me but now that she's pregnant, she's kind of stepping back a little bit. So Carly is filling in. We are heading to American Eagle first. I have no idea what I'm gonna buy. I think I'm gonna post a few things on my story, maybe I'll have Carly pick one and me pick one. Because I think the whole purpose is that I don't have full control. So I'll let Carly pick some stuff, I'll pick some stuff and then you guys will vote. Okay so to give us a little more guidance I asked Instagram if we should do a denim or if we should do like tops or dresses. I'm gonna give like 10-15 minutes for people to vote and then we will shop. (clock ticking) The people have spoken, tops and dresses it is. So I know Carly was eyeing a dress back there I haven't really looked yet. So I need to find some sort of like top or a dress that I like and then everyone's gonna pick. Low-key stoked that effort chose American Eagle and then chose tops, because I love American Eagle and I really really like the tops they have. Like how cute is this little flannel? (upbeat music) I just tried on this crop flannel that I was really excited about, but I'm not crazy about now that it's on. It's like very very boxy but it is cozy. This boxy T I like I think I should've size down but I kind of like how loose it is. This is Carly's pick on the dress. I really like this dress, it's more shapeless it's kind of like a baby doll dress but it is really really cute. Carly also picked this denim jacket that has like the raw edge. Now, I already have a lot of denim jackets but I do like that this one is oversized, it's a little bit different. Would I normally buy it? Probably not, but Instagram gets to decide, not me. Okay you guys have spoken, you do not want me to get the flannel or the denim jacket. But you do want me to get the floral dress and the mauve T-shirt. So these are the two that I'm going to buy. The hardest thing about this video, honestly is waiting like 30 minutes between posting each things, so that people have time to vote. But I have the answer now. I know what I'm getting, time to check out and then head to the next spot. Thank you so much, have a great day. - Have a good one. - Only like, what is that, $930 to go. Oh no $910 to go. - Math. - So before I left the house I asked you guys who I should shop for next. Who should I shop for next? More for me or should I go on a little shopping trip for Skylar? And you guys chose Skylar. Skylar is the winner, so now I need to find out where I'm gonna shop for Skylar, what I'm gonna buy for Skylar. I had everyone vote on clothes or accessories for Skylar, and the winner was clothes. So I think we're gonna head into Nordstrom because there's a lot of different brands there and a lot of options that everyone will be able to vote on. Skylar loves "Madewell" but she doesn't shop there a lot because she doesn't like to spend a lot of money on it. So let's go into the "Madewell" section. If she's not gonna buy it for herself, I'll buy it for her. Skylar wears stuff like this all the time with a little wrap thing. Especially now that she's pregnant it's like kind of flowy. (upbeat music) I really like both of these shirts for Skylar they're both very her. I think I lean towards this one, but it's not up to me again, it is up to you guys. Carly you need to start thinking about what you want. I'm gonna ask one of the options for you for one of these polls. - Yeah, I'll take McDonald's or Jack-in-the-box. (Sierra laughs) - This is so Skylar. It's got a button because it's a little different it's like a maxi dress. You really get to choose which style you like. (upbeat music) - Okay so there was a clear winner on these two. The yellow one is definitely the winner. But the dresses are literally within like 4% of each other right now. So I feel like I need to wait until there's a more clear winner, so we're just gonna walk around the store. It's 51 to 49 percent, we need a more clear winner. (clock ticking) Okay, we have literally been here for so long just waiting for there to be a clear winner between these two dresses. And it keeps going back and forth, like it was 49% this one and 51% this one, then it flipped then it was 50/50. So we waited another like 15 minutes and I'm gonna open my phone right now and whichever one it's on it's just the one we're gonna get, because we got we got more money to spend. And ... It's 50/50, are you freaking kidding me?! Okay, I'm gonna wait another minute. 50/50 come on. I'm gonna open my phone and it better not be 50/50 this time And the winner is the green midi dress, by 2%. So we have our two items for Skylar as chosen by you guys. Let's head to the check out. - Two time lapse. (upbeat music) One thing I didn't let the followers control is our lunch spot. We got Chipotle 'cause that's what we both wanted. So that's the one thing they don't get to choose today. But I posted asking you guys if I should shop for Stephen or Mina. Who should I shop for next, for Stephen or more for me? And you guys chose Stephen and then I also posted asking what we should get for him. What should we get him, clothes or video games? I know what he's gonna want but what do you guys think you should get? And we're still waiting on the verdict so hopefully by the time we finish our Chipotle we will have our answer. Clothes are winning over video games right now. Stephen is not gonna be happy. Everyone voted for clothes much as Stephens dismay. He posted on his Instagram story like dang it he wanted the new Zelda game, but he's not gonna get it. And then I posted asking where we should shop for Stevens clothes "Hot Topic" or "PacSun" and the winner was "PacSun". So that is where we're gonna go next. We have only spent $228.32 so far, we have a long way to go so let's go into "PacSun" and see what kind of cute things we can buy for Steven. Honestly, my favorite thing in the world is shopping for clothes for Stephen because like I love shopping but then when I'm shopping for myself I feel like try them on and whatever, but when I'm shopping for Stephen I just get half the fun of shopping but not like the issues of going into the dressing room and then it gets to look super cute all the styles that I like when we go out together. So shopping Stephen. (upbeat music) Okay so they have a lot of button downs but they're like wild but now Stephen likes quirky button downs where it's like ,you know a striped shirt with like little like pineapples or palm trees on them for like a little bit of quirkiness. This is a lot for Stephen. I found this denim shirt though I think this is out of his comfort zone but he would maybe wear it. I might have to look at the T-shirts. I really wanted to get a button down here but I just, you know what maybe we should ask Instagram anyways see if they want him to have a crazy button up. I feel like Stephen would wear this, just a nice little blue shirt with some like little white spots on it, that could be a possibility. I'll grab it in his size. I blame Carly, Stephen this is what , oh it's a long sleeve! It has a wolf on it. (Carly laughs) Okay I just posted two Instagram stories asking which of these shirts we should get. Which one, the denim shirt or the floral button up? Two shirt options for Steven. We have this blue kind of white speckled one or this long-sleeve tie-dye one with a wolf on it. And the poll between the denim button-up and the floral button-up is split. It's 49 to 51 right now. Dang it! We're having another like Skylar's dress debacle, we're gonna be "PacSun" for a while. (clock ticking) Okay the poll has been up for actually over an hour. We left "PacSun" and then came back 'cause it was so close. And it's still 50/50 , but the blue speckled shirt beat the wolf shirt by a lot. I'm kind of sad, I wanted to get Stephen the wolf shirt I thought it was really cool, but you guys have spoken. I don't know what I'm gonna do about this denim-floral situation because it's still 50/50. You know I'm gonna do the thing that I did at Nordstrom's where I just close it and then open it and then finally when there's like a 1% difference that's what we get. - Three hours later. - Still 50/50. - Seven hours later. - Still 50/50. - One eternity later. - We have a winner! The floral shirt, I just refreshed it and it like barely went to 51%. The floral shirt is the winner, let's go check out. Okay this is Erin she was checking us out and she's a fan of the video. So I wanna incorporate you, I wanna buy you something. What do you want? - Oh, I don't know. - Like I'd say like $150 or less. - Are you serious? - Anything you want, yeah, anything you want. - Go Erin, go Erin. - Oh my God, I don't know. I've always wanted Air Force's. - Okay. - Also like there's a (mumbles) at "Nordstrom". They're like Steve Madden. But they don't sell them at "Nordstrom", they sell other ones. - Cute, okay, let me take a photo. - Yeah. - I feel like I know what you're talking about. - Cool, okay. Can I do an Instagram story of you? - Yes, of course. - This is Erin, she's a viewer of the channel. So we are gonna incorporate her and get her something that she's always wanted. So Air Force Ones, right? - Yeah. - Or, what was the other thing? Steve Madden sandals from "Nordstrom". That was so sweet oh my gosh. Erin was so nice, I'm so glad that we're gonna get to incorporate her into the video so I posted the poll of either Nike Air Force Ones or Steve Madden sandals and we'll see what everyone says. (clock ticking) Okay the verdict is in for Erin's shoes. You guys want her to get the Steve Maddens so we need to go to "Nordstrom" and find those shoes. They have the shoe, they just checked it's the last one in stock which is why I wasn't out on the floor, but I'm so happy we're gonna get to bring those for Erin. So we'll checkout and then we will have to go back over to "PacSun" to bring those to her. Let's go deliver the shoes to Erin. (upbeat music) Do I wait in line? She's checking people out. Oh wait while we wait for Erin let me just do a subtle little merch plug. I'm wearing my Curvy Crew shirt. You can get your own at the We have these little blue T-shirts like this, we have crop tops, we have a little gray V-neck with a floral design. A baseball cap that says, "unfiltered". get one, support the channel, join the curvy crew. Link below Hi! The people have spoken. - Okay. - They chose the Steve Madden's. - Oh my God. - So they're in here, I got you six and a half and then there's a little sticker on the box but they said works as a gift receipt. - Okay. - So if you change your mind and want something else. - Thank you so much! Thank you so much, thank you. - Of course, enjoy the shoes. - Okay, I'm gonna (mumbles) - You too, have a good day. - Like and subscribe everybody. ( Sierra and Carly laugh) Oh my God. - Erin with the plug. - Okay so the next person we're shopping for is Kenzie. And I knew for sure I wanted to get her something, she just had a baby. If you missed that video on my vlog channel check it out. She gave birth to a beautiful little baby girl, my goddaughter Harlan. Should I get them matching things or should I get like something for her baby and then something for Kenzie? - And the winner was matching , so now we need to find something matching for Kenzie and Harlan. Harlan is literally like six days old so I can't get them matching outfits. I guess I could get them like matching like the baby and like a pink baby onesie and Kenzie a like a shirt. But I feel like shoes are probably the best way to go 'cause we can get cute little baby shoes and then like the bigger size for Kenzie. - So we're gonna go into "Journeys" and then probably into "Vans" and see which ones they have corresponding in like the baby size and the adult size. (upbeat music) - So should we do plain white or a black and white checkered? Oh my gosh they have Birkenstocks. You guys I have been pan down Carly wearing these knockoff Birkenstocks from Target for like the past seven eight-months since I got them for a video. And I feel like I should kind of maybe I don't know run a poll being like, "Should I get myself a pair of real Birkenstocks?" 'cause I really want to. But then if people vote no I'm gonna be like heartbroken and then I'm gonna feel like I should never get them, so I don't know. Should I do it? Carly, do I do it? - Yes. - I do it? - Yes. - Okay, okay, I guess I'm gonna do it. Should I get myself a pair of Birkenstocks yes or no? I really want to but you guys have to decide for me. Okay some of these are such close calls. We left vans and then came back to see what would be the winner for Kenzie's shoes and it's 51/49 after like an hour. The white ones are literally winning by 1%. I feel like these all have either been like a landslide win or like literally by 1%. But the way it's been winning by that 2% for like the last ten minutes so we're gonna go with the white, that is the winner. Okay Kenzie wanted toddler instead of baby so that she can actually wear them. So we got the smallest toddler size which is a toddler size four, they're so little but it's crazy that like Harlan won't be able to wear these for like a year because she has the tiniest tiniest little baby feet right now. And then these are for Kenzie,the white ones so let's go check out. I feel like Santa, getting stuff for all my friends Well, Santa or Mr.Beast really what's the difference. Okay so the Vans are all good to go. Let's go check in on the Birkenstocks poll and see if I'm gonna get new Birkenstocks. I get them, 86, shout-out to you guys 86% of you guys said I could get the Birkenstocks, Which means I'm getting Birkenstocks. Let's go this is my Birkenstocks dance. Do I want brown with the kind of like texture or mat black? (clock ticking) All right, the people have spoke the Birkenstocks I am getting are the brown one. So let's go inside and buy them I'm so excited. (upbeat music) I shall love and cherish you like you are my firstborn child. My makeup is looking rough, it has been a long day. We've been running around, I've been sweaty but just I'm sorry we're gonna have to deal with this. So at "Journeys" on my Birkenstocks we spent $107.74 which brings our grand total to $556.66 but that's only about half way to our $1000 spending limit which means we have another $433.44 to be exact to spend. But one of the things I wanted to do with this video as if I'm spending money on me and my friends I also want to give some money back. So I asked you guys for suggestions of your favorite charities on Instagram and I chose some of the top ones and then did my own research to make sure we were choosing the ones that were the most reputable and were gonna do the most with the money that we donate. So I'm gonna run a poll on Instagram and we're gonna donate that $433 to one of four charities. We're gonna be donating that to a charity of your choice so you get to choose between one of these four. We have St. Jude's, Doctors Without Borders, the Environmental Defense Fund, or The Trevor Project. And while we wait for this result let's go deliver our little goodies to Kenzie and Stephen, and Harlan, and Skylar. Also I tried to get Carly to pick something, she refused, she only would say McDonald's or Jack-in-the-box, or whatever it was, so we'll have to make a stop there at least on the way home. Other people got like Steve Maddens and like vans, and like nice things. Carly, all she wanted, McDonald's. You're such a gem, you're so cute. You guys choose, should Carly get french fries or should she get an ice-cream? And the winner was ta-ta-ta-da, french fries! We stopped and bought make up wipes because my makeup is just annoying me. I can't wear makeup in the heat. You don't really wear makeup, right? I just like, in the heat it like pads around my nose and I just hate it. So makeup is no more, but Skylar is actually out shopping with her husband Kyle, so we are gonna meet up with them and give her her shirt and her dress. Yay, Skylar is here. How are you? And now everyone knows you're pregnant. - I know. - There are two things that people chose for you in there. - I'm so excited. - One of them is from "Madewell" because I know you love "Madewell". - Let's see. This is so cute. - Yay! - I sneaked on the first polling. - Really? - I was like, "I really hope the yellow one wins." - Yay! - The print is so pretty. Oh, this is gorgeous. - That's so you too. - I love this. I was literally just telling Kyle I was like, "I feel like we have so many shows and stuff to go to and don't have any dresses for me." So this is like so perfect. - Yay! - Oh my gosh. - I love you. All right we're home. Bella's here, Bella are you sad we didn't get anything for you? Maybe if we do this video again you guys will have to choose like what I get for my dog, that would be really funny. But Stevens upstairs in the office so let's bring in his bag. Hello. - Hello, hello. - How are you? - Doing good. - (mumbles) - Oh oh, what's going on here? - Okay, I'm sad to report that the people voted for clothes over video games. - I know that's very sad. - But they didn't vote for "PacSun" over "Hot Topic", you could've gotten "Hot Topic". - I voted for "PacSun" so. - Did you really? - So we have this. I feel like that's something you would really wear. Now I know this is a little out of your comfort zone but it it it's pretty cool, I think it's cool. - There's nothing wrong with a fresh, fresh button ups every once in a while. - Hey new mama. How are you? - Tired. (Sierra laughs) Exhausted. - Well this won't help with the tiredness but hopefully it'll help you feel like a cute mom when you get to go out and about. - Well let's see, I don't even know who won the poll so. (Sierra laughs) Oh my gosh. - Aren't those so cute? - They're so tiny. - I got the, the bigger ones like you asked so that she can actually like wear them. I know those are a size four. How old are kids when they wear size four? - Um, I have no idea. She kind of has big feet, she's kinda long. - Okay good. And you forgot the second half, there's something matching for you. - So cute, seriously. - Oh you guys are gonna be so cute, Kenzy was saying she needed new like like mom's shoe slip-on's. - 'Cause right now I just wear slippers. (Sierra laughs) - Slippers, slip-on's - Same thing but oh my gosh. Thank you. - You're welcome. - Thanks Sierra's voter people. Oh my gosh they're so cute. - Oh and I brought "Veggie grill" of course. - Of course. - Hello hello it is the next day I am gonna log onto my Instagram now that it's been 24 hours and we will see which charity won the poll and is gonna get our donation. I'm gonna round up the donation to $500 make it a nice, clean, even number. It looks like the winner is with 10197 votes St. Jude. So I have my laptop right here I'm going to go to the St. Jude website and we'll make our donation. I'm really glad I decided to include that aspect of this video and it was a fun way to have you guys control it too and decide where you want the money to go. I really wanna to start doing more things like this on my channel and using my platform for social good. Obviously I talk a lot about body positivity which is really important to me but I'd love to be able to highlight other issues and other ways we can make the world a little bit better. So we are gonna do a one-time donation of $500 and we are going to dedicate the donation to, let's see, can I put a name let's put Sierra Schultzzie viewers all of you guys thank you for making this donation. And done it says, "Thank You Sierra Schultzzie viewers, your $500 gift allows us to continue our life-saving work and ensures that no family pays for anything at St. Jude. St. Jude is a Children's Hospital for cancer research, what they're doing is really great and really important. All of these charities that I listed are doing amazing work so I'm gonna link them all in the description. And like I said I wanna start doing more stuff like this on my channel and giving back so if there are any charities that I didn't mention that you would want the channel to give back to leave those down in the comments or if any of the other three that I did mention are really close to your heart be sure to let me know about that too. So I can make sure that they are top of the list for next time. I hope you guys enjoyed this video. It was so so much fun what a blast, what a whirlwind and what a sweaty mess I was that entire day. You know what it's summer, my makeups always gonna look like crap, my skin is always gonna be shiny and we're just gonna roll with it because that's what we do on the Sierra Schultzzie channel. Anyways guys thank you for watching. Be confident, love your body and I will see you next time. Bye! (upbeat music)
Channel: Sierra Schultzzie
Views: 549,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: followers, followers choose, followers control, followers control my life, shopping, haul, person in front of me, for a day, in a day, $1000 haul, spending $1000, $1000, thousand dollars, 24 hours, challenge, try on, clothes, clothing try on, 24 hour, 24 hour challenge, instagram followers, instagram controls my life, control my life, inside the dressing room, sierra schultzzie, sierra schultzzie curvy, curvy, sierra schultzie, Sierra Schultzze, Style Swap, Reviews, fashion
Id: 8vIN0SD052s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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