I Dressed Like a Barbie Doll for a Week

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- Hey guys, it's Sierra. Welcome back to my channel and this week, I am going to be dressing like a Barbie doll. So if you're new to my channel, I do a lot of these style swap videos, where I dress like celebrities or characters. But with Barbie in particular, I am very interested to see how these Barbie clothes are actually gonna look on me, on my body, because I have a very different build than the traditional Barbie body. So I don't know how flattering it's gonna be on my body, having a more mid-size, curvy, thick body. Also, I feel like the typical Barbie style is more preppy than my style. I'm a little bit more like mom jeans, dad shirt, rock the casual look. I don't think I've ever worn heels by my own choosing in my entire life. So this week is going to be different for me. That's for sure. It could be a rough week, so if you want to wish me luck, make sure to give this video a thumbs up. If you're new to my channel, hit that subscribe button, join the family. We are on the long road to one million subscribers. I would love to hit that milestone, so help me out, join the family. So Skyler and I are heading to Target to pick out some Barbies so that I can recreate their outfits, let's go. Okay, so here we are at Target, in the Barbie section. And I think the way I wanna do this is choose five Barbies, and then try to recreate their specific outfits. I also know that there's a curvy Barbie, which I think is so freaking cool, but I looked on the shelves and it doesn't look like they have any here at my Target. So I think what I'm actually gonna do is find four in store and order one curvy Barbie online and then recreate all of those outfits. Wow, Ken is like stunnin over there, maybe-- (gasp) We should get Steven a Ken outfit for one of the days. - Wait, a million percent yes. - [Sierra] Okay, yes, this is happening, Steven you have no say. That's very like Coachella, like the Dolan twins at Coachella. But also, that one's kinda funny because it's like bro. - [Skyler] That's like the Jake Paul Barbie. (Sierra and Skyler laugh) - Jake Paul, Dolan twins. And there's two so (laughs). I like this one. Wait, look at Mom Barbie's outfit, see my outfit, like I'm just ready to dress like a mom. Oh, she's a teacher. My glasses are even like that. Okay, all right, we'll do teacher Barbie. Look, there's a Barbie who has like a million dogs. Wait, it's a pregnant dog! And when you press it, it gives birth to the puppies. (laughs) - You have to get that one. - [Sierra] This one poops. And that one is pregnant. So which, do we want to poop or do we want to be pregnant? - [Skyler] I mean, you might be kinda triggered by the poop one. - [Sierra] That's true. Bella did poop on the floor yesterday and I got very upset. So, the pregnant one. Okay, we just need one more Barbie. We have three here, I'm thinking I'm gonna go with this one, I think it's supposed to be Barbie's little sister, her name's Stacie, but she has a computer and a headset which makes me think she's like YouTuber Barbie, so. Look, she has an iPad in the corner. We stan. So we have our four Barbies here. We have to go home and order a curvy Barbie and then we're gonna pick a Ken doll one and surprise you guys and Steven with whatever it ends up being. (laughs) Hello and good morning. It is like a month later, all of the Barbie clothes have been ordered to recreate the dolls that we bought at Target. So today I am dressing like Barbie Newborn Pups. So this top that I'm wearing is very similar to Barbie's but it's like mesh, see through, it's actually like a rave top that I got on Amazon. So obviously, I don't think Barbie would just have like nips out in a see through shirt. So I have a tan bodysuit layered underneath. And then these high waisted denim-y soft shorts that I got from Abercrombie, actually, in that video, that $100 Outfit Challenge I did a few weeks ago. And then on the bottom, I was supposed to wear my white Adidas, but I left them at my parent's house. So I was thinking of wearing these little pink shoes, They're like very similar in style to the white ones, but obviously they're pink. And I mean, they're Barbie, Barbie wears a lot of pink. So luckily today is the first day. So I had the pick of whatever outfit I wanted to wear. Because today I am going to Disneyland and this was the most Disney ready outfit that I had for this video. I do think this outfit is like way more, bright and I guess young is the word that I would use, it looks very young. But at Disneyland, I kind of dress like a grown up toddler anyways, most of the time, so it kinda works. Also, Barbie has a pregnant dog that you like, pump it's head and then the puppies come out. Yeah, I have two dogs, but I don't think if I pump their head they're gonna have puppies come out. But yeah, let's go hang out with the dogs. I guess that's what I have to do in this outfit before I head out. While I was filming my little clip in this outfit upstairs, Brucer would not stop barking the entire-- there she goes again. Ah sweet girl, you just wanted to let me know that Bella was trapped outside. Come on, come on. That was a valid bark, Brucer, I'll give it to you there. Yes, there's pups on the way. It's not working! Why aren't the puppies coming out? It's not working! (laughs) Barbie is definitely not wearing Mickey ears in this outfit, but I'm gonna have to add some. Let's go! I am at Disneyland as you can see, with the lovely Katherine Steele. - Hi! - Guys, check out her channel, I will have it linked in the description, but we're gonna be at Disney all day today. And we've already been here for like two hours, but I never told you I was wearing this outfit for a video. So this is the outfit. I'm dressing like, not a celebrity, but let's say an icon. - An icon. - An icon. - If I had to guess, I'm gonna say Barbie? - Yes! I didn't think this was super Barbie so I'm glad you got it. - Yeah, I'm just like, bright pink, I'm like, Barbie girl. - Yeah, I got my nails painted pink for the video too. - Cute! - I usually do blue. This outfit is actually pretty comfortable for Disneyland. At least so far. Like it's very hot and very sunny today, as again, you can tell by the beads of sweat on my nose. But it's actually a really comfortable outfit, I kinda forgot I was filming for a video. Which is why I didn't mention it. I feel like I need to do an Instagram photo holding like a lollipop in this. - Oh my god, yes, Fantasyland. - Yes! Let's talk a little bit about this outfit. 'Cause I have been wearing it for a full day pretty much now. But I think the first day of dressing like Barbie, honestly was better than I expected. This outfit is very comfortable and pretty great for Disneyland. These shorts cover the chub rub which, as we know, is very important for me. And the shirt is cropped, but it meets like right at the shorts. So I like the look, but I think if I was gonna wear it again, I wouldn't wear the bodysuit underneath. Because when this rides up, it looks a little off and I think if I was just wearing like a bandeau or something to cover that but showing my stomach, I think that would be cuter. The top I think is definitely a little bit young for me, I think my style skews a little bit older, this is a little bit more like toddler meets teen vibe. Honestly this outfit is workin' pretty well for me. Good morning, guys. It is day two and I am very excited about today's outfit. It is very cliche Barbie, like what you think of when you think Barbie. Oh my gosh. I'm gonna cry. I'm gonna die. I cannot walk in these shoes at all. These are not normal heels, I'm already bad enough with normal heels. These are like stiletto, death contraption, hell shoes. Look at these. (laughs) All right, so this is today's look. I actually really like it from the knees up. We've got the checkered skirt, the pink, bell sleeved blouse. Oh, and I forgot, the blue cat eye sunglasses. This is like a fun, fun look. I like it a lot. So it's about 1:00 right now, I know, I'm just getting dressed and ready at 1:00 but I was working at my desk all morning. Steven gets home around 4:00 today and I actually have a special surprise for him. I told him we're just gonna go on little dinner date tonight and that I needed to film something. But what he doesn't know, is that he has a matching, coordinated Ken outfit that he's gonna wear out on the date with me. So we got Steven this blue ombre polo, white shorts, and my personal favorite part, he's wearing bright orange shoes with this look. So I'm gonna work at my desk for the next few hours, in this outfit. I'm gonna try to limit my walking because walking in these shoes is literally hell. Waddling down the hallway in my heels because I just heard the garage door, the dogs are barking and that means that Steven is home. Steven! So first of all, what do you think of my outfit? - Wow. - Ooh, I'm almost as tall as you in my heels, wait, come back here, look. - You look so uncomfortable. - I am so uncomfortable. - But this is very cute. - That's what I'm saying, knees up, I really like the outfit. - It's different, but it works. - I'm dressing like Barbie. - Barbie. - Yes. - I would only guess from those. - Really, it's the glasses? I thought it would be the shirt, 'cause it's pink. - [Steven] Everyone enjoy Sierra in the heels because I am gonna veto these. - For dinner? - [Steven] These aren't leaving the house. - All right, well you guys can at least watch me walk upstairs. - [Steven] It'd be torture... - Look ma, no hands! What, I don't look just, casual, comfortable? Okay, so we've laughed at me in the heels but now it's time to laugh at you a little bit. You ready to see what you're wearing, Ken? First, we have this ombre Hollister polo shirt. Not too bad, right? - Yeah, it's not bad. - We're gonna make it a little bit more like frat boy on a boat. So we've got some white shorts for ya to go with it. And we gotta add a weird element, well don't blame me, blame Ken. Orange shoes, the second shoe is on the ground and I'm not gonna bend down and pick it up 'cause these heels are terrible. - Honestly, they're not that weird. They look a little weird up close, but like, I don't know. - I would take those shoes over these shoes, literally any day of the week. All right, put it on, let's see it. All right, so Barbie and Ken. Barbie and Ken. Well, like the knockoff normal person version. All right, what do you think of your outfit? - The shirt is kind of cool, neat color thing. White shorts, I don't know. I've never owned a pair of white shorts. - They actually kind of work for you. - I kinda dig 'em. - I like 'em on you. The shoes are a lot. - The shoes don't fit in any way, shape or form and they're kinda ridiculous and I look forward to never wearing these again. - At least you have those, I have these. - Sierra, I've given her a firm line saying like, "Nope, those are not even gonna come to dinner." Because she's so uncomfortable and it's not worth pushing it through even for a video. - See, this is the biggest kind of heel I can do. Oh my gosh, you guys are so cute. For real though, these heels are about as tall as it can go for me until I start getting wobbly. So this is what I'm gonna wear. See, I would venture to say that the little white heeled booties are actually better with this outfit than the heels. What do you think, Steven? - Yeah, you look happier. (Sierra laughs) - I feel happier. I can walk totally normal in little heels like this. I think they're cute, I think they're comfortable. And they don't make me want to scream, so let's go to dinner. - Come on Barbie, what is it? - Oh, ♪ Come on Barbie, let's go party, ah, ah, ah yeah. I feel like this is something I would actually kinda wear. - [Steven] Yeah, that minus the glasses. - No, with the glasses. The glasses add that nice pop of blue that I like. I like it. Okay. - [Steven] You need to add like a pop of question. - All right, it is day three of dressing like Barbie. Actually day three was supposed to be yesterday but I decided to skip a day because yesterday I had my graduation party. If you guys watch the vlogs, I'm sure you've seen it. I will link it in the description. It was wild. We had an ice luge and a mechanical bull, if that tell you enough. That being said, I wanted to be really comfortable in what I was wearing at my grad party. So I didn't dress as Barbie yesterday, I skipped a day, so we are doing day three right now. Today is gonna be kind of like a chill out, recovery day. I have some errands to run from yesterday's party. Let's see what outfit I'm wearing today. So day three, I am going to be dressing like Barbie but not actually Barbie, Barbie's little sister, Stacie. Wait, wait, we're missing something. Now I'm ready to go. (laughs) For real, I'm not gonna wear the headphones all day but it is part of the look so let's go through it. I am wearing my combat boots, my Doc Martins. I haven't really worn these in a couple months because they're more of like a fall, winter thing and it as been pretty warm lately. We found this polka dot dress on Amazon that was really similar. And then Skyler cut out a heart to match the Stacie dress and sewed it on here. Now, does anybody recognize this fabric? I'll give you a second, comment down below what you think it's from. If you guessed, the Fashion Nova dress, from like three months ago, you are correct. It is now missing a heart shaped piece of fabric. (gasps) Oh my gosh. The dress has pockets! It has pockets! We love a dress with pockets, that just made my day so much better. I do think this dress is not very flattering on me. The waist is up here, so it almost makes me look pregnant. Like, hello, this is my child, I am with child. My child is a burrito. "Oh, how far along are you?" Mm, two hours. I feel like I usually go with more fit and flare dresses, whereas this one is just a little bit more shapeless. And where it does have definition, is more of an Empire waist, so like right below my chest. And it's just not my favorite shape. Come on guys, come on. Come on, come on, come on. Let's go. First task of the day, gotta take the dogs outside. Why are you guys so stubborn? Come on, I'm gettin' my boots all wet. Come on! Also, I just realized I kind of look like a Care Bear, you know how Care Bears have big hearts on their tummies. Except mine's like on my boobs. (laughs) So I just got over to my parents house, all of the rentals are being picked up right now, so like the bar, the little cocktail tables, the round tables, the big tent out on the grass. I'm kind of out of breath 'cause I've been runnin' around picking everything up. But I think my part is done, I think the rental company is just picking up the rest of the stuff. (gasps) There's a spider on my lens, ugh. Anyways, my dad and Steven were cleaning up here this morning and they loaded up the stuff I need to drive back and return into their big car. My parents have like a big Expedition, so they put the audio equipment in there that I'm driving back and the empty kegs that I'm driving back. And I'm gonna stay in this outfit for all of my errands. It's actually very comfortable and breezy. I probably couldn't have asked for a better, more comfy outfit when I am pretty tired and a little hungover. Because it's just loose fitting, and light, and airy, and pretty comfortable. Hi! - Hello. - I have some equipment from a rental this weekend that I'm dropping off. I'm having less positive vibes about this outfit now that my day is mostly done. Here's the thing, yes it's comfortable, it's loose, it's flowy, with the combat boots it adds kind of like a fun little edgy vibe. But, at least on me, this doesn't look like Barbie. On the Barbie doll, or the Stacie doll, it looks more feminine, it looks very cute and on me I feel like I just look like I'm a grownup toddler. And I think part of that is the structure of this dress. I just don't think it's super flattering. I also don't really wear a lot of thick strapped, tank top dresses and tops. The heart is pretty funny though, I think Skyler did a really good job with the DIY and it just doesn't look like a typical adult outfit. I saw a lot of people looking at this part in particular. And being like, "What is that woman wearing on her boobs?" All right, we are at day number three, we have teacher Barbie comin' in hot over here. So, Skyler and I picked this outfit because we thought it was colorful, it was what you'd think of as Barbie, but it was more mature than some of the other outfits. Teacher Barbie's rockin' some glasses, so I am going to do the same. I actually do wear glasses, these are my actual glasses. Well, I'm supposed to wear them, but I don't wear them that often. I try to wear them all the time at my desk and I don't really wear them much else. But today, I'm gonna wear them all day. This is definitely the outfit that feels the most me so far. I don't feel like I'm wearing an outfit for a video, it just feels like something I would wear. It's very comfortable too, I feel like I can just do all the things I have to do today and not really worry about what I'm wearing. It's also pretty flattering, the shirt isn't like fitted or anything but it is tailored in at the waist a little bit, so it gives that shape a little bit more. So I feel very good. I think this might be one of my favorite outfits so far, although I did really like outfit one. We'll see how I like this one throughout the whole day. Skyler's working in the office today. And she just pointed out something about this outfit. - You've worn this outfit before. - [Sierra] I didn't even realize it. - Like I literally remember the exact photo shoot where you wore it, like what was this? It's like literally the same thing. - [Sierra] The only difference is that this shirt is polka dotted and that one is like chambray, just like denim. - What's so interesting is, going into this video, we weren't sure how different your style was from Barbie, and apparently, it's very similar. - [Sierra] Well you know what, I'm teacher Barbie today. - That makes sense. - [Sierra] Yeah, I'm not like fashionista Barbie on the daily, I'm not like Stacie Barbie on the daily. I'm teacher Barbie on the daily. That's my style. - Love that for you. - [Sierra] I love it. All right, I have been at my desk for a few hours now doing some work, still really really lovin' this outfit. The next thing we're working on right now is we're gonna load all of the Poshmark orders into my car. If you guys didn't know, I have a Poshmark where I sell clothes that I wear for videos that I don't need to keep or clothes that I have that I don't need anymore. And then you guys can buy them so there will be a link to that in the description, if you want to check out any of the items from this video or other videos. All right, my errands day is going well. I shipped out the packages, I got a car wash, I went to Target, I went to the grocery store. And now, last step, I am at Walgreens, picking up a prescritpion. And then I'm gonna be going home and doing some more work with Skyler. It's like 4:00 right now so we'll only be working for like two more hours when I get back. But it's been a very successful day and this outfit has been, honestly, perfect. It's very comfortable, it's pretty flattering and it is very my style. We made it, it is day five, my last day dressing like Barbie. Skyler is over here, right over there in the corner, Folding some clothes for videos. Today is just gonna be a work day in the office and it's my last day, I'm excited about this one because I am dressing like curvy Barbie. So goin' all the way down to today, Barbie has released a curvy line, they released it a few years ago, where they now make a Barbie who is not just thin. They have different proportions. This is curvy Barbie, obviously still pretty thin, but it's an improvement. Baby steps. So this is the outfit I'm gonna be wearing today. All right, so I've got this denim dress and then layered over it, I have this white, kind of like mesh, crocheted top. This was actually like a long sleeve shirt but we cut it and hemmed it to be more of a tank top since that's what the Barbie doll's outfit is. Red necklace and to my dismay, red heels. As you guys saw in day two, ya girl cannot do heels, but we're gonna try our best to make it work today. Putting this outfit on, I don't think this really accentuates my curves in some sort of special way that the first four Barbie outfits didn't. If anything, it's kind of like covering up my curves a little bit because of like the layered t-shirt over the denim dress. I think it's a cute look, it's not really my style. But it definitely feels more Barbie than a lot of the other outfits did. Oh my gosh, I look so awkward walking in heels. (laughs) Hey, what do you think of my outfit? - I think it's very flattering. I think it's cute, it just is like a little mature for you. - [Sierra] Which is interesting, 'cause the first four Barbie outfits all felt really young. Like they were like hearts and flowy and this is like, I guess curvy Barbie is like boss babe. - Yeah, she's a business woman. - We stan. - [Sierra] We stan. The dress has pockets, we love a dress with pockets. I need to go downstairs and get my straightener and I'm literally so nervous about walking downstairs in heels. I don't wear heels. Like at all. So we're gonna use the handrail for this. Here we go. One, two, three. This is way bigger of a struggle than it really should be. (laughs) I'm in position, camera set up, monitor is going, I am ready to film except I'm gonna change into a different shirt for this because yeah, I don't need to be wearing this shirt in the unrelated main channel video that I'm filming. Now that my hair and makeup's done I feel like looking at the full outfit, it works better. What do you think, Skyler? - I feel like it makes a big difference. - I think so. I think I looked out of place as the boss lady woman who coordinates her outfits, but now, I could play the part. - Yeah. - All right, it is a good four hours later. We finished filming, it went really well, I am now editing at my desk. I do have an editor now, so I don't edit all my own videos but I do at least like two a month, to keep up with my editing skills. So that's what I've been doing today since filming. Skyler just went home, we had a very productive day. I think Steven's gonna be home from work soon and I'll probably put on my pjs shortly after that. 'Cause I feel like wearing, especially the heels, I've been wearing the heels all throughout the house, I knew I wasn't really gonna leave the house today 'cause I was just working in the office, so I was like I just have to wear the heels all day, I have to commit. I will say, I felt pretty cute in this outfit once I had my hair and makeup done. I think being in this outfit and not being done up felt a little bit out of place. But once this matched this, I feel like it all worked together. Heels obviously aren't my thing but it was pretty fun to wear them twice for this video. I'm surprised I only had to wear them twice. I honestly thought it would have been more for Barbie. I was surprised though, I think this outfit was fine and somewhat flattering. But it was the curvy Barbie outfit and I don't think it really stood out from the other Barbie outfits. Which maybe is a good thing, because they're still dressing curvy Barbie in fashionable clothes, and like the little denim dress and I like that. I like that they're not giving her special outfits. But also, I kind of had a feeling that the curvy Barbie outfit would be my favorite and I don't think it was. It was okay, it was cute. It just wasn't super my style and I also don't think it was that flattering for my body. After dressing like Barbie for a week, I realize that there are so many different Barbie looks there's not even just one style. Barbie is every woman. Barbie has every style. But I think my favorite Barbie look and Barbie outfit would probably be day number one, actually. Even though at first, I felt like the outfit was a little bit young for me, I feel like wearing it to Disneyland, that totally worked for that vibe. And the shorts were really comfortable. They were long enough to stop the chub rub, and I feel like the silhouette of the outfit was really, really flattering. I also had a lot of fun with day two and dressing similar to Steven was a blast. But those heels were killer. Speaking of heels, I think I would make my least favorite outfit actually number five, the curvy Barbie outfit. And that's mainly because of the heels. I feel like the outfit on its own was okay, there wasn't anything terrible about it. But I just really struggled in the heels. And I feel like with outfit number two, the really cute, fun, vibrant outfit made up for the struggle that was those heels. Whereas outfit number five, the outfit was okay, and the heels were tough. But let me know down in the comments, what were your opinions? What was your favorite outfit? Do you think that Barbie's style has changed over the years? Is it the same way that you remember it as a kid? I feel like I remember Barbie wearing a lot more dresses and a lot more heels. Maybe that was just the Barbies I had, were dressed like that. Or maybe they have made Barbie's style more attainable over the years. But anyways, thank you so much for watching. Be confident, love your body and I'll see you next time. Bye! (upbeat music)
Channel: Sierra Schultzzie
Views: 638,143
Rating: 4.897553 out of 5
Keywords: barbie, barbie dolls, dressed like, style swap, i dressed like, bratz, bratz dolls, for a week, i dressed like a barbie doll, dressing like, fashion, barbie outfits, outfits, styling, i styled, trying, clothing, ugly clothes, clothes i hate, barbie doll, barbies, sierra schultzzie curvy, curvy, sierra schultzie, sierra schultzzie, barbie girl, barbie movies, Sierra Schultzze, Reviews
Id: i-ObT6rh3gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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