My First Try at Acrylic Paint Pouring and Sea Glass

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hi there thanks for joining me today i'm jackie and today i'm going to show you my first attempt at acrylic paint pouring now i know what you're thinking you're thinking why are you doing acrylic paint pouring this is a sea glass channel well there are three reasons why i'm doing this video so the first reason is that i've discovered acrylic paint pouring on youtube and i'm totally fascinated by it i just can't get enough of watching how the paint colors kind of swirl together it's all very organic and it puts me in mind of the beach especially when beach colors are used and i've been dying to give it a try so i wanted to show you my try now the second reason why i'm doing acrylic paint pouring for you is that if you may have noticed i'm really a fan of mixed media i do most of my work is only sea glass but i do enjoy doing some projects where i'm incorporating some fabric art with my sea glass art or i'm doing some cards so i'm incorporating some paper so the whole mixed media thing really interests me and when i've seen acrylic paint pouring i thought wow if you took some of those acrylic paint pores and embellished them with some sea glass it might really enhance the painting so i'm thinking i want to give that a try and the third reason why i'm doing this video is to show you me doing something for the very first time because any demos that i've done on my channel have been sea glass mosaic art fabric art stuff that i have tons of experience with so when i'm demoing something for you i've done tons and tons of this so i have quite a bit of experience so i want to show you that it is okay to try something for the very first time this is the first acrylic paint pour i have ever done so i'm really hoping it works out may not we'll see so i want you to take what you see in me doing something new and think okay it's okay to try something for the very first time so be fearless and just do something new for the first time okay i'm ready to give this a go so the first thing i did was watch tons of videos on acrylic paint pouring and i gathered up all my materials what i'll do is i'll put a list of all the materials in the description for this video down below so you can look at that if you want one of the things that i'm doing here one of the people that i watched had put fo high gloss photo paper underneath their piece to catch any of the drippings and then they use that for other projects so i'm going to give that a try too so this is a small canvas that i have painted white i'm going to try do the painting on top it's actually a canvas i recycled it was a painting i had tried that i really didn't like so i have my paints now the paint is supposed to be mixed with the pouring medium i made the mistake of buying a small thing of pouring medium i would highly recommend you get a bigger jar than that because if i like this at all i'm going to need to buy another one now the paints you mix with the pouring medium until there's no real recipe here it's just until they flow like warm honey and to me this is looking about right i have white the paints i'm using artist loft i have a titanium white phthalo blue this is an aqua green i love turquoise and this turquoise is amazing i love turquoise my artist friends teased me that i can't do anything without turquoise can you blame me look at that color and gold and this is an old gold so it just has to flow so that when it drips down into the cup it is just kind of disappearing which i hope is the right way now the other thing i'm adding is a bit of silicone oil i'm not going to put it in the white but i'm going to put about two drops in each of this is flowing a little freely this is my experimenting putting a bit of that in each of the colors if this video doesn't work out i may not post it we'll see how it goes this is totally new for me got to be open to try new things sometimes when i have to try when i want to try something new i have to say to myself jackie be fearless just do it because sometimes i need a kick in the butt to try new things so even with silicone oil that's still flowing really good now this is called dirty pour i'm taking a cup this is just i cut the top off an old beer thing and i'm going to pour some white in the bottom and then some blue oh and then some aqua green and then my ever trusty turquoise and then some gold oh that gold is amazing so these are colors that remind me of the ocean now i'm going to repeat this white blue phthalo blue aqua green turquoise and i'm going to top it off with some gold now when i'm watching these videos i notice that people usually wear gloves so i'd have to recommend gloves perfect example of do as i say not as i do you notice i'm not wearing gloves now here goes nothing i'm just going to take this and pour it onto the canvas like this and then i'm going to pour it again and i'm doing it kind of in a wavy pattern just to see if that gives me waves we will see what happens here i notice when people do this they know what they're doing as opposed to me and they just kind of go willy-nilly and do whatever so i think i'll do this and just see what happens be fearless now then another thing that people do is then they'll start to tip it to cover the canvas so it's like pull you pour the paint and then you let it go straw that's creating some interesting patterns in the paint just letting it go now the other thing i think i might do is add just pour free pour some white along here and here just empty my white cup so there's more paint for it to flow into and i'm going to put some more blue here so it darkens it some light and some dark along the edges not sure how much paint to use there are all these formulas you can use to supposedly use the right amount of paint but i'm just experimenting here so we shall see try a bit more with the straw so i can see where this takes patience you just have to let the colors flow now the other step that i've noticed that quite a few people do [Music] is using a butane torch oh man this is starting to look pretty wild i love it i've never done this before but let's give it a try get a butane torch and the heat is supposed to bring out whoops that's too high all these cells from the silicone so you just do a tiny bit of heat and oh my heavens look at that it's popping out all these little bubbles okay i think i'm going to put a little bit more gold in here just drizzle it in it's funny when you watch something on youtube you might get this feeling when you watch me people make it look so much easier than it is but people are doing something with a lot of experience what you're seeing today is a first try the reason i put this tray underneath i know some people don't use a tray but apparently this is a pretty messy thing that's what they say i am discovering that's the case here you can see the advantage of gloves as i get toward the edges here i'm making quite a bit of a mess but i have to be honest i don't mind getting my hands dirty it's just acrylic paint acrylic paint washes off with soap and water quite easily just want to spread that along the side of the canvas to make sure the canvas is all covered now i don't know if you need to paint the canvas ahead of time i wasn't sure so i thought well maybe i better do that this is really glossy there's that pouring medium is a bit of a high gloss thing all right now i'm going to come back at this again with the torch see if i can bring out some more of those bubbles see why gloves would be good at this point sorry my neighbors have just started doing some chopping up there it's making a lot of noise it's probably creating some noise in this video so i'm going to try this torch again see if that brings out some of those some more of those bubbles i don't like the fact that up in this area here there's just all blue and the colors aren't flowing together as much oh this is so interesting there are all these bubbles coming out the heat from the butane torch is causing that silicone to bubble up through the paint that's so interesting this is amazing this is making me feel like the beach because of the way the paints are just flowing together and those colors from the beach so i am going to let that sit for a while and see what happens apparently if you just let it sit more and more will happen with the colors flowing and bubbles coming out so i'll get back to you so it took me quite a while but eventually i did get the blue washed off my hands i will not be doing this again without gloves and this i am amazed at this is a first try and i just can't believe the colors and the way this looks it's just quite incredible so i'm probably going to do some more of this it's not perfect i can see a few mistakes but you'll learn from your mistakes so now i've come outside i have this krylon uv resistant gloss clear acrylic coating this is supposed to protect against uv and it says non-yellowing so i'm hoping that this will protect my acrylic paint for painting but i hate the smell of stuff like this so i wouldn't do it in the house so i have come outside so i'm just going to give this a spray all over and just give a protective coating i thought people did this to make it look glossy but it looks glossy already so that's probably from the stuff that you add oh this stuff smells bad i'm glad i'm outside there you go so i've done that before i've done any sea glass because i don't like to put any type of coating or anything on top of my sea glass so let me show you what i'm going to put on here for sea glass i'll just let that dry a bit so the more i look at this painting the more i see in it i'm just amazed by all the flowing lines and all the turbulence going on and the more i look at it the more it makes me think of an aerial view looking down at the water fairly turbulent water with quite a bit going on so what i decided to do because this makes me think of kind of calm waters moving into more turbulent waters i decided to do an aerial view of some whales swimming through the water so i picked out some brown sea glass that to me looks somewhat like an aerial view of whales and i'm going to put this family of whales swimming from the calm waters toward the turbulent waters and then you've got this leader the leader of the family leading the whales into these turbulent waters so i think i'll call this one turbulent waters ahead so i hope you found this really interesting and be sure to join me next time when i'll show you another attempt at acrylic paint pouring [Applause]
Channel: Sea Glass Art by Jackie
Views: 367
Rating: 4.7948718 out of 5
Keywords: jackie trimper, sea glass, sea glass art, beach glass, beach glass art, beachcombing, glass on glass art, sea glass wall art, nova scotia sea glass artist, prince edward island sea glass, mosaic art, sea glass mosaic art, sea glass crafts, sea glass mosaic wall art, glass mosaic, sea glass hunting, sea glass art by jackie, Acrylic Paint Pouring
Id: hLmWmbwOCDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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