My First Trip to Ireland: Travel Film

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This was my first time in Ireland. It happened to be my honeymoon, but we did not sit still. We saw a ton of this gorgeous, green country. Tag along with my wife and I from the international streets of Dublin to the breathtaking Dingle Peninsula and beyond. We stayed in a castle, road horses, hung out with falcons, visited the Guinness Storehouse, ate the best ice cream we’ve ever had, hiked along the legendary Cliffs of Moher, and enjoyed some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. If you have any questions about our trip or the making of this film, be sure to comment and let me know! I would love to chat about our experience.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BBigalke πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great editing, made me miss home!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eosinophilbasophil πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh my thank you so much!!!! I leave July 9th for 2 weeks and this makes me so excited!! Wrote down some of your stops and can't wait to make my way. You did an excellent job!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Eorr11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just an FYI - the Rock of Cashel isn't a castle. It's a cathedral ruin. The site was donated to the church in the 12th century by one of the Ua Briain who were the kings of Munster. The Cathedral was abandoned in the 1700s after it had been taken over by the Anglican Church of Ireland during the Reformation.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

fantastic editing! I haven’t been home to Ireland in a while. This video made me seriously home sick. When you stood on the pizza box in Dublin I almost cried. Great that you got out of the car and did a bit of walking and exploring, so many people don’t do it and I’m guilty of it myself at times. I once brought my german girlfriend on a whistle stop tour of the west of Ireland. Nearly all the photos she took had the wing mirror of the car in it 😳

Edit: it’s amazing what we can take for granted

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/malevolentheadturn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow! What a class fucking video!!

Looks like you had an amazing time. Maith sibh. Tar ar ais go luath.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AmEirecan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video, dont usually watch 42 minute long stuff like this but couldn't turn it off it was that good. Kudose and Congrats.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tisashambles πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Brilliant video! You need to do Donegal and northern Ireland next time, vastly different!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Llquinn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ah the lovely stephens green brings me back to my first girlfriend πŸ˜… special little place

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IMLOOKINGINYOURDOOR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
(traditional Celtic music) (city sounds) - After an eight and a half-hour flight from Orlando, Florida and a cab ride from the airport to the Dawson Hotel, we are officially in Dublin. I am exhausted from that flight. Just gonna have to go straight to a pub so that I don't pass out. - Or the Guinness Storehouse. - New North Face boots, what up? Just got to get a good stretch in. - Happy honeymoon! - Happy honeymoon! - All right, we're going to go to Grafton Street, - Then make our way to this pub called The Bank. - Number 13 or 14 and make just a right from here, okay? - Oh, that's the club? - [Wife] Yeah. - [Husband] Wow. We're in Dublin. - I would not do a fake accent here, babe. - I know, I know. We're in Dublin. - We're right next to burritos. - We're Americans with an American accent. (bright electro-pop music) - This is Stephen's Green, like the central park of Dublin. You ever had a seagull selfie? - Nah. (laughing) (birds cawing) - Does it have a heartbeat? - It's tree energy. - What's it's name? - Tom. Tom the Tree. - [Husband] Come here. This is Grafton Street, there's some kind of big church down there. - [Wife] Yeah. - This is the touristy part of the city but maybe a lot of locals come here too. ("La Vie en Rose") β™ͺ Hold me close and hold me fast β™ͺ β™ͺ The magic spell you cast β™ͺ β™ͺ This is La Vie En Rose β™ͺ β™ͺ When you kiss me heaven sighs β™ͺ - First real Guinness ever. - Yeah. - [Waiter] Happy that it's here. - It's not the same in the US. - [Waiter] No, it isn't. So good. (traditional Celtic music playing) (crowd cheering) Behind me is the north side of Dublin as soon as you cross the river. That's kind of more local area. We're staying on the south side, so if you do go to the north side, across the river that way things are a little more affordable. Especially if you need clothes. They're like super cheap, like thrift store prices. Oops, just stepped on a pizza box. Vintage Club Cocktail. Apparently it's a speakeasy, we're gonna see if we can find it. Oh, hey. - How are you? - Just got in to the speakeasy, don't tell anyone. (cocktail shakers rattling) (background bar chatter) Oh, the sunset of Dublin. Tomorrow, Guinness Storehouse. So much daylight here, 16 hours of daylight right now. We danced for four hours last night without stopping. (disco dance music) - It was really fun. You put the handle up, you turn it. - [Husband] It's like the Titanic. - [Wife] But if you get in, I would open this first, to start the water. It's really cool. - [Husband] Looks like I can make a phone call down there. - [Wife] And then you can stand in a sunbeam while you shower. - [Husband] You ready for lunch? [Wife] Yeah, I'm hungry. - [Husband] Guess who's still feeling some of that gin from last night. (sweet uptempo music) We're heading in to Trinity College now. It's time to go see the Book of Kells. (somber traditional music) (street crowd noises) We have our tour of the Guinness Storehouse. It starts in about an hour, hour and a half. Go get another pint. Thank you very much. (horses clip-clopping) - [Michael] You are very welcome here to the home of Guinness. My name is Michael and I'm going to give you a brief introduction before you go on your self-guided tour. To Arthur Guinness, our founder, never would have imagined all of us standing here today. When he started training-- (techno music playing) - This place is never-ending, we're still making our way up. (cheering and tapping) (applause) - The sky bar up there is really cool. There's actually some locals hanging out up there. I could imagine that being a pretty cool local spot because you have a view of the whole city. - Have a great night. (city sounds) - Good morning from Dublin, from our last morning in Dublin. Dublin's really cool, very international city there's everything here. - It's like a melting pot of Europe here in Dublin. And it's a lot cleaner and very multicultural. - So we're about to go get a taxi and get a ride to the airport and rent a car. Got a lot of fun stuff coming up on this trip, I'm really looking forward to, like, horseback riding, seaweed bath, falconry, going to Galway, Tralee, Dingle then Killarney. Thank you very much. - [Man] See ya. - [Husband] Yeah, Dublin's a very international city. - [Taxi Driver] Now, it is, yeah. Twenty years ago, when I was, the thing about Dublin city is you're you're 20 minutes from the beach, you're 20 minutes from the mountains, 20 minutes from the countryside. - [Wife] Yeah. - [Driver] So, it's nice. Enjoy your trip. - [Husband] All right, thank you. Got the Ford Galaxy (plane drones above) Cool! - [Mechanize Voice] Please pay the requested amount. (music drowns out speech) - Forgot to take the 10 cents. - [Wife] I gave you two dollars, it was one 90. - [Husband] Sorry. (traditional Celtic music - So to our Airbnb in Galway. Beautiful view of the park and the bay. (traditional Celtic music playing) - [Husband] Greeted with a bottle of champagne for the honeymoon. Sparkling welcome to Galway. You want me to keep this shut or no? - [Man] It your choice, it's your room. - Okay cool. - [Wife] That's so sweet, thank you. - [Wife] We walk through the village, Just here on the left hand side. (traditional Celtic music plays) (lively audience applause) (cutlery clattering) - [Man] Surely you prefer an Irish coffee? (laughing) - [Woman] I usually would, yeah. - [Man] Take yourself your rain gear, you'll be more comfortable. - [Wife] Yes. - [Husband] Now to go do a four-hour trek on horse. The Burren Trail, we're going to be trekking on the Burren trail by horse today. - Very excited. - And we are following our guide right now and the horses. We're now leaving our van here and we're going to be getting in this truck with our guides to go to the rest of the way. I think he had us drive our car here because after we go horseback riding, we can drive to the Cliffs of Moher because we're so close. - Galway City is right where cream building is. The other side of it, that's the fisheries board. (bright cheerful music) (horse's hooves clapping) (dramatic music rises) (horse neighing) (birds cawing) (laughing) - [Wife] You deserve that, you did a good job. (chuckling) - I do actually just drive down and sit in different spots that I find amazing. - [Wife] Yeah. - What's the words to say? - [Husband] Spiritual? - It's that but it's more, it's mindful... - [Wife] Present? - [Driver] In the moment. - [Wife] Yeah. You could be bothered about something in work, A horse that got injured, a bill that you might have. And you sit there and for that one moment in time nothing matters, only where you're sitting. - [Husband] That's what's unbelievable, that's what nature does for me. - [Driver] Yeah, it's amazing. - [Husband] Being in the wilderness. - And one of the things I do is I take my shoes off. And I walk in the sand and on the rocks and in the water and in the seaweed. Sometimes I jog down there, just to feel healthy and alive and well and so on. - [Wife] Yeah, it's grounding. - It's very cathartic, just so good for you. (bright acoustic guitar plays) - That is the best oyster I've ever had. Great restaurant to stop at before we go to the Cliffs of Moher Really good seafood and incredible views. (wind and waves crashing) Right now, the Cliffs of Moher. You can hike along the ridge, all the way over there. It's like at least a mile or two. (seabirds cawing) (dramatic music) (soothing calm music) (surf crashing on beach) (lively Celtic music) (applause) - Come here. - [Man] Hello, oh hi, how do you do... - There's a coffee made now. - [Husband] Thank you for everything. - Yes, no bother and you might sign our guestbook before you go. - [Husband] Oh, yes, we will. - [Woman] Yes, enjoy! - [Husband] Thanks. We though we were just going to look at the cliffs. We didn't know you could hike. - Yeah. - So we ended up getting back to Galway at like 10 o'clock. - [Man] Yeah, I figured it was pretty late from that - And then you know, we had to have a pint (dog barking) (gate squeaks) - [Man] C'mon. - [Wife] Are they all friendly? - Yeah, yeah, the redder one's are, aren't they? Here Holly, say hello to my friend, Holly. - [Husband] Is she just a little scared? - No, Holly's jealous. Cookie, you're the best. You're the best. No, Robbie, don't. This one is very nervous, this is the nervous one. - [Wife] Oh yeah, I can tell. - [Man] So you won't get so much fresher than this. She brought her down about six weeks ago for us to find her a new home for her. But I love her so much I wouldn't give her to anybody. - [Wife] Yeah. - It'd be like giving a kid away. - [Wife] Yeah, it is. - I said no, isn't that right? No, you're the most lovable. But Holly doesn't think she's a dog. Holly was also rescue dog. - [Wife] Aww, they're so-- - [Man] You're the best Holly, ain't you? - [Wife] In the car, that's hilarious. - She'll just stay there while I give the tour. - [Wife] It's like their car, this is her place. - [Man] Who's the best girl, yes. So this is all gonna be a membrane Gold-colored stone all the way up there. - [Husband] Beautiful. - [Man] Hopeless, hopeless. - [Husband] It might attract some leprechauns. (laughing) Found this little town called Adare on the way to Tralee Really, a cool little town. Just gonna stop and get some coffee real quick. (bright bouncy music) Almost to Tralee now and a town called Castleisland, and apparently they have some of the best chowder in Ireland. So we're going to go to the Country Market Restaurant across the street and have some chowder. I just got a view on the way in of the mountains in Killarney and wow. Behind me now is Ballyseede Castle we are in Kerry, Ireland and it's the only castle hotel in Kerry and was a private estate for 400 years. And then in the 1960s it was sold to be used as a hotel. So we're really excited to be here for one night on our honeymoon, let's go check this place out. (sweeping romantic music plays) We're just going to hang out at the castle, do castle things. (door squeaks) - [Husband] Oh, hey, babe. - Hey. - [Husband] How's Narnia? - Not as good as Ireland. We're gonna enjoy this place. Beautiful courtyard here. We've been so lucky with the weather too, It's just gorgeous right now and we have dinner reservations in about an hour and a half. (romantic music rises) (ice cubes tinkling) (restaurant chatter) - [Husband] Nice night for some evening tea. (birds calling back and forth) (owls hooting) Ah, I do wonder what life would you like if we were to buy this castle. (mysterious dreamy music) Good morning, Einstein. Hey babe, where you at? This place is way too big. (playful, fantasy music) I'm gonna have to start calling you because I can never find you. This is getting a bit absurd (in accent) And why am I talking British? There you are, you're late for tea. Jesus, you bought more animals? - The elephants are coming tomorrow. - Nah, we should go to Dingle. (chuckles) (upbeat music) (waterfall splashing) Just arrived in Dingle. And Conor's Pass on the way here was absolutely incredible. We've been so lucky with good weather that we were able to do that pass. Now we're at the Pax guest house, P-A-X. We're gonna go grab a quick bite to eat. And then we're going to head to do some falconry. (smooth jazz plays) I got distracted by that automatic lawn mower. (laughing) - Just fingers straight and you should hold your fist slightly higher than your elbow. (whistling) At this (mumbles) we can be sure he will stay on your fist and not walk up your arm. (laughing) That bell he's wearing, is not to alarm anyone or anything like that. If we can't see him, if he flies in a bush or in the trees, that bell will tell you where your bird is. Next bird will be the barn owl. Took me about two months to get her going, Before she started to fly well. Before that, she was sitting for maybe an hour before she decided to move. Peg was bred in Limerick. (owl screeching) Very tiny. Now she got upset. You can see her ears went up. Probably a rabbit or cat, something there in the bush. Last year, she was upset with tractors. If there was a tractor passing by, she was the same. She didn't move until it was gone. Okay, now next will be a very spectacular flyer, the Peregrine falcon. (owl screeching) Probably one of the best parts. - That was so cool. - Highly recommend that. - Yeah. - Ooh! (chuckling) (bar background chatter) (bar band playing) (bar patrons drowning out band) (cutlery clattering) (soothing ethereal music) Best breakfast I've ever had. I was in breakfast heaven. Everything was so fresh. All the ingredients they used were local. Panoramic views, everywhere here. This is one of the most spectacular places in the world to stay. It's got to be. There's just so many little things like, even the shower caps are cool. Now we are going to go explore Dingle a little bit more today and drive the peninsula and then make our way to Killarney National Park for a few nights. (uptempo music) You see a sign that says, Fairy Fort & Pet Sheep, you pull over. Come on, guys. - Let's go. - [Husband] Let's go for a walk. Come on. This is Slea Head on the Dingle Peninsula, and it is one of the most beautiful drives in the world. It's really funny, because the road's so narrow their sections for half a mile where people might have to back up, and you just can't pass anyone so there's a huge group back here, and everyone's out of their cars trying to figure out what to do. But oh my gosh, breathtaking views. This is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. A lot of the locals they just do this drive instead of the Ring of Kerry. Slea Head is way more beautiful and way less crowded. β™ͺ Seeing shadows on the water β™ͺ β™ͺ And you're still on it β™ͺ β™ͺ Seeing shadows on the water β™ͺ β™ͺ Were we made our promise β™ͺ β™ͺ We have the rest of our lives to say β™ͺ This is my first time in Ireland, but this is exactly what I was picturing when I thought of Ireland, pure magic. I want to like pitch a tent right here, so bad. - Oh look, there's a dog herding sheep. (sheep bleating) - [Husband] That's awesome. - So cool. - All right, enjoy. - Just found a popular beach for surfing on our way from Dingle to Killarney. Not the best waves, not very good shape. - [Wife] No. - [Husband] Lot of close outs, but man, surfing with that view. Made it to Killarney, We're staying at the Killarney Plaza Hotel. We just got upgraded again, because of the honeymoon to an executive suite. And here is the view. (mellow soothing music plays) Another beautiful day in Ireland, and today we are going to be exploring Killarney National Park. Starting with the Ross Castle, pretty impressive castle. And we're about to do a tour of the inside of it. - Standing inside of a castle built the 1500s. - Got done with our tour of Ross Castle. It was really neat, learning about how they designed it to defend themselves and how they lived back then, obviously. It was a lot more rough 600 years ago. Really interesting tours about 45 minutes and actually learned a lot. We've been taking cover from the rain for the past hour so, but it's starting to lighten up now. Killarney National Park, from the looks of it, just maybe my new favorite place in Ireland. I'm really excited to explore it. - [Wife] Well we cut through, that will lead us right here. (woodland sounds) - [Husband] I just had like a 30 minute heart to heart with a deer. - I know I saw, it was magical, I captured it. - [Husband] Quite a magical forest. Could be unicorns, leprechauns fairies, anything. Centaurs. Biking's definitely the way to go here, biking or walking. (birds whistling) - Got a whole 'nother group of deer up here. Let's see how close I can get to these. (birds cawing) Really in the thick of it right now, there we go. (dramatic music) And just like that, you're out of the national park right back into the city. Got these North Face boots right before he left and man, they came in handy. Been drinking Guinness but also been drinking Dingle gin. (street musician playing) β™ͺ My name is Donald Trump β™ͺ β™ͺ I'm a huckster to the core β™ͺ β™ͺ I'm an a-hole and a shyster, β™ͺ β™ͺ But I'll never be a bore β™ͺ β™ͺ That's why ya love me β™ͺ β™ͺ I flip and flop β™ͺ β™ͺ If my lips movin' means I'm lying β™ͺ β™ͺ And I just can't seem to stop β™ͺ β™ͺ Yes I lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. β™ͺ - [Shop Girl] And you could try some flavors if you want to. - [Husband] No, we're from Canada. (laughing) (rousing majestic music) This is the greenest forest I've ever seen. Walking up to the Torc Waterfall right now. Of course, the waterfall's crowded but soon as you start climbing the mountain that's when there's not really many people anymore. Wonder why that is. Into the dark depths. The enchanted mysterious tundra of Torc Mountain. See that, that's Torc Mountain. That's what we want to summit. So right near the Torc Waterfalls is the Muckross House and Gardens. This is a 19th century Victorian mansion. To see the inside you do have to sign up for a tour we're just gonna walk around and explore the landscape, and some of the gardens. (birds chirping) (laughing) I found Tinkerbell. That was the rock garden. Where is the beer garden? I'm thinking like "Alice in Wonderland." - [Wife] Oh, yeah. - Mushrooms, yeah, this place is beautiful. So we've just bought a house, and it's right behind me and all of our guests are arriving. Right now, we're having a welcome party. So, obviously you're missing it if you're not here. We would love to have you another time. There's plenty of room. To the Galaxy, - [Wife] And beyond. - The Ford Galaxy. Gets you from point A to B. Made it to our room, it's pretty nice. (singing) Trail guide. A heated towel rack? - Yeah. - [Husband] They heat the towel for you? - Um hm. I gotta get a closer look at this view, and I have a map here that tells you where all the mountains are. Which are pretty much covered in clouds right now. Gorgeous though, huh? There's a view of the downtown area as well from up here. (tinkling of dinnerware) I'd like to note that quite often, we exchange plates about halfway through. Or more than halfway, we will switch plates, best of both worlds. Even on camera it looks like we're on a cruise ship. Good morning from Killarney. It's our last day in Killarney, and we're going to hike to the Gap of Dunloe, and then make our way to Kildare and hopefully stop by the Rock of Cashel on the way. The weather today is a beautiful, the clouds have lifted you can see all of the mountains. There's a beautiful tour bus that just dropped a whole bunch of people off to go look at the view. I'm gonna take the drone up and get a closer look. (birds twittering) Just parked at Kate Kearney's Cottage, and we're about to begin our trek to the Gap of Dunloe. Sheep! Crying for help. Mom, Phil's got a bunch of wool on. - This is sustainable, you don't kill a sheet for wool. - [Husband] I know, they don't want to get shaved. (laughs) - They're cold. - [Husband] I don't know if you can see them on camera, but there's some rock climbers up there. What a location, I mean look at this. - There's a bunch of sheep over there. - This place is just unreal. Pretty, pretty steep climb here. The bridge is just down below me. I highly recommend hiking up here, getting away from everyone. A lot of the area here is protected. It's private farmland but this section, you're allowed to be in a lot of this and there's a lot of rock climbers actually climbing these cliffs up here right now. (soaring dramatic music) This seems like a climber's paradise 'cause I think this group down here, they're more like beginners and then you can work your way up to the top there. It's crazy to me that people like drive in here. Just roll up and look at it and then leave. So much more rewarding if you hike to a place like this and it's just, I feel like you appreciate it more if you had to venture to get there. Or, you know, cycle. Like this is a great place for cycling. Just arrived in the town of Cashel to check out the rock of Cashel. One of the most impressive castles in Ireland. So, all my Game of Thrones fans, this place is pretty badass. (solemn music) Kind of a fairy tale, from this point of view. You're looking at the hill, with rock and wildflowers and there's a bunch of crows circling the castle. Really cool, I'm glad we stopped by to see it. And now we're going to continue our way to Kildare. (portentous music) Looks like there's a lot to explore. Guinness, good for you. Good for me too. This is it folks, time to travel back to Florida. We got about a 9-hour flight, headed to the Dublin International Airport right now. Time to go use this. Hope you enjoy watching our travels. That was our honeymoon. ("Arise" by Kiana) β™ͺ Slowly comes the winter frost β™ͺ β™ͺ Overtakes the valley β™ͺ β™ͺ Clinging to the earth β™ͺ β™ͺ Until spring breaks free β™ͺ β™ͺ Arise β™ͺ
Channel: Brady Skye
Views: 1,246,230
Rating: 4.8890762 out of 5
Keywords: Ireland, Ireland Travel Film, travel vlog, irish, guinness storehouse, dublin, galway, dingle, killarney, lumix GH5, travel video, honeymoon, the book of kells, Ballyseede Castle, pubs, pax guest house, falconry, murphys ice cream, ross castle, dji mavic pro 2, gap of dunloe, rock of cashel, muckross house and gardens, visit ireland, horse trek, horseback riding, drone, cliffs of moher
Id: 7xuaGWnQBls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 34sec (2554 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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