My First Time... | 74 Vlog

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what's it like to be a 747 pilot well today  you're about to find out pilot life coming up hey 74 crew welcome back if you don't know me  my name is kelsey i'm a 747 pilot my channel 74   gear is all about aviation i'm often asked about  what it's like being a 747 pilot i've done a few   come to work with me videos on instagram and  everybody really loved them what i'm going   to do today is i'm going to kind of show you  what my day is like as i prepare for a flight   starting from the time i get up go to the gym and  get everything ready to head out to go to work   i'm going to bring my camera along with me i  have a really unique situation because today   i'm doing a short daytime turn and then i come  back while i'm leaving the day and i come back   in the night so i'm gonna do the best i can  to kind of vlog this for you and take you on   a trip with me for the day so you kind of see a  little bit of behind the scenes of what it's like   when i'm doing all that type of  stuff at work let's get into it hey crew good morning it's about 10 30. my  blackout blinds are not blacking out as much as   i would like but not terrible but it's fine the  nice thing about uh having these later flights   is i can still wake up at a normal time 10 10  30. i still got time to get up go work out and   go get my free breakfast which is basically one  of the most important things for me as a pilot oh all right run is complete let's see  how we did see here one mile 18 minutes i crushed it you always gotta weigh yourself after  you run make sure you're doing good yeah 238 that makes sense to me there's a little  pilot hack for you there's always free water   in the gym so usually it's important to go get  free water stay hydrated while you're out there   especially when you're flying your body gets  dehydrated really quick it's important to drink   water before the flight and get hydrated before  you actually get on the plane and start flying   because it takes a while for this all to get into  your body and get processed and stored so that   way you don't get dehydrated and get a headache  while you're flying at least that's my strategy well jokes aside i do like to get a good  workout and especially when i'm flying   on the schedule that i am now which means i'm  flying on the afternoon and evenings that gives   me the morning to wake up whenever i feel  like which has basically been my favorite   since i was 14 and then allows me to go get a  free breakfast which is what it's time for now   now the hotel i'm at does not have the normal  lounge open i guess the lady the front desk said   the occupancy isn't high enough to open up that  breakfast area i don't know whatever that means   so i hooked this up with a deal at starbucks  i'm gonna go show you what i get over there that's where we get the food over there how you doing good how are you um could i get two oatmeals and um all right take care have a  good day from one of these do what i do with my oatmeal is i actually put in  everything in it and then i close it and let it   kind of cook because it seems like when it does  that it makes everything soft i know i'm like a   child i've been eating oatmeal since i was a  kid i still love it now so i like to eat the   oatmeal if there's oatmeal that's kind of one of  my breakfast choices it's also pretty healthy so   we're about four hours from departure one of the  cool things about flying in the afternoon like i'm   doing right now is that i can wake up work out go  get some breakfast and then grab a shower and then   i can look over the flight plan before we get a  wake-up call three hours before departure time   our phone rings you're gonna hear what it sounds  like it's like a nightmare when it happens in the   middle of the night but that's the call from the  company to let us know hey it's time to get ready   and start prepping for your flight you know from  there you have one hour to get everything ready   and be downstairs to meet up with the captain i'm  gonna eat my breakfast grab a quick shower and i'm   gonna show you how i would prepare for my flight  now typically during breakfast if i'm not making   a vlog which i've never done before but what i'm  typically doing is usually listening to an audio   book if i got time to do that or i'm replying to  messages that people sent me overnight especially   because sometimes i'm waking up at random hours i  like to wait until there's a time when the people   who i'm texting are awake especially in the u.s  to to the commercial airline pilots and guys that   fly international i'll just text them whatever day  or night because we were religious about turning   off our phone when it's time for us to go to sleep  putting on do not disturb mode but normal people a   lot of normal people at three in their morning  their phone is not set like that so i texted   friends at three in the morning and then they  text me back like why are you texting me at three   in the morning i'm like why is your phone not on  silent mode that seems like an obvious thing but   that's something that i do but that's not  something that most people do so usually   during breakfast i'll listen to an audio  book or text people respond to people or   emails things like that then i'll grab my shower  and i'll show you how i prepare for the flight i got a little bit of time before the wake-up call  happens three hours before the flight i get a call   and we're about to hear what that sounds like in  just a minute luckily i'm flying in the middle   of the day which makes it easy i get to wake  up go to the gym and do all the stuff you saw   me doing earlier and this is kind of my favorite  type of flying because i can do normal stuff and   i'm not jet lagged i don't have any issues on that  stuff and then i allows me to the opportunity to   do something like this and kind of take you  along with me as i go to work so now that i   have a little bit of time what i'm going to do is  prep for my fly i'm going to show you what we do   now my company provides this for me allowing me  to download everything that's in the flight plan   and so this is something that i don't pay for  it's something that they give us but it shows us   our route of flight it obviously has a gps so it  shows us exactly where we're going along our route   of flight so the first thing i do is i download  this take a look at it look at the weather see   the weather is up to the northeast there so that  shouldn't be a factor and then i just review   everything on the departure leaving and any of the  stuff that's applicable for where we're going the   other thing that i do is i download the whole  flight plan and that shows me everything that's   going to be going on there the anticipated weather  when we get there the alternate airport our backup   airport in case that current planned airport  there's any issues we have a backup airport that   we go to and this being an easy daytime flight it  shouldn't be really a big deal but i'll check all   that stuff make sure everything in there looks  good make sure that there's not going to be any   problems i look over anything that's broken on the  plane i check to see what that impact is going to   be on our flight and so before i even get the  call that it's time to show up and go to work   i already know roughly what's going to be  going on any possible problems any threats   and then i have an idea of what we're going to do  to mitigate and reduce that risk i can't show you   the flight plan and all the information on there  that i do and look at but one of the other things   that i look at is under the names of each pilot  it shows when they're last landing and when their   last takeoff was and the reason that's important  is because you want to see who is going to be   doing the landing and the takeoff now in this  case we're doing two legs and there's only two   people so i'm going to do either the first one  or the second one but in a typical flight when   i'm showing up there could be four people i don't  know any of the people and so now i'm looking at   who's got the most recent landing and who needs  the landing the most so i have an idea of i'm   going to be flying or not flying it doesn't really  change the preparation that i do but it just gives   me an idea of what's going to be going on as far  as first rest or the second rest things like that   and i just want to have an idea before i even  show up to meet the crew what what's going to be   going on during my day so after i've looked at all  the flight plan and got all that information the   next thing i do is i start writing down all the  stuff that's going to be really relevant for the   flight departure time arrival time the amount  of people on board the fuel on board and all okay so that's what it sounds like during the wake up now  it's on a time like this where it's the middle of   day and i've woken up and took a shower and  everything it's not a big deal but usually   what i'll do is i'll set this phone away from  my bed in the middle of the night so that way   i have to get out of bed so that's kind of the  alarm i don't have any other alarm that sounds   like that and unfortunately it sometimes it's  uh annoying obviously when you get woken up at   two in the morning you've only had a few  hours of sleep you'll hear that noise and   just like but today it's perfect because i've  woken up i've been away for several hours so   now i'm going to show you kind of how i write  down everything to get ready for the flight   so this is how i set up the paper that i take  with me on every flight and i do it the same   way every time so i know exactly where to look for  the information that i need on this left side here   you see the date and then two times that's the  departure time or the estimated departure time   and the estimated arrival time now i do those  times in zulu the reason we do zulu is because   we're in different time zones all the time so  we have one fixed time that we're always talking   about zulu time can be considered utc time it's  got a few different names but it's one fixed time   zone that's over by england and we use that time  zone for everything just to make it easy for us   next you have the flight number now your flight  number is going to change every flight so it's   a good thing to write down so you can glance  at it one when you're making a call out but   also if someone's calling you just something to  have out there and i always keep it again at the   same spot so i know exactly where i'm looking for  that information below that i put my tail number   obviously if you get on the wrong plane and fly  the wrong cargo to the wrong location it's a great   way to really upset the chief pilot you would be  surprised sometimes the drivers who take you out   to your plane will drop you up the wrong plane  there's some systems in place to make sure that   you don't end up doing that as far as loading  all the flight pan and stuff but it's good to   have that written down so that way you can check  it and it's just one of the other checks that i do   to make sure i'm on the right aircraft next you  see here this little number right here that's a   revision number every flight when the flight plane  comes in like i said i can't show that to you but   the flight plan will have anything that's broken  with the plane any other things that could impact   the flight and what i do is i write that down  so when i review the flight and all the flight   information in my hotel before i head to the plane  i know which revision number it was that i looked   at and the reason that's important is because  if i get there and there's some new thing that's   broken on the aircraft then i'll know because the  revision number would have changed from two to   four let's just say so now it tells me okay  so you've had a revision which means i need to   review the information and see what's changed  if i get to the plane and it says revision2   on the top of the flight plan well then i know all  the up-to-date information i have it i've reviewed   it so i already know what i'm getting into for  the flight for the weather and all that stuff   next i put souls on board sob is not what you  think it means that doing souls on board now today   we're doing just the captain to me so it's two  makes it easy but when i'm doing passenger flights   we could have 400 and something on there so i want  to know what that number is so i always write that   number down because if you are in an emergency  they're going to ask you for the souls on board   instead of having to count or do anything else  it's good to have that stuff that you really   need that's very critical written down and so i  write down the souls on board so i know exactly   how many people when they ask me that i can tell  them that number i know exactly where to look   next we got min block and min fuel min block  is what we are recommended to take when the   tug pushes us back that mid block number is not a  hard number it's not a number that we have to have   but the number below it min fuel  is the number that we have to have   that min fuel number is what we need to safely  get to our destination and do the holding and   go to our backup it's all of those things so that  number min fuel is the number that we have to have   always before we take off that's the absolute  minimum you can take you don't really want to take   off at that sometimes you have to but you'd rather  have obviously more than less now these numbers   38.0 that's 38.0 tons just gives you an idea  on a short flight just how much fuel we have   on the plane it's a lot so 38 tons of fuel is  what we have on there then what i do is i leave   this space obviously blank for the different taxi  instructions and things that's that are given to   us you know hold short of this or go to that place  or whatever i have a place where i write that down   and then when i get on the plane i know  what runway i'm on right here i write down   what the engine failure procedure is now in some  airports it might be simple fly straight heading   260. that's easy so i'll just write 260. but  every airport is different every runway could   be different and i write this number in the same  spot every time so that way in the event i were to   have an engine failure i know exactly where i need  to be going because you don't want to be thinking   oh wait what is it you want your brain to know hey  exactly where to look for the information that's   really critical in flight so i always write in  the same spot i do it for every training event i   do it for every time i fly so i know exactly what  i should be doing each time i go to have a flight   all right crew that's everything that i do as  far as prepping before i actually leave my room   now i'm going to roll the dice today because  we're doing a turn i'm not taking my roller   bag or anything like that with me i'm gonna take  my camera we're gonna go out and do some flying right away i got 10 bucks because i gotta tip the  driver on the way in and the way out so   this is part of being an airline by that so now  i'm down here in the lobby waiting for the captain   i believe the cars outside to take us out there  but uh basically got down here got all my stuff   down here and now we just wait for the captain  to show up we head out to the car and head over   to our operations area now because of what's  going on and the type of flying that i'm doing   i can't really show inside the operations area  because i'm going to get in trouble for that   so there's going to be a car ride and then you  will see nothing and then we'll be at the plane   but for now just sit here in  the lobby and people watch i just like getting to work one of the most important things when you get to  the plane as you get over here to the galley this   is an old passenger bird that got converted what  that means is is that it was a passenger plane it   got trained into a freighter so the upper deck is  still really big like this and it's not you know   a normal freighter there's a lot less space up  here but the first thing you want to do when you   get on the plane or that i always do especially  when there's two people is check the food make   sure the food's there because i get grumpy if i  don't eat so these are all the different meals   they're gonna have sandwiches in there and some  hot meals in there and there's only uh going to   be one hot meal typically on a short day like this  and i'll probably eat that when i'm out in newark   so typically when you're on a heavy crew or  a three-man crew then you have multiple guys   the people in the back are the ones that set  up all the coffee in the galley and they do   all that stuff in this example today it's just  me and the captain flying so i asked him if he   wanted some coffee he said yeah so i'm going  to show you how we do the coffee on the plane of course when i looked in the gallery there  were snacks i've got a snack i've been eating it   now it's time to do some paperwork  and then we'll go check the main deck   and then we'll be on our way out to newark some of the things that we're looking at are  these things right here and then we're looking   inside here to make every picture i can zoom this  in those things right there we're making sure   those are all land there that's what keeps these  containers sitting where they're supposed to be this thing right here it's like a  balance beam from when you were a kid   you can see you have to step up and walk across  that little balance beam and you get here in the   middle of the plane you walk over there and  then you check this whole other side as well all the way down there all right just got  done walking the deck everything looks good   so now it's time to go fly so so we just got here to newark short  flight it was like an hour 20 minutes   about to do the walk around i  got my uh my green vest here   did a quick walk around and that's basically  it that's the whole day uh we got a   couple hours here on the ground then we head  right on back to uh louisville and we're all done   hello crew we're out here on the flight deck  we're getting ready to make our way back out   to uh louisville we've got about an hour to go  till departure uh i've ate a bunch of food like   four bags of chips a sandwich pancake three apples  i don't know i'm not 400 pounds but i ate all that   stuff and uh loading up and verifying everything  in here and then we'll be on our way back hey crew we're finally here in the hotel  i'm ready to get back into my room for sure well crew thank you so much for coming along  with me today this was a very uncomfortable   thing i've never done a pilot vlog before  but i know a lot of you wanted to see   what it was like as a day in the life of me  flying a 747 even though it was domestic if   you want to see me doing something that makes  somebody else feel uncomfortable check out this   video here and if you want to see some pilots  getting uncomfortable with air traffic control   check out this video up here i look forward to  hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 523,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey, 74 vlog, 747 pilot vlog, life of pilot, pilot life, flying without bags, risky flight, don't try this at home, my first time
Id: hzMX8JinPxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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