My First Time Riding the Glamis Sand Dunes!

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here we go man [Music] unreal dude look at this [Music] [Music] big on track dude hahaha well hey everybody before this video starts i'm super excited to announce that we have our new dune themed safe sport quad t-shirts in stock ready to ship super excited about them i decided to go with the orange and blue color combo i think they turned out really great we also have our red trx t-shirts in stock ready to ship so if anybody's been waiting you can order them now on our website as always thank you guys so much for your continued support it helps us do all these awesome things and i hope you guys enjoy my first glamis experience we are rolling in the glamis right now wow holy moly now the butterflies are setting it's more just straight shock oh the sand is so beautiful insane it's literally parking a lot as far as you can see these little kids in the razor oh man i am so glad that we are here we are so far away from home we got over here raptors we could just park along this little dune and we'll be fine because we're not blocking anybody then all right this is it the first step in glamis oh hips are sore all right this is a monumental moment we are here surreal man i don't know how far this drive is from us like 30 something hours just insanity an endless amount of sand holy cow we did it it's real really rough it's here we got to go get a palm from mike thank you mike you made it happen man let's unlock the trailer and get the goods out here we are man [Music] oh there we go now we can see some gold again [Music] all right it's about time to gear up we're gonna shoot up and we're gonna be heading to the veterans day flag ceremony that's at 11 a.m probably just get our first experience here and then maybe double back check out the shop take a breather and i guess the only thing we're worried about is to make sure we don't go too far away so we have enough gas to get back and then also uh just make sure we keep an eye on each other don't get separated so uh until the next video a little clip here i don't know they're not too bad i like them so what we're going to do i kind of just compassed it a little bit okay that big dune off in the distance we keep that just off to our right and kind of stay straight that way we're going to run right into it and then we'll reevaluate yep obviously don't know what to expect so we just gotta really stay together yeah safety first that's all i'm thinking about so yeah we're just gonna take our time and observe and take it all in we've got a lot of cars heading out ahead of us if you do get lost find a high point and just we can see you on top so you're not down on the go i have a pin to here too so if i really get lost i'll just come back here perfect okay we're heading out for the flag ceremony connor's gonna ride the raptor it's a lot easier for him to manage out in the sand mike's on the kfx and ian with the square one speed channels on the trx 450r here we go man so i know it's gonna probably be pretty written out but hopefully we make our way and find some on track sand unreal dude uh look at this [Music] yeah i cannot believe how much better connor's riding so glad we got paddles on the machines this is very sugary sand it is so soft how magnificent man this is unbelievable all right i'm just shocked oh this thing man gotta treat every durian like it could just drop off which a few of these do very uh very cool terrain so far i like these like mini dudes and then there's like desert mixed in this is so wild [Music] for being kind of rutted i mean it's just like a flow track through the sand [Music] like it just never ends look at this [Music] wow flat out wow man [Music] i'm proud of connor man he's riding really well his body positioning is getting better he's starting to stand when it's appropriate he's leaning more the raptor is a little it's easier to ride at a casual pace but to ride the raptor aggressively is a little sketchier than this wow [Music] holy cow i gotta stop for a second oh my gosh you can see all of the rvs over here dude ian what is this place you're on the moon dude it is a hundred percent sand hot wheels sand hot wheels man you can see people ripping all tor dude check out all the ants going through this they're all making their way that way you can see they're starting to gather we just keep going that way following you leader yep it's so nice to be somewhere that you've seen and heard about for your whole riding career [Music] that's crazy there's people right there [Music] wow well i'm just going to keep following ian it's so speechless this circumstance right now so this is cool whoa holy cow i have no idea when we will stop and film anything this is a lot to just take in at the moment and i know we will be back wow i'm gonna turn this off for a second oh installed look at connor up there i don't know how mike's temps doing how's it running running good i think i got a thermostat problem that's not siphoning the coolant like it should because it's this hot it shouldn't all be in the reservoir oh that's full yeah that's not good no and it was only down here when we left this morning so i don't think i have a thermostat and it's not cycling to coolant what happened here i think i got a thermostat problem that would make sense why you didn't lose a lot of oil but you started eating i checked where we were on maps literally straight over that way we're almost there it's amazing how far we got already yeah i mean you rode a really long ways we're parked back by where all those little trucks are parked at yeah [Music] i want that truck dude the truck is unreal cycle you get so it might just be an intermittent thermostat problem okay we'll get that there and then we'll do a nice break and we'll let that fully cool down [Music] so [Music] wow dude wow [Music] everybody just takes the same line this is so cool unbelievable man what are we doing right now holy cow so glad i didn't watch much glamis footage before this unreal dude [Music] holy cow holy cow did it fill back up let's just let it chill we got time this is a good spot wow dude just a little blow-off valves in the turbos sounds so cool all right we're gonna follow ian's lead to the next uh vantage point [Music] what an adventure man there's like a sand avalanche right [Music] there [Music] man mike when ripping through that that's why connor's got horsepower a little less of a machine for him to manage he almost just crashed that was a learning experience right there [Music] whoa better oh yeah yeah dude you had a learning experience yeah that was a little scary i'm glad you didn't just die here look right here look right behind his head there's a curved mark coming down there's like you can see the landing marks yeah that was an unexpected air time for him right there [Music] i'm glad you made us move over this is sick dude yeah this is nice look at the train of everybody going in oh an ltr coming up the hill going to get the longer lens out and do some more filming for you guys [Music] oh [Music] [Music] how cool is that you can see the shadows just ripping paragliders coming right by us check out the shadows [Music] that's what it looks like this guy ripping the balls in the paraglider i know how cool is that that guy's got some skill man he's gonna land watch him yeah that is crazy that looks so nuts that is so cool that's another point god i know [Music] so we'll follow your lead however you want to get us out of so here gonna try to take a less elevated way back because going through the tall stuff it's kind of nuts [Music] it's cool you just follow other people's tracks it's not like it's all whooped out or anything it's actually kind of nice to know that it's a traveled route and it just seems a little less sketch this is kind of cool little tears blazing trail man you're just out you're out here dude you get so disoriented thank gosh for the sun kind of helps you keep your bearings it's amazing that it goes on forever the other thing i'm kind of shocked by is that almost everywhere you look there's tracks it's like it's just crazy how big it is and yet everybody's written everywhere but you can just go right here and ride smooth sand wow wow dude this is cool that was fun i really liked what we just rode that was very cool thank you for doing such a good job leading man that was awesome thank you so [Music] [Music] um so all right i filmed them with the drone connor filmed them with the tripod and now we're gonna run this little loop that they rode and then we're gonna make our way back to the parking lot for lunch um um that was fun i think that's it make sure connor's coming super important to keep an eye on your group at a place like this it's so vast and then you're constantly bobbing up and down so gotta stick together [Music] i like these uh lower dunes the real peaky stuff is fun but this is cool too man it's a totally different ball game the sand is so soft it is so fun to ride on [Music] um um i'm having fun there's some nice smooth stuff did i like it down here too yeah this seems to be a lot that you can just goop off on down here i just saw this little area that nobody had been in i was like yeah dude i'll keep ripping around in here [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] um yeah i guess we're gonna make our way back here this is kind of a fun spot to stop there's some untracked a little bit of free riding all right this is fun man this place has a bit of everything dude [Music] oh yeah [Music] all right we did glamis and we lived we gotta run do pounds we did it we made it back good job connor that ended up becoming a really good path back oh there was like a couple roller coasters in there they were fun look at this thing rolling in right now oh my god wow look at the color on that yeah oh [Music] unreal we're making our way over to the beach shop i think it was called or the glamis shop i don't know i don't think there's a whole lot of businesses out here yeah there's utvs all over here holy moly utv party man so that's the glamis beach store i had no idea what i was looking at before well that's quite the road i don't remember if we drove in on this or all right this is the glamorous peach store apparently up here let's go inside and see what this is all about i don't know if i'm gonna bring the camera in because it kind of bugs people out so yeah all right the glamis beach store was pretty dang cool they have a ton of t-shirts in there like way more shirts than i expected wow there's a ranger sand rail that is so cool another machine getting towed oh there's another sheriff in a sand rail wow that is so cool dude wow we're gonna actually ride through this so there's tons of things for sale here it's not just that store look at all the firewood man they got frozen drinks hot food more clothes i'm sure plenty of guys get rowdy and i just haven't seen it all go down out there but i'm pretty happily surprised at how civilized this place is i mean it's definitely kind of organized chaos but i have not seen one person do anything like dumb this whole time so far just seems like everybody really respects the circumstances there's unwritten rules and uh it's pretty cool man this is quite the place all right we're gonna reset for the evening ride or late afternoon ride little dude on the outlaw 90. onward one more round for the mini shredder send it yeah the flag says crazy that was priceless man nothing like seeing the up-and-coming generation let's get a little trickier with the flat light oh wow it's so beautiful though [Music] visor's gonna come in handy [Music] [Music] oh i like this stuff dude the big games are fun but these little dunes are uh are really fun because you can really see all the features on them ian's a good ride leader he's fun to follow remember [Music] wow this is so cool dude i'm loving this [Music] there's a forerunner look at that i've not seen very many normal vehicles out here there goes connor big ones [Music] [Music] now [Music] wow wow unbelievable place man there's connor [Music] um [Music] oh man like a kid dude that was freaking fun man that was super cool i don't care if the jumps are tiny to be able to roll and hit booters like that look at this wow i know there's a lot of untracked over there look at that get a little hot okay oh look at this bronco another dude it's cool to see some old vehicles oh wow that is so cool that's a scout it is a scout is a scout there's the trucks i've been waiting to see the trucks all right we've got a stage shot planned here connor's got the tripod we are going up this big sand dune that's on track over here [Music] wow it's hard to see big on track dude wow these are big dudes [Music] this is crazy man here we go we're doing this big dune holy crap it's almost scary wow [Music] mike's going back up for another round oh sweet little jump dude these dunes are huge man it is surreal holy cow man this is rowdy over here dang mike's wheelie in it i'm just a little sketched by the flat light it's very hard to see [Music] madness oh this is scary with sauce oh man that was so ridiculous all right do we want to make our way back yeah maybe we can find something dude that jump was fun yeah right there the one i just did yeah it's nice we got to find there's got to be a jump by connor let's go look for one yeah we'll go find one man that was one of the that was like full-on bucket list right there unbelievable i suppose everybody always just rides right past this because they're all going to oldsville mike find one mike's good at finding [Music] chumps [Music] so good job ian off of it dude awesome spot man [Music] all of this land we are having so much fun in a little track right now the lips getting really worn [Music] i didn't know you were going to stop here we'll go up and talk to you guys gotta pick up your them on that one listen to that thing it's underwater there's no muffler on there oh that poor kfx we did it we survived conor filmed it thank you so much connor dude wow connor's first ride on a honda i think yeah i will confirm he's going to be converted that's why i like him on the raptor and the renegade he fits on there good yeah he really does he does because he doesn't look that big off the ramp no now that quad is pretty it looks good it may not be the fastest but it looks the best that's all that matters so we got over here i think those are subs over there come on over what's going on guys man you guys look fresh uh were you guys over at olds yeah yeah check it out it's uh we got it the sunlight is kind of weird right now but we saw this was all like on track because everybody's just racing over here so we're like let's rip this up so we rode up on the hills and everything was pretty fun oh it's been great what year are the machines here oh four first model year dang still running that's awesome oh 4.06 wow it's nice to see some yamaha there's no way that's great dude you guys have great graphics kids i really like that graphics kit right there yeah this is very hot that's cool i like them both man you guys look fresh with your nice gear and everything that's awesome oh yeah oh they're climbing man is it beautiful i feel like we should cross these big dunes and see what's on the other side i like it too because we were able to get up there pretty quick oh yeah [Music] just wow man holy cow it does just keep on going this is sick this is sick we're blazing some trail [Music] there's a lot on track stuff over here i like the way you're thinking here we are blazing our own path [Music] there's a highway over there a lot of people on that access road over there i feel like we should just straight up get down to the road that's what i mean is i'm trying to work over there but i'm trying not to hit anybody over here no i think we could take their route though yeah we'll follow that line big group right here too what'd you do yeah you about buried me man now we'll pull it backwards you up well we'll go catch up to ian you should be good now all right [Music] we made it out of the dunes alive the flat light is tricky i will give it that this is pretty rough holy moly man it truly does just keep on going hey are you okay yeah sorry it's so hard to hear are you broke down or no i just ran out of fuel oh you ran out of gas okay so you have someone coming back right okay all right we're good we're good we just keep going to go to the drag strip right yeah yeah and then you'll see like the little ranger station yeah awesome man thank you yeah i appreciate it yeah he said he's out of gas his group's on his way back um he's said to go up to the ranger station and take a left okay cool yep well the access road to go north is a wolf rest and i'm not surprised how much traffic is out here so that was insane dude it looks crazy over there well let's get up on the road and kind of all right so i'm a little speechless at the moment it would appear that the majority of all the high horsepower units are up here at the north end i don't know if this drag strip has a name if there's more than one dang he's high centered holy cow i'm telling you man you can watch all the videos you want in this place it doesn't do it justice organized chaos to the maximum wow look at how deep the lineups are you got to stand on rooftops in order to see well there's the north end of glamis man just turns in the desert [Music] wow [Music] connor's over here getting in on the action [Music] [Music] wow [Music] so we're not stopping anymore we're going to just head straight back yeah we should be able to cruise all the way back down that main strip you want to lead still yeah sure okay and then that way but i think we're good right now well and then maybe we'll have to put mike in front with the light bar good job connor yeah there's a scary going around that strip some of those trophy trucks will start like 2 300 feet behind where everybody else is what a day man what a day i feel like we did a pretty good first day at glamis man i've had enough aggressive riding for the day just get back in one piece take our time yeah we got a long ride back man connor dude he is his comfort level has totally changed [Music] you guys probably won't see much of this right back it's not very eventful but it's a good example as to why you know you need good headlights out here but we knew what we signed up for we just told ourselves we'll take our time on the way back holy cow we're back all right that makes me feel awesome because the kfx was up in the air [Music] oh we got back with this much light holy crap yeah i wanted to get out of traffic so i cut right i'm really glad we're back here yeah yeah they start flying by those big cars and i'm like i want to get off the highway well and these tinted goggles sucked oh yeah yeah i thought it was way darker i forgot i was wearing them yeah all right that was quite the cruise back we got back just in time because ian doesn't have a headlight so uh one crazy day out of glamis man i can't believe this was my first day experience i think we did a pretty good job uh the ceremony was super cool to see uh it was amazing to ride on track dunes ride big dunes small dunes ride the bottoms like it is truly a mecca it's pretty unbelievable so uh super excited to come back i definitely am intrigued about the whole night scene it'd be really cool to go out there with a nice light bar so uh maybe that'll be on the to-do list for next time but tomorrow we're gonna ride the buttercup end on the other end of the dunes uh see what that's all about maybe we'll get a little more on track down there that'd be pretty cool uh we're gonna meet james woodford from x travel suspension tomorrow uh he's gonna bring out a pretty unique machine for us to try out so uh some good stuff coming uh one crazy adventure man uh once again thank you to everybody that's been buying merch buying the parts supporting everything that we're doing this is quite the adventure it's a adventure of a lifetime and i'm so grateful we are so grateful thank you so much for watching the videos and doing everything that you guys do so until the next time thanks for [Music] watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Pete Hager
Views: 438,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Xe5JpjuITR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 59sec (3659 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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