My First Time Reaction to ONE PIECE! | Episodes 1-3

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what's going on y'all welcome back to another reaction video and today is a very special one because this is going to be my first reaction to the one piece show itself I've watched the openings I'm ready to start my one-piece Journey with this video today if you're interested in checking out my full unedited reaction check out the patreon link will be down in the description thanks so much for the continued support on the channel as we approach 1 000 subscribers and if you want to support the Channel please be sure to leave a like on this video and of course subscribe in order to get us a little bit closer to that big 1000 number it's time to watch some one piece we're gonna knock out all three of these episodes right here right now one piece let's do it I feel like the opening I'm just gonna enjoy a lot after the even one or two episodes and you feel nostalgic after like three episodes of a show okay there's the real Zorro not the person I was calling Zorro right now the only ones that I still remember are monkey they left the Luffy uh Chopper and Zorro just the way that it's animated so far is very like 90s looking the man who's gonna be king of the pirates wait is he in the barrel he's he's he's got to be in that Barrel right oh is this uh this is she's in the opening isn't she yeah yeah I think that's her uh oh pirate ship oh is she in on the raid wait is she a pirate is she part of this pirate crew alvida sama yeah that reminds me of Ursula from Little Mermaid a little bit I feel like he's definitely in the Sparrow it's putting so much emphasis on it oh maybe she's not in with the Pirates seemed like she was like maybe a inside part of the crew or something he's gonna she's gonna Club him with that thing oh oh she is a pirate I think they're all just like taking over the ship and he's chilling in the in the uh the kitchen or wherever this is it's the way they say it [Music] that's our guy [Music] he's a lot like more goofy than I expected him to be foreign [Music] how long was he in the barrel kind of but no we're getting a Kobe backstory here bro has been trapped on him pirate ship for two years [Laughter] trash it on my boy Kobe man oh she's stealing their treasure while they're stealing the other ship's treasure I think I see now I like the little cutscene that's fun okay so I kind of see where they're going with the story here I'm assuming the the first bit of the show is just going to be him Gathering the crew I would imagine for Kobe what a Savage I'm gonna do it because I want to I love Luffy's just like matter of facts demeanor outside wait is summer like a something you add to the name as like a sign of like a person in Authority or respect or something like that Zorro first mention of him dude I love Luffy so far who's this big chunky lady okay wait this I think this is like a superpower or something gum gum what the heck just happened I'm pretty sure he has like stretchy powers a rubber person fruits he got the powers from eating fruits the chunkiest [Music] Kobe just flip the switch oh the hat does have some some kind of thing that's what stopped the swords earlier too it looks like Qigong foreign is the big loser of this episode oh who's this it's the Navy [Music] okay there was there was something there pirate graveyard so one piece is like the treasure at the end of the grand line I guess so Zora is a prisoner right now this feels like the end of the episode kind of so I'm assuming the next episode is when they're gonna hopefully go to the prison and maybe rescue Zorro oh there he is right that's a fun ending the guitar and everything I I kind of have an idea of where we're going right now I think it feels like they're gonna probably spend like one episode on every character they add to the crew it looks like zoro's probably gonna be that first character oh okay so she's gonna join next I feel like this is like almost a little bit of a spoiler in itself okay I love the first episode that was awesome man I really enjoyed that all right episode two my treasure also I I feel like I have questions about that guy too like is he actually not alive he's first three episodes are a part of the romance Dawn art which is part of the overall East blue Saga so they're rescuing a pirate Hunter to become a pirate Rowan Rowan no Roanoke [Music] is the coolest name ever dude yeah I'm talking about that guy around town I love Luffy I know he's funnier than I expected him to be I guess that's what I'm trying to say [Music] I never saw Kobe in any of the openings a guitar you're an eyesore who's this also what happened to the other girl who uh robbed the pirate ship oh that's sweet those actually do look really good dude why are all the villains so like unappealing oh what a jerk [Music] oh that's his dad yes Luffy foreign he is a good guy so Sama must be like almost like a term of I can't tell if it's like a term of respect or a term of endearment in the last episode they were calling uh alvida Avida sama oh there's the three swords I remember that from the openings my dad will hear about this what did the mother and daughter do it just because she was like the daughter got matted wait he accepted this deal oh my gosh [Music] is that the noise from I feel like that noise is used in like Mario games or something I Love Lucy bro just runs up punches him it's like classic villain voice I hate this guy he's my least favorite so far oh hell mepo or whatever his name is also that indicates that he's gonna become wanted by the Navy at some point probably in the near future I would imagine if he does end up rescuing Zorro is that interesting I would imagine whoever that was will come into play later yeah I'm ma'am I am curious how he's gonna convince him or try to convince him oh that's how I'm curious like why he like how he gets the different names for them because he had one last episode I think was called gum gum pistol is he gonna hit him in the face right now I kind of saw that one coming and the most Superior person here everything I do is right this guy is a power complex oh this thing make it made it ain't making it through the episode I'm gum rocket yeah that was predictable that's the guy who hit me that oh wait she's back she's kind of like a thief of everyone I guess she stole from Pirates and now she's stealing from the Navy foreign [Laughter] was also the character who I said I think I would like the most oh it sounds cool and he says it just absorbs them yeah oh that was the end of the episode oh my gosh dude great episode overall uh I guess Luffy can block bullets with his body now which is super cool let's watch episode three I'm already so stuck on this song I'm Gonna Be hearing it in my head all day tomorrow it's almost like a different perspective from the last episode who's the mysterious pretty girl hopefully we get we'll we're gonna find out more about who she is like his smile the three store the three sword style say that 10 times fast okay look at me okay so like people obviously know about these devil fruits but they're like not sure if they actually exist or not so where did he get the fruit isn't that is the obvious next question oh I called that that's cool gum gum whip this time this is kind of like the first well I guess the first episode had a fight scene this is probably the most fight scene we've had so far ax hands to meet you this is the part where I think he's holding Kobe hostage oh no he's probably gonna be like okay I can see him saying that [Music] nice nice [Music] I love that Kobe's faith is restored okay here's I don't think we know her name so I went after the valuables again it looks like how does she want a chart she going after the one piece well actually taking the mask so I guess there's our this is like our third bad guy we're meeting buggy oh zoro's on it now that's fun I like how it changed a little bit I wonder if he just is like naturally hungry or if the fruit changed his appetite for some reason it's like just you he's got the Hat oh wait this is like in a dream man just spit orange juice out of his nose is the red line there's a town right in the middle of the red line and the grand line goes through to the right angle that the intersection of the red line and the grand line I hope we get more cool stuff like this that gives us like a little bit of backstory and info so Kobe's staying here then I'm assuming I'm gonna miss Kobe if this is uh a goodbye episode something that may come into play if he's joining the Navy obviously the Navy goes after Pirates I wonder if we ever see Kobe later on what about Luke he's just like yep I can't decide if I like Luffy or Zorro more Luffy's like that guy nah he wants to be in the Navy Kobe's done for man oh did he do it on purpose now it is very clear you are not crewmates oh it's kind of a sad goodbye though foreign does that mean I've flashedly taken the map oh he does get to say goodbye normally I'm gonna miss Kobe man [Music] I love how goofy he is oh he knows I think the lieutenant or whatever his title was new all along well I'll go without food for three days what okay that makes me think they will meet again hopefully King of the Pirates baby a sword to a certain man who's that okay so he got the straw hat from someone who like encouraged him to be king of the Pirates I guess cool okay I love the backstory oh man that was good man I would have missed Kobe dude to be continued you know he found himself now he's a Marine wasn't the title of that episode who is the mysterious girl we didn't really get an answer to that I don't even think Luffy and Zoro knew she was there the whole time did they so buggy has this map to the Grand line she's the next one to join the crew which should make me think that maybe their paths are going to cross in the next few episodes oh this is the guy that gave him the hats the guy with the scratch on his face red-haired Shanks Shanks his name good stuff man episode three of the books Let's go it's great so far I'm loving it a very special thank you to all the patrons over on patreon inside Mike evali christopher gray queen of this ship and Ashley all the uncut and uncensored reactions can be found over on patreon
Channel: BenBen Reacts
Views: 8,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q84UX3u6a-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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