I watched every 100th One Piece episode without context

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one piece the longest [ __ ] ever as of today when I'm recording this one piece has 1,104 episodes now I don't know about you but I ain't got the time to watch all that so today I'm going to be watching every 100th episode without context nothing like that just watching episode one and then 100 200 300 Etc I'd also like to shout out this one guy I know who is actually watching One Piece so if you're watching this um hello H how you doing H how the [ __ ] have you done this anyways let's get on to episode one one piece they they said the name of the show that's crazy this shit's banging I'm Luffy right it is Luffy I thought Jesus I thought it was Luffy my entire life it's heavier than I thought it'd be that's what she said he's going to punch a beard Barrel well what's he what he thinks as a beard Barr that that [ __ ] would explode everywhere what what is your idea here it's Stretch [Music] Armstrong great Jesus Christ shut the [ __ ] up ow holy [ __ ] ow [Music] what in the [ __ ] I'm a rubber man what the [ __ ] [ __ ] you're the most ugliest thing on the sea she just got told so he's literally made of rubber what the [Music] what uh that's the cool sword guy in it I think I don't know probably all right now that we've seen episode one let's watch episode 100 and see how much has like changed since then all right it's probably a lot and I'm probably gonna have no idea what's going on but hey that's the point of the video so let's go yo yo this [ __ ] goes hard yo this shit's bopping oh my God all right so they're walking through a desert trying to get to some place yeah um why because uh no thank you I'll be just fine what the [ __ ] is that thing can you tell me some more about this Rebel Army I bet right they're sisters cuz they look similar all right people who have actually watched this are probably [ __ ] screaming at me right now but I that's my theory her name is Toto Toto Boogie wogie what did you say to me [ __ ] [ __ ] oh get [ __ ] I fought with that boy and got beaten w w hello there don't be shy come on it's a giant scorpion oh my God it actually is okay let's go we're about to see a skilled swordsman versus a kid with a club [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah holy [ __ ] oh oh my God yeah [ __ ] yeah how in the ever loving [ __ ] he was the boss as well how did he go down that easily Jesus Christ okay so for something that I skipped a 99 episodes of I feel like I actually have a good idea of what happened this episode but that is purely because this was just some subplot about a princess it wasn't really about the main cast I feel like in the next few episodes I'm going to watch I my brain is going to be like boggled it's the same boy from the story whoa what what story I haven't seen that episode I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on to be continued in episode 200 do you know there's an awesome treasure hidden at the end of the sea and anyone who finds it King of the Pirates is it called the one piece by any chance bage it's Bon vage I've heard this one before I [ __ ] love this song oh my God B fire sorry I I should watch the episode now H okay so what's happening here right they're sneaking around the um the Marine base and they need to uh uh oh oh uh their friends their friends are captive yeah yeah yeah he just said yeah their friends are captive and they need to save them I'm so smart sir I'm in section 4 block F nothing unusual to report good work keep searching wait why do the Marines so [ __ ] like radio [ __ ] this is like pirate era what huh it's the cool sword guy with the green hair he he's the guy with the swords and he has a sword in his mouth all the time that's him right yeah I I know that guy I probably sound so [ __ ] stupid to anyone who's actually watched this oh my God that's miles and miles above the ocean does you mean not in the sky that shit's crazy this Sandage is busing someone came out as gay yo congratulations oh shiver me timbers why didn't he say that that would have been that was such a perfect moment for him to say shiver me timbers you can use it to blow up These Bars you could say that a bit quieter so dudes over there don't know what your plan is but oh okay mate what could those straw head Pirates be up to now you're telling me you didn't hear what he just said oh to be continued in episode 300 this opening is all right I guess not as good as bomb voage what the [ __ ] is that a dinosaur okay I have zero context for this what the [ __ ] okay so the last two episode 100 and 200 I had some idea was going on but like what is going on here okay so so they're fighting this guy Luffy is fighting this guy right he's the bad guy and uh the other dudes are somewhere else okay the Zoro is fighting this giraffe man uh what the [ __ ] okay so this episode is about Zoro figh in a giraff thing that's epic that's super cool I can't take this [ __ ] seriously he looks so goofy oh my God what the [ __ ] what what this is so stupid Oh my God how do you like this I'm not going to say it I'm not going to say it style how you like that faruck of all the things to expect from one piece I did not think i' C Zoro fighting a giraffe what is what is going [Music] on I have no idea what any of that was giraffe guy got [ __ ] and he turned back into a dude ah theory that guy was like a shape shifter right and he turned into like a and he can do it with like any animal you know he C he could be like a fish if you wanted to I don't know I'm just spouting whatever I comes to my mind at this point I like how every episode I've watched so far has just so happened to be the climax of like an arc like what are the chances well not an arc but like they've had a resolution you know there's been no Cliffhangers so far you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying saying you know what I'm saying we'd better hurry and get them to rob it ramen noodles holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] she's going to die uhoh he cut her how we [ __ ] out oh cool this teleporting guy finger pistol yeah that's epic this guy's fists are massive oh my God clobber in with your massive ANS let's go same punch in that sharaa freak flying what what the fck I like how there's so many characters in this that without context just seem like the dumbest things ever second gear second gear wait wait hold on I've heard of gear five before that's where he has the white hair and [ __ ] right so I'm assuming gears are like powerups right that he can do all right that theory okay I may have jinxed it this might end on a cliffhanger oh dear no you [ __ ] you [ __ ] maky Luffy a boy whose body turned to rubber after eating the gum gum fruit that's why he's rubber what he ate a fruit and became rubber that's epic okay so what's going on here right uh they are oh somewhere they're somewhere and they're doing something in this place what exactly is the will of D D's Nuts oh my God why did I say that I'm so sorry it was just too tempting okay ah this entire episode has just been law moment and there's really been nothing to comment on here okay H next episode please now before we get onto episode 500 we need to make a little detour to episode 485 at exactly 18 minutes and 55 seconds why well the one piece the one piece is real yeah anyway now let's let's go to episode 500 this opening is also okay B is better brother that was his brother that that's his brother yep I don't know what the [ __ ] oh someone died all right Luffy backstory question mark right so this kid here right is that guy we saw in the opening that I said was Luffy's brother cuz right I I don't know okay don't laugh at me what the [ __ ] is that thing that thing is disturbing what the [ __ ] what the if they're not related then like that's just like the animator's fault for making them look similar I I'm I'm not wrong it's just the anime just the wrong you know I'm coming he said coming all right this one's quite catchy this was pretty good I prefer bonage though why is the boat flying what the what huh I will be the king of the pirate yep we get it by now and I'm sure everyone who's watched every episode up to this point gets it by now Battle of marine Ford surely you saw him there he was on the Navy side what the wait that's a woman right why does sound like a fan booy why what the I heard that flaming why is he have they what why ises he sound like a woman wait I'm assuming they like swwa voices somehow I what hey what the [ __ ] I see you're the bastard who kidnapped these children wait but that guy also sounds like a woman what is going on why are there giant babies what the [ __ ] you see this is exactly why I'm doing this cuz it's random [ __ ] like this that's probably explained before that I have no context for and this is [ __ ] amazing what the [ __ ] am I watching what is what is going on like I know I shouldn't be asking that because I've skipped hundreds of episodes but what is going on why is brown beard got a big dinosaur tail what the hell uh what the hell is going on like this my brain is just melting right now what is that thing it's just a giant purple goo thing what is that thing like what animal it's like a it's like a deer but it's really small I so in this episode we've seen men sounding like women women sounding like men giant purple goo blobs giant babies what else oh oh my God like what is going on well that was I don't even know what to say about that why is there a giant okay okay this is a banger but like bom vage you know okay yeah this is great um yeah but bom vage I think this might be slightly better than bom vage okay yeah okay I admit it monkey deffy a boy whose body became rubber after eating the gum gum fruit Jesus Christ I get it he became rubber after eating the gum gum fruit I understand you've said that every episode hi daddy where did all the slaves go what huh oh no all all the straw Hat People he's he's he's defeated them and they're laying on the floor and he's explaining how he bought slaves as a kid or something and and now he's going to kill them all oh [ __ ] I can't control my body it's moving on its own please so now I've got somebody controlling wizard magic going on why is there an elephant is this like in The Simpsons movie where like there's a dome over it because you see those that lines yeah they're like keeping stuff in so it's like The Simpsons Movie well he sent a ghost version of himself okay so Zoro he's also under mind control like that other guy was and he's going to shing shing him up oh another backstory what nice shirt what well that was interesting this opening is me B fire is better their Captain is a rubber man who ate the gumgum fruit oh my God I [ __ ] stand that he ate the godamn gumgum fruit I'm going to be the king of the Pirates we get that too it's been what are we on 800 episodes It's been 8 100 episodes and you are still trying to tell us that he ate the gum gum fruit and he wants to be king of the Pirates we un to stand was but a single biscuit warrior in a line of many biscuit Warrior what the [ __ ] what what has happened to him oh my God they're literally biscuits look at that what the hell what why is he so big why is he got big red hands what in the [ __ ] uh I'm assuming this is one of the um the gears you know like gear five and second gear he did in like episode two or three four something like that I don't know um yeah I'm assuming this like yeah it's like a wild guess four that's gear four I bet that's [ __ ] gear four I feel like after episode 500 was the point where the writer of this just kind of ran out of ideas and just started doing the most random [ __ ] like giant babies biscuit men what's next why are there living cakes and plants and what the [ __ ] oh it's that woman there a giant gr tree with a big mouth and and a woman standing in there and now she's using a bit of paper to to do sumon what is this why is there a buddy girl and and that dear thing we've seen before what the so they're looking through mirrors into like people's mirrors in their houses I think I'm going insane what what am I watching what I'm I like my my my brain is like upside down right now I what the [ __ ] oh my God there's a cake Island too what [ __ ] oh and there's biscuit men everywhere what I I'm not even going to question anything anymore right like I'm just completely baffled and there's no way I'm ever going to be able to figure out what's going on here unless I watch the entire show so I'm just going to wait his name is Ichi that's 1:00 in Japan ni that's 2:00 in Japanese they've named their characters after times and they have a one and a two on them as well Sanji Sanji oh my God that's 3:00 l oh she about a lob y you CAU it just in time and saved her it's crazy oh damn [ __ ] well next Okay this may also beat the Bon vage very slightly why are there so many giant people in [Music] this whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's going on here oh [ __ ] it's a child wait wait wait wait wait she drank river river water how stupid is this kid oh my God this child is [ __ ] annoying can she shot up what the [ __ ] what the hell dude stop trying to [ __ ] what are you doing [Applause] Batman he just scooped her he just he just scooped her well that was great yo it's it's like the first opening except Luffy's Batman man back to the pleasure Hall you guys really stuck your necks out for us did he say pleasure Hall it's Mr straw head it's Stretch Armstrong Straw Hat Luffy Bounty 1.5 billion berries berries you get 1.5 billion berries if you find him oh these are lot little flashbacks to to early episodes because this is the 1,000th episode so they need to um reminisce on the p lost yeah 1,000 yep mhm that's oh my God what the hell he turned into a giant deer what the [ __ ] [Music] what ah Theory this guy was like on a ghost ship cuz cuz he died and now he's a Skeleton Man and that's how they found him oh who is this guy never seen this guy before in my life who are you what well it's this flashback to to the episodes years ago I don't even know yeah years Jesus [Music] Christ who's going to tell them I've only watched every 100th episode this opening is pretty cool but you know what I'm I'm going to say Bon vage is better luff Luffy versus LCI that is like oh my God Vega punk what are these names let's go they're going to fight I don't know who this Luchi guy is but he seems pretty cool oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh W holy [ __ ] this is epic he hot you can hear his hot this is so cool oh [ __ ] he's going gear five let's go yo let's go W he turned into a leopard man oh my God this is epic what what is that Albert Einstein yo let's go she just got [Music] [ __ ] a no I don't know who that is well that was an interesting experience to say the least um uh well I mean like I got some of it you know like I I I theorize correctly sometimes which is great and you know I I kind of understood what some of the episodes were I like 600 that was was what the hell 800 the biscuit men what what I don't like oh but otherwise it was pretty easy to understand like I'm sure I made some very wrong theories throughout that whole thing and there's probably people spamming my comment section right now because I got so much wrong but yeah you know that was pretty epic I uh you know um bonvoyage uh I'm probably going to watch like the Netflix version the live action one because I like I'm not watching 1,14 episodes okay like that's just not gonna happen so if I am G to watch it I'm gonna watch the Netflix one cry about it um yeah or you know what [ __ ] it you know I might as well just watch on from this point and just as it comes out you know why not I probably won't understand most of it but why not just do that yeah that that works um yeah one piece if you are watching this entire show I wish you luck because you are going to spend a very large portion of your life watching it from what I've seen I'd say maybe it's worth it but that's for you to decide if you watch it okay that's not for me to decide anyways um I guess that's it and I'll see you uh probably never unless you subscribe and turn on notific no I'm joking or am I subscribe [Applause]
Channel: Oweena
Views: 140,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z0qgH3NCSZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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