My first SUMMER - Stardew Valley [4]

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ah someone said to like click this oh cute shit's coming out of these leaves oh how is it though [Music] i can't click on them [Music] okay did it the top e wait the top e here [Music] [Laughter] oh i didn't know that there's nothing else no now it's just this charred starred valley welcome to starde valley what's your favorite dinner food yeah i think that's it okay load um summer day two i'm excited welcome to stard valley partner okay so it's a new day i'm gonna make some mayonnaise uh how do i do that again god it's been like two days three days so let me tend to the animals first animals hello little guy oh my chicken's already out great book i think that was one here oh there everything looking good in here oh we got some eggs looking good chickens are happy cat is happy time to water we oh yeah look we have a new axe as well copper axe um let me check the weather report maybe it'll rain tomorrow clear and sunny all day oh that is tomorrow okay so we'll need our watering can i have no idea i don't remember at all what i've planted i think this is all mixed seeds there are this these are melons i think this is corn but the rest i kind of forgot i think we have some blueberries oh yeah we also moved oh round one this guy to the middle [Music] i think we moved him here okay i think that's what i did promo thank you so much for the gift it subs thank you thank you i wonder what i planted here i think one of these is like a sunflower or something [Music] ah it's good to be back on the goober farm [Music] i'm a goofy goober yeah you're a goofy goober yeah we're all goofy goobers yes [Music] there we go all watered now that takes care of the chores we can't get the watering upgrade just yet these are all normal right yeah they're normal eggs should i sell how much does the the starred one sell for i wonder or does it just lead to more expensive mayonnaise higher quality mayonnaise spirits are neutral today okay was there anything let me see anything in this box looks like we're doing good just like two of everything only one of these oh yeah we had to give one away um i got a grape we got some hard wood from something let's put that there i'll work on the eggs maybe we should make another another thing this is just trash right yeah maybe we should make a second mayonnaise machine to make more mayonnaise uh we need another earth crystal though i don't have that so maybe it's time to mine oh yeah you're right it's for the community center um it's just this one thing though so maybe we'll do that later when we have a couple more things fertilizer on the coin uh corn i don't have any stuff though we would have to chop down some trees we do want we do actually want five starred corn right so actually maybe that is better to go get some fertilizer because it's currently not on it so maybe we should prioritize that first time for a barn yeah we should we can go check um what some of the other expansions are watch out chicken i'm yelling timber that's going the other way how much do i need 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20. 27 look at my cave oh yeah barn is 6k we're pretty close 18. no kitties napping so cute chica thanks search for two months okay is that enough 24 [Music] let's hope we can still put that on yes nice okay oh this is too late i'm gonna put it on these melons oh no too late as well i guess that's it i could add it to that one well that's good added some of that oh my mayonnaise is done thank you [Music] um that can go there and then i'll put in another egg let me check the cave oh what the [ __ ] what is this so just take it common mushroom purple mushroom is that okay to take it's all mine okay i guess i'll take it then i think some of these are good for um yeah this one can go to the center this one too okay now we have three things for the center so i think i want to go go by for a visit and then maybe we'll go buy swing by robin um see what we can oh we do have an earth crystal should we make another mayonnaise thing i'm thinking maybe make another mayonnaise machine and then put them in the in the coop um it was one of these and i think some wood or no maybe some rock check yes okay um i have to wait for that one to finish and i kind of want us another chest then in the coop for the eggs oh take the eggs okay i'll take that later but it's making mayonnaise right now i don't know if i i don't want to interrupt it got a lucky ribbon accessory i have no idea um nice okay and then i'll put this there oh this is gonna be nice let's make it yellow nah orange okay eggs go in there except for one you go in there nice very nice that's going to be very efficient i'll just have to make sure to go buy it a lot though maybe the other one's done no hurry up i want to move you i feel like if i do this now it'll i can do it it'll like ruin the egg i guess we can go drop off the stuff at the community center first i think i think i'm ready to start talking to people more dude i got mushrooms make sure to water your plants every day wow thanks great advice [Music] um this was a new one this looks like a mushroomy area blacksmiths oh maybe it's not here i'm wrong i just saw these there's nothing up there yet right this is fish is it forging bundle this one okay now where ah this one [Music] and the purple one we should be able to do somewhere as well ah nice only two more for this oh coconut cactus fruit red mushroom maple syrup oak resin pine tar well we're making progress introvert day every day is an introvert day it hurts to talk to people [Music] oh it still hurts that she rejected me sebastian is my half brother if you didn't know already we look totally different that's it oh is she working out robin why you gotta hurt me so oh wait i'll take the other rope back see if there's something to forge yes do you think linus wants a grape do you think he likes grapes have you come to ridicule me no i'm just minding my own business it's a gold star one too this is a great gift thank you bye linus someday i can cook and then i'll make you meals i swear bring him two hot meals every week oh think that this one's for the community center yeah let's go back oh wormies bush ah it's just clay anything else more clay okay let me go back no linus can't be romanced i wish check birthdays um yeah maybe i should god it's already 7 40. [ __ ] there you are just ask me i mean you're not here you'll need to provide enough lumber and stone for the project and it costs money too i'm sure you'll be pleased with the results can you come in what time do you close oh it went dark yeah she can't help me she busy who needs it oh only one more a sweet pea okay we need a sweet pea is that like one that's just randomly forgeable as well do we just have to look around the map sweet peas shouldn't be too hard to find oh how exciting okay we should be able to move the mayonnaise machine now no kitty snoozing must be so cozy uh here can they just make [ __ ] overnight should i just put two more eggs in will it be done in the morning they work overnight awesome perfect i'm a mayonnaise machine dutch heart is happy take my mayonnaise that's all i have right now i'm only making mayonnaise um let me put some stuff back so what else can i do with the mushrooms is it just for recipes later should i sell it mayonnaise a dutch specialty no but it's kind of a dutch thing that you put mayonnaise on everything especially your french fries um go to sleep mayonnaise in dutch [Laughter] 760 not too bad just from a day of mayo and now we have two mayo machines so we're going to be more efficient we can definitely get all four of the eggs an earthquake [Music] wait what does that mean did something get damaged this is embarrassing i lost my lucky purple shorts i'm telling you because i think i can trust you or lose if you find them bring them back to me discreetly i'll pay well oh my god that's the best we need to find purple shorts [Music] do you think he also goes to aerobics the spa north of robbins oh does something open up oh okay um at least nothing is damaged that would have been scary the music's so nice okay awesome that's done [Music] no i love you chickens one two three and four i love you all you're the best my little mayonnaise machines one two three four push bush i got all the things nice and then i'll put those away awesome things are going swell i love it okay that was my morning routine done do i check for mushrooms every day i don't know how often they regrow oh [ __ ] oh red one what the [ __ ] so many mushrooms red mushroom for the community center where do you think we can find purple shorts do you think it's south again like with the axe before it is south maybe it's on the beach it's at marnie's room what [Laughter] i waited years to get those shorts marnie has them oh my god anyway should i just sell them save the mushies you can make life elixirs okay um i'll do that i'm okay with that i'll keep one though for the community center um where is marnie again is she the one who sells the chickens i should really clear some of this up i guess i should start giving her gifts huh um what is she like do i like cupi mayo yes i really do it's a japanese mayo for people that don't know it's the best mayo in japan this is her [Music] yeah oh the shorts you can see them [Music] you can buy for me of course i could use the cash adios what would she like to get so you can only get the shorts back if she lets me in her room if we have a good enough friendship marnie likes quartz oh also i'm going to go south a little bit um i'm just trying to oh there it is that's exactly what i wanted pea yes maybe there's some more leeks again hmm not here do they maybe not grow in summer you can zoom out the screen oh um i think this is good though because otherwise you guys can't really see much either [Music] this music is popping [Music] oh do you think so someone corrected me and said it wasn't poked with pokey oh a good old cat [ __ ] i forgot i wanted to buy a straw hat for the streams a watermelon band color scheme was inspired by the beloved summer melon it's a thousand though so expensive like if i would get it if they had some kind of like buff like get a hat that has like stamina regeneration or something or a hat that heals you a little bit at a time that would make sense let's go get quartz for marnie i want to get those pants whoa what's this one just uh the mixed seat thing looks different there's another one there yeah it's mixed seeds ah okay how tall am i i am 5 10. 180 centimeters tall um quartz she also likes eggs does she i can give her an egg quartz [Music] and then i'll keep these because those are going to the center i can plant those i'm coming for you marnie i have some cords oh god i was looking at chat i should really just clear this out it's time there we go now it should be a little bit easier to get through here okay be gone i'm coming oh oh louis he was just visiting that sweet ass of marty again oh they were getting it on dude how did you not see your own pants she reflecting on some life choices that she made well oh about time no no no i need you oh no wait i don't need you there wait wait thank you that's it you have nothing else to say oh the door opened [ __ ] it's right there [Laughter] well did that work no i need another gift can i give two gifts in one day or do i need to wait until tomorrow so close yet so far one a day okay two a week [Music] okay oh i should i should talk to people remember to cover your mouth when you sneeze good advice actually you should sneeze in your elbow make sure to wash your hands yes yes yes yes yes yes bridge repair which bridge summer seeds dirty oh we have work to do are we getting a new one oh there the bulletin board um wasn't there another mushroom somewhere oh one more god damn it so close let's see what's on this one is he gonna deliver the package to their little house he's so cute looks a little blush on his cheeks nice they're like we'll take care of this reward friendship what chef bundle maple syrup fiddlehead fern truffle fried egg so this is after i learn how to cook macky oh wheat hey apples hey we can do hey hey wheat aren't we um enchanters bundle can we get stuff from him oh purple mushroom i feel like i've seen that do we have one already not a little shell chubs we have chubs oh another red mushroom what sea urchin we've we have those we're growing one of these red cabbage interesting okay so we have a couple things man we have no goals objectives i mean except for heck and load of farming i'm gonna plant my 30 seeds there i mean it is only 9 p.m i can probably make a little bit of fertilizer sometimes you can get stuff for the community center from the gypsy carriage south of your farm oh yeah don't don't pass out okay i think i need to go to bed um i don't have anything i can eat at the moment but this crafting stuff costs energy okay i think it's bedtime i'm tired mayonnaise my eggs did i even check on my chickens i did right okay that was four mayonnaise oh we got a geode there that's pretty good now sleep yes [Music] that was an interesting sound another oh then i just saw something fly by ah another brand new day let's go spirits are in good humor today i think you'll have a little extra luck so tomorrow clear and sunny [ __ ] a random of the fish you can only find in summer dorado found in forest rivers during the day rainbow trout forest rivers and in the mountains puffer fish found in the ocean in the early afternoon [Music] wait is that like is it like noon to 3 p.m or something an octopus found in the ocean during the morning catch them while you can [ __ ] i want to do that time to fish [Music] should we hurry to the ocean and see what we can catch greetings goobers it's our pleasure to inform you that your farm will be featured in next week's up and coming column of stardew valley tribune we're impressed with your quick progress why thank you it's all thanks to chat [Music] um i want to hurry to the beach before i do any of that [ __ ] we'll come back in like two hours or three oh cockle i don't have that one yet okay he dancing let's go boom see if i can catch something fishing's always a nice tie because i have a hand free to do other [ __ ] [Applause] oh how dare he what kind of fish was that i want it come back to me holy [ __ ] that one shot all over the place i guess i need more fishing skills huh holy [ __ ] [Applause] can i just get a normal fish please i guess i'm not ready yet for these fish [Music] was an octopus maybe okay this is more my speed [Laughter] oh what's that a halibut that's a new one i haven't had that one before oh oh there's no way there's no way i can catch that just yet i need to be much higher level i must be oh a red mullet [Music] i'm getting some new fish another halibut nice oh a tilapia oh i'm getting so many new ones oh that's not nope that way face that way a train is passing through stardew valley what excuse me what's happening train where do i go wait where do i go train train tracks um straight okay past robin's house all the way north okay i'm on my way guys [Music] that was stressful i was like what the hell what's happening what do i do i'm on my way [Music] don't think you'll make it yeah i don't know what it is oh is this oh because this opened up so what happens oh oh oh there's stuff falling off of it what it's a train so you just get loot free stuff huh i got seven rocks oh purple halibut though damn purple red mullet so this one is for the community center this one isn't and this one is neither but the tilapia is haven't been here before oh what's that i have no idea ah there's more stuff here that i can't get to impossible to budge that's so cool so a random train just comes by and then you can get some stuff wait can i just take a bath items for women oh there's like a whole bath here bath house i'm in my undies i have a red bikini can i take a bath oh you guys say it restores energy do i just sit in it oh yeah oh look at that it's going up oh just not when you move i was just checking around i wanted to see all the corners and wow this feels so much better so weird to see my character in like a bikini okay well that was nice took a refreshing bath so that's just something i can just do if i'm just like ah man i need more energy who's running it who's running the bath oh so sneaky on the edge of the screen like that did i when did i give marnie her [ __ ] the cords was that today or yesterday that was yesterday oh okay what's this chanderelle oh sounds fancy do we need it it's not for the community center um actually give them some water just in case and then put these in here check in on my cheekings they're all just chilling they so cute what a cutie okay i have work to do holy [ __ ] so many random things i'll just like plant it together at least it's nice that i can just click on it and water it that way it's a little bit easier than when i played it on the switch it was just like i was only doing it forward the whole time so she also marnie also likes eggs maybe i should give her egg like a good egg um oh yeah we need another one for the center i can sell the halibut i need to keep the tilapia that's it and the rest is good but you guys said keep the mushies right so i can sell this one i don't think i have the cockle either let me see [Music] so now we have two of those that's good yeah only one of those okay and these i think i need to i can give to the community center [Music] buttons oh it's already getting dark i don't know if i can still talk to her oh more mayonnaise maybe should i give her mayonnaise now i'll just give her an egg i'll give her a good egg goodnight chickens oh it's locked hey there's actually a lot of wild food in this area if you know where to look oh i know where to look but having fresh salads almost every day wow that's nice so far the only people that i've really been interested in were have been linus and gus but they're both not dateable uh chicken pen can just stay open we found out well she's not here business has been slow lately sorry i haven't really been in you should upgrade your tools i could use the cash damn okay [Music] what do you want leave me alone maybe i should give my egg to shane does he like eggs or mayonnaise i've been looking forward to this beverage all afternoon gus how you doing you look like you can use the beverage do i shane likes beer beer peppers and pizza okay well nothing i have [Music] no no one here i guess marnie isn't here i'll give her an egg tomorrow um i can drop by the community center real quick fish tank it must be one of these right there there you go um what about the yeah oh glittering boulder removed where is that oh right wait that's only if you do the whole bundle right i got crab bots holy [ __ ] that's awesome now you can catch more there he goes oh he's so fast you in a hurry buddy another one unlocked it's going quickly now a vault wait purchase i need to pay oh my god that's so much money wait what do you get here you get the bus oh should i should i do the i can i mean i have six thousand should we do the first one get it out of the way yeah chocolate cake the best reward thanks there he goes it's gonna take him a while to get there [Music] you can do it buddy god it's going to take forever for him to get there the other one was so quick well it's nice it feels nice to get one out of the way is it too late to put the crab pots in the water how does it work do we put them in the river place it in the water load it with bait check the next day to see if you've caught anything works in streams lakes and ocean hmm so i can put it anywhere if i have bait but i don't what do i do with the chocolate cake is it just a ton of energy it might be a perfect gift for someone um f10 bait so it's a little bit late though i'll do it tomorrow go sleep you can gift it abigail loves it so if you give a gift to someone that they really really like does it give you more hearts at once or is it just like always one heart for one gift evelyn loves chocolate cake well you're not wrong [Laughter] lavender queen thanks so much for the bits [Music] okay let's figure this out let me start with my pets i love you here's your daily dose of love cheeky i love you i love you where are your friends i thought i oh there i love you one of these i haven't clicked other maybe scott we're making so much mayonnaise dudes i am the mayonnaise queen so what where should i put these crab pots should i do like one in a lake one in the river and one in the ocean oh mushrooms ah i'll do that later mayonnaise empire grows one in each okay so can i just put it here you guys need to help me again how do we put these in must first be attached to a rod load it with bait place it in oh place it first okay so so place it like here is that fine and that's it now i wait okay one in the river uh where's the lake to the left [Music] this is exciting this is so fun i was like thursday thursday and friday i was like god damn it i have to wait so long to play again okay and then one [Music] here and then we'll go to the beach and it's 8 50 nine so we can actually go to marnie and give her this [ __ ] egg that i've been trying to give her since yesterday let me talk to her first you can catch me at the saloon most nights animals are great company but i need to spend time with people too thank you get nothing out of this lady one well two gifts conversation done okay that's that out of the way [Music] have i watched seoul no oh the pixar thing no i haven't watched it yet people say it's really like it makes you really emotional so if we're kind of putting it off i watched the ring again the american movie very good movie i like it oh i forgot actually to check here for uh forge look at that so much okay should i put the thing down just anywhere is good right can put it like here okay they've been placed now we wait until tomorrow for that i should go back and water my crops maybe check the weather report it takes 250 relationship points to equal one friendship heart a gift is 80 points oh give them love gifts twice a week and talk to them every day and they'll like you in no time okay i wonder what alex is doing today why do you care i didn't notice she's standing there wow thanks um [Music] i'll go this way oh he's skateboarding nice sam's trying to do a kickflip you can do it dude he turned around i think i already have one of these let me double check i don't okay let me put it in there put that in there okay let's get to watering everything oh requires scythe oh is it done [Music] hay and wheat i got wheat fife nice didn't we need that for the community center oh yeah i don't know how much though sea urchin in the die of the bulletin board yeah the father bundle okay so we need to plant more of this then to get it we need 10 wheat yeah for the community center and then hey can't i just grab that from the silo i should right because the chickens are just eating [Music] from the grass did i do everything mushrooms did i say hi to all my chickens yes half a heart what happens if they're what happens if they're a full heart or like five full hearts did they start laying like large eggs or something treasure come on thank you upgrade watering can oh yeah we forgot well we're waiting for a rainy day that's why we haven't done it yet let me check tomorrow beautiful sunny day so [ __ ] happy good fortune where should i put this nice oh no this box is almost full not nice maybe i'll get some more wheat to plant can i buy it or is it really expensive speed grow fertilizer oh i did forget yeah i just used normal fertilizer maybe next batch or can i not oh i guess oh [ __ ] isn't he the shop owner [ __ ] [Music] dude i need you where are you going [Music] oh hi satisfied with the quality of my summer seeds [Music] is that it hey robin pretty ice insulated from the rest of the world here in stardew valley has its pros and cons if you and mario become friends i'm sure she'll show you how to use that telescope out back oh she has a telescope pretty exciting huh that is kind of exciting i wonder if it's anyone's birthday today oh [ __ ] oh i miss jazz's birthday sea bass thanks for the gifted subs thank you oh gus what is he like monday the big day what can we give him gus likes mayonnaise does he cause i have enough of that diamond we can give a mayonnaise that that kind of makes sense cause like that's what we're really good at right now give him love yeah oh squirrel cute hey look at that mine now i'm so excited for my crops to be ready i should have used the speed girl mayonnaise leroy out of the way i need to check the box there you go um trying to think of what to do i'm gonna keep one mayonnaise for gus then for his birthday although monday is still far away we can make more mayonnaise in that time i think i wanna keep maybe keep these because i wanna have two of everything [Music] that's three oh this is a gold star one yeah i'll sell that gus likes daffodil i do have that yeah i think this one yeah i do does he really like that because then we'll give him that give him flowers on his birthday anything else i can do i could do some night fishing i still have some energy left i don't think i've done much fishing in the lake here oh right in the deep down dark deep down oh god this one's twitchy huh god you're so twitchy uh i'll get you eventually no a pike nice that's a new one i'm so excited to check these tomorrow stressful yeah fishing is is a battle system more garbage for the recycling oh it's getting late i'm sleepy that's uh sean really likes that when i do that if i have a rough morning and i need to like give myself a little bit of energy i just like stop and i go i am sleepy makes me laugh yeah it's kind of like that thing of like if you're kind of sad you just start acting silly and then kind of like yeah you start acting silly and kind of like because you're so silly oh not that one it kind of cheers you up a little bit can i make the recycling machine oh an iron bar god there's no way i won't be making that anytime soon [Music] time to go back to bed okay so we'll take out the bait oh rancher or tiller i mean i'm getting more eggs tiller you guys think taylor is better definitely taylor yeah okay nice damn that was worth a lot day six [Applause] nice round number wow we're so lucky today's been blessed sunny day tomorrow [ __ ] me it's never gonna rain a young lady from stardew valley spirits are in good humor today i think you'll have a little extra luck peppers oh they're done dudes we have peppers um i'll keep two of these oh and oh [ __ ] one for the community center but i'm sure i'll get more peppers in the future i need a new box uh okay first chickens and cat cat and chickens i love you [Music] i have to say it it's like me and bibi all over again hello cluck number two how you doing oh i already talked to bongo apparently the best chickens and we got some mayonnaise [Applause] [Music] nice oops i accidentally grabbed some hay oh wait but i guess i wanted to um and then we'll put just one here just because i only need 10. [Music] nice okay that's the animals taken care of [Music] this music man oh what's that i can't wait for the same when in spring when everything was suddenly ready that was so cool i'm excited for that done okay good that takes care of the chores i want to go buy wheat because i need five more because i need ten no plants grow in here no [Music] i only had two thunderstorms in summer oh right it is summer maybe it just rains less in summer [Music] don't forget the crap outs no i won't um oh that's this is not where i need to be i'm not sick i want to pull a prank on my dad need largemouth largemouth bass keep it a secret [Music] i don't know if i can catch one wheat seeds [Music] thank you see you later oh yeah i was gonna grab bait and then just replace the traps is it worth being putting the speed girl on this i don't think uh i don't know okay i forgot what i was doing there's so many things oh yeah the bait [Laughter] [Music] let's go let's check on our [ __ ] see what we caught i hope it's something for the community center i want to go mining more but it's like i have so much [ __ ] to do every day oh hey the thing is gone oh is there trash in it that's it i got a broken cd oh [ __ ] well that's disappointing craft a tapper for maple syrup maples here oh [Applause] you can see what's in it that's awesome what did i get crayfish huh can i get to the beach from here [Music] no i just need to go along this road i think that one's for the community center no it's not never mind oh hey what are you guys doing here the local fishing scene got a bit more lively i might expand the shop stock [Music] sun is angry today my skin is a bit too delicate i'm afraid [Music] okay let's see if we got hey wait he has a delicate face but he lives on the beach it's not really the best place to live then [Applause] let's see it oh nice a little reward well that was that a little bit anti-climactic but i was hoping for some stuff for the community center but oh i know he's fishing here he's just fishing all day living his best life hey emily don't overwork yourself or you might end up in harvey's clinic i mean i'm not working that hard evelyn she like chocolate cake right maybe we should give her one be careful out there dear you could get sunburned hi hello is it just me or does abigail look a little pale need something maybe i'm just worrying about her too much abigail's the pretty one isn't she i check people's trash a lot i haven't really done that i did it once didn't get anything and then just kind of gave up should i sell the crayfish because i don't think i don't think i can use it for anything at the moment i don't know how much of these i've kept [Music] oh i have two of these i just can't stack them i haven't kept any coral i need another box um i'm running out of space here can i i want to move this box but does all the stuff fall out then don't think crayfish is seasonal so you get one again okay now it's gonna get hard because now i need to i need to keep some kind of i need to organize this in some way i don't know how i can maybe put all the all the stuff that i've grown in one chest and the seeds and stuff everything crop related maybe and that's all foraging maybe do that yeah okay trying to be organized but it's hard let's make some more mayonnaise no don't eat it put it in there there you go bye cheekins fish chest mining chest etc yeah that's kind of what i'm trying to go for this is my recycling my trash uh i guess i can sell it all cause we're gonna give gus um we're gonna give gus a daffodil right oh yeah someone mentioned making a tapper two copper bars and 40 wood we can do that i just don't have any wood on me so i need to take some stuff down again you know what let me clear out the the bottom area because they keep getting stuck on [ __ ] here let's do this here this area i'm a little low on energy but it should be enough to take down a couple of these trees yeah we really need to go mining again because i want more um i want more copper and we have a better sword too so it should be doable that's good looking good copper bars attacker now where should i put i guess i'll just put it here for now how do i put it down does it have to be outside it's oh now it's red oh now it's green it has to be on a tree oh is that how that works wait what kind of tree a maple tree i mean i don't know what they look like which one is it not that one on any tree it's a tap to extract tree sap each tree gives different syrup wait how do i put it down then do i've just put it on the tree maybe i've been trying to put it next to the tree oh okay well there it is i did it i just put this bar back oh wait you're in the different box you're in this box um i have enough to make a couple snacks um let me quickly it's only 10 p.m let me quickly check the cave because i haven't really checked it now oh stuff okay good um forging there we go goodnight world thanks for the 20 months thank you oh 93 whoa we got almost a thousand from the peppers oh the crops it's another day day seven did anything oh are these melon starters is this ready radish the radishes are ready this is ready too oh [Music] i'm just hovering over it seeing what i can pick up i think that's it okay cool so should i just sell it immediately i'll keep two regular ones and then sell the rest that's rad check the tv oh you're right hope for rain clear and sunny all day tomorrow do their best to shower everyone with good fortune oh it's a good day the queen of sauce baked fish whenever i make this one at home my two cats go bananas i need a second chef around just to keep them from hopping on the counter for a bite just make sure the fish is fresh preferably caught with your own rod watch as i place the fish in on a bed of spring greens baked fish [Music] no mail on sunday bleep thanks for the eight months mining day yeah let's do it and how does this work do i just click it every now and then and then stuff is just in it [Music] okay so radishes are just done once you that makes sense i should have known okay let me finish this and then i'm gonna go grab a protein bar we'll have will take a minute so i can just eat it and then we'll go into the mines [Music] oh they're almost expired oh kitty i forgot i didn't give it water [Music] no not that way i love you i'm gonna go mining chickens got their stuff oh large egg i got a large egg the first one i have to keep it quick put it away okay oh [ __ ] now i have mayonnaise on me let's put it here for later chickens i'll see you later mommy's going mining where's the fourth one where is he oh here [ __ ] okay to the mines oh i was like did i even bring my sword minus how you doing easier time of year for me i don't have to worry about staying warm no plus the fruits of the wild are growing everywhere like here there you go it's a great gift thank you another one can we eat it okay i'm ready let's do it 20 21. here we are i still don't have a torch i haven't even made one torch it's kind of dark in here spooky oh um let's see if there's nothing no okay bye [Music] oh this sword is a lot stronger nice i can't get through there though grab that nice grab this that's why we're here we want the copper oh nice let me just grab whatsoever in whatever is in these [Music] just in case ho-ho-ho i'm so much stronger now oh another one um yeah i guess i'll take this one hmm this is a big area oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] get away be gone ah they die so much quicker holy [ __ ] that's so nice nothing here oh deal thank you so much for the raid i hope you guys are well first time playing stardoo kinda getting the hang of it now [Music] nice scared me [Laughter] nice everything dies so much quicker now you can't tell like with what kind of rock it is um if there's like an exit under it right [Music] it's not like you can tell by the type of rock or anything it really is just like you got to just search around oh there it is oh my energy it's random okay anything up there oh yeah there was a ton up here sorry i feel bad because that a wood club i feel like killing those bugs because they don't really they're not really hurting me they're just going about their business oh come on [Applause] okay let's go back nope nope i did it already 25 holy [ __ ] nice anything here nothing i guess i'll just have to find the exit ha ha okay there we go nice i want the copper thank you very much this music's too calming i feel like i could like fall asleep this [Music] oh nice let me just kill these don't turn into it okay nice um i should maybe eat some more berries again don't fall asleep in the mines no i wasn't planning to is my thing going off oh accidentally right clicked i guess i'll go down again oh what's this topaz i think i already had one of those [Music] fight fighter to death nice [Music] another one [Music] nice okay oh [ __ ] no no no i don't like it no [Music] um was there anything in the right here oh my god he was right on me okay oh there's a crate hey kanahu thanks for the 18 months thank you i hope you're well okay i'm just gonna go deeper hey mushrooms [Music] what are we at 27 nice i think we can make it to 30 if we hurry trying to be efficient but [Music] four copper ore in there nice [Music] okay i didn't see a ladder did you guys see a ladder did we see one oh got it 28 oh no i'm sleepy oh it's midnight oh [ __ ] do you think we're gonna fall asleep should we should we head out should we just go back leave okay there's a ladder oh no it's right there 29. oh there's torches here oh god it's almost 1am if i can just find a ladder [ __ ] oh my energy's so low as well oh my god look at all those crates oh i'm gonna fall asleep i'm gonna fall asleep get all the things what's this i can't get it my inventory is full [ __ ] ditch this uh no ditch this did i do it what is it a forest sword well um i probably can't make it back anymore do i lose all my stuff i guess there's a first for everything if only i was quicker you lose your stuff oh i'm outside [Laughter] oh god damn it that was exciting though so what happens to all my things you lose some money i still have everything a forest sword this is level one four to eight damage plus two speed eight to 18 damage holy [ __ ] we got a great sword i was okay because i wasn't into mine oh that was so close [Laughter] nice [ __ ] did it that's great well i have a better sword now god damn we got a lot of [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [Music] um yeah i should go to the spa and get my energy back most tense gameplay that was epic i read an article about you in the local paper so impressed with your progress on the farm keep this up and dear old dad might be retiring into fern island's luxury bungalow after all oh dad last night a jojo team member found you incapacitated medical team was dispatched to bring you home safely you've been billed 800 oh well i got a new sword i'm happy with that it's okay it was worth it what do we got i got one of these oh wait is this what is this a poppy i got a poppy i forgot why we did like one poppy oh my inventory is a mess okay let's sell these i don't think i need to sell the poppy i think we did that for a specific reason gus's birthday's the day yes um forging level 2 club solid piece of wood crudely chiseled into a club shape 9 to 16 damage um i think that's good and then i'll put this in here wait did i have any tools i left yes i don't know what to do with the poppy but i'll leave it here for now um are they looking at the greenhouse oh more eggs large eggs holy [ __ ] things are looking up guys um there you are clever girl large eggs for the community center i think so yeah let's go well i guess gus isn't around yet um because it's still early in the morning i guess i could just do this first oh that was so exciting we got such a good sword out of it too just because i was like i just wanna like peek a little bit further yeah we'll grab the daffodil for gus and then it's annoying that it's okay let me just do this because it's four in a row yeah i need energy [ __ ] i'll go to the spot real quick hey ron i'm great i'm so glad that my eyes aren't puffy anymore or tearing up i can't believe it was the expensive eye cream that i'm allergic to there's still something else i'm allergic to probably like dust or pollen or something so i'm curious to see what the test is gonna say my character is like ah this is the best crimson thanks so much for the gifted subs thank you we're so close to 2 900. holy [ __ ] i don't think we've ever we we have never gotten 2 900 have we okay now we'll go finish watering our crops we'll go say hi to gus and then we'll just have to see what else we want to do maybe check on our crab pots and do some fishing or something ladybug thank you so much london thank you thank you thank you do you think that was it did that do it oh yeah it must have been let's wait for the counter to go up thank you guys 2900 whoa high soft count ever oh here's the cat um hi yeah there we go got some mushies there we go thank you guys ah so many subs coming in thank you that's really nice for you guys um so gus's favorite thing is a daffodil did we establish that i have five of these oh wait yeah you guys told me to keep it i'll sell these though is that his favorite thing not favor but he likes them okay i guess that's good then marcus thank you what's his favorite i guess it's probably something i can't give him yet oranges oh right yeah i have no idea how to get that is he in the saloon gus it's your birthday good evening can i get you anything dude it's 3 p.m um no but i can get you something happy birthday birthday gift that's very kind of you i love it bye guys i wish i could marry you we did it brittany thanks so much for the gift it subs thank you orange trees are expensive it's gonna be worth it i'm gonna do it there everything's watered yes i think should we plant something new do we need um do we need five-star radishes maybe trying to think of what would be we need gold star melons that's gonna be tough maybe we should invest in more melons but the speed grow on it that might be a good idea well grab the speed grow can you combine speed grow and fertilizer so yeah this one's for the community center this one we can put away we're growing more wheat at the moment one pepper for the community center okay anything oh this one can go still as well take one of those to the community center that one again this one oh no let's keep the silver one yeah that's it that's a ton of stuff we can give to the community center okay unicorn thanks for the four months okay um it's monday so pierre should be in his shop it is 5 20 though ah [ __ ] are you done for the day got summer seeds available you better stock up well i would if you were behind the counter [Music] well [Music] gas demetrius would like to hire someone to fetch pike oh we had pike you will be paid for your time we had it i should always keep one of everything not sell it [ __ ] um community center why am i going south i was gonna fish immediately i got so much [ __ ] okay what do i do with this i wish it was a bit clearer where i can put stuff away that's one okay and then the poppy is maybe also here somewhere no there on the board is poppy chef's bundle oh yeah nice okay that at least takes care of that we couldn't we weren't able to get more melons but should be good so pike wasn't didn't we get it in the ocean where is pike available just ocean or is the quest just for today or can we still get it tomorrow as well it's in the lake river river river and lake okay oh my crab pots i forgot i forgot to check them i did give the gift to garcia can you imagine if this would be a pike immediately oh present [Music] there please give me bait cause i don't have to go get it [Music] oh oh i ain't complaining that's nice why would a cd be attracted to bait silly game ding dang cds the ultimate fishing rod is it i don't know is it a good one [Music] oh i made it you may bait from bug meat i should yeah it will be helpful thank god no fish by it no fish biting during that because i had to scratch my face scratch my hair scratch my head jesus i should eat more of that bar huh took like two bites out of it oh a chub i think we needed a chub at the community center i'll get to the lake there what's in that one trash goddammit all these things are good for is just getting trash all right let me fish it's kind of scary when it gets dark well i've tried i have monsters turned off otherwise it would be really scary yeah oh hey bubbles wow special trash yes give it to me oh it's 11 20. he's probably gonna be asleep right give it tomorrow hopefully i can yeah um [Music] trash goes in here chub is for the community center [Music] i don't know how many not this box i don't know how many of the other plants i have okay only one and two of those okay so we're good on those i can sell the rest i should really start putting the copper into the thing as well wait what did i say i need to keep one of each i'm gonna make a fish chest that's what i'm gonna do and then tomorrow we're gonna start smelting because we have a lot do i have enough wood for another box no that's the plan for tomorrow yes forget about the pants um god i didn't make any money today i mean it's not that big of a deal right i can just come in and talk to her every now and then and just give her something um no we forgot to check the weather report otherwise we could have gotten the upgrade the one time i didn't check the weather report [ __ ] [ __ ] well [ __ ] hey chickens how you doing oh i got a full heart bubbles foghorn as well leeroy and bongo they all have a heart big eggs big boys thank you good cheekys do i only have big eggs now do large eggs make better uncommonly large brown egg do they make better mayonnaise or does it is there no difference didn't we need them for the community center as well yeah both oh maybe not that one oh wait i need to feed them there you go guys holy [ __ ] it's that scary what the [ __ ] that's crazy okay i have some stuff for the community center let's go give the let's go give the pike if we can still deliver it yeah demetrius that's scary it might rain two days in a row oh i should check the weather report um i'll try and give him the thing the pike wherever he is i don't know where he hangs out oh i'm not a fan i want to go by the community center but i'm gonna find him first dude i got your fish that's not a job that is pike pike hey you brought me the item i asked for i really appreciate it let's see here's what i owe you thank you 300 nice wait i should talk we're insulated from the rest of the world someone else said the same thing hey now that i'm here actually 10 000 450 wood not now god that's a lot we have a coupe a barn ooh 6 000 350 wood and stone we could do that oh a mill oh allows you to mill wheat beets and rice for cloth i don't even know how to get cloth shed empty building fill it with whatever you like nice fish pond raise fish and harvest their produce hmm that's nice i can make that actually i have all of that cabin home for a friend stable allows you to keep and ride a horse oh that's important 10 000 though that's a lot of money slime hutch raise up to 20 slimes fill water throws i don't want to do that then i'm just gonna get um attached to them big coupe eight animals comes with an incubator oh this is unlucks ducks is this the one that we wanted for um that just auto feeds the chickens as well and you can have more chickens is that this i think a barn is maybe a good next step 6k and could do i maybe get cows that's the deluxe scoop oh okay you need two coupe upgrades for auto feed yeah you get cows okay can you guys remember this for me 350 6k 350 wood and 150 stone because i'm gonna forget okay delivery done i don't think there were any birthdays i wanted i want to get better at that remembering when there's birthdays i'm gonna deliver these eggs uh where was it pantry we've been seeing it for a while here large egg [Music] large milk coke milk can i have goats that would be a dream come true wool and duck egg okay the chub was on one of the newer ones it wasn't on this one i think it's gonna be the last one i check there we go okay i think that's it i want to make a fish box keep one of every fish two of every fish if possible but that's gonna be a bit harder to do can we get melon seeds yes thanks bye the bigger backpack would be nice too so many things i want weather report let's check that as well it's only 11 a.m still so we still have time to go to what's his name clint hey kitty oh you look so cozy clear and sunny tomorrow my life is pain okay [ __ ] no luck huh mara's birthday is today oh today what is maru like i do kind of like her tomorrow i can go check check the calendar fish box god that shit's scary [ __ ] off piss off rain um should i put it outside or inside my fish box maybe i'll just put it here stinky fish my first fish i don't think i have any fish in here do i nope nope nope that's not the one i wanted to open okay um so do i put the speed grow on afterwards okay question for you guys can we do fertilizer and speed grow does it matter which order you put it on martyr likes strawberries and copper bars she likes copper bars why would you like a copper bar you need to choose one can't do both then i think for the melon we need to do fertilizer because we want the gold star right we want five gold star melons she makes robots oh quality is better okay you guys agree um so i have 10 so i need 20 i have 12 right now i need 20 sap i could give her a copy copper bar where is she hanging out right now she's usually at home in the lab i don't know if i've been there maybe i should put them in a three by three can i do that here no i can't this this the grass [ __ ] there we did it um do that and then do this oh peppers i didn't even look at it i didn't even see what my crops have been doing oh god this is really one of those days you do not want to be outside is he done oh oh i got more seeds from it right there you go nice it's one of robin's kids oh robin's the mom i had no idea i thought she was she's looking good for her age i thought she was younger it's not her birthday tomorrow is her birthday the 10th okay well good to know check the tv yeah the weather's nice tomorrow rip demetrius is her dad oh really um god damn okay crops are done i guess i'm just doing this what should we do she loves cauliflower more than copper oh maybe i have some cauliflower yeah is that her favorite check the cake go fish oh yeah wood for the barn oh yeah we also need that so many things to do i think since it's raining though fishing is probably better now than chopping down trees let's go should we go to the ocean it's already 6 30 though maybe just the river or the lake oh you guys want ocean her favorite gift is cauliflower oh awesome we can give her that then cauliflower and star strawberries our favorite i don't have any strawberries i think but we definitely have cauliflower oh some stuff to get here too nice nice nice get all of these i actually haven't checked on my craft pot here either what's that starfish [ __ ] [ __ ] what do we do can i eat this oh no i can't i'll throw away the mushroom dried starfish artifact cool wait my inventory is full [ __ ] i can't even fish [ __ ] i didn't think about that i missed the rainbow shell i don't see it what am i looking for something on the left oh what that the sap rainbow shell nice oh another one well oh nice i guess that's it didn't quite work out as i planned but i did get an artifact so cool [Laughter] i guess good thing we went to the beach okay um foraging there that frees up a little bit of space um sell that one gold star seaweed what i'll just sell it oh yeah i was keeping the pepper one i'll sell the other one okay what are these very beautiful shells are they just for selling selling yeah okay cool so large eggs make mayonnaise yes no keep one cell one oh do people want it oh maybe i'll keep these two then just in case rainbow shell for community center later as well oh yes okay good good thank you guys you guys are so helpful what would i do without you did i leave any mayonnaise in here no did i already try and sleep sorry i didn't mean to interrupt okay so i can sell these um oh gold star mayonnaise we made good mayonnaise dudes okay and i'll sell the pepper i think that was it then and i'll keep the shells um i'll put them in here these maybe we can go do stuff with tomorrow only one more we have enough for one more bar god that's so scary oh i thought it was growing but probably not okay so you guys go in here speed crow can come go back because i didn't end up using it and sleep time good whoa we almost got 2k for the peppers nice day 10 we're a third in don't forget the barn yeah we need to chop some wood we have 10k holy [ __ ] what should we do oatmeal oh stuff tomorrow we're all gathering at the beach for the annual pelican town luau the highlight of the event is the communal potluck make sure you bring something good to contribute governor himself is attending the event so make sure you're on your best behavior come to the beach sometime between nine and two i need to bring a gift for the governor oh they're not done yet i think this is done yep so worried i'll cut anything else okay are these done they are nice oh money money money holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that's a lot of stuff okay that's it and then the rest is still it's getting there okay i think i think i have enough wheat or can it not be a star one must be ten of one type yeah that's what i'm worried about so like because some are gold star some are silver star they're not one type this music is ready for the day what happens if you don't water your crops do they go bad after a couple days [Music] [Applause] they don't have to be the same anymore he changed that with 1.5 oh oh wouldn't that's so nice that's a nice update yeah okay i think i did it yeah that's all watered god we hardly have anything left now we need new crops i'm so excited to sell all of this [ __ ] sweet peas they can all go the grapes should we keep the grapes i think i have two of these so bring cauliflower for tomorrow's event oh is it maru's birthday um cauliflower yeah [Music] she likes cauliflower hello my little chickens how you doing i love you all go get some fresh air outside there we go what's up beep i'll sell that i'm so excited for all that money tomorrow i've seen you in a while i've only been live for two hours oh no three it reset after two i was like yeah two two can't be right oh yeah i should get the other wheat see if i can put it in the community center golden cauliflower golden melon and a few other for a few others for event we'll get the best event tomorrow um what do you mean like should i give it to someone or bring it with me [Music] the music is great yeah hey how you doing probably growing a lot of interesting plans on your farm huh i'm trying maybe i'll stop by your place someday and check it out yeah come on over bring it to the event oh okay can i see maru it's your birthday isn't it are you enjoying the season it's been so warm this year i got you a cauliflower a birthday gift that's very kind of you i love it cool that's done nice um community center it's not this one is it what is yay it worked now we just need apples i don't know how i'm gonna get apples though god we're already a third into summer that's crazy should we grow something else oh [ __ ] you beer moonlight jellies will be here soon it's one of my favorite things about the valley [Music] buy an apple tree they're expensive well if we need three apples i don't see any other way we're gonna get them um i guess i can put hay in here how is it doing 76. great these melons they're so big um check my cave i checked on all of you guys right yeah they're so happy such a proud chicken mom you're doing so good no okay fruit trees take an entire season to grow oh wait what if i use speed grow trees don't take fertilizer they're not crops so i goofed it i can't grow apples anymore for the community center do i have to wait a whole year then traveling card could sell apples apples produce and fall oh okay oh okay so i have to wait anyway they grow in any season but they won't produce until summer plant it in the greenhouse okay so apples for later then we'll give up on them for now plant a tree now you'll get apples by the oh in time by the end of fall well pierre is closed today so we can get it tomorrow oh so we can't get it okay i am low on energy so what did we need um 300 wood was it [Music] and rock and money displeased clear and sunny tomorrow right oh yeah the luau's tomorrow maybe i'll go by the onsen bath house 350 wood okay 200 to go damn 150 rock oh okay rock we're good on rock we just need wood good good good hi b you get hungry too you still have an hour to go though i bet i'm hungrier than you are right now you didn't do bear crawls this morning he did cat crawls phoebe crawls ah this must be so nice though especially if you're like tired from working and then you just take like a warm bath like that what's up you wanted to you sniffing the bar now there's chocolate everywhere in between my teeth was i making mayonnaise see if we can get some gold star mayonnaise if we use the gold star eggs for tomorrow woodwood woodwood ah this is nice that we can take these down yeah oh yeah it's hard wood i forgot not long and it's cute okay let's do that then we'll do the event and then round up the day and then we'll be good oh that's a different one okay we have 184 it was 350 right that's a lot of trees i don't think it's worth planting outside for apple trees yeah i guess at the end of the day it doesn't really matter i'm just excited to get stuff for the community house oh we're at 3 11. we're almost there well i i kind of want cows is it cows that i get can i get a goat oh goats it's 12 30. oh i have it i'll finish this there you go perfect perfect end of the day we got the wood we got everything that's a lot [Music] um okay sleep yes the mayo does not work for tomorrow oh damn it forging forester trees drop more wood or gather chance of double harvest of forged items you guys decide because i have no idea i see a lot of gather okay thanks guys you guys help me out so much so sticky whoa 3k sorry if you can hear that 13k oh pine tar that's for the community center [Music] oh they're still not done snack asmr i hope not i usually catch a gold star super cucumber for the event what [Music] gold star crops okay so we just need our best [ __ ] basically let's see if we have gold star mayonnaise i have nothing gold star [Music] i might have some gold star foraged items i've only kept like the purple star fishes [Music] uh is it not okay let me see it might still be yes yeah okay gold star makes a gold star mayonnaise oh wait but i can't use it can i didn't you guys say that they don't want mayonnaise luau has begun at the beach mayo doesn't work oh rip large eggs makes large eggs any star makes gold star mayo oh great that's good where's my cat [Music] oh yeah oh my cat's down there what are you doing all the way down there little guy let me check my forged items not a single gold star i could do some fishing and kind of hope that i get like a gold star or something they won't be happy with fish they're happy with cauliflower god damn it i didn't know i would have to please as many people [Music] i have some silver star turnips okay i'll bring these i'm having so much fun already like it doesn't matter and there's always next year in the game right because then you can can get ready for it oh what are you selling wall palm furniture jungle decal star fruit extremely juicy fruit that grows in hot humid weather slightly sweet [Music] is that worth getting hey elliot i woke up late stepped out of the door and found myself in the middle of all this hubbub forgot that today was luau how's the farming coming along must be a busy season for you dude i've been working my ass off i'll be back here by the trees the air is a lot cooler i don't blame you governor who cares why should i care about some random old guy [Music] we do this festival every year to give the governor a taste of everything the valley has to offer oh mayor lewis hopes it will get the governor on our good side that's why he's so neurotic about the way the soup tastes aha line has eaten slow continuous rotation is the key to achieving the perfect roast cutie whatever linus is roasting smells awfully good yeah i kind of like maru i think since i can't romance linus or gus i think maru is very sweet so far good thing i came with sunscreen i wonder if mario could use some sunscreen on her shoulders no she can't i hope the soup is good this year put some fresh vegetables from my garden into the communal soup pot nice free buffet one of the perks of living here enjoy it kid ronnie if you brought something for the soup climb the stairs on the other side and throw it in oh is that what we're doing these blasted sand flies keep landing on the food [Music] wow you don't get the hot pepper chutney like this in the big city oh they're dancing this is tiring honey are you ready to visit the buffet you stepped on my foot there she's unresponsive she's having a good time oh you guys out here that music too loud can't have a little peace and quiet to enjoy the ocean the smell of the ocean takes me back many years long before you were born damn vincent isn't a good dancer i'm bored i would dance but i don't want to get sweaty perfect weather for a beach party that's true one year sam put a pound of anchovies in the potluck soup oh ever wondered why sam leads the town in community service hours no she's also very cute abigail it's tiring to socialize with everyone i'd rather watch the sea oh she's like me maybe i do like her oh dude's down there [Music] the mirror people are curious about your festivities they become upset when you litter into the ocean i never do [Music] i'm the one cleaning up all the [ __ ] um there's willy hi there goobers taking a breather to tell you the truth i'd rather be fishing right now same dude same [Music] so how many things do i put in the potluck ah clint [Music] i'm full but what else is there to do besides eat that's a mood should i talk to the governor a lovely occasion it's always a joy to visit stardew valley i must speak to the missus about purchasing a vacation home here oh nice um lewis is always the one we talked to at the end right just one thing [Music] we have silver star grape or mushy or cauliflower yeah i'm gonna go with the mushroom because that's a new thing how do i put it in i don't have a bar wait how does it work oh you add a chanterelle to the soup [Music] look sharp the governor's here for the annual visit if you brought something for the potluck make sure to add it to the soup cauldron i did should we move forward with the luau the governor seems a little hungry okey-doke i hope he likes my mushroom where am i well folks time once again for the potluck ceremony i trust that you all put a high quality ingredients in the pot this year we don't want the governor to regret the visit to the valley where am i standing well governor would you do us the honor of tasting the soup oh here i am of course i've been looking forward to this all year here this is me ah that's a very pleasant soup the produce from this valley never disappoints [Music] mmm tasty you all did very well today now who else wants some soup me me me me me that one soup the luau was a success good thing i brought something tasty for the soup time to head home sponsored by chat ah we did it 10 p.m okay i watered everything i think i can sell these two peppers that i have on me um with two of those so i can sell these i can sell these i'll put the mushroom back here the cauliflower mushrooms in the other one because it's foraging okay so i think tomorrow then in the game tomorrow i'll finish up the oh yeah with pine tar we can go get the barn should i check mayonnaise yeah mayonnaise there baby sleeping okay i think that was good good day put some mayo in there time for sleep let's see what tomorrow rings don't forget to put food out of them for when it's raining yeah for sure well that's not too bad day 12 already a third in that's crazy so we do about 10 days per stream almost 14k it's [ __ ] raining i guess i couldn't have done it yesterday anyway [ __ ] [ __ ] this rain it never comes when i need it to thunder and lightning is expected oh so it's raining tomorrow as well yeah forecast for tomorrow storm approaching okay so please remind me when we stream next time we have to get the water can upgrade immediately um we'll do that next stream and then we'll just take it from there we might get a barn might do that we have to get more stuff to grow because my garden is running on empty water can upgrade makes life much easier yeah i can imagine no kitty i need to give you a little heart oh no not tv no not the tv [ __ ] [Laughter] um i'll run some credits and then that'll be it for today ah that was great though so fun so fun to stream this you lead me
Channel: Gab Smolders
Views: 190,077
Rating: 4.9760361 out of 5
Keywords: girl gamer, survival horror, gameplay, playthrough, full playthrough, walkthrough, girl playing, gamer girl, girlgamergab, gg gab, stardew valley, first time playing, fishing, farming, ConcernedApe, stardew valley steam, steam, forest farm
Id: ClejY0vkzYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 50sec (8570 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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