My First Internet Date (Story) - MiGhTy MoNdAy

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imagine if you will the year 2009 i'm in my baller 1996 toyota corolla forest green and i'm pulling up to my first ever internet date but no she doesn't want to come meet me outside she tells me to come in the house so i open the door and what's waiting for me tuesday hey that's right i cliff hanged you on the last dating video and of course today it's time to talk about my worst first dates i've ever had it's story time baby and if you haven't seen part one i am 90 percent sure this is a fake profile we were gonna meet at a park went to the park they respond i'm here too i'm looking around the park oh no i told you the wrong part this is getting much weirder and they say i see you and i looked around and i saw someone so i turn and i look and and it's a girl but i think nah nah no way but then i gotta look again and you know what damn it it's her we wave but then she comes in and she does this weird uh cheek kiss thing that throws me off guard and i think i asked her how her day is going and she responds with just a a laugh what is going on so then i suggest for the first date why don't we walk in a random direction in this park how the turns have tabled now i'm the creepy one and we walk and attempt to talk because i learn she can't speak good english oh man but she was cute though from there we attempted to talk i used the three sentences of spanish that i learned from high school we enjoyed the park had a pretty normal first date got in the car went to kfc she spilled gravy all over her pants and then i took her home but she was cute so we continued to talk and i have never downloaded duolingo so fast in my life as far as i know she went back to mexico but man she was cute i wonder what happened to her now the worst first date i ever had which just so happens to be the first online date i ever had the year i believe was 2009. i think we started talking and met on a website that looked a lot like myspace and at the age of i think i was 19 or 20 you could say i was in probably uh a phase we talked for a week and everything seems pretty cool she seems cute she seems kind of like shy but that that was fine at the time i kind of was too this is way before i realized that i was an extroverted person i just had a lot of [ __ ] holding me back so i asked her if she wants to go see a movie hang out for a little bit she says okay first red flag i got was maybe that i need to be home by 10 pm because at the time i was 19 or 20 i'm thinking like i'm home free i'm an adult now everybody's adults now [Music] uh so why do you gotta be back at 10 p.m i did not ask further questions she says come pick me up at my house i say fine i pull up at the spot [Laughter] i'm so late and she says oh can you come in and i was apprehensive at best i knock on the door the door opens and who is it oh i don't know take a wild guess the entire family all of it i'm talking mom dad aunt brothers sisters you real babies and they're all sitting at a giant dining room table waiting for me i've never wanted to turn around like michael jackson and [ __ ] step out of there so bad in my entire life and i gotta be honest i don't even think that man said anything to me he just held the door open and then turned around such a badass dad thing to do and i stood there in the doorway and i waited for what felt like three days three days later as the entire family stared at me without saying a thing i remember i was not very extroverted back then so i didn't say anything either now this is a very hard story for me to tell because i hate being mean to anybody i do not enjoy picking on other people but this situation was so comically ridiculous that i felt like ashton kutcher would pop his ass out somewhere the girl comes down the stairs i'm thinking she she's gonna be she's gonna be like done up because of how long it took she's just wearing jeans and a t-shirt back then i was like a [ __ ] five out of ten and i was still a little bit annoyed she did not really look like her pictures at all and i just immediately had this very very very strange vibe about everything everything just had this weird vibe to it she smiles but doesn't say anything to me and the dad says she's gotta be home in an hour and i said okay and the first thing i say to her is are we gonna see a movie in an hour and be back and she says oh don't worry about it [ __ ] i'm worried we get in the car and the first thing i immediately notice is that [ __ ] it i'm just gonna say it she had really bad breath to the point where it was maybe unhealthy and i know you know what i'm talking about when someone has like i'm talking clinical halitosis when they have that um that like it's almost like a doctor's office smell i know you know what i'm talking about i asked her what movie do you want to see or do you want to do something else we only have an hour and she just goes i don't care oh and so we're both super introverted we don't say anything and the whole time she just kind of smiles but refuses to talk just does not want to interact with me whatsoever but has this face on like she's having that time of our life and i'm just sweating bullets and i start sweating even more because as we approach the theater i'm looking up at the movies that are on demand that are that are on show and i am praying like an asian person i guess that she does not want to see anything scary because i am a man but i also have a plan and my plan is not to see scary movies i do not like anything horror related and i say well what do you want to catch and she says that one and she points up and i'll never forget i'll never forget the name of that movie she picked hold on i gotta look it up the last exorcism i gulped i said okay i bought a small popcorn and we went in there now this date was already screwed okay i already had accepted defeat on this date so when i got in there the movie started playing she looked very excited good for her i crossed one of my legs over the side put my hand up like this and i kind of watched it through my fingers not even care about being embarrassed about this at this point because i already knew i was i never wanted to see this girl again well i don't know why i paid for the movie i don't know why i did any of this stuff i was just so i was already so obliged i think there was a part of me that still wanted her to have a good time she struck me as a type of girl strict family probably doesn't get to have a good time very often maybe it's the best time she's had in a long time there was a part of me that was like whatever let's it's only gonna be like an hour after about an hour of this absolute nightmare i remember leaning into her not that close and and saying you know it's been like an hour and she goes oh it's okay no explanation why and i said i could go to the bathroom i she probably thought i was gonna leave then and there which would have been bad because i had the car so i mean maybe she maybe she was not smart enough and i go to the bathroom for you know i hang out i hang out for maybe like i don't know 20 minutes something like that i sneak back in it's like kind of feel like the end of the movie it finishes and i'm and i just look at her and i'm just like whoo that's a scary movie and i don't think she said anything back to me oh this was so weird all the memories are coming as i'm as i'm as i'm telling the story all the memories are coming back it's so vivid and i said okay like should we we should go home now right and she just she just goes oh don't worry about it and i'm like what do you mean don't worry about it i said what do you what do you want to do she goes i don't know at this point i know i'm getting annoyed because i look over the side we're in the parking lot i'm like there's a mall over there you just go go in the mall you wanna buy some [ __ ] she says okay so we go in the mall and then we're walking through the mall i'm expecting her to see something see a store do this do that pull me in a direction we go do something she start talking maybe never happens you know what we do we go in the mall we walk to the other side of the mall we come back i try making conversation two or three times nothing comes back and the whole time i'm i'm in my brain all my cogs are turning i'm like what is going on what's happening is she like does she need special care like who what who is this girl what is happening i don't even know to think about anything i get like assertive i'm like we should go we should take you home now and she goes okay and i park next to the house and i stop i remember she said something like thanks thanks for uh thanks for the good time or something something like really innocent but also like kind of like robot like like a alien like she was some kind of [ __ ] alien girl learning how humans work and said something like thanks for the good time and smile and i said yeah no problem she got out of the car and started walking up to her door and before she could even crack that door open i was gone i was [ __ ] i was i was so gone and i never online dated again actually i lied to you another reason why my energy's been so high lately is because my newest partnership i can finally announce what i've been using on my workout plan the last four months and it is some of your boys mighty mango gg energy this stuff is not your [ __ ] gamer boyfriend's energy powder it's an energy product for people like you and me i've been using it for four months before announcing my sponsorship because i wanted to make sure i liked it any day that i'm not taking pre-workout which is not very good for your body i'm using this stuff no calories it's a nootropic blend so you got the b vitamins and the healthy crap for your body and i told them not to pay me money i told them to pay you money in the form of gift cards we're doing a big giveaway we're doing a sweet sweepstakes that's a hard word to say we're going to sleep steaks there's going to be five third place winner three second place winners and there's gonna be one first place winner who's gonna get a 50 gift card a whole flavor of their choice a shaker cup free samples of other flavors and a t-shirt also uh the first hundred people that go to their site and use kugo free as a code are gonna get free energy powder with no shipping costs no nothing free everything so go quick hugo free for the first hundred people and then code kugo is going to get you a discounted price on everything else prove it to you we're going to do a good old dry scoop try this at home [Music] my sponsor said don't try that gamer subs saved my youtube channel gg energy cured my kovid 19. okay i'm bleeding it's just gave her stuff suck on that so thank you so much for coming in on another mighty monday another story time if you like this maybe we'll do these more often i hope you enjoyed it as always take deep breaths smile and stay
Channel: Kugo the Mighty
Views: 15,059
Rating: 4.9781303 out of 5
Keywords: Kugo the Mighty, mighty monday, kugo girlfriend, kugo vlog, kugo wife, kugo divorce, kugo, kugo's new girlfriend, reading comments, channel update, kugo mexico, first date, dating, date story, dating story, worst date, best date, first kiss, worst dating, story, mighty, monday, dad, her dad, love story, story reaction, love story reaction, life lesson, life lessons, life story, life stories, dating advice, date advice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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