My first "films" sucked

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P pictures kiss glitter yeah this is my very first hard drive that I used when I first started film making back in 2016 so about eight years ago and it contains the contents of all my first films when I was first starting so I wanted to open this up and and show you my first films and kind of Reminisce a bit and there's a couple reasons I want to do so plug this thing in needs a little dongle H Dicky all right let's let's open her up and see what's inside I haven't looked inside in so long uh not quite sure why it's not opening up in finder but who knows I think the bulk of what we want to see is here in videos let's see here oh man I haven't looked in this thing in so long all right here's a good one this this this is the first video I ever made when I like decided I was going to try and make like quote unquote cinematic type videos and I was learning on YouTube and and figuring all of this out shooting on my Nikon D7100 that I got I I think from my dad I've not seen this in quite some time so let's check it out nice little countdown ew why is why is the opening shot closeup shot of's big toe with a blister on it this Frame ratees all over the place I definitely exported this Z like 60 frames per second the The Cutting makes no sense see and love is an act of surrender to another person just like a corny pop song Just copyrighted the crap out of it like if if someone walked out to me and show me that this was their very first video they've ever made I would I would think that they had some good potential just based off of some of the exposure the I guess just like the you know there's a sense of feeling in this video it's not all there not all connecting the dots but there's some good composition choices that's a cool shot I'll stop that before the I get a copyright strike on this video so before we watch more like what prompted me wanting to open up my first hard drive is I have a new intern now his name is Vinnie cologne oh here's his Instagram here you can you can say hello to him but incredible kid reminds me of myself when I was first graduating college a former athlete and we're working on some of his first videos which are really great for for for starting out and uh I know I noticed like when he's showing me the videos he's U you know very disclaimer and like you know he he's kind of like almost embarrassed to show me what he's made and the one thing I told him was like dude like you should see my first films like you're pretty much already way further ahead than my first films were when I was first starting out so I don't know I just wanted to like crack that open and Jog my memory of what those first films actually looked like let's check out a couple more videos here here here's one that I think is worth a watch there little time [Music] [Applause] lapse it doesn't look bad like composition is good uh blowing out the highlights a little bit Focus isn't great that's a nice looking shot this is with my nighton why I want to show this video is like my first like little speck at it I wanted to do like I was like oh man like if my dream was to one day shoot for Nike uh so I was like I just got these Nike running shoes I'm just going to go out and make like a short little film by myself and fil myself in these Nikes and make like a Nike commercial and I put it on my website and I had had it in my little reel and I showed it to a ton of people uh and I'm pretty sure this like eventually did get me some like paid gigs with some athletes and and some local like a sporting good store type places what else do I have on here oh my God first day of life so this is the first video I ever shared with the world uh before that Nike video probably after that first speach video I made a video about me quitting my job I basically just like spent the last couple days at this like lame like Marketing sales job that I had making a video about me and just like hating it and wanting to pursue something else and potentially pursue this it's a cool frame starting out title needs some work there this little sound design out of focus I remember standing here that's me for so long and just like cuz I wanted the effective people coming out it's a good idea good shot concept again a copyrighted song just made this video for myself geez but if it does inspire anyone or something Millennial s uh then great the the voice over clearly was just recorded from the mic on my laptop sounds terrible to some cool time lapses of the city and you might think that I'm being dramatic and I'm stupid but to me it's the first step in chasing VI version of the dream that everyone breaks about called that money will stare at screens all day look at this this is actual footage from inside my first job really truly matters look at look at Danny in the button up as long as I'm alive I'm going to live like people should and I Know It's a Grind I know there's not just these are cool shots man and you just got to keep going I'm scared right now I am I don't know where I'm going I don't know exactly what it is I wouldn't be doing but all I know is that I'm going to do it damn when was this video made uh October 28th 2016 is when that video was made it sucks like it's technically speaking like there's a lot wrong with it but like you can just like I don't know just watching that like you can tell like I'm like someone who could like had the potential to make you feel something like I just felt something watching that I don't know if it's because it was me and like because I'm watching my old self like at a time where I was actually like super scared about what I wanted to do in my life and I wasn't sure what was going to work out and here I am sitting here and like it is freaking working out like ah man am I about to tear up in a YouTube video Jesus Christ on the worst I'm so emotional sometimes I don't know just like maybe it's cracking into this hard drive it's just crazy seeing where where I started and like I just went out and did it and I made so many videos and like I never let up just like became Relentless with like my learning and film making and going out and shooting and posting stuff online and it's gotten me to this point where I am today where I get to you know do whatever I want like every single day it's like the coolest thing ever and like I've made a movie I've made countless documentaries and like I get to inspire people day in and day out YouTube's like really hard I don't know what this video is turning into right now but like YouTube is so hard I was talking to someone about this the other day like I I absolutely hate just like putting myself out there like on the internet constantly for like strangers to judge me but like I don't have the personality like I'm I'm not the personality that wants to be in front of the camera like I just like making my projects but I know that I have to keep doing it it's important to keep doing it because of videos like that and like uh people like you I know it helps a lot of people and inspires a lot of people to do this thing that is so hard and uh so challenging to convince your friends and family that it's a good idea to to chase this stuff um I don't know what I'm trying to get at but I don't know I just got emotional watching that I'm glad we're doing this I'm glad we opened this up teach a man the fish I don't even know what this is a really short short by Danny GS I used to just like always go out and like just go and make stuff like doesn't matter what it was doesn't matter if I had a story or like I I just wanted to make stuff and like practice what I've been learning on the internet and and I don't know I just like had this thirst for for creating at this time and the really short shorts made me want to keep creating teach the Finish it's like I'm going to mute this it's just copyrighted I can't like I can't I can't I don't want to risk getting this video cut down yeah this just a great great little video of my friend fishing my best friend Matt this is a good looking shot look at the exposure suck the color out of the sky really nice angles man Danny you're doing it dude you're learning man and what else is on here ory oh calm yourself what is this this is the first music video I ever made and January 18th 2017 he's going or he is going to kill me for playing [Music] this or is like an incredible musician now i' I've done some music videos later on my channel they're way better we actually know what we're doing his music's way better he's going to hate me for for showing this but this when he was like 15 recordes suck for me I only tried to r view before but now I see the views outside and realize what theic again like I just wanted to make a music video for the first time I had never done it but I knew I wanted to learn how to make music videos so I just reached out to this young artist on Instagram uh named Orie who was local to where I lived and uh we made this music video and I was pump we were pumped on it at the time and we're excited now like ory and I are such good friends now and we still keep in touch and I don't know it's it's cool to grow with people so this video right here uh I went to like this rickets Glenn which is like a waterfall thing around where I live with Anna I remember sharing this and this being like one of the First videos where where people were really interested in my work and say that like looks cinematic and beautiful uh and I this is around the time where I felt like I was like starting to get a grasp on the fundamentals of film making especially like in camera settings and and just feeling free to go out and create yeah I don't know I feel like you get the point I think I think if you're a young person taking anything away from this video it's uh just make stuff man doesn't matter if it's good just learn your stuff's going to suck at the beginning you'll just gradually get better and better and better and better and better and you never stop learning you never stop getting better I still look at some of the films I I made month a couple months ago and I look at them and you know I I wish I would have done things differently and that just kind of motivates me inspires me to go forward and make the next ones you waking up somebody's waking up which means that we're going to have to take her out and go potty soon yeah cool hope that was a fun little side video shooting a music video soon going going to post a behind the scenes uh shooting a documentary which we'll have a behind theen scenes and I'll post actual project uh I did a couple of product release videos for some some Global brands for some really cool products that uh I'll hopefully be able to share on this channel soon yeah keep going out making stuff love [Music] you
Channel: Danny Gevirtz
Views: 38,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmmaking, camera, video, film, how to, beginner, tutorial, tips, lighting, peter mckinnon, matti haapoja, learn, youtube, sony, fx3, canon, videography, documentary, create, director, cinematographer, cinematography, directing, films, movie, cinema, color grading, short film
Id: PHvhfMA07io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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