Updated gear setup [solo crew doc filmmaking]

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[Music] we are talking about lots of gear today I've never seen my desk so messy over the years I have been doing a lot of documentary shooting and have come to find a kit that I like I'm not saying this is the best kit I've done past videos like this and you'll see that there's a lot of similarities to still what I'm using but the point of this video is to show you not only what I'm using but to talk about finding what works for you there is no one perfect kit but there's a kit out there that you like that you know how to use best so that probably is the perfect kit for you now this kit that I'm going to be talking about is not only just what I've updated on my fx6 but it's kind of all the other gear that I'm using in my life we've been shooting a bunch of feature docks right now we're taking some of the projects to Netflix we'll see what happens with those so you know this is the type of Kit I'm using to go to those streamers without further Ado there is so much gear to get through so let's jump into this and this video is brought to you by art list more on that in a bit let's talk about my goofy audio setup here here's what I like when I'm by myself I use these senheiser IE 100 Pros I like them cuz I can not only just leave them dangling here like a goof but uh they plug my ears which is really important for a few reasons one when you're filming music concerts I like that they act as earplugs cuz when you're by the drummers it destroys your ears but then also I don't have to hear all the other chaos going around I can really focus on knowing what's happening with my audio like I can barely hear myself I just hear that weird internal voice oh my head is filled with voices when you he your ears are plugged and everything sounds like you're underwater now the key for this is I get a splitter one goes to my headphones the other goes to a Bluetooth adapter and what happens is then our producer or whoever else is on set someone who's there for free so usually a producer cuz they're just standing around we'll give him some Bluetooth headphones and then I put this Velcro on here the senheiser ewdp pack talk about all my gear set up on the top here in a sec have that vord on I send that to this little pack here this little pack is Wireless so it's going to the ewd pack it screws into a XLR setup and then what's amazing is it also has a little slot for a Micro SD so this is recording 32-bit float but then what happens is we get our airpod Pros here they connect to this Bluetooth boom bingo bango producer can take his phone calls or whatever if he wants but then he walks around and he acts as out sound person and so Tad is getting extra audio for us for anyone who's on set who doesn't have seem to have a mic on them so we have this going that's one channel of audio that's going in here via XLR then our other XLR goes to another 416 here we also use the Shep's mic it's that blue one it's about a 3,00 000 mic so we only have one of those but we have lots of 416s they run for about 1,000 they're amazing they're very close to the sheps very very good mic but then I love to use this Sony hot shoe adapter here that has two channels of audio so then I get these packs these Sony packs I throw out the mics although the mics are pretty good from the Sony's but what I rather use is then the cause 11s so I get two of these CA 11s attach them to our main characters if I want I can get a third wireless audio pack but what's happening into this one camera is four channels of audio me get rid of these if you want a full micing tutorial I just released one and I go through kind of all the devices I use there's two different clips I recommend for mics uh these are all from sanken and reat this black one here I like to put on the over covers stick them to people's shirts or when I'm filming with a female and she has a bra I will ask her to clip this little piece on here use this one cuz it can just cinch onto a bra and it's just easier rather than asking a woman to have to stick something to a shirt I say hey just go to the little hinge in there I turn around she can put that on it's easy and it sounds great the C 11 is one of the best mics out there so there's my audio setup moving on to lenses this is fun I am using the new 28 to 45 by Sigma and I am frakin loving this lens it is a 1.8 and has clickable aperture ratings this to me might be the perfect documentary lens yeah I would like maybe a little extra distance going past 45 but I'm often shooting on a 24 mil anyways so it gets close enough to that wide angle but then I can punch in quickly to get that reaction on someone's face I'm starting to use this a lot I'm going down to Texas to continue shooting on another feature dock going to be using that a ton on there also paired with my 28 to 45 is the new Sigma 24 to70 again click apertures I love that sometimes on my camera I'm going off the top of the handle and so I can't get to the aperture setting where when I'm shooting on my fx3 and I have the side grip I can just do aperture but that's why I often am doing manual focus and so I just like my hand right there it feels like a true Cinema lens just to be able to have the clickable aperture I like Stills lenses I do like cine lenses but when I'm shooting by myself Stills lenses are so great because the focus throw is so short you can really just move it quickly where when I'm working with my sitting lenses you have to go through almost a full 360 rotation to go from Infinity to short focus and who doesn't love that sound that's the sound of bouquet being born bah bokeh comment below what do you think bah bokeh B and all this gear you're seeing I've been using on the projects we're developing and what I mean by developing is in order to get funding you have to shoot kind of a teaser or a trailer to take it to the producers or the funders or the streamers to show that hey we actually have a viable project and one of those things you need in teasers is good voice over sometimes my voice just can't suffice it feels weird putting my voice into them boy has no skill actually came across a tool recently that artless showed me and it was the solution for our teasers we've been using this in the projects that we're developing when we're taking it to people like Netflix and Amazon Prime have actually been using this new tool it's their voiceover tool that you can click here and what's incredible is there's this whole catalog of different voiceovers hello I'm going to take over from Mark for a bit I'm an AI generated voice over actor just type in what you need me to say here and hit generate there's a huge variety of us in the artless catalog you can even manipulate my emotional range and style you could build an entire commercial just using the stock footage music sound effects and voiceovers from art List's catalog these voiceovers have been generated by professional voiceover actors they're exclusive to Art list so you won't hear them from other cataloges and they're included in your art list Max subscription and if you don't have an art list Mac subscription you can upgrade to use them but I love talking about tools that we're actually using to achieve our films that's why I'm talking about all this gear today and the art list voiceover tool is something that we've been now integrating into our entire workflow and go check that out I left the link below for a little discount on an art list subscription thank you art list for supporting this video and go check that out go make some fun voiceovers please mark stop pretending you dislike Marvel movies we all know you watch the Avent Avengers when you're [Music] alone what else do I want to show you on here oh yeah this is an update I got rid of my V mounts part of that was that I busted this off one of the screws and I decided to go back to just the Nano BPU batteries here and I've kind of been like yeah that's the move I did like the weight and the size and the form factor of the V mounts But ultimately this is providing the same amount of output as most of the V mounts that I had so just easier to travel with also too I'm always going through airport security and when they see the V mounts they get all scared these batteries were just easier to use my monitor hasn't changed much I'm still using the cine 7 I do really love the 7 in cuz it's just so easy to see focus and see your Lut but sometimes a 5-in monitor is a bit better rest in peace is the action five I don't think they're making it anymore this was a fun one but they now have the Indie 5 that I highly recommend I'm also using the port keys bm5 on my fx9 right now to see myself one of the other reasons I use the C7 is we're often attaching this this terod DEC module to our other C7 and then we have a director's monitor on set and the connection on this is amazing it rarely drops out there's barely any latency I really love this it has these great handles we use this on Commercial shoots all the time what's great is then I just add a module to the back of this that has the wireless antennas and it just connects really easy so that I don't have to change anything on here I don't have to add any more pter deex I'm I'm just adding this other module onto the C7 it's Flawless 1 hour later jeez I just finished the video and there's one last piece of gear that I need to tell you about CU I know many of you are going to ask I always forget to talk about this it is one is I use a very thin HDMI cable who makes this Nano second that's actually my favorite HDMI cable very easy to work with and they've never burnt out on me but is my ultra light arm setup here for my monitor everyone's always asking me about this it's called ultral light I don't know where to buy them there's a store here in Toronto called gear Source I believe but it was like an inperson store you can't order online from them you have to be there but this monitor bracket I use it's my favorite by far it has these two little prongs that keep the monitor from twisting it's the best but then there is the universal speedball adapter from mid49 this is one of my favorite adapters because it has this little lever here that you pull up to fasten it down even tighter onto your actual camera to me this is the most sturdy setup I love this long bracket here with the ultral light arm I can also then just like flip this up if I need to cables might not be ready to do that but I can flip this up if I ever need to have the monitor higher just a really quick setup here this has always been my go-to setup I've used this now for probably 8 years but check out ultral light I do know wooden camera has some of their own like this but no one has this monitor bracket this is unique to ultral light I'm pretty sure try and find their stuff online it's tough to find maybe I should make my own or maybe mid49 wood I don't know if there's a patent on that mid 49 if you're watching this you should couldn't do this video without mentioning that cuz there's going to get lots of those in the comments I'll try and find a link for it I'll do my best I'm sorry it's tough to find this gear 24 mil look at that it's really wide got my polar Pro quartz line heavy Mist I use the polar Pro heavy Mist but I kind of feel like the polar Pro heavy mist is just like a half missed by most other companies I'll show you here let's get a cool shot with this new lens ooh this is Moody you can just see that there's some of that nice halation or that blooming in the corners of the screen door there to me it's not overdone although I'm adding more H in post these days I love the way people like Lance oppenheim push their images especially first film sperm world I've been doing that more with my films trying to test that out if you saw the Prodigy that I put here on YouTube we really pushed the Hali and the grain enough that a lot of people complained but that's kind of the point of film making is to try new things what I like with the polar Pros too is they come in 77 mil and 82 so I've been buying those rather than using steep Rings cuz sometimes step Rings get stuck to your filters I think I got the 82 on here right now we're missed in that shooting n log to using the MB Sony cine L you can get this l in my L pack that's down below o what else do we got here you've heard me talk about this one before the baby blower it's for your lenses it's USBC powered sucks in air here and shoots it just a nice little thing to have handy works for a lot of things actually used it to clean my room raid recently cuz my RAID was so dusty also got this little bag here this is where I keep all my audio gear keep all your audio gear in one place so that you can quickly check if you have everything nothing's worse than when you're missing lavs so I can quickly open this up and see do I have both lavs both packs and all my stickies everything else I need I'm always forgetting gear still using the polar Pro Peter McKinnon v&d 2 to5 on my Vlog camera setup I have not changed this in 5 years since I started YouTube well I changed the camera body but the second the fx3 came out started using that for vlogging still use my G Master 16 to35 and I throw the 2 to5 Mist V andd on the front and I always use my MK 600 my favorite mic for vlogging boom and when I have to I use the Joby gorilla pod it's mediocre but it works here's a key thing for you to have in your kit these Mac doesn't have to be Mac what are these are is this little patch and you dab these little is that that's like a blot pad these are great when someone is really sweaty on set I know it was like 107 fenhe outside in Texas and we were doing an interview with Chris Williamson and he showed up and I forgot to have these in my pack should have had them I forgot to pack my little makeup kit here I like keeping in my makeup kit some Q-tips just to help dab if people have stuff or maybe a booger I always keep a little MAC makeup kit or this not Mac but whoever of different skin tones just to quickly help dab on people's face you want people to look good on camera that's your responsibility as well as the filmmaker so you don't have to be a makeup artist but keep some of this in here makes people feel really supported when you're like hey just let me do a little blot there I want to make you look as best as possible on camera you look beautiful already but let's make you look even more beautiful other quick things air tag all my gear everything I even air tag my passport this is really cool this is from free well this oh that's sound one more time this is a card carrier you can put all your cards in there I got my type A in there but then it also doubles as a card reader what a time to be alive still all my downloads when I'm on set are going to these These are the crucial X10 Pros I like the 4 tbte version these things are so fast so reliable shock proof I think they're a little bit water resistant dust proof these are great I actually use these often on my I phone as well just to plug it in and then I can shoot prored and I just like hold it has this little rubber on the back so it like actually sticks to the phone really well and then that's how I shoot a lot of my proor or my Raw photos I just go straight to this off the iPhone super super handy journaling I use the MD notebook not MB I know I'm MB why I like it lays flat look at that lays flat no matter which side of the page you're on it's a little thing it's made in Japan I like it this is what I write with these I actually have aod notebooks as well if you want to get those off our store or just email us info aod if you want an aod notebook or an aod hat shopo what am I reading this is by Peter Scaro emotionally healthy spirituality I love Peter Scaro he's an incredible leader and gifted Communicator really enjoy this book I read that every day before I go to work last piece of gear I guess I would mention is my chotch block it's a simple thing has two USB cables so I always have one for my iPhone and one for my laptop I always pack this so that I always have an iPhone charger rather than having one char charger for my iPhone and one charger for my laptop and laptop I'm still just using the M1 Max here I'm waiting till they do the M5 I think that's going to be coming to laptops in 2025 from what I've read on rumors this thing is still Brute Force I'm still editing on Adobe Premiere but if you want me to do a whole video talking about my editing setup I just got a 170 tbte qap raid I'm editing on a Mac Pro that setup's amazing with the Apple display monitor uh you know I still have my iMac back there but that's going to be moving to the other office I'm going to move my Mac Pro out here and really make it my full editing station Go full on in that oh one more thing I've been shooting on this Polaroid space station sent me this this has been fun you can actually put filters on here and make them all colorful so we use that for our events to capture some beautiful images of the team there's my gear setup leave some comments below stuff you'd like to know more about I'll try to leave some affiliate links here if you want to support this channel go check check out art list they also have just amazing stock footage these days in an incredible Library so thank you for that I hate goodbyes but I love I love my team they're the best people I just love the people I work with it's all about who you work with if you're going to do all this working all day work with people you like and I really do like my team thank you everyone love working with you and I appreciate you too for making it this far if you made it this far leave the iPhone Emoji so I know that you're going to get an air tag for your stuff and you don't have to use an iPhone ever phone you want okay thank you for watching this love you guys hopefully I'm record oh I am recording got nervous there much love [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mark Bone
Views: 25,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sony fx30, dynamic range, sony camera, sony fx3, sony fx30 review, sony fx30 vs fx3, sony fx30 video test, sony fx30 low light, sony fx3 short film, sony fx30 vs fx30b, sony camera for photography, mark bone, mark bone documentary, mark bone fx6, mark bone helios, mark bone storytelling, sony burano, documentary bts, film school, cam, how to, camera gear, documentary filmmaking, matti haapoja, full camera gear, full camera rig, full frame best camera
Id: pzktIyA9osY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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