My First Card Counting Trip (Solo)!

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so it started on Thursday I woke up and I got on the road the drive wasn't too bad the drive was pretty easy um one thing you start to learn as you start to count cards more and more driving is a huge part of it unless you just like have you know a lot of cops and you can just get casinos to fly you or get you places I got there was super pumped got in the parking lot got out walked up to the casino walked in everything was going good and there was only two tables open both of those tables were full so I left and I went to the gym I went to Planet Fitness um haven't been to a commercial gym in a while it's really weird experience but got to work out came back an hour later tables were open and I could play I sat down I bought in for about 300 playing well everything was fine the first couple of shoes I won I was up probably a hundred to maybe 200 at that point and then I had a shoe that definitely sticks out to where I had lost everything I had gained plus everything I bought in with after I bought in for another hundred dollars I started winning endlessly and then I was up probably 300 at that point then for the next two three hours I floated around that up 300 to 200 range maybe dropping down to being only up a hundred dollars and just like staying in there right since nobody in the casino really knows what I'm doing they all just assume I'm bad at Blackjack which is really ironic it's really crazy so I go outside I eat some lunch in my car I I am destroying the food in my car every time I go outside to eat a snack if somebody come look [ __ ] gross oh my God I feel like a [ __ ] rabbit trying to eat as fast as I can so I can go back inside and and get more Eevee the more time you play theoretically the more money you can make because that's the more Eevee card counting is all about EV not AV Eevee is your estimated value AV is your actual value right every game you play has an estimated value your Eevee I have an hourly EV on the game that I was playing of about anywhere anywhere from thirty four dollars to forty dollars it's more advantageous for a card counter no matter what to just play more right the whole point is to get hours in not to you know oh I made a thousand dollars now I can leave no it's okay I played as many hours as I can play and I know if I keep playing I'm probably gonna start making mistakes and I don't want that because that's when I'm going to lower my EV and start losing money so guess what now I'll leave or you know I'm just done playing and I don't feel like playing anymore so there's a lot of ways to mess up or lower your Eevee but I'm gonna go over too either one you make mistakes and when you make mistakes you're not playing perfectly and if you're not playing perfectly you're messing up your EV and probably losing money second way to mess up your EV is for the dealer to make a mistake because a lot of time dealers Miss pay they'll accidentally pay you more or they'll count the cards wrong dealers can make mistakes too they're human and that's fine you just need to be ready to catch it I had a dealer probably her first couple of weeks in she didn't realize that if I get insurance correct and I insure up to half the bet that I get all the money back for anybody who doesn't know What insurances insurance is a bet in blackjack when the dealer has an ace up you're betting that they have Blackjack and if you're right you get all of your money back if you bet the maximum in insurance which is half the bet that you place down so instead of just letting her play and you know trying to convince her I called Over The Pit Boss because I'm not playing with my money dealer had Blackjack and I got all my money so I went out got chipotle ate it as fast as I could my stomach was hurting so bad I walked back in there is a table that has the first three seats are full and then there's a seat open a lady and then the last seat is open and I was like well my bed spread requires me to bet with two hands so I'm sure I can just ask her to you know slide over so I can bet to your hands when I when it comes that time for me she's just like no I'm gonna play two hands and the count keeps rising and I'm like okay this is gonna happen and I'm gonna need to play that spot I was like do you mind if I just play it until you're you're ready to play two hands she's like no we're we're going we're getting good and I was like oh [ __ ] because we had we we kept winning hands and right so when you're winning hands when you're at a casino and you're playing with gamblers and you're winning hands at a table like you win like five six hands in a row they don't want you to change anything right because if I add in a hand they're gonna say I throw off the rhythm of the cards and we're gonna lose and I know that's not how it works but they don't know that's how it works right and she doesn't play two hands and I'm just like well I can't play this so I'm gonna get up she doesn't play two hands because she wants to play two hands she's playing the spot before the last seat so if somebody gets up she can play two hands and not throw off the rhythm of the cards for a second I was like oh my God this lady is so dumb but then I thought about I was like if I was if what if I was the person who was gambling and she was a card counter like how is she supposed to know you know so at that point I was like that's enough gambling [ __ ] for me for one day I'm gonna go to sleep so I went to sleep in this trash hotel room woke up 7 A.M and went right back to the casino now this this was great now I got there I was the first one there right and then probably the third to last or second to last show I played I had 700 in chip to start probably wasn't the highest I had been on the trip but it was it was fine like that was good I had lost about 500 through the entire shoe I was just losing after a deck in the count shoots up we're already at a true four so I'm just playing playing Max bet after Max bet after Max bet and I'm losing right I'm losing sometimes catching insurance I'm losing surrendering winning and winning one hand out of three and I'm like [ __ ] man it gets down to the very last hand right and I've I've met I didn't have the camera on at this time my first hand I got two fours second hand I got a 17. dealers got a six up if you know basic strategy you know that you have to split fours against the six and as soon as I saw the fours I was like [ __ ] man please like I don't want to have to lose this big ass split for no reason so then I split it another four comes out I split again first four I get a 14. next four I get a six gotta double down I was like oh my God double it down I get another four so another fourteen my next four gets a king another 14. I have three fourteens on my first hand Seventeen I stand dealer flips over the sixth there's a queen under it foreign so this is a 350 Dollar Hand for for Steven Bridges or Colin Jones or like any of the other like Blackjack guys on YouTube this is nothing but for me in my bankroll that's a lot and I was like [ __ ] man and I was so happy I won uh but it could have easily it was gone the other way and either way it doesn't matter which way a hand goes because it's all about the EV but it damn sure feels good to win some
Channel: Dooma
Views: 41,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DjDS-kQC7Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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