My Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review: Mostly Fantastic, Yet Flawed

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[Music] hello Internet, Johe here! I have just  finished playing Final Fantasy 7 rebirth and   in this video I'm going to share an overall review  of the game. Let's dive into what makes it stand out   exploring both the highs and some of the lows.  Ready? Let's go! A spoiler warning if you haven't   played the game don't watch this video if you  don't want to get spoiled but if you have played   the game please continue watching first because I  haven't done any gaming videos to my channel yet   uh a couple of things about my background on  gaming and on Final Fantasy I consider myself   like one of the biggest FF fans out there I have  experienced the series extensively uh since the   '90s playing titles from Final Fantasy 4 5 6 7  8 9 10 12 13 15 almost through and 16 and some   of these games I have played multiple times  through and of course Final Fantasy remake   both on normal and hard modes youu DLC and now  rebirth and some other FF related games okay and   within last couple of months I have dedicated  about 100 hours to playing rebirth like we all   I also have been eagerly anticipating rebirth for  years now having followed its development closely   uh this included watching like every trailer  and interview and absorbing all gameplay and   impression videos uh even before its release  the hype was real especially in the last months   leading up to rebirth launch and when rebirth  finally launched it took me about a month to   deeply engage with its core I'm trying to keep  this introduction short so in a nutshell rebirth   is the best fun of the game we have had in a long  time the game definitely has its pros and cons   and we'll talk about some of those in a bit but  overall rebirth takes everything a Step Beyond it   starts right where remake left off continuing the  journey Beyond midgar with enhanced gameplay and a   richer narrative uh rebirth is a Worthy successor  to remake but also an exceptional entry in Final   Fantasy series so let's dive in remember also  to like this video And subscribe to my channel   thank you so let's first discuss about the  world in the game there is a lot happening   across various iconic areas of Final Fantasy 7  we start our adventure at the grasslands in the   village of calm and journey through a series of  nostalgic locations like mithil mines junon cadel   Soul gold saer and Neel and so on those are great  there is one area that I didn't like so much and   yes it's Gaga ARA but I will talk about that in  another video although rebirth is marketed as an   open world game but it feels and it is more like  like a collection of large interconnected regions   rather than a seamless open world like Elden ring  or Horizon forbidden West nonetheless these areas   are expansive and big and beautifully crafted  offering plenty to explore and do the graphical   quality of each area is just stunning bringing  these environments to life and each area has for   for example its own unique Chocobo for traveling  within that region I collected each area's unique   chocobos and I really enjoyed how fun it was to  travel with the chocobos while I think it would   have been really nice to use the choos to travel  between areas their use is restricted as I said   uh to their respective regions in rebirth so you  can't uh travel with for example uh grasslands   Chocobo to junon ARA because you can only travel  with a chocobo within the specific region okay   but yeah chocobos aside each area is filled with  tasks and activities and most of these activities   are orchestrated by chatly a character from the  Remake who plays actually a significant role in   this game as well actually I think chatly is the  real real main character of this story like no   other character has as much dialogue in this  game as chatly and chatly kind of controls the   so-called main characters strongly giving them  all kinds of thoughts tasks and stories during   the game chatly can also interrupt the game play  any times he wants no matter what's happening in   the game he can always call cloud and Cloud  answers every single time I feel that chatly   is even worse Puppet Master than sephiroth I  think chatley will be the final boss of the   whole game series chatley is the real creator  of Final Fantasy 7 okay uh Jokes Aside uh CH   chatley is kind of guy who follows you from one  area to another and he provides some tasks and   guide inves you through each location he provides  also some information about each area and he calls   you many many times and yes this is the aspect of  chatly that uh it can also start to feel like the   game is holding your hand too much like guiding  you too closely uh compared to games like Elden   ring or Horizon Forbidden West where you are  free to explore without much of handholding so   rebirth can sometimes feel a bit too strucktured  you are often reminded of how much you still   need to accomplish in each area which can make  the game feel more like a series of tasks rather   than like a thrill of exploration just for fun  despite this the world of rebirth is undeniably   impressive luckily most of the side quests feel  more fun and meaningful in this game compared to   say the Remake as you go through the side quests  you gain meaningful rewards that actually impact   your game play like important material or items  that was I think really nice now if we shift to   the topic of music it's just phenomenal like the  music in this game is on another level that you   just don't typically see in games Mitsuko Suzuki  and Masashi Hamauzu compositions and Arrangements in   rebirth and of course covers of the original F  of7 songs are incredibly great the the music in   rebirth and also in remake is perfect uh since  playing through rebirth I haven't listened to   any other music than rebirths music and this  happened me also when I finished remake four   years ago these tracks you hear in the game they  are like 10 out of five for me and that's really   like all I have to say about the m music moving on  to the characters in rebirth they are wonderfully   crafted the main cast like Cloud Tia Barrett  red and kth to name a few are exactly as I have   imagined them we also get to see some of the late  game characters like sit and Vincent Valentine but   they aren't playable characters in rebirth yet the  spirit of these characters is captured perfectly   I I think and rebirth takes these characters  even further uh compared to remake enriching   their stories and deepening our understanding of  their backgrounds for example in the coral area   we visit Barrett's home and in Cosmo Canyon  we explore red backgrounds this helps deepen   the characters we have begun familiar with from  the Remake and one of my favorite surprises was   actually Cait Sith who was executed incredibly  well in rebirth watching Kate Sith in action was   an absolute delight and I always just smiled when  watching him do anything it feels so good good   all right Lads enjoy your stay but of course my  all-time top favorite is going to always be Tia   however there's one aspect of an important uh  character's portrayal that got me thinking and   let's talk a bit about red and this will be of  course a spoiler thing so if you haven't played   the game you can skip this part of the video in  the beginning of the game uh red is as we have   come to know him from the Remake and I mean he  has had that epic voice like if you have heard   him talking anything like a old wise story teller  voice he's here isn't he it may look that way but   in reality it's barely hanging on and I don't know  how to else to describe it but yet as we arrive to   the Cosmo Canyon red start speaking with a teeny  voice like a like with a voice from his teenage   years sure have and after Cosmo Canyon he still  speaks with that teeny voice which in my opinion   really takes away from his character's impact and  while I somewhat understand why this was done for   the story part of me just felt that I wanted him  to return to his old self to speak with the Deep   wise voice I have grown used to hearing but that's  really my only major complaint about the portrayal   of the main characters okay there are also some  side characters in the game whose significance and   roles I could discuss a bit more in another video  some of which I didn't find not so much impressive   but like I said uh overall the main characters  stay very true to the original and are beautifully   executed in this game they really uh Drive the  story forward and in enhance the overall quality   of the game next few words about the combat system  it has also been advanced from what we saw in   remake now it includes for example new types of  uh Synergy attacks which are coordinated attacks   between characters like you can perform special  strikes with cloud or Tifa or or between cloud   and Barrett or among other different characters  and these are very powerful attacks and they can   have a significant impact on the enemies uh the  combat system is quite versatile it allows you   to invent your like own fighting style uh you  can stick to certain moves throughout the game   or adapt as you go along as long as you survive  of course despite its uh versatility the system   remains straightforward and really enjoyable  fighting against bosses and figuring out how   to beat them it has been all executed very  well in this game and I just really enjoyed   the combat a lot and the combat is also one of the  driving forces strengths and best aspects of the   game also the game still includes the familiar  materal system uh from original Final Fantasy 7   from from the Remake you can link uh found or  purchased material to your weapons and armor   which also is really fun as you collect more  material throughout the game it becomes quite   interesting and rewarding to think about good  combinations to enhance your combat and affect   your character's abilities I believe the battle  and material systems in both remake and rebirth   is among the best Innovations uh square enx  has ever developed additionally there is an   new feature it's the item transmuter that  lets you craft new items and develop your   armor and so forth I used the item transmuter  a lot during the game to create all sorts of   items in short it is a really nice new feature  let's talk a little about the mini games that   developers assured that uh there would be a lot to  explore uh including various mini games along with   uh character specific story segments that almost  feels to me at least like mini games themselves   first of the presence of numeros mini games  ensures that there is something for every type   of player which is definitely a positive thing  mini games like fort cond or the new card game   Queen's blood and chobo racing were enjoyable and  felt meaningful and these mini games were clear   uh highlights for me however the sheer number of  mini games can sometimes feel overwhelming because   you might feel compelled to spend time on each one  to get the full experience which can be exhausting   and if you decide to skip some of the mini games  you might miss out on important aspects of the   game or valuable items this can make the gaming  experience feel a bit fragmented uh because some   mini games seems essential while other mini games  feel somewhat trivial and could distract from the   main storyline but of course you can always play  a second playthrough of rebirth and concentrate   on some mini games which you didn't focus on  in your first playthrough that's definitely   possible and adds replay value to the experience  despite of these little downsides uh it's worth   mentioning again the well-crafted mini games  that do stand out like the Queen's blood and   so on those mini games add value and enjoyment  to the overall gaming exper experience so then   let's move to talk a bit about the story uh mostly  The Narrative is clear good and engaging you can   follow it easily and really enjoy it which makes  it entertaining and definitely not bad uh however   to the introduction of Multiverse elements  and other realities and for example trying to   incor incorporate uh characters like Zach into the  narrative and things like that it sometimes causes   a bit of confusion for me I mean these moments  when I'm not quite sure what to think or feel   or even what's going on in the story there are a  few scenes uh that are let's say hard to keep up   with and when I for example finished the game I  had to watch several ending explained videos to   clarify what happened for example at the end of  the game and I think it's a bit of a downside if   the player can't keep up with the story and  if the player has to rely on multiple videos   to understand what's happening because that can  make it difficult to stay engaged in the story   on an emotional level and that is which diminishes  or reduces the impact of the story and yes this   is just me speaking so if you understand what's  happening in the game perfectly well good for you   then however if I could wish for something it  would be a bit more clarity towards the end to   keep players better on track with what's happening  happening in the story because right now I feel   that there are more uh questions in the air than  answers provided by the story and I hope at least   most of these questions will be addressed in  the third part but I also think like this uh   even though the story is sometimes not so clear or  whatsoever they are telling the story as well as   they can in this new context that they are trying  trying to add new things to the game story so in   that context I think the narrative is beautifully  told or at least as beautifully as it can be it is   at least very nice and entertaining to watch and  in overall the enjoyment of this game also depends   a lot on how you approach it like if you have  played the original game and you know what happens   in the story you essentially know where the story  is headed but what's interesting is seeing what   new twists and methods they use and add into it  to tell the story while still maintaining the   core of the original narrative if you are already  biased against the game because they have changed   it or added new elements to the story then  you probably won't enjoy it as much but if you   approach approach it with an open attitude like I  try to you can really like the Remake and rebirth   and hopefully the third part as well just see  what they can put together and it's been mostly   very well done I personally plan to play all the  games in the remake series along with all the DLCs   for me it's very nice to return to the world of  f of7 in the way I mean with great graphics and   beautifully crafted music gameplay mechanics  battle systems and well-made main characters   in short this game is about 90% fantastic but then  there is that 10% which makes you wonder why they   did certain things the way they did but once you  get used to those issues and kind of sweep them   under the rug you can really enjoy this game the  game is full of excellent content and it really   shines the further you play it also manages to uh  surprise with some truly great and fun moments and   as I said it's some of the best Final Fantasy  games we have gotten in years and if you have   played the Remake this won't disappoint all right  those were my thoughts on rebirth as a longtime   fan and those were the things that just came first  to my mind when I thought the things that I want   to say about this game and this video could easily  have been twice as long but I'm trying to keep   things concise so we'll wrap it up here and hey I  mentioned that the game is like 90% fantastic and   10% less so fantastic uh and I'm actually working  on kind of deep dive video about that uh 10% Like   covering aspects I think could be improved in  rebirth and my hopes for the third part of the   series so if that kind of video sounds interesting  make sure to follow the channel I'd love to create   more game related videos so feel free to leave a  comment below about your thoughts on rebirth and   thanks for watching I really appreciate it I'm  Jo and I'll see you in the next video be epic [Music]
Channel: JoheZ
Views: 449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FFVII Rebirth review, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, FF7 Rebirth gameplay, FF7 Rebirth mini-games, FF7 Rebirth music, Final Fantasy VII characters, FF7 Rebirth story, FF7 Rebirth analysis, FF7 Rebirth walkthrough, FF7 Remake vs Rebirth, Final Fantasy VII review, FF7 Rebirth tips, FF7 Rebirth guide, FF7 Rebirth impressions, FF7 Rebirth features, FF7 Rebirth critique, FF7 Rebirth opinion, Final Fantasy VII remake, FF7 Rebirth 2024, final fantasy 7, ffvii rebirth
Id: 1ntHZVUZipM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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