My Final 1-Day PowerShell v2 Workshop
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Channel: Don Jones
Views: 182,240
Rating: 4.9116721 out of 5
Keywords: powershell
Id: -Ya1dQ1Igkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 247min 33sec (14853 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Four hours? Better schedule this...
not sure what the reddiquette is on cross-posting, but someone suggested /r/sysadmin might like this.
I spent a long time as a liinux zealot. Windows 7 took Microsoft from hated to neutral for me. I jumped into Powershell to automate some tasks at work and it makes me almost like them. I'm pretty damn impressed.
Ugh, the audio on the video is terrible. Tried listening with speakers and he goes from very quiet to VERY LOUD constantly.
There's a lot of good information here. For those Linux people among us, there's gonna be some herp-derp (for instance, as he teaches the audience about the pipe operator), but overall I like it.
Good video. Like the fact that it touches on some v3 stuff. For example the new remote focus of WMI, new cmdlets such as 'show-command' at 31:00, which brings up an actionable GUI to build your syntax.
skip to 3 hr 30 min mark for awesome-sauce in the ISE. He shows some comment tips that you can put in a script that Powershell automagically takes and transforms into help for your script. Fucking awesome.
Can someone better educated than me give a quick summary of why I should be looking at Powershell instead of installing cygwin and automating everything using that plague bash?
Great video. Thanks! I have been meaning to get more acquainted with PS for a while now.