Classic Divorce Court: Wild Rollercoaster Ride

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on divorce court today a chance encounter brought them together and now after nine years they are ready to call it quits Rodney saved their baby's life but then he made a comment at the hospital that janeshia is still angry about she says their roller coaster ride together is over Rodney Johnson and shaniyah Tisdale have brought their dispute for Judge Lynn Toler to resolve testimony in divorce court starts now mr. Johnson you say that from the moment you met Miz Tisdale it has been a roller coaster ride and after nine years and two children you finally want off why don't you tell me how this roller coaster started well good day your honor this is this is lovely me I gotta give it my all you know that this super honest with you Liv start from the top my main goal is to try to decide on it if I want to be with this young lady forever we have two kids together I proposed to her two times I have a ring right here that I do plan on giving her I gave her two what would you like me to do I mean I thought you wanted to get out you wanted me to give you some of her stuff I do but I just want your opinion because I honor your opinion and just the second engagement ring that I gave him this woman and I did take back it was very like immature but like you said the roller coaster is going up and down and I just need your advice if I should what put your ring down okay okay okay tell me about the ride okay well it starts off about nine years ago she was working at a restaurant I happened to come in the restaurant I usually go there all the time I've never seen it before so when I seen her we locked the eyes and I asked her a question like do you do bad things it sounds crazy I know I know wrong so you can use your imagination you know a lot of things that people do they're consider bad so I mean that broke the ice and we had a conversation and later on that night she came after work she came home with me and she basically never left and you tell me you meet a man that says to you do you do bad things and by the end of the day you're alone with him at his house yeah I mean I see that it turned out okay he wasn't dead Bundy or anything that cause you some concern oh not really because when I locked eyes when it means like love at first sight you know I I don't know it was something about him you know I you can tell when he said it he doesn't he didn't do it all he doesn't do it often might I say this miss his dad they said Ted Bundy was quite a charming young man they said that women were falling from him as he was being sentenced to death for multiple murders some woman showed up and and asked to marry him you know he did just because you you you're smooth and cool and all like I don't mean you're not a serial killer I understand but mr. Johnson when did things start to get funky with the first say year and a half it was smooth I mean because she had so much love trust it was easy for me to be myself easy for her to be herself we didn't really have any problems a little shortly after about two years that's when the problem started a lot of family members a lot of other people's opinions a lot of the trust started going downhill give me an example of a situation where what someone said or what you saw or caused you to be upset about and have trust issues with her well it wasn't really trust issues with her it was trust issues with me she had trust she didn't trust me as much as she did in the beginning and it may be because of the repetition like when she calls he doesn't call once twice three she calls 6070 eighty times in a day and a day no in about five minute period I mean we have smartphones now you know how you read up the man's phone yes what are you looking for act like he cared I know sometimes you just seem like you don't care I don't I don't know what to do it seems like thanks you what does he do that makes you think he doesn't care or what does he not do that makes you think he doesn't care the way he react is not what I wanted he he's not affectionate enough for me you know I mean I I need comfort and you think calling him seventy times there you go make him come home is it Oh baby is this is this all the reasoning goes no I I mean I expect him to be more understanding that's hard to understand them we thought phone calls in an hour I just want to say that and and I'm gonna ask you this mr. Johnson because clearly this is a symptom of apparently she's got a bit of a temper what the seventy phone calls in an hour those usually come together and temperance seventy phone calls you give me a couple of examples where she's gone off the deep end um the deep end I can give you a simple example to where where it stars okay planes about nothing okay we could be sitting at the house and she could be like it's hot it's hot it's hot and I would look at her and say the a/c is right there just turn it on and then she would get him I'll get on my head about well if I wanted to turn the a/c on I would've did it I'm like well why are you complaining at your Hut and like it's no like ending to it it's continuous just like the repetitive phone calls it doesn't stop with her that is the problem she doesn't know how to pump her brakes at certain times she let her emotions get the best of her and it seems like that's what she knows as normal and all I've been trying to do is try to show her that's not normal we need to understand what we think is normal so we can be on the same page Miz Tisdale do you agree with him that you do get upset easily and over small things yes I do and why do you think that is insecure you're insecure why are you insecure with your gorgeous self I don't know low self-esteem because life experiences how I've been treated by whom family members you know treat me wrong lied to me you know affecting my relationship with him a lot letting him invade and make decisions for me that wasn't right and I regret later next what happened at the hospital after Rodney saved their baby's life they got so out of control police were called to the scene are you considering marriage but aren't sure that your intended is really right for you call toll-free and 187 seven three one one twenty two twenty two or visit our website at become a fan at slash divorce court real people real conflict real judgments divorce court continues miss Teasdale you say that mr. Johnson made a comment so ridiculous during one of the most stressful points in your life that you actually left him over why don't you tell me what was going on and what he said well actually my daughter she when she was born she was twelve days old and she stopped breathing she almost died he gave her CPR and when we went to the hospital we got into a argument because he said something so stupid and dumb but what did he say he gonna tell me that if my daughter turned out like me he don't want nothing to do with her so we got in so argument and got into a big fight I got angry with him because my daughter's laying in a bed almost dying and going and you you say something like that to me and in the midst of this was supposed to be together and you not I mean loving each other and it was just crazy and then they had to escort the police into the security into the hotel into the hospital and then him was escorted out here my year him between the time he saved your daughter's life by giving him CPR and he made that out off Ofcom no God a bad thing to say when somebody's kids looking at you know what had you done I didn't do nothing I didn't I don't even know why he would say something like that and the mister you arguing at the time no no he just said it just no I don't know if he was thinking about all the past stuff that we've been through or if he was angry or if he was cuz it's a lot of times where he don't want to be with me and I have to beg him to be with me be with me you know I really believe this is the man of my life no and it's just it got out of hand for him to say something like that yeah that was that was deep and tired and I mean I gotta Blodgett you saved your daughter's life well every woo makes you know makes you Superman but you you lost your cape when you said that one Miz Tisdale let me ask you a question do you ever forgive anybody for anything yes you don't Harbor maybe I think you Harbor I think you never get over anything I think he forgives and you Harbor yeah and so what happens is you mad about a or you mad about em because and then you have to bring up a through n why are you talking about him he's got to pay for everything he did every day am i right with that you're right you're right am i right yeah she just likes to talk too much like if she stopped talking to it yeah if she stopped a little bit and thought about what she was saying we wouldn't have the issues we had you know what I mean like just for instance I thought that you don't understand me I mean but I'm trying to a problem but you don't understand me that's fraud let me ask you this I try how logical are your arguments there you go when divorce court continues kenshin Nisha find a way to get her irrational anger under control [Music] do you think this couple can stop arguing and catch up their relationship call 1-800 to a to 1991 to vote now and see if America agrees with your opinion you'll also receive some valuable offers call now if you would like your case heard on divorce court call us toll free at one eighty seven seven three one one twenty two twenty two or log on to our website at and join the conversation on twitter at divorce court divorce court continues I take it from your response mrs. tinsdale that you do acknowledge or realize that logic is lacking in your responses yes do you know why you're like that because we see that you're the problem right to make sure everybody's on the same page he's not perfect but he makes regular mistakes you're the problem so what let's talk about the problem that you are so we can say we don't talk about it we can't fix it tell me why do you think have you been cheated on it has what you talked about your family members doing things to you what's up with that I was 16 when I met my dad mm-hmm I was told that he wasn't he didn't exist all my life until I was 16 and then all of a sudden he pops up right and that put a huge hold on me growing up the trust the lying you know and I guess I carry it on throughout the years and then being in relationships cheating and all this stuff and I think I brought the issues that are hat into our relationship and it's affecting it so you're always playing defense you're always we've got you've got your dukes up you know you're ducking and dodging and the minute like something look like you whoa yep yep yep ready to go ready to go [Laughter] I agree with I said I'm gonna try my best not to say the crazy word crazier crazy she's not crazy too scared of change she's just terrified of change just can I say every little quick thing the other day we're walking and the car almost hit me we're moving on we're halfway down the block she's still talking about the card it just hit me well is he crazy why he would hey we already moved on all my parts are here you know I'm talking about it you know I was like agitating the thing and she needs to understand avoiding the problem doesn't mean that we're not gonna resolve it but avoiding it until it weird with Sarah or calm we're in a cool manner so you can have a meaningful productive conversation as opposed to a screaming match right and that is normal to heard a screaming match okay top of your lungs murmur not just screaming top of the lungs mrs. tinsdale I'm gonna the the remainder of this session I'm going to be talking about coming back from praising okay and I'm talking to you and I want to say first of all to me crazy is not an insult ah I've been called crazy don't bother me at all Judge Lynn Toler ruling next [Music] divorce court judge lynn toler ruling right now people used to be afraid of me talking to my sister you know a few Christmases ago and and I was asking why you know you never used to hang out and in talking about it with my mother I was mean because I was angry and I was angry because I was afraid so what you have to do is deal with the fear the fear will take care of the anger and the anger will take care of the crazy the time to decide not to get angry about something is before you get angry about anything you gotta have a game plan in place for how you going to conduct yourself how you gonna deal with upset and you gotta know who you are you got it D SEC way your week wait what's wrong with you and I got a list of 20 things I known that are wrong with me I own it I love it I real cat it sometimes just to make sure I'm on top of it now you're fearful you're angry and you've been hurt and you are afraid that if you do not knock somebody out verbally or whatever that they're gonna take you down so that's how you respond so you got to you got to own that every morning and then you have to say to yourself self today just today I'm not gonna get angry just today don't worry about tomorrow and you have to have it you got to let the first way passed you by said what I'm gonna do today he says it does something I don't like I'm gonna do like this it's a ridiculous thing to do but do it anyway I surrender just surrender not to em you surrender to your better self I surrender and then you sit down and you cannot speak until you're not angry anymore you won't be able to do with the first couple of times but after a while and then at the end of the day you got a debrief you're crazy you got to sit down and a piece of paper nobody believes in paper no more but I do right that is this my big Bugaboo is worrying I have a list what I worried about then I put a line and I said what really happened and when you it when you read it at the end of the week you feel stupid I'm worried about this all day long and that happened and if you keep writing that down I yelled at this guy about this that another thing anyone even important you see what I'm saying you need to work your situation you need to handle it you're crazy you need to handle your fear and once you handle your and you work at it cuz you can do it you see what I'm saying you don't believe in it not that sucker down you can you're strong and you're able and you say anger is the problem my fear is the problem I'm not gonna live my fear I'm not gonna let what somebody did to me 20 years ago tell me that the rest of my life ain't gonna be what I wanted to be I'm a bad check I can handle this don't believe you with me you gonna work your anger you're gonna work your fear you're gonna fight you're crazy great [Applause] this is divorce court I don't do engagement in here but you know when you get out in the hall go ahead and give it a drink this matter is adjourned janeshia and Rodney appreciate the judge's ruling janeshia is working hard to control her anger and the couple has set a date for their wedding post a comment or submit your case at or call toll free [Music]
Channel: Divorce Court
Views: 346,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divorce Court, divorce, marriage, Lynn Toler, lawyer, television show, reality tv, judge, 2815, Dating, Love, Relationships, Couples, Cheating, Infidelity, Comedy, Drama, Court TV, Romance, Bride, Groom, Husband, Wife, Wedding
Id: DHSd_SzN_eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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