My Favourite Poetry Anthologies

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hi everyone I'm Miranda and welcome to my youtube channel today I wanted to share some of my very favorite poetry anthologies with you all I absolutely adore poetry and I have so many poetry books a lot of them are behind me on my shelves right here these are all poetry and I have more than this so poetry is a real passion of mine but what I wanted to share in particular with you all today are some poetry anthologies I have that are poem a day anthologies so they share a poem for every day of the year and I've been reading these for many years but I've been inspired recently to really get back into my habit of trying to read poetry everyday I was talking to an author on my podcast tea and tattle and she shared that part of her morning routine is to read and write poetry every day and that interview was with a Renison Akagi I'll put a link in the description box down below if you'd like to have a listen but just that small part of our conversation really inspired me and so I thought today I would share some of the poem add a anthologies that I have with you all and maybe inspire you to to read a little bit more poetry so the first ones I'm going to share with you some of the first they ever bought myself and started reading when I was a young student in London this one is cold poem for the day number one because there are two and it has a foreword by Wendy cope I really love this one is still an anthology that I return to often I it seems very special at the time because I don't think there were as many anthologies like this when I first bought this in the early 2000s it still is a favorite of mine because I don't know if you can see but it shares other significant literary facts about each day of the year at the top and then at the bottom there's quite a lot on either the poet or the meaning behind the poem which I really enjoy - I really like anthologies that don't just share a poem and actually share a bit more information about the poem or about that particular date in the year as well and this one does both as does the sequel poem for the day - so I really really enjoy that I'm just gonna look up today's date so the poem for today January 26 is australia by bernard o O'Dowd i'm not going to read it aloud if i will be fun to see in each one what poem is and then in this one it is peace by Amy Witte so these doors that have quite a good range of both modern poets and classic poets that are represented in these anthologies which i think is really great as well okay so as it's just been burns night I also thought was appropriate to share this poetry anthology which is a year of Scottish poems Scotland is such a romantic landscape to me that I think it fits so well with the idea of reading more poetry both about Scotland and by Scottish poets and this is a real celebration of Scotland and of poetry again it has a wide selection of modern poets as well as more classic poets they're really well chosen and this one shares only the the poems there isn't any kind of additional facts or things like that today's poem is fragment one by Kathleen jamee that you can see in the sort of piramide type anthologies too they tend to be quite short poems this is just sort of real bite-sized literature but I think it's such a fun way to just open up your creative mind when you expose yourself to poetry on a daily basis so there's that one okay next one I love this portray apology it's a nature poem for every day of the year I think I bought this either last year or the year before when it came out I can't completely remember I admit it was partly attracted by the really stunning cover this is a really beautiful book as you can see but it's also a fabulous collection of Paris and really nice illustrations on the inside as well again this does just share the poems there's not sort of more about the poetry but the selection is really really nice and they're all inspired by nature which I'm such a big fan of nature writing but of course I was going to love this anthology and there's just such a well-chosen selection today's one would be the snowdrop by samuel taylor coleridge and i think that that is a lovely choice snowdrops at this time of year of course but yes so I really really love this poetry anthology and then quite recently another similar one was brought out you see the design is the same they're both published by Batsford these poetry anthologies this one is friends a poem for every day of the year so this is a collection of poems about friendship a lot of them to me overlap into love poems as well which I guess is appropriate because best friends can become lovers and lovers can be best friends so the fact that there is that overlap between poems about friendship and poems about romantic love - is I think still quite appropriate it still works and of course that means they can include a much wider selection of poems i reaiiy design in this one the printing ink is blue and the pages of this lovely creamy color which i really like let's see what home we have for today daily thoughts by Charles Kingsley again quite bite-sized poems that you can enjoy in a really small space of time but what sort of hopefully brighten up your day a little bit that's what I find when I read poetry anyway it always makes me think about something a little bit differently um okay so next there's a poem for every day of the year there's a companion volume to this which I also have and it's a poem for every night of the year these were both marketed I think is a bit more for children as well or teenagers at least to sort of inspire younger people to enjoy poetry but they're absolutely appropriate for adults as well and I mean I think the majority of poems are definitely more just classic poems are not children's poems or anything and it really nicely done again with with these there's a little bit of information about either the poem or the poet alongside the poem that they've chosen for that day so I do really like that this one January 26 is Ballad of the totems by Cass Walker it's a longer one looking forward to reading that that sounds interesting and let's check the night one well waltzing matilda by banjo Patterson so you can see how you can just get such a wide range of inspiration even from reading some poetry books each day in the same series this isn't strictly poetry because it's Shakespeare for every day of the year but of course lots of Shakespearean sonnets are included as well as extracts from his play which are always so poetic so I think this is still very much worth including in this video I would definitely like to read more Shakespeare again I don't think I've read much Shakespeare at all since high school and I recently read a book called three hours by Rosamund Lawton which I so enjoyed and it's a thriller but actually she uses she references Shakespeare a lot within the book particularly Macbeth I'm reading that actually made me want to read Shakespeare again but this I think could be a really nice easy introduction to doing that it's read a little bit of Shakespeare everyday by reading this anthology let me look at today's date oh it's a scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream at five scene one I love a Midsummer Night's Dream and as you can see there's a little bit of information about each extract included which I really like okay then finally I thought I would share with you some poetry anthologies that are specifically for children but can be very much enjoyed by adults if you're a teacher I think these would be wonderful books to have in your classroom if you're a primary school teacher or if you have if you need to buy presents for any children coming up then I would really really recommend things so the first one is I am the seed that that grew the tree and it's a nature poem for every day of the year which I love I love nature poetry but these are really designed for children so you can see a lot of the poems are quite short and they're so simple easy to understand poems but would still be really great for improving a young child's vocabulary for getting them used to language and the sound of poetry and the form of poetry it's also beautifully illustrated so it will really captivate young minds which I love I love these illustrations let's look at today's date so today's one is the star an extract from a poem by Jane Taylor I love that such as a wintry night scene yes so this one I think is beautiful I love it and then this one isn't technically a poem for every day of the year it is called a year of nature poems but it's actually just a poem for each month of the year but I still thought I would include it because I mean look how beautiful the illustrations are all through it and this is also just homes by one poet by the author of this book but um I think it's still worth including because they're just it's really beautifully illustrated I think young children would really enjoy this as well it would have to make a really nice gift for any youngsters that you know but anyway those are all of my poetry anthologies oh my goodness have got such a stack in front of me now that you're seeing it in the screen yes so those are all of my poetry anthologies that offer poems for every day of the year I do have other poetry anthologies that don't do that I'm sure I'll share those at some point because yes like I said I adore poetry I'm always happy to share my love of poetry but I also love to hear from you do you like poetry do you read a poem a day is that something you'd be interested in doing do you have any other creative habits or rituals that you perform on a daily basis I'd really like to know and if you have any recommendations for me for poetry anthologies then I'd really love to hear them I'll link all of the books that I mentioned in the description box down below so that you can check them out but thanks so much for watching do you give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel if you enjoy it and I'll see you soon for the next video bye
Channel: Miranda Mills
Views: 3,382
Rating: 4.9805827 out of 5
Keywords: poetry, books, booktube, reading, poems, bookstagram
Id: pDAfvxPHkSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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