New Year Book Tag 2020

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hi everyone I'm Miranda and welcome to my youtube video so today I'm doing a video in response to a tag by another member of the booktube community I was tagged by mamie's medley with a book tag a new year's book tag so I know I'm pushing it a little bit to be publishing it this late in January but I only got the tag quite recently and I thought it still sounded like a really fun one to do so thank you for tagging me I hope you like my answers I'll pop the questions in the description box down below as well and a link to mamie's medley so you can watch her initial video and I've got the questions on here so this is quite an impromptu response I haven't really thought out a lot my answers to these but I'll just dive in and go ahead so number one is how many books are you planning to read in 2020 well a lot I don't have a specific number in mind at all I'm not someone who tends to set myself goals in that way in terms of all I want to read 150 books this year or 200 books this year or whatever I don't do that I mainly I just don't really see the point of doing that for myself I read a lot generally because it comes in to so much of what I do on social media my podcast and everything that I am just reading all the time anyway so I know I'll read as many books as I possibly can in 2020 and that will be enough for me number two is name a few books which you didn't read in 2019 but want to make a priority in 2020 okay I did pull a few books off of my shelves for this because they're definitely quite a few that I didn't get around to in 2019 and I really want to read this year the first is a single thread fight Tracy Chevalier I really love Tracy chevaliers writing and I was really looking forward to this book partly because it is set in a time period I'm particularly interested in the interwar years it's set in 1932 and the heroine violet Speedwell moves to Winchester and I think this is about the kneelers in Winchester Cathedral and violet becomes involved with the group of women who who saw them and dr. sounds like a really fascinating piece of history to me that I know nothing about so this is what I really want to get to ours would be hearing Tracy's fairy talk about this book an event in London in February so I would like it possible to read this by then let's hope I do okay another book I really wanted to get to in 2019 and dinner is mrs. Gaskell and me by now Stephens now Stephens wrote a book called leek a house that was it was a memoir and it was all about her experience of going to it's incredibly remote island blinka Island where she was pretty much the sole person on the island and she went there just to get away from everything so that she could write and what she actually ended up writing wasn't her novel but was about her experience living on this island and the isolation that she faced living there and how that actually impacted her creativity what her what it was like to just be on your own like that for quite a long period of time really good book so when her second one came out really did want to read it and I loved mrs. Gaskell she's one of my favorite authors wives and daughters and north and south and Cranford three of my favorite books so that already he sort of sold this book to me she's writing a bit about mrs. Gaskell's life as well as her own life in terms of her sort of romantic attachments and experiences it's it's - women - love stories two centuries apart so I think this is about Nell Stevenson's love for mrs. Gaskell's work it so - about mrs. Gaskell's life and it's a blend of personal memoir chintz it sounds really good don't know why I haven't read it yet I need to get on with that one if you good for you I read actually for the Valentine's I yeah I have to remember okay I also bought this book and it's Patsy by nicole Dennis Ben I think I bought this not that long before Christmas but I don't have a chance to read it yet um it's set in New York City that's partly why I bought it because I um spent quite a while in New York City last year and it also just got so many good reviews that I just thought it sounded really interesting I think it's about immigration as well and mother-daughter relationships and yeah I think this sounds really good want to get to this one then the two Booker Prize winners I'm ashamed to say I have not read yet so obvious why beans are on my list to read this year really want to read both of these really need to get around to it so yes want to read both of those hopefully I will very soon yes those all of the books didn't read in 2019 that I hope to get to this year let's look at the next question question number three what genre do you want to read more of in 2020 electric more poetry in 2020 I've just done a video on to my favorite poetry anthologies so I'll link that up here if you'd like to check that out I don't mean I generally really quite a bit of poetry but somehow last year I didn't I don't feel I've read as much poetry um but this year I've started reading a lot more poetry again and it just makes me happy so I'd like to keep reading or poetry this year I would also like to read memoir I always do enjoy memoirs so I'd really like to sync out some men was that really speak to me a lot this year I don't try and generally make myself free genres I I don't enjoy that much so I'm I'm not much for sci-fi or fantasy person but I kind of just accept that about myself so I want to read more traumas that I still know I enjoy in 2020 name three non bookish goals you have before 2020 um well a trivial goal but still kind of important to me is I really would like to do more knitting in 2020 if you watched my video there's a link about going to loop yarn shop in London and you know bought some wool and I was really inspired to start knitting and mainly because I was really quite under under the weather but the sort of Christmas holiday in the stock January I haven't started knitting those gloves yeah and I really would like to and yeah and I find it's a really nice way for me to just switch off and unwind so I would like to knit more in 2020 but it it's hard for me to find the time but I want to because my other non bookish goal is do any focus on well-being for me um and just sort of self-care and some of that does involve you know just stopping working slowing down and doing things that I just enjoy just for the sake of that I still want to get better at meditating daily I always feel better when I really have a proper meditation practice going on but I haven't been very good at being consistent about that recently so I really want to get back into that um this year and in my final goal is to be more mindful of my own time so meaning both being more aware of how I spend my time and realistically how long certain things actually take me to do so I can plan better and also just be more realistic as to how much one person actually can do and then oh so with that in mind to say no to things more so I have got better about saying no but I still find it difficult to say no and I do need to do that more because I just don't have time for everything so I do want to be better about that this year next question what's a book you've had on your to be red power forever which you still haven't read oh okay so I pulled this one off my shelves for this question the Mitford murders by Jessica Fellowes I actually have all all three of her Mitford murdered series but I haven't read them yet I have started this one and I was really enjoying it but then I had to put it down because I had to read and something else for my podcast that happens quite a lot that I'll have to put something down sometimes so I really want to come back to this book this year it's all about the Mitford sisters Nancy Mitford is one of my favorite writers she wrote the pursuit of love and love and a cold climate and she was a brilliant writer she was from a very very wealthy influential background and you know it's a very interesting personality and this looks at her sort of maid and they start solving mysteries together so it sounds really fun want to read this this year and then what is a word which new hope represents 2020 um for me that word is thrive like Maya Angelou I don't want to just survive I want to thrive this year so thrive is my word then the seventh question is to tag some booktubers I'm not going to tag anyone specific but if you would like to do this tag then please feel free to do it um and all those who put the questions in the description box you could always just answer the questions in the it's if you don't film videos but yeah I'd love to hear about some of your bookish goals and non bookish goals for the year ahead do let me know give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video and do subscribe to my channel if you'd like to see more videos from me I'll be back with another video soon but until then bye
Channel: Miranda Mills
Views: 1,549
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: books, reading, bookstagram, booktube, bookishgirl
Id: tPkhBs0cdDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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