My Favourite Movies About Writers 🎥🖋

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[Music] hello everybody as the typewriter has shown today i'm going to be sharing my favorite movies about writers i am so excited to make this video because these are genuinely always my favorite movies i am obsessed with these this video is in collaboration with pbs celebrating their new documentary series hemingway this is a three-part six-hour long look at ernest hemingway's life his triumphs his adventures from birth to death looking at his works but also looking at his limitations looking at his shortcomings looking at what it is he did why he did it and why ultimately it ended so tragically hemingway was such an explorer and binging the show right now which is available for free you can watch the whole thing for free on the pbs app but watching this right now has been such an escape because he was such an explorer he was such a traveler his time that he lived in paris and just all of his travels i've just binged it i loved it and it was what inspired this video i was like i need to tell everyone about this but also tell everyone about all these other movies that i love about writers it is so exciting to get to learn about all of the quirks and little eccentricities and the small life moments that happened to these writers that we all know about but did do we actually know them so check it out down below and now let's jump into some fictional movies i'm also so excited that we're in this new corner of my office guys i've been working so hard so hard on my office and it is becoming an actual paradise for me so i am going to be doing a video showing you the office soon showing you the renovation of this room but this corner gives you a good feel for what i'm going for okay so the first movie i want to talk about is my favorite movie it's just one of my favorite movies of all time midnight in paris of course you're not surprised also giant hemingway connection with this movie hemingway is a character in this movie i am going to do the big giant star of woody allen directed this and wrote this film so if you don't want to support woody allen obviously skip this one but when it comes to movies and boycotting movies i find that really controversial because it's not just woody allen who worked on this movie there's literally hundreds of other people who worked so hard on this movie and made such a beautiful piece of art um and there are definitely ways you can watch this without helping woody out that aside this is a movie about oh god this is it's so funny this is a movie about gil pender who is an american writer who has traveled to paris with his fiancee and her parents because her father is like doing a business trip and they have tagged along this is sort of like a mid-life crisis i guess like third of the way of your life crisis because you know he's done a lot of the things that have got him success he's a screenwriter he has a fiance things are going pretty well in his life but he isn't really happy he wants to write a real novel and he feels like he's never given real literature a try that's like a line in the movie you can see how many times i've watched this so one day he's walking through paris he gets in a car and it takes him to the 1920s he suddenly is hanging out with f scott fitzgerald ernest hemingway picasso salvador dali gertrude stein and it is so exciting that movie brings me so much joy that is what i wish that i could do in my life just go back and hang out with all these iconic authors i think that gil pinder as a main character is so much fun he is so goofy i get that owen wilson is not for everyone but i love owen wilson and i especially love owen wilson in this movie i cannot recommend this movie enough it is so much fun i love it you will love it the music how much paris is in this movie wow okay let's go to the next one ruby sparks i feel like not enough people know about this movie i am obsessed with this oh i mean i love all these movies that's why i'm talking about them so i'll try and stop saying i'm obsessed with this but this is such an excellently original film starring zoe kazan who also wrote the film and paul dano both of whom are so excellent this is a movie about a writer paul dano's character who wrote an incredibly successful novel when he was like super young i forget how young he was he was like 18 or 20. but he wrote this novel it did so well like america was like you are the next great american writer and now it's been like 10 years and he hasn't written anything he has complete writer's block um and you see that he's like in therapy trying to deal with it he's trying to write something but he just can't well he suddenly has this idea i think given to him by his therapist basically to like write about this girl that he's made up that he's like obsessed with he starts writing about her and it's like the first time that he's been able to just flow right he's just writing about her all the time but the big twist is that the next day he wakes up and she's there this character that he created on his typewriter comes to life and is in his apartment and is dating him and he's like oh no i've actually gone crazy and then he realizes no she's real she's right there and it's spooky it's it's kind of in little moments scary because he realizes that if he writes more about her those things affect this person in front of him and he's like should i manipulate that of course not this but she can it is such an interesting story about the power of creativity and imagination but also how much you let that influence your life guys watch it it's so interesting and there's like this huge climactic scene that is so scary and stressful and good okay the next one another one i don't think enough people have watched because i never hear anybody talking about this movie and it is patterson starring adam driver and directed by jim germosch who also does one of my other favorite movies only lovers left alive that's not a movie about writers although there is a big writer in that movie but that's besides the point patterson patterson stars adam driver who you all love we all love adam driver he plays a bus driver who is a poet but he's not like a published poet he's not a successful poet or anything he's just a poet he's just a writer who happens to be a bus driver it is such a slow burn this is one of those super contemplative movies that moves very slowly and isn't really about the plot isn't really about what's happening to the characters is more about just this main character what he's thinking his poems um one of the great things too is that the poems are so good you hear a lot of the poems and you sort of see how they're formed how they're how his life is influencing his poetry but also how the bus drives that he does influence his poetry and you just see what is considered a very mundane life the life of a guy who just drives buses around all day does his nine to five goes home does the whole cycle over and over and over but how he also sees all of this beauty in his life and in his job and writes about it i love this movie and you should watch it nobody's watching it the next one i have to talk about but it's a very different movie and it's misery who actually the character annie wilks is the same actress as gertrude stein in midnight in paris this is a cult classic in many ways it's a horror film it is one of my favorite horror films it's uh it's tied with the others starring nicole kidman those are my two favorite horror films but anyways misery is truly horrifying it's about a writer who is very successful like a super super successful american author who's written loads of novels and has this one series that is very popular he had gone to a i think a hotel and inn in a small town to write to work on his novel for a long time and now he's coming back home but in the middle of nowhere like a rural america he crashes his car and the person who finds him is annie and annie is obsessed with his books she is as she says in the most horrifying way possible i am your biggest fan and i can't spoil what comes next because it's a horror movie so you've got to be horrified at the events that unfold but it is so scary and interesting and um it is about a writer because he writes in the movie like it is an important thing it's not just like oh he happens to be a writer no like a big part of the plot is his writing and him as a writer but it's so scary the next movie i need to talk about is going to be a little controversial it's little women the greta gerwig production i love greta gerwig and i love everyone in this cast sieronen timothy chalamet emma watson florence pugh like just across the board beautiful cast incredible cast i really liked this the first time i watched it and then the second time i watched it i didn't like it very much uh so i need to watch it again apparently but the reason that i put it in this list is a everyone else seems to like it but secondly it has one of the most powerful um characters like as a writer moment i've ever seen there's this moment where joe who is sort of the main character where she like kind of becomes manic in her writing and like has this big breakthrough that scene gave me chills like it was so exciting it was such a celebration of writing and art and artistry and just being a creator and like that fervor it was so exciting don't get me wrong before i get hate in the comments i don't hate this movie by any means i really enjoyed large swaths of it there was just these little sections and the ending for me it's the ending okay i'll admit it next up is the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society you see me looking off screen reading that title because that's a real mouthful so this is a very charming movie it is by no means like a favorite of mine and like something you need to go out and watch but if you're in the mood for something charming something fun something heartwarming that kind of gist this is the one it's about a writer who um is kind of being pigeonholed and she's sort of being made to be a very specific thing and she finally gets this opportunity to write a bigger story and she meets this community of a book club um and she gets to know these characters and she's writing about them but also getting it's about the relationships she forms there the story she's writing it was really sweet i recommend it the next one okay again kind of controversial i wanted to include this because i know that if you're like me and you love movies about writers and movies about books uh you want every single one and this was one i liked but it was one i had problems with colette so the reason i need to talk about this is because there's a lot of excellent things that happen here the first and most important is keira knightley my favorite actress keira knightley god i am obsessed with her and she does such a good job in this movie she plays uh this writer colette who is uh maybe like the other one pigeonholed maybe we're sensing a trend here same with little women joe she marries a successful writer and basically is ghost writing his books and it's about how she comes out of her shell to have her own independence her own identity as her own writer colette kira knightley does such a good job of like going from that really meek and mild character to this really independent and forward thinking writer but the thing for me was i just think that the script wasn't 10 out of 10. it jumps around so much they clearly tried to pack so much into this story and i just think that it needed some time some tuning it jumped so much through time that i found it a little confusing to follow at times but like the settings are beautiful the acting is beautiful the costumes are 10 out of 10. so if you like a period piece you got to try it out at least um but go in mind knowing that you had a little bit of a concession there i honestly could do another whole video about great movies about books so let me know if that's something you want to see we have reached the end of this video thank you so much for watching once again check out the new hemingway documentary link down in the description for free check it out support the channel thank you so much to pbs for sponsoring this video let me know down below your favorite movies about writers because i will watch them i have watched way more than these but these are my favorites so i'm always down to find a new favorite i really hope you enjoyed this video and i will see you in my next one bye
Channel: Ariel Bissett
Views: 37,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arielbissett, ariel, bissett, books, book, book review, booktube, ariel bissett
Id: M1p1dNvkJtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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