My FAVOURITE Beatbox Wildcards Of 2023 (So Far)

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okay hello everybody today right now I'm going to be sharing with you my favorite wild cards from this year after judging so many sometimes you get those refreshing ones that's a good sign and then as time passes you might go back and re-listen to some of your favorites so you need time and eventually you find out what your favorites are as with music so this is my five favorite wild cards for the gbb 2023 solo I love some of the loot station stuff as well but this is just for the solo stuff so this was quite straightforward for me I came up with the idea of making this video and there was five when I pulled the tabs up so chill in I'll show you them all but there are of course some that are worth mentioning I won't do it because I'll name loads but one honorable mention listen I'm from Saudi Arabia and this is my world car for the GB we got ice this is Isis first wild card b2023 I just love the flow and I love how many fresh sounds we have in this one so let's go listen to some of the parts awesome it is a glitch all right yeah [Music] ah the intro coming in is just so groovy and then we got this build to the first drop glitch [Music] [Music] that bit is crazy [Music] where's that part with the gunshot I like that as well this part look hey that's sick okay now there's a part where he switches away [Music] check that bit right now [Music] [Music] there is a glitch [Music] [Music] yeah this one's so sick I like the delivery of the um put my name on the list that is so smooth so yeah had to put that as an honorable mention technically like sixth right because it's my favorite that didn't make it alright so that was Isis first Wild Card which is funny because I had that in fourth place crazy high but I had his uh second wild card in first place but I I'm preferring the vibe of of the first wild card all right getting into them my favorite five now this is a little bit different to how it typically goes if you asked me in the last Wild Card season for this event my favorite wild cards were also my highest ranked I didn't officially rank them but that would have been Stitch and River respectively they were also my favorites this time it's a little bit different they are not my highest ranked they're just the ones I like the most so kicking us off this could be obvious to anybody that watched any of the live streams where I was watching them is hi my name is Sashi and this is my solo wildcard for the grand beat box battle 2020. what can I say this one is just sick [Music] [Music] oh my God this is showing you that you should not over complicate your beatbox all the time sometimes less is just nicer and let's get to that other crazy sound break it down to me [Music] laughs [Music] if you want to watch all their full videos they're all in the description go and check them out I think I've commented on all of them so just to say I had sachet in 13th Place unfortunately that didn't resonate with the other judges they have in their scores morphed in their way so he was the I was the only person that had Sashi in the top 50. now I can understand from an objective scorecard how that could happen for me he was 13th all right now next up this one blows my mind now I wonder if you've seen this one because it is in the solo under 18 category next up is hello my name is darpan this is my solo World Cup check this bad boy out 2023 this wins the best flow of the entire solo and under 18. all wild cards all of them this one has the best flow for me the rank one let's go [Music] oh my God [Music] think [Music] I think now he's gonna break out [Music] the unreal [Music] all the fillers are perfect he's this is the set and he's not veering away too much he's going a better way to come back he stays close to the idea the whole way through you know like myself or other artists sometimes we tend to go something crazy and come back now that's cool but there's also something so cool about staying very close to the idea [Music] oh my God even the way he sliding across the screen to the beat it's like he's staying on track but yeah this um this one the flow is so immaculate that you might as well stick to the same beat because it's so good and and objectively he ranked second for me in the um in the under 18s as well for me obviously like it's so good [Music] oh [Music] Breakout [Music] bruh under 18. this young lad that good oh that's crazy all right next up no stranger to the obvious I skanked away to this one in um live stream reaction and and judging uh came out of nowhere we have man like Riku oh this one's so sick all right dare I say this one is my favorite drop in the whole thing it's so delicate and pleasing and just so nice to listen to so he starts with these overtones check it out oh that's cool he's gonna break out into the vocals in a sec this is so nice hi [Music] spirit so he's very delicate with the percussion [Music] like that as you'll hear so you you take a big score down on my scorecard uh from quality there's a there's a few things to scroll down on but but what you do is is you give that subjective value because it's quiet and delicate it adds that atmosphere to the beat so um so that's why it's one of my favorite from this year definitely in my favorite five so check out the development here uh to the drop [Music] also scoring in my top 50. [Music] the sound is [Music] oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah here we go here we go [Music] run into your veins [Music] oh my God I can listen to that let's go again [Music] Riku that is the source that one is so good that has turned out to be I think my favorite drop from all of the wild cards which represents the style of music that I enjoy because I don't like to listen to hardcore stuff funny right because in my beatbox battle style it's definitely some hardcore style but in musical preference I definitely like that style more alright so far I've noticed all of my favorite wild cards have been beat boxes from Asia so they were coming crazy this year with so many creative ideas and it doesn't stop because my fourth out of the five in no order now every Wild Card yeah some people bring their songs like a comp their own composition stuff that you see on my music channel you're making your song you show the song in in the wild card now there's the standout songs each time like I said previously um it was Stitch feels like nothing and River my way these two oh my God all right so for so in equivalent this year this feels like that composed song that I just love ear worm to the ears staying in my head love this track check this out oh my God and also he scored very high for me I think in the top 25 of my solo rankings and this was subsequently my first place under 18 ranking so uh one dance serpent my two favorite under 18 wild cards were also my first and second oh [Music] [Music] where do we live [Music] hahaha [Music] see look I can pick up all the parts I remember them easily I can identify the entire wild card and when he breaks out of this flow he goes into this like minimalistic version let's find that because I sit now [Music] this inhale breathing mm-hmm [Music] this is crazy cool I love this set [Music] yeah so that's wand from South Korea like serpent as well wow okay so my honorable mention and four of my five of my favorite wild cards were made up of beatboxers from Asia I wonder if the final one breaks that or keeps it the same well what I can say is from the five this one ranked the highest in the solo main category for me ranking just above Sasha in Ninth Place following the trend man like yes this one is so sick Cloud if you're watching bro I am all over this wild card I love your wild card oh everything about it guys the intro the weird sounds that you might like you might not like you'll hear but that feels like a cloud to me like a puff of smoke and like his drops man the structure the Style ah from the very start check it out [Music] this [Music] man this is a proper house tune this is a proper house tune 2023 all right here we go [Music] there you go [Music] [Music] and then all of a sudden we get weird look [Music] when he does the lyrics to the drop my favorite vet it's coming [Music] do you think is now [Music] here I don't believe it oh oh [Music] my God [Music] the structure [Music] oh my God man [Music] it there's even more information in the final seconds keep checking it out [Music] and this final percussion drop [Music] s [Music] they were my favorite wild cards from these gbb season this year now obviously we all have our different favorites obviously I am not biased because none of these ranked my favorite my highest rankings on that solo score card at least but here's where I question this all if these were my favorite five ranked one to five for example are we saying that's bias well in my head I can't decide if that's what I should do because they're my favorite they're just it's just a it's a music video so on one of my scores the way I could have scored is these five are my top five I mean serpents isn't actually in the it wasn't in the main ranking but there is a world out there where you rank the wild cards like a month or two later and you just rank it in order from your favorite now that's controversial because you want to be scoring like technical points objective blah blah hence why my score looks different in the end but it I think it would be effective if judges ranked their favorites because I have no doubt that my favorites here are not your favorites or the judges or the other person down the lane these are just mine you can't tell me I'm wrong I search on YouTube or wherever it might be I search the one I want to listen to and they're the five I listen to the most from the solo because they're my favorite I couldn't rank them either I tried didn't get anywhere so they're my five they're all first you know in any order now let me know in the comments as we conclude this season of the wild cards what were your favorites please let me know I'd love to know people's opinions of their favorites they were definitely my five and I also want to say again check the description you can watch their whole videos the original videos are there now I also just want to give why not a couple of tiny honorable mentions to Mr androidy's first Wild Card which I also ranked first I want to give an honorable mention to omena from Taiwan that one was a sick set in my top five for the under 18s and high on the main as well I also really liked vatangs who rank third in the main for me and yamori's second Wild Card round two one so there are just a few and finally osis round two wild card that had that crazy energy style so just an honorable mention why not just they came to mind as well so big up to all the artists for showing us more of their sets I will follow suit too and show you more of my sets this year cheers for watching they are my favorite wild cards see you later yeah
Channel: Dlow Beatbox
Views: 208,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: emF8ZBLcEmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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