My Family is OBSESSED with This Peruvian Recipe

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Peruvian chicken or poo peruano simply known in Peru as poo alabrasa is a crazy delicious whole marinated chicken in spices and herbs and roasted until golden brown I'm also thinking I may serve it up with a classic Peruvian sauce to make seriously one of the most flavorful dishes out there you know the rules let's start off with the prep sound good let's cook in a medium sauté pan I'm going to add in 1 teaspoon each of cumin seeds and coriander seeds then I'm taking it over to the Cook toop and over low to medium heat while stirring occasionally we are going to toast up these seeds for about 7 to 8 minutes this process will allow the seeds to release a little bit of their oil and make them more aromatic and in return more flavorful and even before you remove the pan from the burner use your hand and just wa some of those Aromas toward yourself let's get the senses rolling early here in this recipe now I'm going to be making this entire marinade using a mortar and pestl so let's add our toasted seeds in there now grab our pestel and gently but firmly press and rotate it twisting it around the base of the mortar to grind everything down it's totally okay if there are a few chunks in here and if you want to be a good Steward of what's already in your cabinets you can absolutely sub out with already ground spices of course don't toast them add them right to the mortar now this recipe he is heavy on garlic so I'm adding in 12 whole garlic cloves then I'm adding in about a half in chunk of peeled fresh ginger then again using that pestl mash the garlic and the ginger into the spices and begin to grind it down until they are Incorporated and obviously you will still have a little bit of chunks in here from the garlic and ginger it's totally fine just doing this pestal process in the mortar will help them release all of their flavor for our marinade andies the next two ingredients that would traditionally go in here may be a little bit difficult to find the first one is called wakai This Is Peruvian black mint obviously hard to find fresh here in the United States but it has flavors of fresh mint and cilantro now you could purchase this on Amazon like I did you also may be able to find it at a local Latin grocery store however the substitute easy three leaves of fresh mint totaling about one teaspoon ground down now for cilantro remember I already have coriander in there that's going to cover that Flavor now the other one is known as AI Panka AI just means Chili Pepper now what you can do is pick this up on Amazon or you can try to find it at a local Latin grocery store or you can also buy the dried whole version of a PKA Chili Pepper if not because I really want you to make this recipe cuz it's so good just substitute for an ancho Chile okay you can find these at just about any grocery store let me show you how to prep it up what you're going going to want to do is remove the stem and then get all of the seeds out of that ancho chili now you'll have to rip open the Chile a little bit totally fine to do so then once it's completely seated let's add it to a small sauté pan it's going in a middle rack in the oven at 275° F for only 15 to 16 minutes we want to dry it out so that it will easily grind down in our mortar but let's not waste any prep time while the Chile is in the oven we're going to need about 1 tbsp of fresh fresh Rosemary however this will not grind down that well using a pestl so I'm going to pull the leaves right off the stem and using a chef knife I'm just going to finally mince it once it is finely minced let's add it right to our mortar now let's just go back to the oven pull out our ancho chili and let it cool slightly to room temperature which only takes a couple of minutes and just after that time you'll see how crunchy it has become and how easily it is going to break down so let's add that again right to our mortar and using that pestl let's grind it down into all the other ingredients and as you can see we have a nice thick paste at the bottom of our mortar and just to quickly add if you do have the wakai you would add in one tablespoon and if you have the AI Panka you'd add in a tablespoon and a half now at this stage I'm going to add in 3 tablespoons of red wine vinegar then I'm adding in a/4 cup of olive oil you could also substitute for any neutral flavored oil if you'd like then last but not least least 3 tbspoon of soy sauce yes Believe It or Not soy is definitely used in Peruvian cuisine then just using your pestl rotate it around the mortar in a circular motion just to combine that paste with all of the liquid we just added now this part is incredibly important use a spoon and taste it it should be full of flavor remember we're using this to season up and marinate our chicken we're not drinking it straight it should be slightly overs salty over garlicky if it's not add more salt add more garlic let's briefly set it to the side and then I'm going to pull out one whole roasting chicken this weighs in between 3 and 1/2 and 4 lb now classically a poo alabrasa is a whole roasted chicken so that's what I'm going to use in this recipe now when it comes to whole chickens I do like to rinse out the inside cavity because I don't know how long things have been sitting in there and I just want to get any of that liquid out of there once it's thoroughly rinsed I'm just going to use some paper towels and I'm going to Pat it down very well on the outside and of course the inside cavity and if you want you could skip all this and simply purchase a whole air chilled chicken and once the chicken is patted dry I'm just going to transfer it over to a large bowl and from there I'm going to pour in all but about 2 to 3 tablespoons of the marinade don't worry I'll tell you what we're going to do with that in just a minute then using your hands rub this marinade all over this chicken on both sides especially in the cavity get some underneath the skin as well doing stuff as simple as massaging all these flavors into this chicken is just going to pay dividends in our final result now because the marinade will be at the bottom of the bowl no matter what you do as it sits I'm going to flip it over and put it breast side down because after all that's where most of the meat on the bird is and because my wife and daughter really only like the breast meat I'm going to let them have the most flavorful part then we're just going to cover it in plastic wrap and sure you could probably get away with a 4-Hour marinade on this but when it comes to marinating flavor comes with time if you're asking me anywhere from 12 hours all the way up to 72 hours those flavors need time to marry and incorporate and Infuse in that chicken 4 hours okay you might get a little bit of that but if you marinate this thing for a few days oh my gosh so much better sure do you have to plan ahead of course but I promise you it's worth it you got to do it now just transferring our chicken into the refrigerator I'm going to let it sit overnight now remember that remaining 2 to 3 tablespoons of marinade well we're going to use it at the very end so just scrape it to the side in a little container and place it in the refrigerator as well now when your chicken is done marinating so day two let's take it out of the refrigerator take off the plastic WRA it looks great and as soon as you take off the plastic you're going to get a douse of delicious Aromas from that marinade so we're going to let it sit for about 30 minutes just to take the chill off and in the meantime we are going to preheat our oven up to 400° fah fan off so no convection now the other option is going to be on the grill so we are going to heat just one side of the grill up to high heat and then in the other side is where we're going to place our chicken now really quick classically a poo alabrasa is done on a rotisserie so guess what if you have a rotisserie that's what I want you to use but for the rest of us who only have an oven or a grill this one's for you what I'm going to do is flip the chicken over and we want to stabilize it a little bit so it's not rocking around so we are going to tuck both Wings behind the bird just like this and then what we want to do is tie the drums together just using some butcher twine we're going to wrap it underneath the right drum and over top of the left drum and simply pull it together this will help them stick and then just tie them in a knot just like you're tying your shoe perfect now the best way to roast this is in a pan on a rack it does not much matter what kind of pan you use you can use a Rond do with a round Rack or you can use a simple 13x9 roasting pan with a rack in the bottom either one will totally work for this recipe now if you don't even have a rack but you still have a 13x9 casserole dish this will still work I thickly sliced two yellow onions and you can place them right in the center and set the chicken right on top now we are going to add some liquid to the pan and I don't want the chicken to be sitting in it I want it to be lifting off and these onions will work well plus they'll add some really nice flavors of the chicken now I'm going to use my Rond do pan well because you know me I love that Rond do placing the chicken right in the center and of course use your hands a rubber spatula and scrape all that marinade right onto the chicken come on don't skip out on that flavor then I'm going to pour in two cups of chicken stock right to the bottom of the pan now you could of course just use water or bro over work or even vegetable stock this is to help steam bake it and try to replicate that juicy moist chicken you get when it comes right off the rotisserie so you can do one of two things in the oven on a middle rack at 400° f for in between 70 to 75 minutes or until it reads about 162 or 163° F in the thickest part of the bird or you can cook it on the grill on that indirect heat side where there is no direct flame underneath and cook it for that exact same time 70 to 75 minutes now we've obviously got some time while the chicken cooks and remember I said I wanted to serve it up with a classic sauce that's right we're going to make something known as AI Verde or Peruvian green sauce so in a blender I'm adding in one cup of mayonnaise I've got an awesome homemade recipe if you want to use that next I'm adding in one tightly packed cup of fresh cilantro leaves and stems remember there's a lot of flavor in those stems next I'm adding in three green onions the whites and the green parts then I'm adding in 1 each seated jalapeno and Sano pepper now I'm adding in a/4 cup of queso fresco another great option would be ktia cheese then I'm going to squeeze in the juice of one lime which is going to equal about 2 tbsp oons next two whole garlic cloves then I'm drizzling in 2 tbspoon of olive oil and remember the wakai I talked about when marinating the chicken well we're going to pull that out and add in one tablespoon of it and if you do not have this you can substitute for five to six large fresh leaves of mint and this next ingredient which is optional but also very classic is known as AI amario which is a hot yellow pepper paste we're going to add in one tablespoon of it and while it does look like baby food a little bit it's absolutely delicious all right let's generously season it up with some coarse salt then we are going to blend it until it is completely smooth just like this it will have wonderful bright vibrant colors and just like everything else grab a spoon and taste it does it need more salt you have to be the judge here now just to give our chicken a look it's been about 35 minutes we're about halfway through you can see it's pretty golden brown here now if this is making you a little nervous at this stage what I want you to do is is take about a 2 ft sheet of foil crimp it in the center and just drape it Over the Top This is called tenting and it will prevent your chicken from over Browning and once your chicken is done let's pull it out looks amazing we're going to let it rest for 10 to 15 minutes and during that time it's going to rise above that 165° F internally and the smells alone in here will push you to make this such a great balance of flavor as well it's zesty salty it's got some nice acid from the lime juice earthy tones from the cumin I'm telling you what this is a must make still goes back to those fundamental classic cooking techniques though making sure you're marinating for plenty of time getting that roast just right I'm telling you it is awesome and I'm fogging up a little bit because of the hot chicken but let me show you how I plate this up so I've got that remaining 2 to three tablespoons of our marinade I heated it up slightly over low heat just to warm it up and take the chill off of it we're going to generously brush the chicken on all sides then I'm just going to serve it up on a sheet Tray Line with parchment paper then of course let's not forget about our AI Verde Peruvian green sauce so so good then just going to finish it with some limes starting to get antsy and hungry let's get in this now traditionally Peruvian chicken would be served up with like a palm fre or fried potatoes however if you want to take it a step further definitely check out my Peruvian beans the flavors are incredible and as always you can get all of my recipes over at plus Imperial tetri conversions just for you for now I'll see you over on that Peruvian beans video
Channel: Chef Billy Parisi
Views: 246,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef billy parisi, billy parisi, chef billy parisi recipes, food recipes, how to cook, peruvian food, peruvian chicken, peru, peruvian cuisine, peruvian, south american food, how to make peruvian chicken, peruvian chicken sauce, aji verde, aji amarillo sauce, huacatay, peruvian dishes, peruvian chicken recipe, aji amarillo, roasted chicken, oven baked peruvian chicken, peruvian aji amarillo chicken, chef billy, chicken recipe, sauce
Id: rhIHkDY8zDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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