"My family does not believe in my dreams - it makes me doubt myself" - Here is what I did

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hi everyone my name is alina reyes and this video is about a very common problem that we often receive on the comments and that is many people tell us that there's a line i'm just gonna say it and understand the feel behind it it goes something like this that ma'am i want to pursue my dreams i have a desire to do this and this with my life but my either my parents are pushing me into something else or my family does not want me to do this or there's a lot of pressure or there is a lot of some other thing something or the other is happening with people because of which they are not being able to pursue their dreams and they're not being able to do something that they really really want to do with their lives now i have a story to tell you here and i'm sure it's a pretty story it is going to inspire you it is going to motivate you and the story is obviously i mean by story i do not mean it's gonna be a hypothetical thing that i'm gonna share with you it's a real thing it's my own life story that i wanna bring across to you and i want you to hear and i want you to get inspired from motivate yourself from you must remember while i'm sharing all these details with you that i didn't have financial responsibilities i had to only earn for myself so in my case i was um in a way blessed that way so now keeping this as a given now you can hear what i did when it all started i um started as a ca so i had a good degree in my hand and it's difficult to believe that somebody who has a good qualification can also struggle with their lives i had to actually fight very hard to be here i'll tell you why when i started my career i was already supposedly successful but i knew in my heart that i'm not this is not what i want to do this is not exactly what i dreamt of doing with my life this is not uh this is not what this is not my talent i have some other talents and this is not the thing i'd like to do for my life i wanted to do something in the field of speaking i always knew that i could speak well i wanted to do something that would i've always said that in a lot of my videos even before i don't know how many of them you've already seen but i've always shared this with you and i'm gonna say that again that i always wanted to do something that some some place where i could touch the lives of people i wanted to inspire people i wanted to help them and of course what i was doing after my ca degree was not something like that i was making fair enough money but i had to part with it i had to stop that career path and i had to struggle very long for almost five years i i didn't have money and i wasn't earning anything i i my parents he would tell me that my they were scared for me and they were worried about me they did because of course um none of us are getting younger and people care about you they they want you to get married they want you to get settled they want you to have a family of your own they want you to have a peaceful not a struggling life and somewhere where you would feel safe right but sadly the thing is that when you want to feel safe that is not something that can be done in the beginning if you want to do something different with your career if you want to try out things if you want to explore ideas and build a business of your own you can't play safe because if you're playing safe you would end up nowhere how can you be safe and at the same time build a business you can't do that you can't you could i don't understand if there is a way out there because i don't i didn't know it i don't know it even now so um yeah so what happened was that when i started with all these things i was i was playing with my parents emotions they were very scared for me and i remember my father saying this very often that i'll tell you i'll tell you exactly the sentence he would say to me he would say she has so much potential i don't know what she's doing with her life i don't understand when will she get some she he would um he would use this word akal when would she get akal when is she going to be blessed with some understanding of life i don't know what she's doing with her life i have heard that so many times about myself and i will not deny it used to hurt and uh it felt very scary because what if they are right what if what if they are right and what if after struggling for so many years you end up doing nothing and you're gone you don't have anything in your hand you don't have anything to prove yourself from what if they are right and you're wrong but i will not deny that despite having this feeling in my heart i always had a very positive hope inside me i had that feeling that although i believe this about myself that i'm i don't know this is just it's a very personal thing i may feel you may not feel at all it's it's up to you i don't think it is up to you actually it is something that should come from within and this comes from my inside my heart and that is this feeling that i'm special special to my god okay and i've always felt that if i would work for something if i would truly believe in something somehow something after a long wait is going to happen for me and this feeling has been very strong in me not from now but from my childhood i've always wanted difficult things and i've always worked extremely hard on getting them and i've always seen that after a good period of weight i've always received those things things that i truly truly aspired for because i'm a person who has aspirations i like dreaming it just gives me wings i feel i'm nobody without my dreams i feel like i'm no one without my struggle without my passion because that is something that makes me feel alive and i can't stop from being myself this is me so there was this feeling that i know somewhere in my heart that right now i don't have money but one day i'm gonna have money right now i don't have success but one day i'm gonna be very successful right now i'm not truly making everyone happy around me one day i'm gonna make everyone very happy and i'm telling you that things may have just suddenly happened in the last one or two years for me but before that there was a huge period of what six years five or six years or so or maybe more i know it seems very small everyone has their own path my path was this and i'm not gonna lie about it you may have a longer path you may have a more difficult path but this is my story so this is this is my thing it may be good to you it may not be good to you it may be very boring to you but this is truth so those five to six years felt like a decade they felt like decades of 50 60 years when they were going on because because i wanted to be successful i'll tell you something that i wanted to be successful at a young age i really really wanted a success at a young age because i wanted to um enjoy my life while i was healthy while i had the blessing of health and after having gone through covet now i understand that health is everything everything else comes later it is the health that is truly the most single most important thing in the world but okay coming back so what i was telling you was that how can you handle these things you can handle these things by um first of all understand what i did was when i started my youtube career first of all i never considered it to be a career because i didn't know that it's gonna work for me it was always a thing that may work or may not work for me so it was like that so i started it and uh side by side i started teaching also because teaching would just give me some money to run my expenses um you know it would just give me 15 20 000 rupees a month to take care of my expenses to take care of my stuff and rest of the things i would manage i mean i would just cut down my desires i would not buy dresses i would not buy bags i would not get i would not spend a lot on the parlor stuff because of course i was on a very tight budget during all those years so that is how i managed to have a small career for myself in teaching so that i could and of course you can earn please ignore these noises some children outside so um teaching can give you huge amount of money but um but i was actually just starting off and of course in the beginning you would never start with a very big number so i was starting off so the amount was small and it was not my only thing i was trying to do something else on the side and that is why um this thing of um um [Music] not paying a lot of attention to the money i was meeting making out of teaching was not not very important to me to be honest so i had a small part-time thing going on with me and meanwhile i was working on youtube so i was running two things together so this is very important in my eyes i feel that if you are trying to build a career on something with a different kind of a career choice something that is less tried and very risky it's best to have a small income on the side because that is going to help you keep yourself respect intact it's going to help you so much you will not have to ask for money to other people and you won't have to like you won't have to prove your parents right every time asking them money because each time if i would ask my parents money their belief in the thing that she is doing something terrible with her life is going to get reaffirmed i didn't want that to happen so that is how it helped me um it went on for quite a while like that but because i truly believed in what i was doing and i totally truly knew what i wanted to do it could actually happen and i'm so happy about it i just wanted to share this small thing with you i wanted to let you know that guys sometimes people will not understand what you're working towards because although i'm not going to i'm not making this video with a perspective to um explain their side i am helping you understand your own self through this video so the point is that no matter what their reasons are they just care about you and that is why they are probably too much on your head about what they want and expect out of you but understand one thing that even if you are doing something or trying to do something for yourself but something is very important here to understand is that you must have a side income you must take up some small part-time job or something in order to earn your money you can't ask money to others because that is i mean are gonna get doubled if you do that okay please have a small site income for yourself and in my case i would say i really really believed very hard in myself i was a very strong believer and it really worked for me because every time i would just pray very hard very very very inside my heart just crying and i really want something somehow it would just come true um not in the way i would like it to be but in some other way or somewhere from some place some person it would just come true that is all i had to say to you thank you very much i hope this video made sense to you please believe in yourself don't i wouldn't advise anyone to stop working on their dreams because when they come true oh my god when they come true they are lovely they are lovely when they come true what if they don't come true the the biggest thing that can happen is a failure if they don't come true you you will fail but beyond that i don't understand what else may happen please have a side career go on with somehow you'll have to manage with two things going on for yourself that is it thank you very much please let me know if this video helped you i tried my best i'll be back bye
Channel: Aleena Rais Live
Views: 89,829
Rating: 4.9187899 out of 5
Keywords: aleena rais, aleena rais live, my family doesn't support me, family support
Id: 2tzPncE8bd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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