My everyday hair using the Dyson airwrap | How to make your hair last for three days

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hi guys and welcome to another YouTube video I think this is actually gonna be my fourth one yeah yeah no it is just me today and I've decided to do a YouTube video on how I style my hair and how I create these sort of waves and my hair so if you're up for learning and how I do that please continue watching so I've obviously got wet hair because I just wash my hair in the shower and then all I did after that was just giving a quick brush through with my timer teaser which is pretty great so it doesn't damage your hair if it's wet as well so you don't get any breakage and then first product I'm gonna apply to my hair it's gonna be a heat protectant I use the Kerastase one doing this I don't really know if it's any good but I just feel like it's better to be protecting your hair but yes I've got that to come to this end and I mainly pump it through on the ends and then my little secret weapon that I use on my hair it is just put the right hand on the Dyson I wrap I know it's like super super pricey but especially like oh I also for Christmas this year because I was just anxious I have to try this like if this works it's a very complete GameChanger and it really it's at first thing I've heard like a lot of different reviews about it and at first I was a bit skeptical because those people were like oh it's not worth the money but I'm to be honest when I first got it and I using ours that was I'm not not that keen on it but then I've really got to grips with it I feel like I really know how to use it now and I'm just absolutely obsessed before I was using hair colors on my hair every single day to comb my hair one it's just a waste of my time it just took up in ages and - also that was so bad for my hair I was just getting such a bad split ends um but yeah then I came across this little baby so I'm going to show you how I use this today um so obviously if you just saw it but they think checked in through my hand and then I'm just gonna give it a run blow-dry okay and then I just stop when it's still damp and this is when I put my mousse in the most I use is wild style sixties babe rebel push-up one and it's by L'Oreal I'll just show that to you yeah try quite a lot racism that's why finds a really really good because you want to make this short the curl lasts as long as possible and I'm just gonna use about a tennis ball size it's quite a lot this mess to be honest I like much and I'm just going to pop this through the very roots of my hair and then I woke up it through the ends as well just cuz I find like if my hair's my hands like quite soft so if I don't put any of this mousse in it will look great for like Brown assisting my hair will literally just drop so I feel like this is ideal for styling I don't know she just popping this in any bits I walk my boy and say front of the hair and in the roots and I'll just put this last bit through the ends of my hair so yeah my hair my hair who looked like a little bit ratty throughout the video when I turn inceptions but I promise you that's not actually my hair cuz I've like texturizer and then I'm gonna go back and with a Dyson I wrap and for this one I'm so I'm using the hair dry end so you literally just take it off so it's great because it's your hair dryer and your curling Tong and everything else in one and then I'm just gonna go in and dry my hair pretty much completely okay so my hair is pretty much completely dry and then now for this bit you're gonna need two hair bands and I'll show you how I section so I just gonna take from just above my ears I take the bottom section I use quite a big section on the bottom because I've actually got really thick hair and if I do just some more sections it takes me ages so I've decided should just do a bigger section on the bottom so you're doing like a half up half down and as you can see I'm like twisting my hair at the top and then I'm just gonna wrap it around like that and that is how I'll put it up after I blow out the sections as well I'll show you how I do that so then I need to change my Dyson head in two sizes we've got the bigger round head and then you've got the smaller one and for my hair I just stick with the big ones just cuz I prefer a bit of a looser curl I use these ones if I want like an extra kind of curly volumizers blow-dry I think day to day I've definitely just use these ones and the way you want to tell which head you want to put on Dee's blow-dry the hair in two different directions so you can see the little arrows on them and so if I start from my left hand side I want the arrows to be flowing that way so that I'm going to get an eye curl off the face and then I'll swap halfway through my hair and I'll change to you this head it's a minute old bird read them that way and say then that will create really nice curls so I just change it to this way and you'll see when I blow-dry it's amazing what you want to do is you want to grab a section of hair and you want to make sure it's quite smooth and you just want to hold your hair about half way and then you'll turn it on you'll see it's gonna wrap and I'm just gonna move it slowly towards my hair and then when I feel the heat on my head I'm gonna do is just hold this power button up which then brings it to cool which we then set the curl and then you just turn it off and you get the perfect car and there it is girl you want to hold on that for about five seconds and as you saw I changed the temperature to your cooler we're not to feel the heat on my head because I'm not gonna set in it's really gonna make it laughs strong so I'm just gonna go around and get to halfway on my head and then I'll switch the rollers [Music] and also as you saw like when I was doing that one I like almost like shook the dice in a little bit just to get all my hands in because I've discovered that that's a really good way of getting all the little ends in as well okay so now I've got a little bit less than halfway around I'm gonna switch the roller and I start like switching them just a little bit before I get halfway because then it's easier and I can use the dice in a different way so that I can then like roller pose like under and get that volume at the back you'll get what I mean when I'm turning it on an angle so I'm just gonna go in this way so we're using the Dyson on an angle that way the space ain't gonna just as I said full of directions with the arrows so I'm going to get a nice lift at the back of my hair which is going to create a nice bit of volume [Music] okay so that bottom section is done and I'm not going to brush it through it anything I'm gonna tie it up in like a twisted bun how I did the top of my hand so I'm just going to turn around the reason I do that is OC because it keeps it simple so that I know which bits of hat I've done and which bits I haven't but also because my hair is actually still warm on the hairdryer and we're twisting it in like a twisting button it's going to cool and just make sure those curls where you do like setting so I'm going to take this section of hair down this is where it starts getting awkward because it looks like I have this really thin yeah you were to see the top section it's not a pretty sight so then I'm gonna take pretty much nice of a section apart from the top and again I'm just gonna grab this top back and just tie it up in that twisted bun just to keep just to keep things simple just like that so again we just want those arrows facing that way so we're gonna get a nice curl off the face [Music] good it's so fast section is done I'm gonna add that to my section I've already tied up the back just using the same technique twisting it all around together and then time off in a little bun so just taking that section out I'm just going to read to are all back up and on to the last section this is as I say when it looks really awkward this actually looks like I've like shaved half my head off those things called when what's a mullet if that's what is that what I want to say it looks like I've got a mullet oh good okay and then what I do here is I just take my little comb and I'll do a middle parting obviously if you prefer a side part and reduce my parting so basically just create your parting and if you make it with a little comb you've obviously got this little kind of end points it's really easy to create so I just go from the middle of my brow [Applause] and then I've got that perfect section and with my top I do it slightly different so when I've held the curl it's all sucked in and it's going to hear as I'm cooling it I'll just kind of pull the dicing down really slowly and that way it will just go a little bit faster my headset it's not like crazy volume so you'll see how I do it so you saw I just kind of pulled it down a little bit and that way it's going to just make a really nice Bend to the front of the hair so this is where it's great to really create that roots volume by using the Dyson sideways okay so this looks hilarious I never get a bob Wow this is where we take down all of the back and I just don't leave the top to cool down anyway just because I want it to be like flatter at the top always you can see it's like kind of crazy curls so this is when I grabbed my hair oil and I just use the argan oil and I'm just gonna pop pea-sized amount in my hand I'm just gonna go through it my hair with my fingers just like this this is also why I look at the front of my hair and I can see I'm not really liking that shape at the front so this is where I'll show you another head at the Dyson I'm just gonna use this round brush head just like this so take these front sections I'm just gonna turn the Dyson on I'm just gonna roll down wishes to create a nicer looser wave so you can see already that's like so much nicer because it's just softer and it's not gonna do it yes and that is how I do my hair so I hope you enjoyed that I hope you also enjoyed how to use the Dyson as well I know it's super Spenny but as I say if you're going to invest it's a great investment I personally think it's honestly like change that sounds ridiculous saying it changes my life but it's a game changer because as I said before I was using a color every single day where is this I do it once every three days or once every two days depending on how fresh want my hair to look yeah and when you get the hang of it honestly it takes me about 15 minutes yeah just again I'd say the tips are like keeping it so when you bring that Dyson and you just want to touch your head with it so you get that nice root volume and again if you're struggling to get those ends in you just want to shake it slightly and then it will wrap around this end and also if you guide the hair in a little bit as well makes it a lot easier but it is just getting the nick of it once you've got it you know you know how to do and it takes me about 15 minutes so it is great but I hope you really enjoyed that video and if you did please and like and subscribe and yeah I hope to be doing more of these kind of videos we've got any suggestions if there's anything else you'd like to know like an about makeup fitness possibly anything just write them in the comments and hope to hear from you soon bye
Channel: Molly Edgley
Views: 347,103
Rating: 4.8536048 out of 5
Keywords: hair, hairstyle, dysonairwrap, hairinspo, everydayhair
Id: uwnDNpQBOlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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