My EPYC new Home Server - This is OVERKILL...

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what happens when a nerd with terrible impulse control gets into home servers well yes yeah i uh they go a little overboard [Music] okay uh i don't really want to do the entire video with this thing on the table so so what that was was my brand new home server and i know i just did multiple videos on my now old home server uh which was actually working pretty well but i needed an upgrade not necessarily needed i wanted an upgrade so let me preface this by saying the parts that are in this thing are not what i would recommend to basically anybody building a home server so with that said let me go through the parts and after i will justify why i bought them and why i'm not recommending that to you so for the processor we went with an epic 7302 from amd this is a 16 core 32 thread processor with 128 lanes of pci gen 4 compatibility now right off the bat that's that's overkill the base clock is 3 gigahertz and it can boost up to 3.3 and has a total tdp of 155 watts for the motherboard we went with an asrock roam d82t now this is probably my favorite part of the build even more so than the epic processor because this thing has every feature you can imagine this thing has seven pci gen 4 16x slots two 10 gigabit lan ports as well as another lan port for ipmi it's got 8 channel ram so not dual channel not quad channel but eight channels for inputs it's also got two mini sas connectors for up to eight sata drives it's got two nvme pci gen 4.0 slots as well as two occusync slots now i'm not super familiar with occusync and after doing a bit of research on it i'm not a fan honestly there's not really much you can do with it i know the general consensus is to use it for u.2 drives which is kind of more of an enterprise standard that's kind of taking off these days but i'm not really utilizing them so now along with all of that it also has dedicated onboard video which i think is an underrated feature because with that you no longer have to utilize a dedicated graphics card meaning that you don't have to waste 8 or 16 pci e-slots housing everything is a fractal meshify 2xl now i could have gotten by with the non-xl version uh but i was kind of scared that i was not going to be able to fit everything in the regular version turns out the xl is ginormous i actually like it because of one just one basic feature is that there's extra pci slots um underneath the last slot for the motherboard so in normal cases you know the last slot of your motherboard is only going to be able to house a single slot uh card because you physically don't have room in the case but that's not the case with this case it has a lot of room so i'm happy with it cooling the processor i went with noctuo which is kind of a no-brainer especially if you're not utilizing a rack mount system if you're utilizing a you know standard desktop case noctua is going to be your best bet for air cooling so i went with an octoan nhu14s it's got a 140 millimeter fan and six heat pipes i believe and this thing has been knocking out of the park with everything i've been doing with the processor i've don't think i've seen the processor get over 50 degrees for ram i have 128 gigabytes of ddr4 1400 megahertz and that is ecc uh it's one of the main reasons why i upgraded uh ecc is crucial in a server environment where it performs error checking on itself so in the event that you have kind of an error with your ram it'll self-correct and you won't get crashes now i'm actually utilizing all eight channels um on the motherboard because i'm running eight 16 gigabyte sticks of samsung you know ddr4 standard ecc uh memory for the boot drive i went with a two terabyte silicon power nvme drive now it is gen 3 and i do regret going gen 3 but gen 4 drives are you know just so much more expensive right now and i'd already spent so much more money than i wanted to on the motherboard ram processor and the hard drives which i'm about to get to but if i could go back i'd probably splurge for the gen 4 nvme simply because this is housing all my vms and the more random i o speed you can get from a drive the better now hard drives one of the main reasons why i upgraded was because i wanted a crap ton of of hard drive storage i wanted to never care about storing data or running out of capacity ever again so i went with four 12 terabyte western digital hgst helium enterprise drives yeah uh four 12 terabytes that's 48 terabytes total and while that doesn't sound like a lot for a server that's a lot for me i mean i'm basically the only one utilizing this so that's plenty enough now while i do have 48 terabytes of physical storage i'm actually running i'm using cfs and running it's equivalent of a raid 10 meaning that two drives are mirrored copies of each other in raid one the other two drives are mirrored copies of each other and raid one and then those two sets are striped together in raid zero so that's how you get the raid 10 grade one raid 0. so after all the formatting and everything i come out with about 21 terabytes which is perfectly fine with me it's enough storage it's a good combination of speed with the raid 0 as well as i don't want to say backup but redundancy uh with the raid 1. i also have the rtx 2070 in there from my old server and it still functions as a gaming virtual machine for windows and when it's not gaming i'm actually mining ethereum with it because why not otherwise it's sitting there collecting dust and i have 128 pci lanes to use so why not so those are the parts that i went with and again i'm not recommending that that's just what i went with and let me explain the why part of it now so what i was running before on my home server was a ryzen 5 2700 now this is a consumer processor and while it does have 8 cores and 16 threads it's not really designed to be in a server and the main reason for this is due to it essentially having only 20 usable pci gen 3 lanes now 20 pci lanes is perfectly fine for a majority of people because well you're gonna put a graphics card in there and pretty much that's it 16 lanes you have four left over you're good to go but in the server environment you want to utilize your processor to the max you want to fill those pci lanes up with cards different you know input devices anything you can throw at it and 20 lanes just wasn't enough now in my old server you know it didn't have onboard video so i had to immediately use a graphics card to get video out of it which was eight lanes right off the bat which then left me with 12 and then i wanted a 10 gigabit land so i had to throw another card in there and that's another eight lane so now i'm down to four and four isn't really much for expansion now i have 128 lanes of pcie gen 4 which is a lot now i know a lot of you are thinking well if you wanted more pci lanes why didn't you just go with older xeon processors for a fraction of the cost and i almost did and that honestly is what i would recommend to 99.9 percent of people out there because there's just no beating the price to performance of those xeon processors you can go on ebay and get two xeon 2697s for 100 each and those are 12 chord 24 thread processors that go up to i think 3.5 gigahertz and you get about 48 pci lanes each with those so that's plenty and honestly that's that's the best bang for buck out there pair that with a dual socket you know x79 motherboard and ecc ddr3 ram and i would have saved 800 to a thousand dollars going that route so why didn't i do that basically because when i get into a hobby and especially with technology i like to future proof things i like to have the peace of mind of knowing that the purchase i made will last for years to come and that's the main reason why i'm shooting this video on a sony a7s3 and why i take photos on a sony a7r4 it's just preference another reason kind of why is i wanted to limit the amount of heat and energy used as much as possible so while the epic processor is you know 155 watt tdp uh each one of those xeon processors will run about 130 watts each so you're looking at about 100 plus more watts just on the processors for going with those xeons now if you're running you know an actual server in a server room rack mounted you know away from you where you don't have to worry about noise or heat that wouldn't be an issue but this is running in my house in a living room so noise and heat was actually a big factor so that's my build and i'm extremely happy with it the processor is leaps and bounds better than what i was running before i just ran some simple cinebench runs and i'll post those results somewhere probably cover my face but it ran it runs as expected from a top-tier amd server grade processor now i do plan on doing a follow-up video where i talk about the software that i'm running on my home server uh because that's changed a good bit from what i was running before uh basically because i have a lot more horsepower now and i have more rains to do you know some some cooler things so be on the lookout for that video but if you like this video be sure to drop a like if you're running a home server at home comment below i'm pretty interested in what kind of hardware you guys are running as well as software personally i'm running proxmox so if you're running proxmox as well let me know what you're using it for but that's basically all i have for you today and i'll see y'all in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Raid Owl
Views: 10,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Yj540k_bMAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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