My Entire Houseplant Collection Fall 2019! | Houseplant Collection Tour!

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hey today I'm going to be doing my fall house plant collection tour the soil video was supposed to go up today there was a little glitch with one of my clips so I have to refill that so the soil video which I know a lot of you have been waiting for will go up on Tuesday I know it's not technically fall yet but I'm super pumped to do this video because my collection has changed a lot my setup has changed a lot so I'm excited to show you the changes the biggest change I guess as I've rearranged my house but then second to that is I have been getting rid of quite a few plants so you may notice my collection looks a bit smaller I'm not getting rid of all my plants I think I'm about done with the minimizing my plant collection the plants have mostly gotten rid of our ones that just kind of stressed me out care wise if I looked at a plant and I like didn't feel connected to it in any way and I'm getting all Marie Kondo about it I just like have this urge to kind of minimize my collection of it so I do also have a bunch of plants outside but I'm not going to be showing you those today I'll show you those once I bring them in for winter yeah let's just get into it starting here in my kitchen I have my home alone inna emerald gem this is a plant I love the leaves are just gorgeous they are gem shaped so that is why I think it's called the Emerald gem but this plant doesn't normally live here I'm just keeping it here to be in isolation is that is that what it's called when it's separated from the rest of your plants because this plant does have thrips and it's been here for a few days because I am going to be working on doing a how to manage every kind of pest video so I have to film taking care of this one but I just have not gotten around to it it's not a huge thrip infestation by any means I've just seen a couple on the leaves and a couple in the soil but it will be a good video I feel a helpful video anyway so that's why this guy's here normally he sits in front of its southern window because he likes a little late now flipping you around here to this little table just ignore papers and frames and things I'm decluttering my house and these are all papers I have to go through see if it's important or not so that's why they're just sitting here for now first up here on the ground I have a Sansevieria plant just in me with your wastebasket I think it looks really cute here and it fills in the felt in this awkward gap where the plant gets the light somehow a whole lot can live over here in this particular spot this gets a bit more light but where the table light blocks some of the light from the window this is about all I feel comfortable keeping right here now but it's done really well it actually has a new little plant light coming in which is awesome here I have a peace lily which is like the roughly edge kind I call it the ruffle peace lily like the chick you know this guy I've had for quite some time it did just get in this huge new week which I'm really excited about so I think it likes it here then here I have my Borel mark C I think is what it's called I get it wrong every single time and somebody always corrects me so thank you for correcting me in advance it also was really happy here it's all of a sudden popping out a whole bunch of new growth it kind of was stagnant for a while but now that I've moved it it's doing really really well so I'm happy about that then here I have my caladium EKKO Jana I actually got rid of my large plant because I just couldn't find a place that I liked where it fit the smaller plant just works for me at flushing I forget what this is called every single time but it is a show man plant it's the one with the purple underside this plant has been so easy honestly one of the easiest in my collection I love it a lot highly recommend it for those of you who want like achalasia type looking plant but want to keep it a lot more easy care to start out you know what I mean but yeah this guy's done great and then here oh I need to do some trimming on most of my plants so be warned I haven't trimmed my plants in a couple of weeks so it's time I have my little Cully yeah Freddie of which is getting in a bunch of new girls again since I moved to here so I think it's really happy I mean I'm taking a girlthe is happiness so oh yeah there's that set up right up here on my kitchen counter I have my Arrowhead plant this was my one of my first plants that I got from my grandma so you've seen it in every single plant collection tour it's actually unraveling a new leaf back there quite a big one which I'm really happy about then just down here I have just a thing of water with some monstera and then some emerald gem philodendron propagating look at those roots I need to get it repotted but I just haven't found where I want them to go yet so for now they're just going to stay here they're happy so why not just leave them here I have my Maria arrow and I think this is cold this guy's one of my Carter Arrowhead plants I don't know why I really struggle with this one so it hasn't grown too much I've gotten a little bit of growth off of it nothing too major then here I have arrow head elbow very gotta which has done well this leaf is getting old and dying off that does happen with these so don't worry if that happens to you your plant is probably still fine as long it's just as it's just one leaf here and there the new growth is coming in extremely variegated and beautiful so yeah this is one of my all-time favorites and then back here I have my pseudo Miam iridium it's liking this cooler weather outside I believe because all of these have just been popping out new growth here I got my white butterfly era it needs some trimming like I said I haven't gotten around to that but here in the next few days definitely here I have my cz Raven which I recently repotted in my last video I think it'll be yeah my last video here I have my Khalifa Michael Velvet Touch Galicia the leaves are so soft I forgot to water it for like a week and did develop some Brown tips so it has seen better days but it's an easy one it'll be fine I think it'll pop back from this it's nothing too crazy and I almost forgot to mention but down here I have my lemon line Miranda which as you guys know is one of my favorite myrrh anta's it's such an easy and beautiful one and it is loving this spot this guy grows pretty quickly anyway but I mean you can see just right here in this frame there are 4 points of new growth which I'm really really happy about so yeah he's definitely happy under here alright so up here on the wall I have some cebu blue pothos X Cebu blue Pozos propagation which has just taken off I'm you can see it's growing all the way it's like it is going crazy really happy here I just keep this full of water and it's done really well and I don't plan to pot it because I love the way it looks here I'll just keep adding more and more water to it here I have a whole assortment of Arrowhead plants I'll go very got a cuttings I have some confetti Arrowhead here I also have some pink illusion Arrowhead a little bit of everything in here and again they are growing in water I have no plans to pop them up because I love the way they look and they're really happy so why not leave them here over here I have a census for a ton of folia growing propagating in water and a little light bulb propagation station my sister made in one of her videos and then here I have a monstera so me out here I have my I believe this is called a drunkards dream it's a really cool plant very low-maintenance it's a very very easy low-maintenance succulent and it does I'm in medium light as opposed to high direct light so that's why this guy's here here on the floor I have my medallion Coliseo which hasn't had a ton of new growth it did get in this tiny leaf here and a new one is unraveling here so that's pretty awesome all his sleep did die they don't know what happened but I think it's when I forgot to water them for a week that that went down but I'm happy because it's continued growth so I'll take that as a good sign so now here on this west facing window I have this hoya like you know so like a nose hanging here it has quite a few blooms it's gotten so many blooms that have now died off and it just keeps on going so I'm really happy about that and excited for these babies to open up a lot of people tell me that they smell like vanilla when they open but the last time mine bloomed I couldn't smell anything so I don't know maybe my plants just a little bit weird but it's a really easy Hoya if you are in the market definitely recommend this guy I have my Hoya public Alex which is actually the easiest Hoya in my collection mine hasn't bloomed but as you can see I'm sure you can go back and compare it in my last video it has really really just taken off so the way this one grows is it gets like really long vines and then they gradually fill in with leaves like you can see right there there's some new leaves growing so yeah they just gradually fill in and they literally grow wherever they can they kind of tangled together like this I think it looks really cool and I love this one I would never ever get rid of this plant up here I have my marble Queen Pozos which I really love it's happy here that new leaf is coming in kind of weird but it does really like this spot I'm excited for it to start to hang it'll look really nice here I have my Hoya Alba vada which has done really well this was one of the first toy as I ever had in my collection and again it's a really easy one is a little bit more of a slow grower but this one has grown substantially since beginning of summer and yeah I do definitely need to repot this one I have been kind of putting it off because I haven't found a hanging planter that I like particularly like yet so that's in the works but I just have to find one I like just on the ground here I have my money tree which is another really awesome beginner plant so yeah I really really like this one and then just to the side of that I have my large bird of paradise which I absolutely love this is the newest leaf it just unraveled super pretty and huge geez the lighting is terrible against this window but here have my biggest monstera plant the largest leaf is over there can't really grab it because the light sucks if I try to show you I already tried and it fills in the space really well and its really enjoying this Western light it's one my favorite plants look at this huge leaf just on the TV stand next to that giant monster ah I have a Manjula pothos again it's doing really well it likes this slightly lower light level that I get from the West window but it likes it and then just moving you down I have my coil Cardosa compactor down here just angling quick note the way I know when this is ready to be watered is the leaves will get wrinkly like this and I just wait until majority of the plant looks like this before watering because this is one that I feel people really struggle with over watering because yeah I don't know it's really susceptible to root rot so just wait until most of your plant is wrinkled and you will be good here on the other side of the TV stand I have my Z Z plant this was another one of my first plants my sister got it for me for Christmas one year and it has grown quite a bit it was just teeny teeny tiny only a couple of stems that is how it's doing and just up above that I have my giant peace lily which I absolutely love if you see one of these highly highly recommend it for you because it's really easy tells you when it's thirsty it just droops down and what I do is I keep it in a bucket haven't repotted it yet because again I haven't found a pot I like but I keep it in a bucket or like a cash pot and if it starts to droop I just fill it up with water and it does its thing really easy to care for so now over here on my table I have a it's a singhania MUP some sort and it starts with an art please let me know in the comments if you remember the name because I totally just spaced on it it's droopy because it's being bottom watered currently so yeah it'll pop right back up once it's drink enough water over here is another plant bottom water being bottom water that again I need to trim it is my Valentine ugly anima so yeah I just wait till this one droops a lot and then I go ahead and water I would say that it is prone to root rot so it's easy to overwater as long as you're careful about how much you're watering it then it will be really really easy for you to manage and just over here on this shelf I have this plant this is a new stem here kind of getting new stems all over the place it was drying out on the tips but I put this tiny little humidifier down here oil diffuser whatever I just use it as a unifier and now it's doing a lot better so I have high hopes for this guy and next to that I have my pink princess philodendron which I still have in water I'm afraid to pot it up so I'm probably just gonna keep it in water for as long as I possibly can here I have a Sissis Oh what are you since this romba full yet I want to say you can see it's growing quite a bit of roots this one is such a quick grower and it's one that clings to everything so yeah it just kind of grows wherever it wants to grabs onto whatever it can so I really like it and here I have my silver stripe philodendron which isn't doing great but I do not know why so I don't know just below that little shelf I have my variegated piece Lily it did bloom but the flower is now dying so I need to trim that back soon but it has a lot of new growth I'm really a fan of this plant I love peace lilies though so maybe I'm bias moving you down to the lower shelves of the bookcase here I have my neon philodendron it's growing quite a bit since I repotted it in my last video and I really like it it pops against this black bookcase which I really like and down here I just have a little green spider plant which is just happy as ever and over to the side here I have a monstera Peru which is getting huge its outgrown its Moss pulse if I need to get it a new one new growth is developing to be quite a bit bigger than the older growth there's a new leaf there that's exciting I really really loved how deep green these leaves are and the texture is really unique oh yeah I'm a sucker for textured plants back over here next to my couch I have my first one stare at plant ever this is a new leaf I recently moved it over here I think it likes it yeah it's coming in really full and I love the way it looks here and up here I just have a zz Raven propagating well a couple ZZ ravens propagating so yeah the ZZ Raven is really cool to watch grow because it comes in it comes in like green like this and then it turns black over time which is amazing so so unique and up here I have a golden pothos which I propagated like last year it was just a few leaves and it's done really well here I have a photo Nia love this guy super low-maintenance just got to keep them watered and I just keep them in a little dish this isn't the dish I normally use I am cleaning the dishes usually and so I just keep it full of water and it grabs what it needs keeps it really happy and full looking and then up here I have a skinned abscess pictus I think this is the exotica could be wrong clinging over there really cool these leaves are really big so I'm happy about it here I have a what are you called Silver Mist Cola Thea could be wrong about that I don't know oh that's a peace lily actually I don't know what this one is called but it kind of has the silver stripe there I like it a lot just propagating in water I need to get it repotted but I'm in no big hurry and down there I just have some lemon-lime philodendron propagating again in water here is my what are you Arrowhead confetti plant you can see like the pink spots everywhere another one of my favorite arrowheads it's really easy and really unique but it is kind of hard to come by but look at this new leaf this is rambha folia it normally hangs on this south window but having bottom watering right now you're next to the south window I have my ficus altissima since I moved it next to this window is getting a lot of new growth you can see there's quite a few smaller newer leaves here so I'm really happy about that up here against the door I have my goldfish plant which is just growing crazy and I really love it see if I can show you it a bit better alright so just back from that South window I have my ficus Audrey which I love this is what I'm actually considering getting rid of I'm just not entirely sure yet it's just kind of an awkward fitting plant and I don't have anywhere that I super love the way it looks so yeah I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet because I do really love it but I don't know we'll see what happens with that and then down here I have a monstera plant which I got from someone I went to high school with and it's just unraveled a new leaf which I'm really happy about I just forgot the name of this vicus but I'm sure one of you guys can tell me totally spaced I usually know it but it has been happy it really likes the South window and back there I have another ficus this one is like the strawberry and cream one I think these two rubber tree plants here are ones that again I need to find a good spot for them so for now they're just hanging out here until I figure something out if I'm not able to find a good spot then I'm gonna go ahead and move them although I may put one of these in the baby room on like a tall shelf and give it a grow light because I like the way they look they have a really good shape but oh I just they need a lot of light so I'd have to put a girl light in I don't know let me know what you think of that and back here I have my Schaeffler a plant which is another one I'm considering getting rid of so I guess basically this whole section is just kind of where I'm keeping my plants I'm not too sure of because they're kind of hard to put in a good spot I'd be sad to say goodbye to this guy though because I love it so much it's really beautiful it just drops leaves a lot and once my baby gets moving I'd be afraid he'd pick him up and put him in his mouth I don't know so but I really love it so I don't want to this one also needs water which is why the top leaves are a little bit shriveling looking but I haven't decided because it is such a beautiful chef Laura you know it's huge here I have my monstera and Sonia growing like crazy you can see the vine is kind of just doing whatever it wants to do I think it's clear over here so really cool and there is my Rafa de Fora tetris Burma de peperomia serpent I want to say it which is just propagating just a small little cutting propagating in this like magnetic propagation station my sister made over on her channel so head there if you want to see how to make this I have a few more up here I haven't put to you you see edit but yeah alright so even a little bit farther back from that South window I have this shelf which I rearranged quite a bit I have a coil rubra here really likes the spot and it is next to a Voyager I color so they're pretty happy there these are two varieties that I find like a little bit higher light so the ones that are variegated need higher light because the white sections of the leaves can't absorb light they can't photosynthesize so they do need a higher level to reach the green sections of the leaves to be able to do that and get their energy so just a little tip there if you're struggling with a variegated hoya or just variegated plant in general they need slightly higher light than other just green plants up here I moved my monstera elbow very gotta it's got some new leaves really cool and here I have my very dated peat or my variegated lipstick plant it's gotten really bushy since I moved it here golden pothos I need to water it it's starting to look a little droopy gonna do that after this video I guess and then here is my black pagoda lipstick plant which you guys know is one of my favorites I mean look at that that is just beautiful oh look back here is a flower this is what a black pagoda lipstick plant flower looks like a black pagoda flower looks like so not really anything too crazy they're kind of hard to notice even they blend in a little bit but that's what they look like just behind that I have my singhania macro file on believe this baby is called really beautiful Singhania it likes a little bit higher light than the other single neon varieties so that's why I keep it here pulled back from a South window instead of on the west window with the others is a little bit more of a slow grower as well and then I also keep my pinks and going in here it does like a little bit higher light I have found than the other varieties although you do need to be careful because this one can bleach really really easily and quickly if it gets too much light so if you're thinking of moving it to somewhere with higher light then just gradually move it closer and closer and then if you notice lightening of the leaves then go ahead and move it back a little bit so yeah but it likes it here look there's a new leaf just behind that is a neon pothos I do like to give this one a little bit of brighter light because then the new growth comes in super super neon you can see the difference there it does kind of darken a bit over time but it still stays a little bit brighter with higher light then if it's in a little bit lower light so just something to keep in mind this one I actually water it so it's looking a little droopy but it'll perk up once the roots soak it up so yeah it's just my burgundy rubber tree he's just a small little guy but I like it and on this second shelf I have my pepperoni around a Verde which is a very easy peperomia to care for I like it a lot because the leaves have a unique texture I need to wash these leaves I hung a plant what above this while I was bottom watering and the dust from drilling the hole in the ceiling fell on this guy so it's not spider mites it's just dust from my ceiling I need to give it a good wipe down in fact most of my plants need cleaned so sorry about that here is a Bonnie spider plant baby you saw me propagate not too long ago as though the roots have grown so quickly here is my peperomia hope it's a pretty quick growing peperomia there I have some more lemon lime cuttings there is my philodendron bran Tianna which is growing up there soon it's gonna pop out of the top shelf which would be pretty cool here's my monstera CELTA picanha something to know about this planet is it is quite a bit thirstier than other monstera plants once they're already kind of thirsty plants to begin with but this one likes quite a bit more water than my other monsters so I don't think I was watering it enough the first few months I had it but now that I'm watering it more it is growing so much faster so if your plant is growing slowly then recommend trying to give this plant a bit more water back here is Joya Australis kind of a slower growing hooyah maybe it's something I'm doing if you have found this want to be a fast grower in your collection let me know what you do but it is growing there's some new leaves up there my variegated peperomia are too so folia it's a really cool one my hoya crinkle 8 back here I got this one from REM botanicals I actually unboxed it on my channel isn't doing so hot I don't know is this a harder I have found it to be a harder variety of Hoya but let me know your thoughts on it because all my other boys are doing really well this one is just really struggling so I don't know what I'm doing wrong down here on this next shelf in the tea tin I have a string of buttons back there is a euphorbia rain got me still alive and doing well here is my mother Pylea plant I love the stem it's getting really barked like I really like when it looks like that when they start to look like that and then here are just some babies I've propagated off of that mother plant this one's kind of starting to get pretty big so I'm a repot it soon there is my Norfolk Island pine a lot of people ask about this one about how it's doing and it is still doing well here is a philodendron pad Adam and it's getting new growth here unique texture once again especially once it starts to grow a bit more full there is a curl and I forget what kind of Croton this is where I actually got me this one for my birthday and then back here I have my philodendron pearl marks so what you saw in my hydrogen peroxide video then here on the floor I have another monster oh look at how cute little this leaf is and it still has a split I think that's so cool usually they don't get them until they get bigger but I'm not mad about it that's really cute so just sits here on the floor oh look a new leaf then here I have some ad in Sony I propagating a peperomia pink mmm forget what it's called it's the one that is pink variegated it's doing really well and I like it a lot and then on the other side of this shelf here I have my red emerald philodendron which is very happy here I don't know why I didn't put it here to begin with but it really really likes it over here in this corner is my silver mace mace is my Silver Mist peace lily I think this actually may be my favorite peace lily because it has grown so much faster than my other varieties and the leaf the coloring on the leaves are really unique from any other plant I have in my collection so yeah I love that one and then here I have my jade skinned abscess supercool plant moving you upward is a philodendron Brazil actually thinking about chopping it about here so that homegirl bushier I can do a video on how to get them to grow Bush here if you'd like yeah and then there I have my Bonnie spider plant which has quite a few babies it actually needs watered so I'm going to do that after I film this but I love it haven't found a pot I like it in so it's gonna stay here for now till I find something I have such a hard time committing to especially hanging planters for some reason I'm very picky about them here is a Hoya way a TI which I think in the beginning I was giving it too much light because the tips were drying out now that I moved it here it's getting quite a bit new growth so I think this is a sweet spot for it for sure hanging off the bed here is my philodendron mic ins and it really likes this spot there's new growth on basically every stem it really likes the spa I have it between any south and a an east window and it's done well and I just keep it very well watered but it has new growth on pretty much every stem which I'm very happy about because it was kind of growing slowly for me before now here I have my high Chelsea which desperately needs to be trimmed and cleaned next to my window here I have a rhipsalis it's a type of work solace it's a rhipsalis lip piece Neum cruciform I think and over here I have more ad in Sony i propagating in water just in this jar here and a massive Cebu Blue hanging from the ceiling I love it starting to get pretty long and then here is a golden pothos super easy of course and this donkey's tail hanging in front of this South window is the last plant in my house at the moment so those are all the plants I currently have inside of my house right now it will definitely change come winter time so let me know what you think of my current plant collection and again if you have any questions about where some of the plants I had in my previous videos have gone leave them down below and I'll let you know where it went yeah that is it for this video thank you so much for watching and I will see my next one bye
Channel: Harli G
Views: 92,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: houseplant tour, indoor plants, large indoor plants, plant collection, houseplant collection, indoor plant collection, new houseplants, houseplant decor, plant pottery, hoya collection, plant keeper, philodedron, rare houseplants, rare indoor plant collection, rare indoor plants, rare plant collection
Id: 3sRgH-8aEok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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