My Entire Hangar! Buy Or Pass? Approve Or Regret For All Planes! MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR XBOX

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hey what's going on everybody first and foremost this was a great idea and I wouldn't have had this idea without Anonymous Tom Anonymous Tom has been great for not only my channel but uh you know for the community of flight simulator which everybody loves hey thanks a lot man um thanks for always contributing and these these ideas are great and you're only making everything better each day I've never heard you say anything negative um so thanks a lot man for for for doing this and and please keep up the great work dude um I'm gonna go over really fast so that I don't make this a 20 minute video of planes that I have this is my entire hanger and that also planes that really quick I'm gonna say buy it a little bit of why and why I wouldn't buy it okay I will tell you that I don't have some of demos's planes downloaded like the MiG-29 and uh the Griffin I just I'm tight on memory and uh I I just simply wasn't happy with the way those I never flew them okay guys um so I don't want to put anybody down but uh I also don't have the bredoc F22 there's I'll never fly that again because the top mock okay so there's those are a few uh airplanes that I don't have bottom line ATR absolutely 100 buy this if you can it's a great airplane these are the special edition ones right here that just came out recently it's a classic a legendary plane beautiful plane love how it flies F-117 absolutely you know it's been a while since I've bought some of these so I can't tell you the price if you can get a decent price on the F-117 it's an absolute Legend of course I'm biased I'm an Air Force veteran that's an Air Force plane and uh it's gonna be updated soon I hear the l39 I just flew and I can't tell you to go out and buy this guys if it's on sale for five dollars then maybe this is the Reno pack and uh it's fun to fly a couple times a year it's not the best aircraft all right absolutely not on this boat I think that came with for free Airbus A310 is free the 318 I really do like the problem is the last update is making it Hollow I haven't flown it in a while and it pisses me off because when they last updated they made it really really good but it's now unflyable to me almost because when you zoom out the whole entire airplane is hollow they really really need to fix that okay the A320 that came with the game is phenomenal that's free so I'm not gonna really go into what's free there's no point a321 is an absolute 100 buy I don't have any problems with this whatsoever it comes with one two three four variants um it has no none of the hollow issues I just love the plane it's got a decent cabin sounds pretty good like it uh the Antonov and 225 is an absolute absolute yes buy it the year before yesteryear it's amazing um they've only made it better it has smoke now from the engines a great plane a legend Antonov and two absolutely buy it it's a beautiful thing I really really like it the way it sounds everything about it comes with floats and a ski version really really cool classic plane reasonable for the price as well Astro one um I like this thing guys I haven't flown it too much again I got a lot of planes but yes I would recommend this it's really cool it's going to offer you something that no other plane uh so to speak or flying uh vehicle has in the game uh this pit special I I can't tell you if I bought that or not I'm not going to speak on that um I don't have a problem with them I haven't flown them in a long time here's the regular uh atrs love them both they're amazing I already talked about that Beechcraft Model 17 is a no-brainer a classic plane I think it was 14.99 flies absolutely flawlessly I love that Beechcraft uh I can't remember what this one's called d18 I'm just gonna call it right now so that's what it says um this is a great absolute must-have Edition for propeller planes I love it it's great Bell 407 came with the game the p40b tomahawk uh by big radials it's okay um it has a little bit of some issues it's not the best sounding I do like the way it looks it flat it's a little bit difficult to fly in my opinion um so I would say if it's on a great sale okay that's how I feel about that the Boeing 307 I just bought I really really like this one it only comes with four liveries I'm big on liveries guys some people aren't I am uh that would be the only weakness about that other than that it's a really really really cool Plant I'm enjoying that a lot at fifteen dollars 747 came with the game I really like it these seven six sevens by uh Captain Sim you know the last thing I ever want to be is a hypocrite I've slammed Captain sim a lot guys so I need to be clear about that before I speak on it having said that I really really like these okay if you're looking for study level don't waste your time this is not even close to study level but they're different enough at twenty dollars a piece I bought some Liberties for each one um if you bought a 767 you really don't need the triple seven that's my opinion but yeah I really do like them guys and I'm an airline fanatic airliners I love them so at twenty dollars I bought both of these and I bought extra liveries from from them uh I would recommend them bottom line after having bottom if you like airliners but wait you know always wait for a sale I hear we're coming up with one on Friday uh the 747 that's just libraries that I bought Boeing for F-18 classic came with the game the t45c uh you know what yeah I'd buy it it's a quality plane it can launch and land with the hook it's got built-in software for that which is always a plus comes with good Liberties it flies a lot better than it did guys it's been recently updated the B-52 is an absolute disgrace uh damn I fly it as much as I can again Air Force I love it I can't recommend it man it's not good you know I do what I can after I spent the damn money it's no good I'm gonna leave it at that CJ simulations typhoon is an absolute Legend one of the best sounding jets in the game phenomenal not a whole lot more to say flies great flies different beautiful aircraft definitely get it the vision jet G2 is amazing recently bought that this month or if not last it was on sale um it does have issues with black screens though and I think that's after the recent update a lot of times in these updates the plan becomes better and worse so this Corvette C8 is an embarrassment they should give everybody their money back it doesn't work okay um at least make it work and update it for us and spent the money on it I own that car in real life not to bore everybody so I really looked forward to driving it in the game and you really can't dude it's completely broken and inoperable the 206 B3 by Cowan Sim is it's a really good helicopter you really probably only need one account on Sims um if not two and I'll go over the other one of the uh the Airwolf the 222 but a good a good a good helicopter guys don't get me wrong here it is the counts like you know what all these are good they just tend to fly very similar to the next if I had to pick one cow and Sim helicopter it's by far the 222b this is Airwolf bro it's a must-have you gotta do it um none of these I bought none of these I bought okay the next is the p40f Warhawk uh I like this one guys this is a pretty decent one um it sounds pretty decent it smokes you used to be able to take the engines off uh covers and look at them and it was cool you can't do that anymore but I do like the Curtis PF 40 Warhawk the Harrier is an absolute must buy I do want DC designs to refine the hovering I the hovering is supposed to be hard in these but they've made it a little too hard in my opinion it you can watch the videos of real Pilots they're not swaying back and forth to that level it's extremely challenging now which adds to the fun but I think they need to refine it just a little bit but uh I definitely must have the DC designs Concord really doesn't have that good of a reputation on the game I personally really really like it yes they can make the cockpit better but this is a legend and I think they did a good job man that's my opinion I know it's expensive uh DC design z14 an absolute no-brainer you have got to get this if you like carrier operations there's nothing better that's the best carrier playing in the game in my opinion DC designs F-15 an absolute must Air Force uh beautiful it works really good they they need to re-center uh on the external camera because it's a little off to the left but other than that um and when you fly the E look at watch my video you have to turn off the screens inside to get good frame rates F-15 legendary there's another DC designs the DC design steerman great plane really like it the only reason I bought that is for some weird coding reason per se you have to have the DC design steerman to have smoke with the F-16 okay if you do not have the DC design steerman you cannot have smoke with the F-16 I have no idea why it seems but that's what it is uh these gliders are cool I gotta do more of them they were free obviously I bought the Kodiak for ten dollars it's an absolute beautiful aircraft difficult to start up you have to start it up in a right fashion or it won't work but I do like that the TBM 930 came with the game it's a great plane demos A10 it's fun guys I think it's good value I think they did a pretty good job um you know I gotta speak the truth for my loyal subscribers it's never going to touch what DC designs does uh it is what it is guys at this point demos is not on the DC designs level but it's a good A10 and uh better than having nothing I don't know when the hell we'll have the DC designs one uh free free DC3 was free I like that I'm Gonna Fly that today actually the Embraer ERJ 170 and 175 I just had a negative hater today speak that it's trash it isn't trash bro it's ten dollars and it has features that no other plane does it has a full stewardess uh you know recording I love the plane if it was 40 hell no it's ten dollars a great addition guys that's a great addition Dark Star is amazing I gotta fly that more that's free the double ender I just bought this plane is good guys you know got friends is just on point they're just like you know quality like to see DC designs it's really just a matter of what they want to make guys um it's a great company and that thing flies so so great uh massive details in it definitely I definitely recommend that uh got friends mini 500 I call us the finest helicopter in the entire game just fluid great helicopter beautiful uh free free the flight replicas Curtis p40n I really like they copied the sound from the p851 Mustang so that's the only issue with that but I really do like this plan I think its model is great they also have this air show one it doesn't fly right I don't know what the hell it's for but uh it's it's good man it's good the flying iron bf-109 is uh legendary it's just extremely challenging guys not easy uh but I gotta recommend that thing Man it is fun once you get it up in the air it's fun the f6f Hellcat is a damn near five out of five it's absolutely Flawless perfect carrier capability software folds Wings it's amazing Spitfire Flawless damn near perfect now almost a five rating maybe it is definitely recommend all three of those Spitfires uh clipped version the four Tri motor I believe we all got for free so uh if you didn't get that I hope you guys did I'll fly that more it's a pretty decent plane uh the gbr3 special I do like I need to fly the stunt planes more I have fun with that one the Grumman f-14d it's last uh upgrade is really good guys uh this is a strong aircraft now I raged when I bought this it was almost forty dollars and it had some problems it still does but it's it's a pretty unique airplane I'd like to fly it more we need more liveries it only has five I requested that a couple months ago but yeah I like it um it's expensive though I think it was 37 I don't know how much it is now but I do like it uh free gimbals free the Hughes aircraft Hercules H4 is really cool um I I do like this plane and uh yeah I'd recommend it it's a classic moving on the jetpack guy I don't fly a lot guys that's up to you it's not in a traditional aircraft and it does fly weird uh that's my opinion uh but it can be fun the f-35s um I really really really like them they just don't fly like the real F-35 I I mean I've come to that conclusion having said that they're great I just made a video today man you get the f-35a f-35b stovl and uh the C is Carrier capable both launching and Landing yeah it's a good deal you get three of them and I I really like it it just needs some flight model revamp to fly like the real thing the real thing is almost an F-22 guys moving forward the the ka10 get this for the carriers alone guys I've spoken all the time about that get the ka10 so that you can get all the carriers that it comes with great value this constellation bro set the standard it set a whole new standard as far as I'm concerned there's nothing that I don't like about this it does demand a lot of frame rates I'm not having an issue right now uh it's got failure capability that no other plane comes close to it sounds great comes with the most amazing liveries I've ever seen just an absolute great buy and that that's fifty dollars bro but I'm gonna tell you to go ahead and spend the 50 on that it is a phenomenal plane nothing looks as cool as it a definitely no no-brainer dude I'm not gonna say the name of this I need to get my together and learn the name of these uh it's just pure laziness on my behalf the latter core okay the latest all right you know what I mean it's a it's a good playing guys really like this they did a great job 15 value is a steal on that a great plane the Leer fan is good I can't remember how much it is um it flies a little stiff just a little stiff but it's cool man for a private jet I do like it the C-130 I've got so much heat for and I could care less because I tell the truth uh from the outside it doesn't have a cabin and this is a captain Sim deal and and that's a shame he should have built a cabin just give us a decent one okay um from the outside it looks great and I do like the plane man I'm gonna tell the truth I'll get I've got heat before I'll get it again and I care less I'm just gonna tell the truth uh so you know I don't know if I can tell you to go buy it it's it doesn't have a cabin but I love the C130 okay uh this bf-108 is a good plane it's a little quirky on the takeoff and it flies it's not very maneuverable but it's not supposed to be I think they did a really good job on it I do like it would like to fly more mil Tech simulations Osprey is an absolute Beast you have got to get this watch my tutorials on it um an absolute legendary plane it's just beautiful guys the milvis Corsair is my absolute number one warbird at the moment that is the most beautiful warbird ever built in my opinion it's gorgeous guys and it's saying a lot because I love the Hellcat bf-109 Spitfire all of the above that's my favorite one it is costly I believe at thirty nine dollars um I love that thing man absolutely great the P51 Mustang is really good done we're really well done uh you get a bunch of these if you buy the pack it's just extraordinarily hard to take off on guys so it can be defeating I tend to pick another plane because it's so hard to take off on and I don't think it should be that hard I watched these things fly in real life and they they don't squiggle all over before they take off so I'm sure it's hard but they need to revamp that in my opinion so as you can see there's a bunch of different models of it the extol is a phenomenal phenomenal plane it's great I really really enjoy this plane it's got a crop dusting version It's amazing guys definitely pick it up flies really cool sounds great the politis pc21 is a legendary plane guys this thing I didn't buy it for a while because there's two versions of it if you're gonna buy a plane and you want to freaking performance by the politus pc21 it is amazing it's a monster a great plane all these were free uh the F-16 DC designs um I I've went back and forth I I still think it's the best jet it it's probably my all-time favorite guys um I've went back and forth A lot of times kind of the theme of the month if I had to pick one plane in the entire game that I had to fly it would be the F-16 by DC designs that it's just absolutely great man uh everything about it this sounds amazing sound is so important guys the DC designs F-16 is the finest man absolute Legend all these were free all these were free F-22 by top mock bro a big deal guys I don't fly the non the the flyby wire version because you can do the thrust factoring in both if you fly the flyby wire version um it you can't do the Showcase Camera but it's not coded for it for some reason I fly the non-fbw flyby wire and I can still do all the thrust moving it's just the exact opposite on the controls now I will say they recently updated it and a lot of times this like there's like a pilot's head that pops out of the cockpit they really need to update it again they did that so that it would work flawlessly on the Xbox but it's it's defeating its own purpose it doesn't happen every time but a lot of times there's like this thing that pops out of the cockpit and they need to fix that c160 is a legendary plane dude c160 you have got to get if you own this game the c160 is at the top of the list flares fuel dumping it's an incredible incredible perfect machine absolutely love it dhc2 beaver I really really like too guys I believe we got that for free I got extra deliveries for it uh the Xbox 342 it's really really really good I just don't fly it a lot I got a lot of planes guys I gotta fly that more it's definitely worth it uh this this Frank I think this is a demos I can't recall uh it's actually really good guys it's fast maneuverable I really enjoy that one the Zenith I got for like three bucks me and my man uh Tim uh we uh we like this plane guys they can go and it's a very very cheap Gold Coast Tim uh my main guy and then not last but not least is the DHC four Caribou guys I really really like this plane it's good I gotta fly it more so that is the extent of my hanger guys I try to do this under 20 minutes and I'm right at that Mark uh feel free in the comments below to ask and I do my absolute best to reply to everybody okay I don't want anybody feeling left out on the channel or anything like that I do get a massive amount of comments every day I do my best all right but that's my hanger guys let me know if you think I'm wrong right uh you know and if any of you guys haven't YouTube channels it'd be interested to see your hangers as well all right make it a great day and we'll talk soon later
Channel: Fast Times Vero
Views: 11,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0_m9FtifHRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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