My Dog Goes Crazy Around Other Dogs - How to get Predictable Behavior with a Unique Leash Method.

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like the he walk walk walk Brian good boy will we take that yes will we take that no fixing severe leash reactivity is one of the most difficult things not just in dog training but you're going to do in life it is very difficult when the dog is on a leash frustrated freaks out loses its mind you cannot fix leash rea activity in the middle of it happening the goal is to get the dog in any way to rehearse rehearsal of a behavior rehearse passing dogs while being good and you might say oh well yeah that's pretty obvious it's it's not that obvious though because how difficult is it to even get to that point or how much how far away do you have to be what threshold do you have to be at the goal is to get them by a dog by any means necessary to a degree so they rehearse going by a dog without rehearse doing the bad behavior freaking out on leash pain is used right high level e-collar are used prong collar hardcore Corrections um um gentle leaders Corrections then there's the treat way where we we lure them with a treat create tons of distance lure them with a treat they get around the dog but they're not really rehearsing passing the dog they're rehearsing staring at a treat there are problems with every single way of fixing serious leash reactivity there is no perfect system don't let any dog trainer ever tell you that they have the system for leash reactivity it is bar just under aggression as the most difficult thing in dog training because it's due to the and I'm talking severe minor leash re activity minor leash re activity is not hard when they lose their mind that's when it becomes difficult I'm going to in this video today offer you an alternative method for leash reactivity you're going to see in real time with a dog this dog right here shadow shadow who has super bad leash reactivity lose its mind nothing gets it out of it now I could say I avoid dogs for the rest of your life but that's not training okay I could say uh go 500t and avoid dogs every time you see them turn around or or avoid them so much that you find the threshold people live in a neighborhood they can't do that there's a street you the only way thing you can do is this sidewalk and pass them on that side it's 50 ft what if this dog's Le threshold is 200 ft how do they live life alternative method if you've ever wanted to become a professional dog trainer applied to be in the Beckman coaching program learn from me directly we do weekly lives you get tons of videos there's a community section you can message me you learn about social media all my methods how to have a helper dog you can possibly leave your job and work for yourself and make money and do it all with Integrity apply to be in the becking coaching program email Beckman Ventures tell me why you want to be a part of the program that's it so here's what we're going to do this dog can play with a bunch of dogs off leash he does not hate dogs but he sees them on leash and he loses his mind you cannot control him I've tried to do it he's uncontrollable I'm going to do a different method today that method is going to be we can call it the fractured I just made it up on the way here a the fractured stimulus method so what is the what are the stimulus the stimuli involved in leash re activity it is the dog being on a leash and seeing the other dog on a leash so we have to essentially bring those two stimuli we have to separate them and work on them individually we cannot work on them at the same time because both those stimuli are so strong in his head being on a leash and seeing a dog in a leash seeing a new dog on a leash that we cannot work on them at the same time we have to separate those two stimuli so what we're going to do is we are going to put him on a leash and we're g to have him with his friends so he can be with dogs can he be with his friends on a leash there's rehearsal of one of the stimuli with his friends so he's technically on with his friends let out three of his friends okay three more of his group shout out group let them right out so all we're all I'm going to do is cruise around with this dog on a leash and he is going to be with his friends oh Joel it's his friends I know it's his friends his leash reactivity is so bad we have to break this thing down we have to fracture and separate the stimuli so this dog is technically I know it's I'm not impressed by it I don't expect you to be impressed by it this dog is technically on a leash with two dogs oh but there is friends I know there's friends how how I told you how hard re activity is you've got to start somewhere so and there's a new dog in the side so oh this isn't special it's not special but it's a starting point it is a it's the very lowest starting point let his three friends out he is on a leash and he is seeing dogs they are off leash they are his friends I get it I don't care I told you how hard leash re activity is and if you have severe leash reactivity so he is now rehearsing being on a leash one of the stimuli and he is seeing dogs run around we're breaking up the stimuli I'm not that impressed I don't expect you to be that impressed but you got to start somewhere he is now feeling the leash oh that's a good boy he is now moving he is now walking he is now listening he is seeing a doggy's on leash I know they're his friends you got to start somewhere in life when when when things Le severe leer activities almost a mental disorder they can't control themselves they lose it you have to people go to therapy for years to get rid of mental disorders leave it okay let's go him on a leash walk him out let all the dogs say hi to him then we are going to pass I'm moving kind of quick I'm probably moving too quick what am I going to make this video two hours long do this thing for two days so technically if this dog can pass this Bol Terrier this will technically be a rehearsal while on leash while seeing a brand new dog he's never seen on leash and he will be passing the dog look at him he's he's into it now yes five of his friends are running around it's not the real world but you have to start somewhere all the dogs are saying hi to the bull terrier he has not seen the bull terrier all we're going to do is we you're going to come over here and we're going to pass he's getting a little more worked up there is a technically he is on a leash and there is a new dog on leash and he sees that but we're setting him up for success and we're going to walk I'm going to I'm going to have some control we are going to pass good boy good boy good boy I'm going to give a little bit of re so it's the perfect step stay right there it's the perfect step we we had a reaction but it was literally 10% of the normal reaction now why was it 10% of the normal reaction he technically passed the dog barely reacted that dog is on the leash this dog is on a leash is it in the real world no we got to get there this is a process okay lot of Mayhem going on over here hey chill Brian push the VIS away push him away push him away okay we're going to get another pass he has not met this dog he is on a leash that dog is on a leash walk I'm going to do my deal he can't just go anywhere he wants to go good boy he's actually not a good boy I should not say that okay so you're going to put the Vish away please quickly okay even that step was too much even though his friends were walking around so I'm trying to go quick I could have gone a little slower even though his dogs are around he technically is on a leash which is the triggering stimulus and that dog that bull terrier is on a leash and he's never met that dog it's as close to real life as we can get and you're seeing him you're seeing how how strong one of the two triggers are is it him on a leash or is it the other dog on a leash I think it's 50/50 he can't control his brain Brian please go over there cannot control his brain we are going to add a little bit of correction but he's better he sees the dog he cannot control himself so we're going to have to do we're going to have to do some of this stuff sit no no no no so he says y'all sit I'm going to sit looking at that dog and I'm saying yeah no no that's that's not the way this thing works I don't care about that dog so do I want to do an e-collar no because then he can't you do that much pain High L High turned up e- callers you do that much pain they can never meet the dog and he's good with dogs so we want to keep him good with dogs but this is not I don't live in a world where he goes yeah I'll sit but I'm going to sit looking at the dog I could care less what this dog wants to do it matters to me none and we're not going to let him do it okay so he was too stimulated so we can create some distance right we're going to use all all these methods this is technically punishment operantly punishing him and we're kind of not letting him trying to not let him see the dog look at this okay go nuts oh we got a dog who's into us that's from like the doorway method right and we're going to walk Brian please go over there as far as you can okay and you can sometimes like let a dog like you don't have to you know I'm not going to let him sit wherever he wants to sit but he can desensitize to the dog kind of looking at the dog he's not pulling he's creeping there's no creeping there's no creeping he's with me he's barely with me you got to start somewhere though now we're walking if we get a pass here we get a pass then we technically got a pass of a dog a rehearsal of a of a of walking past another dog good boy good boy why do I want not want to tell this dog he's the greatest dog in the history of the world where's he going because this is by the way this is the leg flip all it is it's not a punishment doesn't hurt him they don't care all it does is flips them a little bit so dogs learn to get their body they do this they go watch to see if this guy ever looks at me while he's leaning on me why would he look at me why would he look at you he's leaning on you he knows where you are now watch oh the minute I moved he said where's that guy you can't let your dog get in any position they want to get in okay now we're going to pass again Brian please go over there now we're going to go a little closer oh he sees the dog why did I do that cuz he can't Lean on Me hey push her off put her away put her away oh he's just staring at the dog because the dog's moving that's not the way this thing works he's gotten know where I am at all times he is tough he's top 1 percentile of leash reactivity cases I've ever worked with you're not seeing it here cuz he's he's 90% better than when he came or than than he was for the video that I showed you so we're 10 ft away 20 ft away and we're going to walk walk walk walk Brian good boy will we take that yes will we take that no so we have rehearsal good boy I could give him treats doesn't really matter he the treats aren't going to move the needle like like people think ready walk Brian so he's got some hes and there is the freakout and there is the consequence loose leash but we're not going to let the Freak Out happen we're not going to let the pull happen we're not going to inflict pain but we are going to have a something that gets him out of it now he's got split focus a little bit he goes where's crazy guy who turns a lot this dog is tough after all this work and he still does not know where I am okay it's tough it's tough stuff walk that way please watch me what in these videos watch what I do don't stare at the dog you're going to do what I do you're not going to do what the dog does okay I'm calm the leash is loose I'm watching the dog the whole time and a little bit of hold back stare at the dog you got to be ready when they stare for too long that's why you got to get them out with that leg flip with a correction you got to get them out of that stair and you got to see when they're just start to spiral and go and just go on their own so we've had two to three passes 20 ft away of this dog does not he is he goes somewhere else he his brain goes somewhere else he canot I feel bad for him cuz he actually can't he can't control himself so that's why you have to do these like Tiny Steps now there's other methods that do Tiny Steps threshold 200 ft away that's a tiny step technically um the timeline's too long the other the other thing would be pain right pain will get a dog out of they'll go well that that that hurt so bad when I did that freak out I'm not going to do that freak out problem is you mess them up when they meet the dog cuz a pavlovian thing happens they actually hate the dog happens in 50% of the cases where High lever when leash reactivity is done with high level ecolor stuff so all we're doing is we're we're we're separating the stimuli we did a little bit okay we went pretty quick I could have let him play with this dog or meet this dog then had them pass that would have been a step but the more steps you add the more things you have to get rid of you you have to fade out what for the final Behavior so the final behavior is walking down the street seeing a dog passing the dog with not a crazy freak out will this dog ever just be there's a dog no that that that isn't this dog's brain that does not exist okay so we have to we have to manage it or get it 80% better then it's livable but the final behavior is just passing a dog so the more steps I do to set this dog up for success the more difficult the final behavior is so we got to skip some steps which we did today okay one more pass please go over there sees the dog worked up worked up checked in with me worked up leaving me there's no leaving me we have to still do some of these other methods but we did do the friends thing we did an exercise thing where he wasn't full of energy now we're going to pass the dog good boy so I was glad he looked at the dog a lot of dogs like this they'll learn especially with e-collar and prongs they'll actually walk by the dog and they go I'm not looking I'm not looking I'm not looking he you want the dog to look cuz the problem is when they do eventually look they their brain goes and they freak out they can't control themselves so he looked and then you could see him look and then look in with me he did the eye not looking thing but it wasn't because of pain it was because of the butt flip it was because of some minor Corrections which will take minor Corrections all day because minor Corrections won't make the dog hate the other dog pain while the dog is freaking out the other dog can make the dog hate the other dog that is a leash reactivity video a bit of an alternative method of of using other dogs and using his friends and separating the the stimuli a little bit that's the video
Channel: Beckman's Dog Training
Views: 33,328
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Id: k_76RHNZyfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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