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Time passes quietly and quickly What's to come is just around the corner again It's a good time to welcome, celebrate, and be together. Today is Beans' homecoming. She wanted galbi so I hurried to the grocery store 150ml broth 100ml flavored soy sauce 4 tablespoons of oligosaccharide 1 tablespoon minced garlic 2 tablespoons chives pepper It's a long and difficult way back home, so I'm happy to make whatever she wants. Marinate well for 3-4 hours. And the side dishes she wants to eat are raw radish vegetables, cucumbers, japchae, and kimchi pancakes. I washed the two cucumbers I made last time and saved them. I chopped about half a small radish. 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoons red pepper powder Mix and leave for about 20 minutes. Cut off the ends of two cucumbers and slice them thinly. Beans was never a picky eater so there was no need for me to nag her to eat these things And the time has come when your child requests these side dishes If you squeeze out all the water, it's delicious. 1 and a half tablespoons of anchovy sauce 2 tablespoons vinegar, half a tablespoon of sugar 1 tablespoon chives, half a tablespoon of garlic 1 tablespoon sesame oil season with salt Let's season the cucumbers 2 tablespoons red pepper powder 1 tablespoon plum syrup Half a tablespoon of minced garlic 1 tablespoon chives, 1 tablespoon sesame oil Sprinkle some sesame seeds on top to complete two delicious mom side dishes. And Beans said she really wanted to eat seaweed soup, so let's start boiling I added a couple of tablespoons of broth and boiled it thoroughly. Now all you have to do is prepare japchae and kimchi pancake. Add plenty of chopped wood ear mushrooms, which Beans likes. Slice the kimchi, add a piece of squid, and knead the kimchi pancake. I also added a little kimchi broth to the pancake powder. She wants to eat sweet potato rice today. It's getting closer to her arrival time so let's start cooking I only seasoned it with a little salt. Set aside the stir-fried vegetables and add 150ml of broth and 70ml of flavored soy sauce. When it starts to bubble, add 300g of soaked glass noodles and cook. When the water evaporates, add the green onions and fry some more. Add chives and 3 tablespoons of sesame oil and fry. Mochi jumps down when she hears the sound of a car arriving Beans is back The kitchen gets busy again One refreshing mini salad For the dressing, I mixed yogurt with blueberries, plum syrup, and a little salt. Bayaba, grilling ribs outside as soon as he's back from the airport I also make boiled seaweed soup and prepare it diligently. wow!! looks delicious!! It's sweet potato rice! Since we are all here, cheers!! thank you for this food! Which of these did you want to eat most? Japchae! Beans had a hard time rushing to schedule because she wanted to arrive just in time for Soy's graduation. There is no greater gift than being present on a day when we need to celebrate. Thank you for caring about your brother. The kitchen turned into a flower garden as an aftereffect of the graduation ceremony. We had a tiring day yesterday, so the kids both slept in late today. A dinner table prepared for the siblings whos oversleeping after a long time Apply sesame oil to the pot, heat a bowl of rice, and spread it out. I'm going to chop up some leftover vegetables and make a meal. Chop up some chives and cut up the essential radish pickled radish. It's delicious with stir-fried kimchi, but today I'm using raw radish. I added some pepper to grill the chicken skewers. When it's fully cooked, reduce the heat, spread soy sauce on both sides two or three times, and cook some more. Put the rice on low heat and hear a crackling sound The flying fish roe is placed in the middle. I used seasoned bibim flying fish roe. Warm up the kimchi bean sprout soup that was boiled in the morning. thank you for this food! It's so pretty!! I know right? It makes me happy to see them both enjoying it. Have a delicious home-cooked meal and a happy day today. thank you
Channel: 천재소녀 KitchenStory
Views: 123,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 볶음밥, 차돌볶음밥, 고기집볶음밥, 버섯볶음밥, 계란볶음밥, 김치볶음밥, 간단요리, 백종원, fried rice, kfood, 방학메뉴, 갈비, LA갈비, 만두, 손만두, 만두국, 떡국, 동그랑땡, 냉이전, 야채튀김, 고구마튀김, 모나카
Id: fIol1EqnigA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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