MY CONCLUSION || Written & Directed by 'Shola Mike Agboola || By EVOM Films Inc.

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you [Music] [Applause] [Music] trials make it come me all over the road missive ending get out old until my face not looking back focus II know father bear Oh these well like [Applause] these my I can't lose like [Music] [Music] but I pick readily to fix this roof where's your mother she's in the ah you are back welcome where's that from from the bedroom but white it laterally collects my money well he knew that was not going to fix this problem hey don't blame the poor boy the fact is that the roof is damaged beyond repair my dear go in and change your clothes before you catch a cold mama le yes we have to get you better first thing tomorrow morning what for we have to see a leak [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with it we say ostomy faster I've always told you I don't like tea will you shake my hands ah you should learn to behave like a gentleman yes sir now let me give you a pastor and shake anything you are neighbors videos really good news I mean good news what is it do you remember Planet IPRC yes yes yes yes I applied for a job there about six months ago and I remembered I encourage you to do the same corrects we are being shot listed for interview really I pick our letters from my pops is post office box this afternoon that is yours DW would take place in two weeks time May I'm gonna land this one I'll give it a try but you said this way be excited be excited might be excited what is there to be excited about I have attended nine interviews DCI lune and nothing came out of them there is no guarantee that this one will bring anything either one issue I think your Bible says with God all things are possible things you don't understand well whether I understand or not all I know he does I'm gonna learn this one handle stopping me catch you later catch ya later [Music] Oh clearly yes Dania my daddy says you Jaya very soon thank you I'm done please - Tandy yeah conditioner J ready oh really well in that case please get me another bottle of water [Music] thank you [Music] oh brother hearing good afternoon sir afternoon my brother I'm sorry I kept you waiting how are you today I'm fine brother Li you sound cold is something wrong I'm okay well I sent for you I learnt you in church yesterday yes incredible you mean und church Oh tutorial we are exactly where you i sat somewhere in overflow B then why didn't you step out to receive the most dedicated church worker that was offered to you I didn't feel like it Oh idea would will not make any meaning to me oh how do you mean I've received the same award back to back for the last four years of what use is an award from the Church of Christ when the Christ of the church himself does not recognize my limousine is fired brother Healy I've never heard you speak this way before now tell me is something wrong brother Henry I must confess to you everything is wrong with me everything my parents came from the village oh they came on a visit they came to chastise me to scold and to abuse me but why they lamented about my sorry state of backwardness baba said I was a shame to the family mama was of the opinion that I am under is strange but powerful cause aki ali i don't know your problem you whatever laws back to the village I'll let me dare to toggle baila we are the first which were cleansing under ballast II know I can't do that I'm a Christian you are a Christian Akili you say you a Christian yet you cannot pick a job seven years several solid years after graduating from University to top of you was to take your guns in the school yet you cannot pick a wife Joshua managing the house of people whom I learned was you Junior junior in the second disc Heba Solano gesina comet or a lake below a gobbler a hockey le in spite of a several phone calls you refused to send money down to renovate the family house yet you say you're a Christian you are shameless useless and irresponsible look I swear if you don't find a solution to your self-inflicted problems we will disown you [Music] [Music] [Applause] you went on and on much as I try to explain my people to come into them they simply tone deaf ears on me the eventually left in anger I can't blame them blink God who choose to reward my faithfulness of commitment in Israel with stagnation and hopelessness no rather you'll a don't talk like that huh you see my brother I know how you feel daddy greeting everyone tells me in news how I feel how can you claim to know how I feel when you have never passed through water passing through look at you for example you have a good job you have a lovely wife you have blessed with a wonderful son we live in a fine apartment your personal house for that matter what things are working for you but here am i without a job not the top of a wife if not for sukhani who was kind enough to allow me to live in his house while is a we achieve Allah bein brainy's master's degree program I'm sure by now I will have been living on the bridge I can't stop thanking you and the pastor for the financial assistance you render to me from time to time but Harry instead of being it testifier testify of the goodness of God in my own life I remain a klappa klapp into the testimonies in other people's lies my life is nothing but a testimony of failures and frustrations but Henry for how long will this continue hey for how long my brother it's okay I know you I mean God knows how you feel and it's not unconcerned about your predicament he cares for you you see in someone twenty Silver Swan the Bible says when God turned again the captivity of Zion we were like them that dream and in Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 God says my thoughts towards you are thoughts of peace not brought with Henry please save me the agony of your native scripture promises again I already know more than enough my life is only full of promises without any fulfillment please let me be let God continue to deal with me the way he likes if he likes you can even kill me let God kill me please calm down you see I guess there are some things you don't know about me well I am sure you know I once lived outside this country don't you in United States right precisely New York you see I was there for so many years during which I ran and completed my master's degree program after which I secured a high-profile well-paying job I must confess I was very comfortable as you very well know the Masters last command GUI should be a force concerned so I did not allow my academic and professional successes to hinder me from particular in the Great Commission I went from New York City and some other cities in America preaching the gospel and winning souls for Christ after 11 years of unbroken sojourn in New York I decided to spend one of my three months and reliefs back in Nigeria I looked forward to seeing my people back home above all I relished the idea of preaching the gospel to my kinsmen my pastor bagged a New York found my decision to be away from the church for three months a bitter pill to swallow according to him I was an asset to the church especially the evangelical team of the church a Muslim faith I was so much loved by the pastor that he had to delegate his assistant to personally see me off to the airport [Music] in the tires of my life and the troubles of these was my conclusion my confusion is a diesel in the trials of my life and the troubles are Wisla my conclusion my conclusion back home in Nigeria my passion for soul winning took a better of me I had to join the church evangelical team on several mission trips to villages and hamlets one of such trips changed the course of my life one of the cars that were conveying us back from the mission field was involved in a terrible accident I was in that car thank God no one lost his life in that accident what we also stained various degrees of injuries mine was the most serious as I suffered a spinal cord injury when the news of the Uglies hadn't got my pastor back in New York broke the news to some church elders Breeden I received this email from Nigeria yesterday with a very sad news but their Harry was involved in a fatal car accident over the weekend by God's grace he survived the accident but he's not terrible state as a matter of fact he's presented lying in a coma in the emergency unit of the hospital he was rushed to he actually suffered a spinal cord injury and he is built to go for a major surgical operation knowing how diligent ineffective brother Harry was in our church evangelical team before he left for Nigeria we can't do anything less than offer unceasing prayers on his behalf but there Harry must come out of the theater a whole imperfect amen all medical efforts to put my spinal cord back in place failed even overseas well I requested that I should be flown abroad for better treatment as a matter of fact my brethren back in New York had even raised more than enough money to foot the bill my air travel my accommodation and medical care in a reputable hospital in Germany but the team of specialists DeRosa geum's that attended to me back in Nigeria they ban Israeli told me to be of no use why well they said had suffered a complete spinal cord transaction and one on my lumbar vertebra when German hospital I was built to go to for treatment had the report of the specialists in Nigeria they agreed with their conclusion I went in for rehabilitation instead and ended up in the wheelchair didn't you pray about it oh I did many groups and individuals also lifted up their voices unto God traveling in prayers asking God to get me back on my feet but God chose not to answer the prayers of course he did he got me back on my feet how God got me back on my feet emotionally he worked on my spirit that had been seriously dampened by the incidents hmm it took me from the valley of despondency and placed me on the mountain of expectancy he gave me beauty for Ashes the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness my spirits was seriously fired up that I even decided not to return to New York why not well I chose to stay back in Nigeria and become a source of encouragement to the emotionally distressed this is serious how to do money to become so accomplished in life in spite of your disability my brother got challenged me with the trials travails and triumphs in some people's lives Helen Keller who became deaf and blind shortly after birth yet she committed a life to bringing hope to the physically challenged William carries life was full of mystery and sorrow yet he translated the complete Bible into more than 23 languages in his lifetime John Wien was in prison custody when he wrote the immortal classic pilgrims progress how about Einstein who knows peak until he was four he could no read until seven as a matter of fact the Zurich Polytechnic refused to admit him into their institution why because he showed no promise according to them my beloved brother Albert instant went on to make it in life he propounded most of the famous physics theories we know today fanny Cosby was totally blind yet she wrote more than 8,000 hymns in a lifetime including the Evergreen I am thine O Lord I have heard thy voice and it told they loved me but I longed rise in the hand of faith and be closer drawn to thee my brother I think you can now see that it is not over until it is over if only you can cross this obstacle my God is going to give you a miracle that would make you become a spectacle in your generation amen thank you brother Henry I received a letter of invitation to attend an interview at Planet Oil PLC oh good wonderful had said not to go for the interview why not I felt nothing good will come out of it but now I have been seriously challenged by your stories your words of hope and courage I've really challenged my life in fact I would prepare for the interview with three days of marathon prayers and fasting I'll be going to the miracle mountain for the three day program fine and the Lord will do you good amen thank you sir you're welcome my brother you have been traveling in Ciro's prayers of intersection for working le drew to e for several days yes servant of the most part a key ally has also been traveling in Sierra's prayers of petition combined with marathon fasting for himself for the past three days that's right but holy angel was priorly been denied of his much-needed break through all this way either because of a secrecy in his life no is it because he's under course not at all actually some people do not get their much needed break throughs because of sins courses and even ignorance but for clearly those are not the reasons is it because God does not love him no is it destined to die frustrated and unfulfilled no but why why is God treating his foot 1 comma thi this way God is not unfaithful to forget man's labor of love it maketh all things beautiful in his own time when is ghost I know why is it not happening for Brazil in our God's definition of now is different from mass definition of now and ghost language there's not electorally and nothing like too late God is a God of punctuality that is why is called a present help in time of need man of God technically to hold home to his faith and profession for his field is fully grown very soon it will be ripe for harvest is cloud is really full very soon it will begin to rain it's miracle is imminent very soon did you get to his hang [Music] so says the spirit of the Most High God please don't lose that I believe God with ania prayers and ranch available I see go for the interview man sir my feet has been rekindled I can't wait to get to the interview and sure the panel of interview was the son of boom ahem I am the son of the Living God I'm connected in heaven I cannot be rejected on her I cannot be dejected I cannot be molested this job is mine in jesus name a man level probably thank you Father I thank you for the son a que le dirty as it goes for the interview tomorrow at planet or PRC I asked that your glorious process we go them may ultimately let your will be done in this life in this I ask in Jesus name madam to God be the glory let's thank him for everything well we trust him to help us do more we just covered more of your prayers ma oh no no no doubt about that man no doubt Thank You MA amen amen Thank You MA god bless you I do have a nice day - bye who was that mrs. Humphrey the principal of Hope a life school for the disabled she called to express a gratitude for the crash and material gives Hussein to the school on Monday oh the gratitude she could sue God we are honestly what self gas resources please get a calculator let's see how far we have gone [Applause] old people's home 280,000 naira Maasai mission field su 50,000 naira Baraka mission field 250,000 a Giga do mission field Oh ani which one is aggregate it is a Giga do again a Giga do thank you my dear wife and lecturer I get a - mission field 320,000 ira yes widows Welfare Association 450,000 helps for the needy 400,000 ira yes that's all now what do you do at up to 0.95 meeting mmm well I think we can around everything off to 2 million naira I was going to say that Mahoney it seems you've forgotten the request from the slump evangelism ministry really I think but we fixed them for the next quarter Oh - in any case less forward $50,000 to them for now with a promise to respond fully in 3 months time it's ok yeah please get the checkbook I write checks to cover all the names on the lists which of the bank's I think we have enough money in all of our bank accounts don't we you can use any of the banks disappear with this force thanks a lot so issue the first about the sort of I tomorrow we can start dispatching the checks [Music] Oh what god help me - for you Thank You mana we are members of the videos with now Association yes I remember we are the president of the Association your rights mana you are mrs. or romantic Paula pyramid Akuma yes I remember I met you for the first time at the annual convention of all Christa Women's Forum last year I remember you give a talk on behalf of the twisting videos at the program no rights mother you're all welcome mother your Mac interests actually assist me with a check of 450,000 their receptor detonation from your family to the videos references station we have since cast the check but we are here to express our profound gratitude to you alright madam you may not know it's your gift we go a long way in lifting the bodies of many of our members just look at my sister she lost her husband five months ago I'm sorry about that her late husband's family are late and she was the one that killed her husband they sent her and her four children out of the house a how she neighbor to build with her husband she was not allowed to take a single thing out of that the tube over the three cars including the family common the literally stripped her naked and true her into the cold waters of life she ran to the church we have several net husband we had generous givers for hope the church gave her the sum of two thousand IRA and a button tattoo apprentice one the plight of our news God's of us we brought her under the omelet of the widows with her association we have to look in on to God for provision to alleviate her service when your timely and precious gift came in mother we are indeed very grateful there's no need for that God let us to do it he also provided the resources to do it so he may look the other day my sister I pray for you and your host and you we never lack anything good before you ask for him God will make him available for me well the whole world under me a man like me who knows how to help us [Music] this is better me wow I've got it you are here already sure when I had already that the result of the interview was ready I called in your please inform you so that we can come here together who needs to learn from your neighbor that you went somewhere to drink I check your church and when I didn't see I decided to call me Lou so how far far I told you I was good you landed I got it I got the job the personnel manager refused to show me the complete list he said toast confidential but I'm damn sure you also got the job do you have your ID card oh sure this is wonderful come to think of it do I really deserve this favor God has been so good to me I think is I time I surrendered my life to Him seriously I'm going to become pond again today ha I was not considered why not but you are more qualified than I am God you are filled me again What did he say I was not talking to you I'm sorry about everything don't do so God can still do something Ellie please I want to consider the requestor of making of me body s request what request that I should be born again could I be so good to me I don't know how else to appreciate him look I'm ready to give my life to him please pray for me God has been so good to you but it used to be so bad to me look I'm not in the mood for any prayers now just leave me alone really jelly [Music] I can do color eyes do you remember the other time I spoke to you in church after a prayer meeting that day I told you that my chance of getting an admission into the university was shaky yes yes you told me your jump school was a far below the cutoff point exactly daddy you pretty should put your feet with me after which you told me to collect my letter of admission but I only told us join me this is my letter of admission Anisa nothing be I told you of my elder brother who was built on deck we meet your surgical operation you preyed upon my hands I'd submit someone lay my hands upon the afflicted part of his body I take this in and bless you sister stay blessed I am getting more and more confused when I prefer orders God answers my prayers but when I pray for myself God looks the other way he refuses to acknowledge nor my Prius not the top of our shrine team what is happening that's right now did you even try the cheese for the mission eventually chose effect because of the higher population of unbelievers there that's okay how many brethren are going for the outreach 33 members of the evangelical department and another 14 from other units in the church I've indicated our interest sir I'm making a total of 47 oh here sir that's wonderful became beautiful to me that we are volunteer to food the bill of transportation and feeding for the Brethren going for the outreach that's right sir thank you my brother may the good Lord bless you abundantly amen amen madam are you joining them for the outreach oh no sir the stress might be too much for Dalia oh yeah Daniel a young pastor that's right by the way it would be advisable to allow you face the rigors of a village mission the stress might be too much and considering the present state the Lord is a strong and so well I'm a way of the mission my wife will go for a monthly family outreach she'll be visiting the motherless baby's home with some welfare packages and the good news of the Lord so we covered more of your prayers that's all right very I must confess I'm proud of your family I'm not surprised at the way God is embarrassing you with blessings on every side and thank you for this check I'll deliver your message thank you for this family I ask for them this day in multiplication of grease anointing favor peace joy blessings and protection [Music] [Music] hello really good afternoon sir how are you today sir good as Donita king oh praise God come on shaggy testimony with me God has filled me again I was not considered for the job at Planet oil Piercy whereas an unbeliever who got to know about the vacancy threw me a got a job in the company Brad clearly it is well all things work together for good - damn all not good today I'm work order cording to his purpose don't worry God has not forsaken you I'm afraid sir I find it how to believe that God has not forsaken me in any case I I just got to inform you that we'll be returning all the departmental files in my possession to the church office why Sir I am relinquishing my post as the hid of evangelism and a follow-up Department no you can do that by only do you understand what you have just said very well sir I need to breed I must find a solution to my problems solution where anywhere sir anywhere since God as choosing to a bundle of was it me I must do something about myself breaking only do you remember what the Bible says in proverbs 24 verse 10 if you felt in the day of adversity your strength is small well I was going to send for you to come and pick it check with somebody job for you this afternoon it take yeah bro I said God instructed his family to her set up with business of his choice so he dropped a fat check but since you said God has forsaken you I think the best thing to do is to no sir no sir I'm sorry sir I know God still loves me he loves me well see me to collect the check and for a short discussion thank you sir I'm briefing sir if you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small [Music] [Music] [Music] ah bread cheese yeah I'll have you gone okay Aruba that's wonderful yes they about to take off - any moment from now yeah I'll deliver your message those branches okay they have just passed our uber oh they are so closely quake already I thought him you'll be on your way any moment from now a thing should be going now that's right sir go do it Jessie good they were granted a journey machine all of your endeavors put end away we will bless go thank you sir honey please take care of Daniel it's wrong with you I'll take care of yourself thank you you can see I'm busy and I won't take your time I'm here for two reasons forced to apologize seriously for my snobbish behavior to you at that time and secondly to tell you how to become born-again just like you requested the other time surprise surprise Yeley what I suddenly come over you I mean your sudden changing this position I was literally on my media at a time begging you to show me how to be born again and to pray for me for you refused you walked out on me I'm sorry you see I was seriously devastated by the result of that interview but God has compensated mean another way somebody give me a big monetary gift look it's a post-dated check I'll cash it in two days time the Lord is good hey I knew it I knew it I mean something must happen from your studying changing video Janey's I'm sorry well I'm no longer interested in your born-again stuff why not yes your reaction in times of disappointment and troubles I've given me the impression that Christianity is not good enough to apprehend when problems come Janey's you know that has no true Marva you are nothing but a bread and butter Christine you love God only when things away with you they means you are you are still annoyed don't be annoyed sincerely are not I've only lost interest in be born again please excuse me Janie's I'm sorry why are you doing this [Music] ah what is this a Swami brother you know what is this [Music] [Music] Brannon good afternoon sir good afternoon what he might have with you sir I went to debug with EJ and I was able to catch it without any problems but Hauser was about stepping out of the banking whole gang of armed robbers stopped the bank and all that everyone was to life is done they robbed the bank and every customer had cash on him oh ha despite the money from me every day oh my god I will have come immediately after incidence but some policemen came to take statements from us this is [Applause] who passed oh why does god hit me so much no let's sit down Riley God does not hate you then where was God looking with the ham robbers like the money from me the simplicity was looking when his only begotten son was touched to death on the cross Brierly in everything give thanks so says the Good Book give thanks I'm sorry sir it's easier said than done come to think of it whoo good allowed this kind of calamity to before me who I mean with me of all people why really don't ask that question when you ask why me what you saying in essence is why not another person for our Yukiya calamities can as well before others to hell with them that kind of a question is not supposed to come out of the mouth of a good Christian good Christian am ia good PC of course I'm not otherwise God would not have allowed this bad thing to happen to me look you see when the Christian weeps the devil laughs when you complain aliment the devil sent attend I beg you do not let the devil rejoice over you I'm sorry sir I've already made up my mind I'm giving myself a break for now brilliantly what's that supposed to mean God has been most unkind to me of what use is it Savin a father who allows bad thing to happen to his children in any case that is the fine for evangelism and follow-up Department I'm relinquishing my post as the annuity and I'm giving myself a break from the church while I look for a solution to my problem [Music] what Tommy please that was what I had I've always told you that the ChaCha attending is the source of your problem for God's sake what do you expect from a church we had the plaster frightens the condition with messages on same judgments hell London Ikes for God's sake I resent Istanbul on your pastor preaching on television I think the topic was when storms come I think the particular episode was was Part C SIA passes can you imagine talking for about six hours or not imports trials troubles and afflictions what we expect to gain from that look when you consistently listen to negative messages your life hands up in negativity I hope it is genuine about God you can trust me now see for yourself and does all right all right just go on fix it on be fast about it okay SAP you see Christianity is good news period any preacher who prepares his hearers for hero to the kind of negative messages preaches his northen BOTS a fake Minister excuse me my children I'm sorry to cut into your discussion if your last statement is anything to go by thanking the Lord Aras himself is fake because at a point during his earthly ministry if prepared his followers for evil by telling them of the inevitability of tribulations and are all to respond to them in terms of assisting faster totally he said in the world ye shall have tribulation but we appreciate approval from the world I think on the contrary it is those pictures who says once you are born again you can never have problems that should be considered fake of Earth some of them both arrogantly that they don't have problem in life lie flat at life a lot of them between themselves as super human beings who are free from trials and tribulations they secretly pass through failures pain and agony which they refuse to expose so as to protect the ego I retained yourself imposed a genic status why Jesus Christ rested in inner part of the ship the claim did never gets tired this means they are more powerful than Jesus Christ life blooded life my children problems are part of life what we need to prefer as Christians is grace to pass through the shadows of death and convert victorious what yeah what is it oh my girl was hurt please I'm the one man Sola come in who do you mean sister told her you're welcome man he passed away yes yes he's on the phone I hope it is well mommy something terrible has happened what is it there was a robbery incident at Paragon bank this afternoon yes we have heard about it yes ma'am after the operation the robust tried to escape from the bank but they are get America refused to stress so they run into the street I shot sporadically to the a they stopped on a dacha drugs the driver out of it and escaped medica with the owner still seated in the back seats we let her go - no daddy cat is Pro Erica and occupants who his wife and son Daniel she was not going to the moon Alice baby's home you mean they went away with brother Harry's wife and his son yes why what for what man not long ago we had that day that there was what happened the eventually run into a stationary petrol tanker at the Technical College Junction the car and it Santa caught fire killing the reward indica what is the matter this is that owner brought the news that sister Alice and Daniel were cute as the truck Robles tried to escape hmm what was what engineer apology just to me or for now you miss this Tanis is that this this is serious sister Tala thank you you can go bye-bye sir [Music] and he could it be true could it be true I find it hard to believe you but an analogy is an officer of the federal Safety Commission must have confirmed the incidents before fooling me [Music] [Music] what are we going to do now we have to invite Briery from the mission field I'll send some others to fight [Music] thank you don't mind us Dharma is that no school believer thanks come over to our charge common listen to the good news for my ever charismatic efficient and motivational pastor Bishop gold Mumbai let him show you the path to greatness with profound expositions from the Word of God let them move your destiny with positive declarations let em shape your future with anointed prophetic utterances let him launch your life into undeniable breakthroughs a brilliantly muscle heart that's all right I'm sorry I can't give you a ride since we are both going in entirely opposite directions take this for a transport fare thank you brother Joe I'll see you later I'm very grateful [Music] cardio mommy like borrow long route on your DC on Lola you down I'm you Baba issue I guess you your ability or long-term I do well I cook I know what are you me first time maker comedy hey what are you doing here Saturday lighting one in a ballet well I won beating at I want to ballet nanana came away hey I wish you I do out back hey please sit down surprise Shamu you love me Mommy key Baba my name's you do you owe me okie Baloo you are most welcome thank you Bob I used to be the chief priest of a lock my flashlight is yes ze surrendered his life to Jesus four days ago really thank God for that they've all gone to it by code do a nearby village for our daily house two hours evangelism well I don't join them for this and normally stay back home to pray for them and to counsel converse who come visiting just like Baba they'll be back before evening to prepare for daily of whom he have to say it that's one that's very great tango fever lives once again thank you hello home amigo who knew he believes Allah Aoife me PA along nunca wa tuula gradual Apophis lol oh yeah to see you boo boo bah no Ottawa you Korean food Cody's who daddy laughing boo boo Allah bully they borrow new do we say an authentic busy goodbye Sato moerewa to yoga to na de la face on e OB O'Connor ah ha wah wah lui passaglia diffusal otoko da fook OJ's VDD I'm a Yamaha AB you Tom Anuradha goo nephew a local happened opal or a two related or motif ami Funes dude uma nova Brannan low teasing comb Miller alone Taruna back euro melaka unni kinuyo new faces rooney owner oh oh oh Lola do come tag a puny Beppo a man be Paju enira la ceiba a new name beanie Y tengo el pago Atiawa wanna go become a promoter to a secular vodka nya Unni beauty lalito de la boca neko oko Laurie wave in a bond Oh Emmett elegies puto borrow em utilities be no banjo voodoo mutiny Ramiro Oh Jesu kintel a order P Baba the Bible the Bible rule about oh yeah baby I do know him JC pay a walk when we paddle OC guru [Laughter] baba I will buy yoga the ridges with EFE - you mean II drew dou P by dou many men email well I must confess I'm really baffled at your unannounced visit it is most unexpected well you know there is no gsm network in this village so there was no way to inform you of our coming well I I want to believe all this whele to Jesus is Lord yeah how has been the mission God has been most faithful do you thank him are my wife and my son it is where he's read and and all the members of the church yeah it is what is read this way meaning you just [Music] is it true royally it is true ha past play maker antiquing coyote I've just traveled to be better to bring for a hairy bathroom from the mission field ah Jesus Christ ah why should this but then happen to brother hell you of all people ah why do bad things happen to good people why did you write your sofa why and probably you have just echo the Oh answer question in my heart something like this happened to the general vast year of my church in legal he have just finished preaching a powerful message on a Sunday morning when Islam and I write the on the oughta the incident shook the whole church some members became that led us as matter of fact many of them stopped coming to church I also know many dedicated children of God who have died under mysterious circumstances many are becoming violence as a result of terrible sicknesses that I've defied medical and spiritual solutions when they are deep partner with different types of life problems converts joblessness polonaise [Music] the irony of the hood is that tiara home believers I mean chronic unbelievers who already had the acknowledge yes Brewery we need a very special reason not to be shut away this operation in fact I doubt if you will be able to stand this one losing a wife and a son in such a tragic manner this is too much it's too much [Music] deikun it is something the matter I asked you the same question before we left it back on and I've been repeating it all through this journey I keep saying it as well I'm not a small boy tell me Hostel something gone wrong it is well [Music] bredrin pastor Mecca and the Concordia in town would bro Gary they just gave me a phone call there'll be any moment from now they did their best not to break the news to him on the way sir yeah hey sir you Romania please stir them to will burn arragement office to delegate I don't any moment brethren this is the most critical moment I beg you do your best to convert yourselves [Music] [Music] I noticed that some brethren are gathered in the auditorium I mean while today is not the fellowship day what could they be doing actually Ferrari thank you sir you're welcome thank you sir has been division field thank God are the most faithful sir they say God is faithful yet he allows evil to befall is children they say God is good yet allows bad things to happen to his children [Music] at times if those things that make one wonder if Savin him is watered in the first instance if God can allow this type of calamity to befall a good Christian like brother arey a generous faithful and dedicated child of God then this is my conclusion God is unfair God is own kind [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god I sacrificed my energy my resources and my time to go to the village which of the propagates your kingdom for me to come back here but my beloved wife my only child a bit I can't even see their dead bodies to touch them God for lightness calamity to be for me this is my conclusion that's all right please remain quiet he's God please please God I know you are the almighty the God of the valley the god of the mountain the kind of sunrise and the god of sunset your ways are beyond for in the doubts yes you are some inert co-creation your questionable king of the universe in spite of this tragedy father I hereby confess you are good yeah my father I will study all that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good lord Gregory I stand before you today to proclaim that in my 22 years of service in the valley of God as a pastor I have never come across a Christian who is able to declare his continued love for God in the face of a terrible adversity libraries doing [Music] very with Cecily share in your grief made a good Lud consoling comfort you Jehovah Shalom the Lord of peace were close to you with divine peace for your shame God we give you double honor good day officer please we are sorry to interrupt your meeting a please can we meet the pastor of this church I am you are the pastor of the woman whose car was snatched by the Flynn and robbers and reportedly killed later yes I am and this is a husband who just broke the news to him now okay well we are from the state headquarters of the Nigerian police well we now have a true picture of what actually happened well as the armed robbers were escaping in the smashed car along with the woman and a son the car security timer was activated and the engine stopped working in their East and anxiety the robbers abandoned the kinda bush along with the woman and the boy but they stopped another car pushed down the driver and escaped in the sadaqa they later on run into a stationary petrol tank abandoned by Petra vandals at the Technical College Junction the car and the tanker would caught fire killing and robbers in the process gentlemen I'm happy to inform you that your wife and so now put well and okay [Applause] officer we I mean do man some villagers helped her back to return and they brought us treats to our station and she is currently with the police commissioner at our head toward us and you are requested to come over - I feel like crazy I want to worship God like never done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] trials make it come me elope maybe love the rod Mason ending yet out old until my face not looking back focus he known Christ for the best okay this piece [Music] these night [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Riley once more I congress-led to you and your family on this double miracle the great deliverance of your wife and son as well as your inexplicable healing brethren this is a lesson on how to respond to try ass of faith the true color they are real taste and the correct aroma of a teabag is never known until it is thrown into hot water in like manner the truth value the real depth and the correct status of a person's Christian profession is not known until it is passed to the furnace of trials when trouble comes what a lot of Christian do is to some anger to be cut of human reasoning and logic they ask questions such as God why me God are you still alive God where were you when this evil be fer me all these are foolish questions some even command God to solve their problems with an instable at a time otherwise they've stopped serving him they give the Almighty God a deadline not knowing that anyone who gives God a deadline we ultimately arrive at a dead end beloved I chose to remain steadfast in a profession even in the face of trials and troubles let us remember what the scriptures say in Ebru chapter 4 verse 15 for we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without I ask you today even in your present travails and troubles I mean now that you are deep down in the valley of tribulations and afflictions now that you are battered on every side now that you are in the dark abyss of sorrow and anguish now that you are facing the toughest trials of your life and there seems to be no hope what is a conclusion about God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see Belu [Music] but see you Cory damn [Music] there are sea bear [Music] a damn mmm [Music] we don't allow so a CEO just add jumar day soon we bury our top-1 Phoebe hold our ah woody Johnny see bell [Music] we damn mmm [Music] you [Music]
Views: 50,854
Rating: 4.8767123 out of 5
Keywords: evom channel, shola mike agboola, evom films, christian films, christian movies 2020, mount zion movies, damilola mike bamiloye, evom movies, recent christian movies, entertainment, nigerian movies, christian teachings, nollywood christian movies
Id: e-hlKjQpE2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 33sec (5253 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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