BLIND BUT LOVED (full movie) - Written by 'Shola Mike Agboola || EVOM Movie 2021 - Must Watch Video

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oh hello how there shall i mike aguilar is my name by ghost grace i manage this youtube channel simply known as evom channel i'm glad you are here and i sincerely believe you must have been getting loads of blessings from watching contents on this channel now we humbly make this five requests of you number one if you have not yet subscribed to this channel please do so it is free of charge number two remember to click the notification bell this will enable you to receive notices of fresh uploads on this channel number three your feedbacks are of utmost importance to us for this reason remember to comment on our productions and our uploads as much as you could number four when you click the like button then you are telling us that we are doing something good so remember to always like the uploads and five which is of great importance to us too remember to share news about this channel with your loved ones and bring them on board so that they can equally be blessed through what we upload on this channel oh thank you so very much have a great time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] who is this who him what about him he must be a member of our church impossible he's the one excuse me [Music] hello felix how are you yeah yeah yeah i can't believe my eyes thank god [Music] when did you join our channel oh i'm not a member of this church i'm actually based in abuja i came into town yesterday for an official assignment at the teaching hospital today being a sunday i could not afford to sit back in the other room where i'm lost and be watching television so i decided to look for a nearby church where i can worship you know as a christian christian this must be a dream why you felix adenacon a christian you you can't be serious felix i knew you i knew you back in school i knew how motivated christianity as a member of the student union government you led a campaign of calumny against christian fellowships if not for god you almost succeeded in turning the back of the school authority against the christian body on campus as your roommates back then i made several attempts to preach jesus christ to you but you did not give me any audience i can remember the only time you managed to listen to me i preached to you about the sacrificial death of jesus christ on the cross of calvary i spoke for about 10 minutes that day at the end you bust into laughter and said to me hey don't give me that trash jesus did not die for me he died for himself come to think of it you said jesus lived about two thousand years ago have you no so you're talking my guy use your brain how could a person who lived in the past die for the sins of people living in the presence ulum day it is incredible it is unfathomable you now stand here and tell me you are a christian felix it's incredible it's unfathomable you tried to remind me of my famous words back there well i agree with you it is incredible it is indeed unfathomable you know everyone who knew me back then finds it hard to believe that i'm now born again but the truth is i am now a blood washed spirit-filled and heaven-bound child of god tell me something ah i mean how did it happen when did it happen where did it happen who preached to you eventually qualified as a lawyer yes how did you know obviously it's written all over you you just put me in the duck and fired four questions at me and that is the trademark of lawyers now which of the questions do you want me to answer look anyone anyone just tell me something all i can say is that god saved me how do you mean you know i eventually qualified as an ophthalmologist well i know you graduated as a medical doctor god used the revelation to change the course of my life it wasn't a dream of the night in the revelation i saw myself practicing my profession as an eye doctor it was so real i have since documented what i saw in a book which i distribute free of charge i titled the book blind but loved i have few copies of the book in my otero the hotel is just across the road if you don't mind i can quickly get to your company sure i love that but first you have to meet my family oh fine now yes please oh good my dear meet my very good friend hello mother good after my brother hi guys it's my pleasure meeting you thank you thank you thank you [Music] thank you mom should i bring a second woman please do okay have been looking for that book which book the one my friend gave to me oh it's with david i'm sorry i forgot it so he called he said mistakenly practiced with his stuff so i returned into school look at this boy the annoying thing is that you will not even read it you know your son is hardly interested in spiritual things what have we not done to get him saved eh look [Music] i just pray he encounters jesus christ one day amen can you please get my phone thank you [Music] [Music] hey [Music] a [Music] [Applause] oh his extraordinary acumen as an engineer coupled with dedication and discipline propelled him to the peak of his career his smooth ride in life was cut short by a road crash which claimed his life and that of his driver olajuwon left behind mutpilola his loving wife of 25 years and ola bintang the only child if you then be rising with christ seek those things which are above where christ seated on the right hand of god set your affection on things above not on things on the earth for ye are dead and your life is hit with christ in god when christ who is our life shall appear then shall he also appear with him in glory modify therefore your members which are upon the earth [Music] mom i'm sorry to disturb you they are here who motherlesson your dad is younger brother i'm baba your daddy's uncle you are here to hold a meeting with us he asked me to invite you yeah binta bintang i greet the two of you this kind of calamity will never happen to our family again amen you know your little husband did not leave her will before his untimely death this has made it very difficult for us to decide on how to go about sharing the property left behind well the family met recently to discuss on the matter after long deliberation we were able to come up with something ah baba you are here to discuss how to share my late husband's property no not to discuss the family has discussed and decided everything we are here to let you know what your wishii is the family decided everything baba this is too early we are still in pains my husband left without beating us for our work just a few days ago eh few days okay it is well over a month now [Music] the truth is that if we wait for 10 years we will still come to this point so the earlier the better for you in any case the family decided that we should give you and your daughter the sum of two hundred thousand tonight what is that for that's your own share in addition to that we will give you hundred thousand making a total of three hundred thousand i mean three hundred thousand uh the hundred thousand on top is for you and your daughter to look for another accommodation another accommodation what happens to our house [Music] sorry it is not your house it is a deborah wallace house yes awesome beat it the family wants to take immediate position of this house so you have to move out and you have just one week to do that you're welcome thank you please have your seat thank you so much good to have you well yeah whatever told me he met you in his final year in the university yes sir he said you are in 200 level then yes sir i guess you have graduated now right yes sir great congratulations thank you so much sir so toba that means after your own graduation and the national youth service you have to wait some years to finish your studies right yes two years oh really that's right well so what's your plan now um sir we plan to settle down great but that will be after she's through with her nyc program she has five more months to go really wait a minute that means you would have spent about three years waiting for her interesting that's great wow you guys are really in love this type of patience is no longer come on these days the young folks out there are what i call microwave lovers like fast food they want everything fast but the question is are the two of you convinced that the lord is leading you to spend the rest of your life together in marriage yes sir really yes sir in that case i wish you all the best in jesus name amen that's all do you have any questions good that means there is no question is that all for me and my mom yes three hundred thousand error what else do you people want what happens to business education you don't know how much it costs to fund a special education every year what happens to our family business what of the three story building at campus road part of our fleets of cars are trucks what are enough of all these questions enough woman you should be satisfied we have given you what you desire what i deserve after all my contributions to the family after my 25 years of labor with my husband wait woman 25 years yes labor may be contribution no no no what did you bring to our son's house nothing totally what did you contribute to him nothing except perhaps this one your only child mm-hmm [Music] a blind one for that matter what are you saying you know britain was not born this way this blindness began a few days to attend birthday you know all the attempts we made to make her regain her sight you know how we flee her abroad to see some specialists you know i carry downright prayer houses please save the story for history books mother why don't you consider look what we just told him is not a suggestion it is the decision of the family so you can't have any objection to it hey [Music] last one baba baba [Music] [Applause] [Music] i encourage you to please keep yourself spilled that's the most honorable thing for christians who are in courtship all right yes yes sir so when exactly do you have a mind for the wedding no sir actually i had told sister tino that i am an orphan but that i have an uncle who has stood solidly behind me as a father i told her you took total responsibility for the completion of my education and that you helped me to secure my present job as an oil water glory to god so i told her i must wait for you to return from canada because i cannot take a major decision like this without your knowledge and concept okay that's all right um but actually i have about six weeks um before i return i think we should be able to make all necessary arrangements with chinese family before my return to canada is that okay yes sir beautiful beautiful but engineer yes mommy is out as you know and she's like to spend the whole day on shopping and visitation that's all she does whenever we come home well so i suggest you let you know to the kitchen check the freezers check the cabinets check everywhere make yourselves comfortable thank you [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] m [Music] um things went from bad to us for mrs olajuwon adora being tongue after being thrown out of the house which labeled to build with a late husband mrs olajuwon managed to secure an apartment in the downtown part of the city the sudden transition from plenty to penury took its toll on binton and a mother however when it appeared as if they had been condemned to a life of poverty a ray of hope lit up their darkness of hopelessness madam i have good news for you the account jointly owned by you and your late husband is covered by what we call automatic right of survivorship this arrangement in the banking sector is known as tenants by the entirety this stipulates that in the event of the death of one of the partners in a joint account the surviving partner assumes automatic ownership of the account however you will be required to present the original copy of your late husband's debt certificate after this you sign a few papers and prompto you have free access to everything in the account you can retain the account to your name or you may decide to transfer the total balance in the account into your own personal account and close the joint account oh thank you jesus do [Music] mummy [Music] mommy how are you feeling now i'll be [Music] okay are you sure your voice doesn't sound fine i'll be fine [Music] oh should we go to the hospital which morning are we going to give to the doctor don't worry this is moving over [Music] what are you doing no don't do this [Music] now that we have this our battery against luck is as good as one by god's grace i will take it to the bank as soon as i regain enough strength one thing i am sure of is we remain deal for night joy comes in the morning my dear come young come here [Music] mommy hello young lady hello sir doctor yes do you want to turn it to your mother how is my mom please come with me i need to see your dad i don't have one i lost him two months ago oh i'm sorry about that um can you invite any demolition i'm sorry doctor i don't have anyone around what up the woman that brought you and your mother here yesterday she's a neighbor a house is opposites where we live at ifaku she only helped us here sir i hope all is well we need to take some urgent steps to save your mother's life she needs an organ surgical operation this will cost five hundred thousand naira ah my god you need to get the money as fast as possible sir i don't have anyone to go to what can you do to help us we've been doing our best to help your mum that was why we placed down admission in the first place without you paying a couple we also commenced treatment with a token you could deposit we would have loved to do more but we are bringing in two specialists to carry out this surgical operation in any case if you drop a tangible deposit we'll proceed right away with the surgery you have to set out and get the money as quick as possible we don't have much time on our hands [Applause] listen to me now [Music] no you can't do that you can't be hungry with me [Music] yes i know i promised to pay you yesterday but someone disappointed me too remember i told you i put up a property for sale the man disappointed me he actually promised to pay her two days ago but the money did not come in until this morning and i've since been trying to make it transfer to you but the network is bad you can trust me now emoji is one million error okay okay no problem i promise you that you get your money today imagine this car dealers after collecting 1.5 million error as a deposit for a car he would not allow me to rest just because of an ordinary 1 million error balance oh who is this again hello hello sir sorry who is this being sansa being tom being tom the daughter of your late elder brother ah binton opral is well no sir my mom is terribly sick she's in the hospital the doctor told me she needs the sum of five hundred thousand naira for an urgent surgical operation that's why i called you sir for what an urgent surgical operation sir i heard that i said why did you call me i don't know how to get the money sir have you called baba oluri be the headest man in our family yes sir but as soon as i told him about my pretty comments and the need for money the line went dead i have been trying him since then the phone kept ringing but he did not pick any of my calls what do you want me to do for you maybe you can help us sir eh with five hundred thousand naira binton did you just wake up from a bad dream or what where do you expect me to get that kind of money from i'm sorry sir sorry i don't have any money okay sir thank you sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey sir you don't reach five days where you don't they call me a comeback for money i need help sir my mother is terribly sick in the hospital i need money for our treatment eh so now if only jarrod if he come back for money they told me there are many rich people in this area that i'll be able to raise they need that money first okay so has there become big rich now in front of our gates you pick on sedan sir please put you in the back before now waiting you debate before see you want me to lose my job my orgasm ain't no one see you for year again he talks to you the embarrassment oh yeah get off get up all right all right get up beginning okay okay okay all right all right go please okay okay when the person who brought me here will be back to lead me back home hello hello sir i saw europe handling her what's the mother a donkey when do they come here come back for money and my god don't talk say my driver come off a gate but you were too rough with her can't you see her condition i don't talk and softly softly but she's no griecoma notwithstanding you should have pitied her because of her condition condition me safeguard condition olga i don't feel pity i'm going to lose my job please just tell me make sure you come on my mother is critically sick in the hospital she needs 500 000 naira for an audience surgery to save her life god bless you hmm your mom is sick yes sir please come with me sir who are you sir i am toba please rest assured you are safe with me let me lead you away from this place thank you sir [Music] [Music] so ballet being turned to his car we already obtained the phone number of the neighbor who had been daily helping binta to and from the spot to beg for alms the woman showed up and together they left with bington tabar turned out to be the angel that was sent to help benton and a sick mother he ended up in the hospital where a mother was placed on admission awaiting surgery amazing it is hard to find kind utter people like you in our society today well i'm only doing what my bible taught me to do um i learned the amount needed is 500 000 naira right that's okay um i will transfer a deposit of 300 000 to you now to enable you proceed with a surgery without any delay ah thank you sir god bless you sir that's okay yes doctor please let me have the hospital's account detail um i'm afraid there's no need for the money again why not you see we did our best unfortunately your man gave up a few minutes ago that's okay [Music] huh [Music] hello daddy when are you coming back i don't want you to miss my birthday on saturday thank you daddy bye okay hello there you heard your angel please don't miss a bed you ah because me i can come by certainly a quarry between father and daughter [Music] mommy who put up the life which lights the study life so lydia is winter mom everywhere is black everywhere is bad what do you mean it's great everywhere is black this light is tall mom i can't see anything you can't say anything no mom hold up look at your book jesus look at me jesus sorry can you see me look at me can you see me look at me you can see you can sign me look at me look at me can you see me can you see me who is it so toba yes can we conclude this discussion when mummy and i return from the village you know we have a journey of probably two hours ahead of us um yes i'm cool but just one more thing i won't take long still about the blind girl here's something i thought you told me all there is to know about her her story is really hurt touching yeah she's now all alone in the world no father no mother no relations just nobody you told me all that yes sir but i forgot to hurt that she pulled out of school with school picadilly school for special needs she pulled out after her father's death because there was no one to continue to pay our school fees that's a pity i want to help her return to school what you may want to take over the payment of a school fees yes you want to pick a bill yes sir can you afford that god will help me sir sir i want to ask a favor of you what is age she's not homeless she was managing a small apartment with a late mother and they hold six months house rents before the woman died a landlord threw her things out of the place this morning i pleaded with a man to allow me to offset the debt and even to pay for one year out front but he refused he said he had already collected money from another tenant who will be moving in this weekend that's terrible i really feel for that girl i would have asked her to move in with me but being a lady i have my christian integrity to protect sir please can you allow her move into one of the rooms in your body squatters i mean temporarily till he is able to secure another accommodation and what happens to her after we return to canada who will take care of her i intend to hire a maid to attend to her muscle your domestic staff is always on ground to secure and take care of the compound yes wow it seems we are willing to do any and everything for this girl tell me tell me tell me are you falling in love with her oh cool well let me ask ah no no no no you know i am already in a couch with sting really it's the love of christ that is compelling me to do this besides i believe i took after you you taught me how to be kind and generous i cannot forget how god used you to give hope to a hopeless orphan like me you cleaned me up and ensured i became something in life well her glory to god i now have a well-paying job a good house and a promising wife to be in short the lord has blessed me tremendously i will be angry not to be a blessing to others around me especially the less privileged you're right but have you discussed all this with your fancy do you know yes sir i told her everything on the phone yesterday she's fully in support that's good that shouldn't be a problem then but let me discuss this with mummy first then i'll get back to you thank you sir it's all right it's all right what's this madam still doing inside my damn media mommy let me okay thank you my engineer mommy daddy's ready i'm sorry stylist i swear i turned to the meal i was cooking how was your trip very fine thank god what did you bring for me hmm bad news what kind of joke is this come on stop it i'm not joking starting you didn't tell me you had a quarry we brought over quaria no everything is fine between us are you sure very sure he sent me an sms two days ago to remind me of his love we spoke on phone for well over 30 minutes this morning it was even the one who called he transferred some money to me this afternoon hey in that case let's forget it forget what sally's oh nothing everything is okay forget what to start this uh mr toback i have good news you see binton's blindness is not congenital the retinas and optic nerves in both eyes are in perfect condition actually a blindness was caused by a scary of the corners and hopefully this can be corrected by a procedure known as keratoplasty really but according to her adam said of the problem our parents sought all manner of medical intervention to the problem so how come all the doctors didn't know this you see the presentation at that time may come with a different diagnosis but for now this is what our tests reveal sir you mean being done can say again sisalis i know you must have seen or asked something what is it sister tinu please i don't want any trouble i'm telling you this because i care for you as a close friend sister aldis what is it when i go to lagos i made a terrible discovery what men men sisters what is it brother by scenario evil got a secret accommodation for her in his uncle's place ha he's not funny he's true you see character plastic is also known as cornea transplant involves the removal of the affected portion of the cornea tissue and replacement with another taken from the high of a donor what could be a dead or 11 person well this procedure has a success rate of more than 80 percent that is if the cornea is placed on the high in such a manner that the blood vessel do not come in contact with it because without the blood vessels the body will not be able to send immune cells to attack the cornea so where and when can it be done then how much will it cost uh where where and when depending on you it can be perfectly done here in nigeria you can also do it abroad if you saw which the cost also depends on where you choose to do it and then it depends on the availability of cogna for the transplant wow thank god for medical science you mean being something ck oh sure with god's help i will pay anything to make it happen binta you heard what the doctor said yes uncle yes sir thank you doctor you are there you are talking about the blinding together potobar told me everything about her even solve my permission before offering out all the assistances it has been given to her ah sadly you scared me i didn't know this was what you wanted to say there's no cause for alarm if you say so i say so it is well in jesus name gently please thank you zebra listen is our lunch ready yes please bring it forward bento we thank god for the good news all we need now are prayers for things to work hard yes i don't know how best to thank you for all you've been doing for me since i lost my mother you studied for me as a father and a mother hey thank you sir [Music] the lord almighty will reward you in jesus name amen please get up [Music] all i'm doing is listen to the lord he deserves all the praise please wipe your face i have to take my leave now i'll call you later in the day debra yes sir please take your bin town and yourself yes sir bye bye sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] you deceived me brought over you lied to me lies to you how do you mean something kept telling me that you've been deceiving me all along what's going on here you told me she was a blind girl oh binta of course he is she's blind i agree she's blind well she's not a girl she's a fully grown lady even know that she was this matured i wouldn't have supported all your moves all along brought over you called thy girl just to deceive me no honestly i didn't make anything out of it it was just my own way of describing her are no longer comfortable with your involvement with that lady please put a stop to it how do you mean out of all your dealings with that send her out send out of where the house got for her your uncle's place to where anywhere i just don't want to see her around you again assistant i told you everything about binton she's an abandoned orphan there is nowhere to send her to where did she come from i found her on on the street then send her back to the street stop paying her school fees stop giving her money stop taking care of her ha brother if you really cherish the relationship between you and me cut off from that blind girl i mean not blind woman is this you talking you are christian you know so much about love the bible admonished us to love our neighbours as ourselves correct as our thoughts not more than ourselves i said i'm no longer comfortable with your involvement with her sister i beg you in the name of the lord please let's allow god to use us to bring soccer to a life in distress god is my witness there is nothing beyond the ordinary going on between me and binton all i'm doing is born out of the love of christ look i promise as soon as we're through with the surgery which i told about i will have been located any of our distant family members and hand her over to them remember i told you intel is also a christian a very sound one all she needs is help she is not out to snatch me from you that's the way you see it sorry i don't see it that way i smell danger well if you choose to remain adamant then consider this discussion closed ah sister no and i'm afraid consider this relationship also closed ah sister tino is he starting new please don't do this [Music] it's swinging hello ah this is tatino how are you today yes brother no please don't do that please hello hello hello you see she caught the line that's what she does anytime she hears my voice she picked the call in the first place because it was not my line i used to call her she just doesn't want to hear my voice i feel spoken with her parents i went to a place later in the evening of the day she walked out on me to further convince her her parents even tried to intervene but she remained adamant why she's tattooing english i don't know um brother yes are you sure there is no other cause of misunderstanding beyond the issue of bintang nothing our relationship was very fine not until binton came in the picture is in canada aware of all that is happening i didn't tell him for about three weeks but i had to open up to him last week when that thought came to my heart that it was wrong for me to continue to hide the truth from the man i regard as my father you are right what did he say he said he called sister tinu what he's to the ground that he would not continue with relationship until i stopped all my dealings with binta honestly i'm okay with that but i don't want to drop that girl in the middle of the sea all i'm waiting for is the surgery when is the surgery taking place we hope very soon okay the money is available what we are frantically searching for i don't know wow [Music] praise god it's from her she just sent an sms jesus what did she say [Music] brother this is to inform you that i have already said yes to a responsible christian brother who has been seeking my hand and married for some months this man respects and honors me please don't bother to call me as my answer will always be no ah what is this supposed to mean i guess that's why she's been so hard to convince she probably had another man waiting on the weeks all along really you see [Music] she's starting why god knows i love you and you know it too that's all right whatever let's pray about the issue [Music] the steadfast love of the lord never sees it is mercy's never come to a name they are new every morning new every morning great is stiff debra deborah who is here hello oh oh i didn't want to disturb your beautiful singing where's debra she's busy in the backyard i thought she was the one who entered how did you know someone entered intuition intuition yes i can't see with my physical eyes but i see with my inner eyes how it's a god-given ability i really can't explain it god is wonderful in any case very soon you will not only see with your inner eyes you will start singing with your physique amen i can see you are in a very high spirit today yes sir i'm appreciating the love of god to me i'm thanking him for peace of mind gift of life hope of a better future and everything everything that's good well i am here to discuss an issue with you yes sir my heart is very heavy why uncut is it because of sister tinu please sir don't give up god can still touch your hearts he will come back to you in jesus name i'm praying for you and i'm sure you are also praying i'm afraid i've stopped praying about it no sir don't do that god still answers prayers with him all things are possible i know but after several weeks of traveling in prayers i don't see any signal that sister tina will come back to me besides she's already in another relationship i told you about it yes sir but notwithstanding that's case is closed i have a witness in my heart that it is lost actually that's not the reason for the happiness in my heart it is something that has to do with you honestly i i i i don't know how to tell you this [Music] yes pinto you've decided to send me out of this place no you've decided to stop assisting me no [Music] the surgery is not going to be possible again by god's grace it will then what is it sir [Music] i don't know how you will take this tell me sir i'm ready for anything [Music] no sister tino i don't agree with you you don't have to agree with me the holy spirit agrees with my spirit that she walked us on brother i didn't walk out on him he walked out on me no you walked out on him you told me all that transpired between the two of you the last time you visited me lagos from the look of things brother is not willing to let you go he's obviously interested he's been trying to reach out to you for several weeks now but you've been stopping him i've lost count of the number of times he called to ask me to beg you but you remain under months sis alice there is no need banging on the door that is already closed forever it is over between me and brother let him go and marry that blind beggar [Music] will i do what will you marry me please don't do this to me i am sorry if i disappointed you i know this is the last thing you will ever expect to hear from me but i must let you know this this was not originally my plan i believe it's the lord's will i believe he's the one leading me to do this i have no choice than to bow to his will [Music] what sister sino i'm sure you proposed to her because you believe she was the will of god for you yes but when the will of god refuses to move with the will of god will god abandon his plan and purpose [Music] um i'm sorry i don't understand i mean even if the will of god refuses to move with the will of god god will never be standed been done god spoke to me expressly on this matter i waited for three weeks to be sure i heard him correctly he confirmed it over and over again unkutsuba you know my condition i've been a burden to you for so long i can't afford to be a further burden to you oh god's will can never be a body by the way you are not really blind the one who is really blind is that person who has eyes to see the beauty of creation but has not seen the light of the creator binta i don't want to pressurize you into giving me an answer here and now i know you have the spirit of god living inside of you i believe you also like to pray about this and know god's mind am i right minutes running towards i was running two days days running two weeks without being done giving turban answer to his proposal notwithstanding turbo went on to facilitate the eye surgery for binton good enough the surgery which caused tuba a huge fortune went smoothly on the doctor's advice me and son had to wait a few weeks for the eyes to ill finally the day they came for the dressing to be removed [Music] hmm [Music] open your eyes open your eyes jesus i can see i can't see bingtong was very excited i joined new newborns she screamed and jumped in celebration it took the doctor a while to calm down after which he said oh my god i can see i really agree i'm sure not so clearly no problem it should become clear every time thank you jesus um she will give you some medications that will greatly help the healing process and improve your sight i advise you use them as recommended thank you sir thank you doctor you're welcome [Music] that man is paying a fortune to make this possible you must thank him very well that's exactly what i want to do where is he it should be at home oh why i thought you'll be here to celebrate this moment with me i thought you'll be the first person i'll set my eyes on after regaining my sight why is he not here i'm sure he's nothing to worry about in any case he requested that he should see him at home home his house i've never been there i can't make my way there he called about an hour ago he said you'll be sending a driver with his car to bring your maid to his place they've been waiting for you in the reception then i must go immediately [Music] take it easy take it make sure you take care of yourself [Music] [Music] come in please [Music] [Music] [Music] you are most welcome thank you sir the doctor called me to share the goodness with me congratulations thank you sir [Music] yes you are my god-sense benefactor you are my guiding angel thank you thank you sir no don't thank me god deserves all the glory let's give all the praise to him please sit down thank you sir um you can leave please find a place for deborah outside to wait too all right yes sir deborah god bless you amen once more i congratulate you thank you sir now binta do you have an answer to my question which question the question i asked you some weeks ago will you marry me god sees my heart i'm not trying to take advantage of you i'm only acting according to a conviction if you need more time i'm okay no sir i don't need any more time i already have an answer oh very good [Music] pinto don't keep me in suspense i'm waiting yes i'll marry you praise god thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus what is it oh i'm sorry i cannot see you cannot see no i can't i'm blind you are blind you mean you've been blind all along well let's leave that for now um you are blind why don't you leave that for now pinto [Music] bar why are you whipping i know what it means to be blind i know how important some a life of blindness is much as i would have loved to marry you i'm sorry i can't i cannot marry you why not god told you not to marry me again i'm sorry i can't spend the rest of my life with a blind man but no october i appreciate all you've done for me i really appreciate everything [Music] i'm sorry if you're offended by my refusal to marry you i'm indeed very sorry i have to leave now been done binta you really want to leave me i'm sorry yes for where anyway just anywhere i need to go and find a better meaning for my life please let me go [Music] well if you really want to leave i cannot stop you but i have to let you know something you are living with a part of me the corneas that were used to restore your sight were once mine do i was not blind yet for your sake i became blind so that through my blindness you might see i signed an undertaking to see darkness to enable you see light i did this because of the love i have for you [Music] bintang if you think the best way to respond my love for you is to abandon me i take it in good faith but notice my love for you lisa [Music] pinto are you still there [Music] you left me the sacrifice was a waste for ye know the grace of our lord jesus christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that he through his poverty might be rich greater love at no man than these that a man lay down his life for his friends but god commended his love to others in that while we were yet sinners christ died for us while i was a sinner you came to this world to die for me [Music] i was blind [Music] i never ever realized that i was wondering [Music] me [Music] and you die for me died for me you gave up your son just [Music] you care for me [Music] i was once blind but i now see made me see i never ever realized that i was wasting a week [Music] love me [Music] [Music] the glory above to come to this world for me you cared for me you died for me when you died for me once i was blind now i sleep
Views: 111,310
Rating: 4.9448037 out of 5
Keywords: evom channel, shola mike agboola, evom films, christian films, christian movies 2021, mount zion movies, damilola mike bamiloye, evom movies, recent christian movies, entertainment, nigerian movies, pastor e a adeboye, rccg, free christian films, good for evangelism, soulwinning, evangelical movie
Id: EvST-DWshgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 7sec (4747 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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