Entitled Mother tries to DUMP her Kids off at a Mentally Disabled Camp - Reddit Podcast

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entitled mother tries to dump her kids off in a mentally disabled focused organization here's what happened subscribe to am I the jerk on YouTube and hit the bell for notifications I'm part of a leadership of a Korean Christian volunteering organization that helps mentally disabled kids slash people find their places in the world our main goal is to show them that they can be part of the society and they don't need special treatment or be talked down to we spend time with them Saturday from 12 to 4 pm doing various activities such as worship dance worship Korean Christian thing probably not found in American churches arts and crafts making snacks physical education Etc the volunteers are mostly High School teens looking to get some hours or college students to take their minds off the tough study we group the kids or people by their age group and one group is called siblings the kids in this group do not have mental disabilities but they are brothers or sisters of the kids who do hence the name now looking at the title and the fact that there is a group for non-disabled kids you're probably think thinking this is gonna go exactly the way I'm thinking isn't it and yes it does cast me a cyborg riding a velociraptor the entitled mother Maleficent the entitled kid the hell spawn volunteer guy and head leader girl this happened almost a year ago but I just joined leadership the day started just like any other day I was standing by the entrance to greet the kids and their parents the parents of these kids were nice folks who always thanked our organization and then she showed up you the disaster siren or any form of warning alarm I see a fancy looking Lexus coming into the parking lot stepping out is entitled mother dressed in the most rich snob clothing I've ever seen coupled with I want to speak to your manager haircut entitled kid maybe six or sevenish stepped out soon after and although he wasn't dressed in any fancy clothes the way he walked and looking at the cell phone wreaked bratty attitude me dying inside from cringe hello welcome to our entitled mother cutting me off yeah yeah let's skip the boring part I heard you guys watch children for the day me trying hard hard to put up a smile yes but we're a volunteer group that spends time with children with mental disabilities entitled mother obviously wasn't paying attention okay great how long do you guys go for me 4 P.M now what mental disability does your entitled mother all right I'll be back by then this should be enough for the day keep the change she then handed me 300 and left before I can protest we're non-profit before I could catch her she was already driving out of the parking lot with no contact information now it was important for us to know what mental disability these children have so we can act accordingly and convince them to participate in each activity as a newly appointed leader I had no idea what to do so I left the kid in the little playroom and told head leader girl what happened after a quick group meeting with head leader girl other leaders and the pastor who was in charge of every branch in our state we decided to keep entitled kid in the siblings group until the end of the day and explain to entitled mother what our organization is and what we stood for so 12 p.m strikes and all the volunteers and the mentally disabled kids and people arrive it was time to start the workshop and we had a policy of putting the phones in a bin to be distraction free other than the leaders who needed them for communication everyone had to turn them in so while volunteers and other kids were turning in their phones entitled kid was still on his phone playing what I can only guess is fortnite we approach him to ask him nicely he gets really defensive about it and screamed how he wasn't done and was in the middle of a match volunteer guy was paired with entitled kid for the day and while he was distracted volunteer guys snatched entitled kid's phone and placed it in the bin which was on a shelf that entitled kid couldn't reach entitled kid started to throw a tantrum volunteer guy please stop we'll do something fun I promise entitled kid you jerk faces screw all of you you'll pay for that except not exactly in those words you can imagine everyone's shock and disbelief not only this six to seven year old just swore and acted like he was a big shot but he did it in front of everyone volunteer guy and head leader girl had to toe away entitled kid into a separate room had leader girl was scolding him nothing too harsh but fair and strict and calming him down while the rest of us went on with our activity and title kid joined the group back after the sermon was over and we all headed to the dining hall for lunch the lunch is mostly Korean slash Chinese food prepared by other Korean churches in our state it was a buffet style so everyone can grab what they want on their plate entitled kid grabs the food he wants and when seated he threw the plate at volunteer guy he complained he didn't know what the foods were and they looked disgusting so once again had leader girl took him to a separate room and this time I could hear frustration in her voice I won't get into too much details on what happened for the rest of the day because this post would become a very long one so here's a simplified version during craft he got into a fist fight with other kids over crayon color and was swinging scissors very dangerously at volunteer guy during snack time he refused to follow the direction on making the snack and tried to hog all the ingredients for himself finally during physical education he wanted everyone to play a game that made no sense and when he saw no one was playing with him he threw another tantrum and every time head leader girl and volunteer guy had to deal with entitled kid if he had a mental disability they would have known how to handle the situation better but entitled kid was just a brat who was giving both of them a headache after all that you think entitled mother would at least pick up her kid at 4 pm but no she showed up an hour late entitled mother sorry the talk with girlfriends went too long anyway same time next time had leader girl actually ma'am as we were trying to tell you earlier we are not a daycare we're a volunteering organization entitled mother uh potato potato they're basically the same thing head leader girl no we are not we are dedicated to help mentally disabled children what entitled mother said next shocked everyone and I can still remember to this day entitled mother you let my son sit next to those mentally disabled people except she used a much worse word head leader girl trying to keep calm ma'am please keep your voice down and refrain from using that word entitled mother no you let my son be infected by those filthy mentally disabled people what if he becomes mentally disabled head leader girl entitled kid was also having bad behavior throughout the day head leader girl explains entitled kids actions for the day entitled mother that's a lie my precious angel would never do that besides you guys are at daycare you should have separated my son from those mentally disabled people and do what he wanted my son deserves to be treated better head leader girl we have at least 12 eyewitnesses that would beg you to differ and we are not a daycare we are a volunteering organization we are here to serve children in need not go along with what a single person wants head leader girl was younger than me but she's been doing the volunteering for almost 10 years since she was 14 and was an amazing leader I would be lying if I said I didn't respect her maybe even had a crush so when entitled mother's face turned red and went into slap head lady girl across the face I stepped in to hold her wrist back me please leave this behavior is inappropriate entitled mother you you said you guys watch children me no I said we are a volunteering group serving children with mental disability entitled mother but you asked for payment me actually you handed me 300 and told me to keep the change I was going to tell you we are non-profit but you wouldn't listen entitled mother you're lying I'll sue you guys for kidnapping and assaulting my son exposing him to mentally disabled kids sexually assaulting me and stealing my money I will tell everyone to review bomb this daycare thankfully none of the kids were here by this time me pointing at the camera go ahead we got recording of you and your son from the moment you entered our parking lot I hand her back the money now take your money and leave our place before I call the police and have you removed by force entitled mother's face turned pale and left with entitled kid what entitled mother didn't realize that we weren't business owned so we had no Yelp page for her to review bomb we never saw them again we were worried about volunteer guy after going through all that but he was surprisingly cool with what happened and continued to volunteer admirably until he was appointed as one of the leaders six months later all the leaders agreed to be more diligent on unfamiliar people coming into the building so here's the question am I the jerk wow this one is kind of a lot to be honest first off we have entitled mother who completely ignored everything that was being told to her in the beginning and potentially could have been leaving her child with strangers not paying attention to what was being said to her it's grossly negligent of her as a mother to be leaving her child like that and not confirming or leaving any details or contact information or anything of that nature then we have the entitled kid himself clearly mom's lack of attention has paid off with this little one he clearly is used to being able to do whatever he wants with no consequences and no one can say anything to him otherwise makes me kind of curious what came first was it Mom ignoring him and he became this way or did he become this way and Mom couldn't handle it so she just started ignoring him and it only got worse I'm tempted to lean towards the mother is probably just negligent given the way that she treated everyone when she was picking her son up including but not limited to the names that she was using and the threats that she was making I really just don't understand how people can sleep at night being a person like this before we jump into the next one if you like am I the jerk you're probably gonna love am I the genius check it out link Down Below in the description here's another post from the same user where an entitled mother gets roasted by an autistic child I have another story for my volunteering to share with you guys let's get to the cast for this story me just your everyday Reddit guy head leader girl autistic kid I'm paired up with entitled mother and entitled kid so last Saturday instead of spending time indoors the leaders me included decided to take everyone to the beach the beach was about a five minute drive away from our building and everyone loved going to that beach whenever the weather was nice the day was going great younger kids loved lifting up the rocks to go crab hunting while older kids just appreciated walking around the Beach at one point entitled mother and entitled kid came to the beach and entitled mother didn't like the fact that children with mental disabilities were there first she started yelling at us volunteers and leaders demanding we clear out since the kids were causing public disturbance this was a public beach and there were plenty of people there before us and no one had any problem with us head leader girl this is a free space for everyone and no one has brought this up yet since it's just you who seems to have a problem perhaps you can go to another part of the beach or go to a different one this seemed to shut her up and she took her kid far away from us we spend another 30 minutes at the beach until it was time for us to go back and time for the parents to come pick up their kids one of the leaders had bought ice cream for everyone and when everyone was enjoying it entitled kid came out of nowhere and snatched unopened ice cream from autistic kids hands me hi can you give that back autistic kid wanted that entitled kid no mommy said I can do whatever I want and I want this ice cream me well we don't have enough to give out lie didn't want to deal with entitled kid and that belongs to autistic kid entitled kid I don't care this is my ice cream now just then entitled mom calls for entitled kid from the beach entrance to go home while entitled kid is distracted I snatched the ice cream from entitled kids hands entitled kid runs up to entitled mom and I ask autistic kid to start eating the ice cream the two of them come back with entitled mom looking like she wants to start a battle entitled mother you took my angel's ice cream me he took autistic kids ice cream without asking and we don't have enough to give out entitled mother so what entitled kid deserves the ice cream more than these mentally disabled people she did not use those words in fact she just dropped the F-bomb in front of the kids volunteers and other people at the beach who were close to us head leader girl ma'am please don't use that sort of language in front of the children you are not being a good role model you're educating your son to steal that's not a good lesson entitled mother these mentally disabled children should not be allowed to be in public now give my son an ice cream or I'll call the police me yes they might be special but at least they understand stealing is not okay entitled mother was about to yell more profanities when autistic kids started to laugh hysterically entitled mother when are you laughing at you mentally challenged person again not the words she used autistic kid laughing would you please be quiet you're an adult and shouldn't act like little kids everyone including the volunteers and the crowd that has gathered around burst into laughter entitled mother went red from embarrassment and just as she was about to get physical with autistic kid an off-duty police officer came up from the crowd and threatened to arrest her for harassment and attempted assault and that made her storm out of the beach I loved being with autistic kid because he's honest with everyone and everything but he has forever earned my respect for roasting her so let's be honest who's the jerk here and that title is very clearly gonna go to both entitled mom and entitled kid I feel like the word entitled doesn't even begin to describe their actions I want to sit here and make comments about how wrong it is to do these things but most General people know this this isn't Newfound knowledge for you right I hope not however apparently this entitled mother has gone through her entire life without learning the basic lessons of common human decency it's clear it's already starting to rub off on her child I just hope he gets his act together before it's too late in the meantime it is never okay for an adult to treat a child in this manner especially one with mental disabilities this is absolutely disgusting behavior my sister-in-law's entitled friends don't know how to take no for an answer I've been child minding for the past 10 years most children I look after from zero to five and sometimes look after them whilst they go to school so most children I've known since birth I don't charge a set rate I grew up in a struggling one-parent household and saw firsthand how difficult it was to look after children slash work and survive I grew up practically raising my brother so my mother could work it's not nice so I charge what parents can afford this does mean that this isn't exactly good income but I enjoy my work and me and my partner are doing well trouble started when I found out I was pregnant I knew my sister-in-law's friends from a few occasions and sister-in-law recommended I look after their children six months and three I started looking after them and it was overbearing I'd get texts at 1am asking what did they eat today firstly I keep a diary of all children which is accessible to their parents which is hard enough to keep track but also I told her at the end of the day then I miscarried four months in and told all parents that I'd be taking a month off she would text me slash try to drop the children off and I ended up only taking two weeks off because the stress of her just wasn't worth the break I informed her that her children's care was beyond what I could offer as I was busy caring for other children while she spams me with tax and tries to meet me outside of work hours at the end of the day our relationship should have been professional and it wasn't I learned in my child care course that this is about boundary she wasn't keeping she wouldn't accept this my partner suggested we up our prices so we asked her how much she could possibly afford she said 100 a week which I do child care for her alone for 35 hours a week I know she works full time and so does her partner so I think she's making a mockery out of what I offer which is aimed towards low-income single households but I did have to accept it's what I offer when I had originally started to child mine for her I didn't realize there'd be this many problems so I told her I'd charge 200 pounds a week and she actually agreed then didn't drop the children off but it's not a loss for me my sister-in-law texted me saying I ruined a long time friendship and should have set boundaries before I tried once I said and it's not my job Beyond asking once but sister-in-law is adamant I'm the jerk here I don't think I am but I figured outside point of view would be good am I the jerk in this instance I'm gonna have to make the call of not a jerk since this mother and her husband both work full time and they were just potentially taking advantage of of the discount offer they were getting now don't get me wrong everyone wants to save some money but when it comes down to the fact that this person's telling you that they cannot look after your child right now due to other personal issues that's something that you need to accept it sucks that that convenience has been taken out of your life and that you're going to have to find someone new to look after your child for you but it's a matter of respecting that that person needs that time to themselves regardless of how you may feel about their situation or what they're going through they've stated that they need that time you have to give it to them at the end of the day I would just be glad to be moving on from this situation without it having turned into something overly confrontational her sister-in-law says that she's ruined a lifelong friendship but I really hope that isn't the case either way it was something that the poster felt they had to do my fiance seems to be a little too reliant upon her mother I'm 33 and she's 26. we had a fight and she complains I don't let her stay at home the weekends she wants the thing is I don't get to decide if she stays or not what happens is that I get upset because we're about to get married and she can't be comfortable in our future house or even with me many places I lived and she never felt like it's her home but I think the issue is something else she's very dependent on her mom she's extremely emotionally attached to her mom she lives with her parents still she tells her mom everything her mom makes decisions for her a lot of the times as well sometimes she even shares stuff about me with her mom that was supposed to be only between her and I I mean if she wants to stay at home she can but I have the right to be upset and the reason I get upset is because every time something a little Annoying or frustrating happens she runs to her mom every fight we have she ends up saying I want to go home and I just take her upset because we can't talk it out but I do take her and to be honest we only fight because she won't talk stuff out like adults should she bottles everything up and explodes she says she wants to be alone but why is being alone at our place not an option when she wants to be alone I just disappear and go do my things she won't admit she's spoiled and just wants to hear the Sweet Little Lies her mom tells her to make her happy she basically wants to live in an imaginary world where everything is perfect I keep trying to talk to her about needing to take responsibility and face her problems in order to get married and she did better and now doesn't want to go home after every fight just the more intense ones which are quite rare now what happened is that she was sick and wanted to stay at home and I was like well you can stay at our place and I'll help you out or leave you alone up to you and because of this type of stuff I say she says she can never stay at her place but we only see each other on the weekends is it too much to want her around am I the jerk for getting mad she wants to go home when basically any annoyance happens or when she gets frustrated okay so for this scenario I do feel maybe it's a little different and I would actually be very interested to hear her side of the story it does sound like maybe there is a little bit too much conflict happening if you guys only see each other on weekends and are fighting this much now I also understand your frustration that you guys are getting married and you're only seeing each other on weekends so as I said it really could go both ways however at the end of the day you guys are about to get married she needs to understand that you guys are going to be living together and this is what her life is going to be if she's that opposed to it and that uncomfortable with it maybe a conversation needs to happen my wife's parents just cut her off and I don't really have that much sympathy for her my wife led a privileged life she's not shallow by any means she volunteers at a homeless shelter does charity work and does a lot to help whatever cause she believes in at the time she also does those charity runs and stuff she's just a little naive her parents funded her entire life even after she moved out an example could be that she would only drink Voss water rather than tap or would spend 500 pounds on an outfit she wore once then donated to charity they paid for holidays Etc my wife says she resents this looking back on it because it left her totally unprepared for life I will admit she did try a few times to be independent but it never worked as her parents guilted her into accepting their help it wasn't without cost she was expected to get 100 on exams to take languages and sports when I met my wife she fully believes second place is still a loser she will only accept first but she's sort of grown up since my point even before being cut off their relationship was transaction National and distant we found out my wife was infertile and it hit her hard but we settled on adopting but her mother is anti-adoption long story won't get into it trauma relating to adoption so when we adopted our daughter of three my wife's parents cut her off it's our daughter's first birthday with us my wife was going on about how sad she is her parents won't be here and I said I have a hard time sympathizing or relating I didn't receive the same childhood as you nor did I know my parents I just meant that I can't understand and I can't be there for her to support her in that she said what so I can't be upset because you had it worse then stormed off she since changed the topic but still insists I'm fully in the wrong it was like when I complained to her about my pet dying and she said I've never had a pet but it must be hard I didn't criticize her for that am I the jerk ah yeah kind of on this one I think the whole point of sympathy is to try and understand someone's emotions even though you don't fully know what they're going through at the end of the day it's all relative this is still hurtful for her she's lost something that's made her life a lot more difficult yes in your perspective it might not sound to be so bad but she is your wife and you should be trying to help her feel better I do think I understand what you intended to say but that is not how it came out at all it definitely just sounded like a complete disregard of her emotions when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications put the playlist on in the background to finish listening to all the stories linked at the top of the description and if you like am I the jerk give am I the genius a shot Linked In the description as well either way thanks for watching and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Am I the Jerk?
Views: 379,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subreddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/confessions, r/tifu, r/maliciouscompliance, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, r/IDOWorkherelady, r/Idontworkherelady, r/AmITheA**hole, r/AITA, finance, real estate, podcast, funny, am i the jerk, i am the jerk, im the jerk
Id: 0hvzwK0kswU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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