My Chainsaw uses firewood as gasoline, Greenest chainsaw ever!

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all right folks what we're gonna do today is fire up our gasifier powered chainsaw here I'm gonna walk you around to show you how to fire this thing up first of all I took a Dowling rod cut it up to a bunch of little chunks here that's the wood we're gonna use I've got some newspaper and some sawdust from cutting up the doweling rods in the bottom of the thing here what I'm gonna do now is go ahead and just put all this down inside of there take me a moment here well now that I got this thing full all the way to the top you can see here it's right up to the surface here we're gonna stick the lid on there I want to pull the billow real quick set up the camera and stick some newspaper inside of there we're gonna light this thing up and see if we can't run our chainsaw on it so let me go ahead and set up the camera okay so we got a full of wood we got a chimney pipe open I've stuck some newspaper shreds down in here and it's going and light these up usually it draws pretty good so let's see how well this lights tick the camera down there so you can kind of watch the draw effect I might have stuffed a little bit too much down in there we'll see how well this works all right looks like it's gonna light folks all right so I've been pumping on this thing here for a moment we're actually starting to get a pretty good amount of smoke coming out of that chimney let's make sure it gets all the way up to would gas temp here all right let's try to light that now there we go look at that folks can you see the fire you back up the camera and make sure you can see that what I've done here is backed up the camera just a little bit so you can see this better when I ignite the wood gas coming out of this and when I go to shut this I'm gonna have to do it all pretty quick so here let's stop pumping let's hit out the lighter look at that folks that's an incredible output gas so we're definitely hitting wood gas that's a great demonstration that you're achieving wood gas let's give it a few more pumps so we're ready now that you see that we're ready to shut this thing down I'm gonna move the camera over so you can see what I'm doing to pull started let's do one more flare off make sure we're there oh yeah we've got great wood gas production folks hopefully you can see I'll tall that flame is in the video camera there all right so I'm gonna go ahead and move the camera shut this down we're ready to go okay so now that we got the smoke going let me go back over here set down the camera and see if we can't fire this thing up over here folks we're gonna try to get this thing start on the try to put the valve back here all right oh no I might have shut it down there try it again it's typical these bigger ball valve get that air fuel mixture right all right [Applause] fire down fire yeah [Applause] [Applause] so there you go it chokes itself down folks until next time I hope you enjoyed this is mr. Tesla nian
Channel: MrTeslonian
Views: 342,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gasification, Wood, Wood Gas, Wood Gas Chainsaw, Chainsaw (Product Category), Engine, Green Energy, Free Fuel, Homemade Power, Global, Warming, Change, Climate, Solar, Solar Energy (Industry), Syn Gas, Chainsaw fuel, chainsaw
Id: 1hiv1YNnLSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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