Argos 2016: Micro Wood-Chip Gasifiers

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oh well matter Harbor Freight Firefox and precisely barbecue a cook-off and in couple pain and when you're all done cooking you need to recharge the battery can simply unplug it from cooking places what's over into an integral mode all right okay yeah the second trouble few down okay for let's take the spark plug out and take a wire brush - oh yeah basically that we got a electrified one this is experimental this is a damn serious to prototype we're going to offer this one just like the little one with standing and the bottom it has a more traditional filtering system and then that'll be random and DC pump like like that one but down this one we use a smog pump to charge it for the experimental floor system that we're playing around with and this will run on both which it wickets and with Helen so and then this this will be able to do the exact same thing is that one small paper so is there a little text up we do offer much more higher technology your larger systems they got two fully automated to go engine mixer system that automatically mix their fuel ratios so basically it's hands-off operation you don't have to mess around we started you can walk away from it these are my curls all right no problem now I testify those wrong I got it I got it on film I know I run way too many people I'm dark enough yet whoa hey mom I do hey are you hahaha oh boy you you
Channel: Mike Reynolds
Views: 163,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Micro-gasifiers, wood-chip powered garden tractor, wood-powered John Deere garden tractor, off-grid camp powered with wood, Matt Ryder, Vulcan gasifier, Indiana Woodgas Meetup, Argos 2016
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2016
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