My Camper was DESTROYED by a Haunted Road in The Long Drive!

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all right so the camper is here and folks this thing is absolutely incredible we found this last episode it is the beam and g caravan and yeah uh so i really want to actually kind of decorate this thing that if i can get up in it uh is it my cone head that's preventing me from getting up in my camper you've got to be kidding me you know what we're going to decorate this thing we might actually add some steps here because i just want to see what we could do with it uh this thing is absolutely incredible and i wish it was in the full game so anyways let's jump in here let's continue our long drive uh let's get back to the road because we kind of got a little off uh from the last episode so if you guys are enjoying this series on the channel be sure to hit that thumbs up button it helps up my channel and also it might look a little bit different it might look like it's running a little bit smoother i had to go buy another computer uh my last one conked out funny enough during a recording of the long drive so what is this ai doing in front of us also what is this road it is so zigzagging oh i thought there was a plymouth in front of us it is not what is this uh it's just a little car hey will you move out the way i i got stuff to do here oh it's the truck actually you know the truck would look pretty cool hauling this thing hey buddy uh hey we we both can't share this road i kind of want to just knock them off here uh let's get up right behind him here i actually i need your headlights can i have those he's looking back and be like what are you doing oh okay this is not very safe to do with the caravan attachment all right let's probably not run the ai off the road uh yeah let's keep oh hold on hold on i got a really good question can we paint this thing like i want to say it's probably a no but if we can that would be magical all right let's pick this up all right oh did somebody just is this the same ai where did you come from yep uh we have been crashed into hong kong can we paint this come on come on baby come on okay can't confirm can't paint it i mean we at least put some neat stuff in there uh let's paint this bad boy real quick i like this blue that's like a classic blue right there the only problem is i'm gonna run out of blue and i'm not gonna be able to paint the whole thing hold on we might be able to make it work here also this ai's just setting don't you honk at me hey you crashed into me buddy i'm over here just minding my own business painting my car so oh that doesn't look right that's fine hey buddy oh hold on let's try that again hey buddy what do you think about that huh you ran into me oh your engines in the back hold on you ran into me so you know what there have fun hope you die out here in the desert alone and cold and whatever else happens in the desert maybe some bunnies will munch on you not gonna lie this looks actually amazing like having this thing attached at night like say i don't know we don't want to drive at night we could just pull over here and then oh look there's a diesel hi buddy uh oh he's gonna run into the cops up there oh i thought he was gonna run into the cops oh we gotta watch out the 5-0 might try to pull us over here hey we can camp over here this is completely fine all right so let's kill this all right open this up here really the the headlights on that way i can somewhat see and let's get this light here so we can come in here and i don't know if there is like i don't think there's actually a place to sleep in here which is kind of unfortunate or even just like set uh oh i hear oh there's a bus down there why am i getting a lot more ai now that's weird all right so we can close this here huh there we go uh where's the light switch uh let's go boom let me turn that off there boom look at this we got our little bitty camper can i set anywhere in here or do i just need to wait i mean i can fall asleep standing up apparently i mean you can basically sleep in here so if we go boom boom look at that we're sleeping in our little camper on the side of the road oh that's so cute all right another beautiful morning just open this up on the side here there we go oh i'm hearing skidding out noise hey look up hey buddy buddy i need you to stop i i need a trunk and i know you've got it what's wrong with him oh uh there's a police chase happening hold on did his trunk fall off uh somebody lost a tire let's see if we can catch up with him they're probably gonna despawn by the time i get there come on come on i see the cop driving off the road where is he going um i kind of want to assist i'd like to have the trunk did the plymouth go off the road oh the cob can't turn oh is the plymouth still up there i kind of wish the ai would stay in longer hold on do we see him no plymouth is long gone i've never seen the ai do that like he straight up was not gonna stop for us at all like yeah we've been hit by him before but he like gassed it up attempted to murder us and then he hit the cop ahead of us and yeah that was uh it was something okay okay here we go we got a good stop right here on do we have a plymouth we do not have a plymouth we have just a normal car should we block the road off here we're gonna block the road real quick create a roadblock that way uh maybe we can get some uh some parts hopefully another plymouth comes by dude this is a cute little car i mean definitely not better than our plymouth uh do we have any parts in here maybe another plymouth no uh i forgot kind of what the trunk looks like anything i can use to upgrade the uh the old uh caravan wait what's in here this is empty empty there's a lot of empty stuff uh there is a delicious floor croissant here uh oh i heard something what was that huh but there's a diesel turning around outside uh yeah back to the floor croissant i would like to eat this there we go um i mean we could try to stuff a fridge in there i don't think that'll fit through the door uh we could definitely use it for storage i don't want to completely junk it up oh hyperzine i mean that's probably not very smart but we'll uh we'll carry this for funsies in case we need it uh looks like you got a bunch of mixes over here we go with some oil i actually probably need a little bit of fuel uh there's a another weird mixture uh another weird mixture it's kind of weird what they put in these things these days uh yeah there's not a whole lot that's good in here this is surprisingly disappointing for this style of stop i want to upgrade oh can we stick these to there wait baskets that's another thing i need we could totally shove baskets in there uh yeah huh let's try this real quick uh these little poles are pretty good for mounting things on the outside uh it's a question of can we actually stick it to the caravan does this oh you can't attach stuff that is absolutely amazing all right let's get this kind of flush here uh this will be like a little rack here and then we can go get some more stuff mainly baskets like i'd love to find some extra baskets let's go attach boom so we put a little rack on the side he is overheating do you have your mirrors sir i would like to take them that way i can put them on my vehicle yeah you seem to be overheating right now you're not gonna need these right hon can i have the other one all right these aren't quite the really big ones but i think i can angle these out to where they work uh thank you sir oh hello up you have run into my vehicle this is fine so if i have these attached like should we mount them or attach them let's just attach them okay so i need to go definitely higher on that we could totally make this work what the heck okay um maybe parking in the road isn't a good idea we were almost just murdered by our own car a diesel just plowed through and flipped us over uh how am i supposed to get this back hold on i gotta mount this other mirror yeah i was just minding my own business there and then all of a sudden diesel uh that's not good okay hold on let's mount this real quick i gotta push this over somehow i think i could push this right uh oh come on okay uh oh don't flip caravan all right let's get the heck out of here let me grab my last bit of fluids that was uh that was something how we didn't die there i i don't even know so folks i want to introduce you to my new mirrors uh i think these are actually kind of going to work um so let's adjust this a little bit up and out actually about right there and then we'll adjust this one a little bit too just trying to aim these things to where we can actually see somewhat around the trailer uh okay well it's kind of in a bad position that one's in a decent position they just need to be turned it's gonna take a little bit of adjustment but we have our big mirrors now i i feel like that's gonna help us it looks so goofy though there we go look at that spot i think i finally fixed it here we could totally see around the camper now that one's been adjusted a little bit that one still needs to go down i think but our blind spots are somewhat taken care of now especially that left one that left one looks good yeah we did a good job with that all right well let's continue up the road here we've got to find some more stuff also is my character invisible wait when did my character become invisible like i don't see him huh is there a setting maybe there's a setting that got turned off and the character no longer shows up it's funny though because like oh geez yeah the cone on my head is still there and my sunglasses oh lee man all right we have kind of a really really sharp downhill section here well we're about to see how fast this old caravan can get going and before he jumps up freaks out and kills us oh buddy okay this is oh oh geez oh oh we're gonna jackknife here oh okay hold on to it hold on to it don't flip don't ouch that really hurt that was cool we survived somehow yay okay minimal amount of damage here just put this stuff back on oh on get that back on there yeah oh there we go and then just put our door back on you know just casual long drive crashing there this is fine all right how about we take our time getting down that was dumb we really could have died there we probably should have died there actually all right we're fine caravan's fine i don't think it can sustain damage like wait what is that on the bottom huh is that where the uh the poo poo comes out it might be the poo poo tank it kind of looks like there's a nice silver like lever that you could touch i don't know if you want to touch the poo poo lever though that's probably not good hey look what we have in front of us here we have a cop dude that cop is absolutely flying like he is definitely speeding also this road is really extreme should we run into the cop here if we can get okay we should have done that okay we're good we're good oh it's that is the second tree that we have found here okay we are pressing uh oh there is a chance the camper is now stuck uh get out um camper can we push this oh no it's wedged okay there it goes it's good oh no no no no no no no no don't go don't go okay yep we tried to chase down a cop and we crashed it again this is a dangerous hill by the way i don't know if you guys knew that like look at this steepness also it's night so limited visibility yeah this is definitely putting this camper van through its paces and i must say uh it is cool also why am i calling it a camper van it's a caravan not camper van by the way i'm slamming on the brakes this caravan causes you to like carry so much momentum it's absolutely ridiculous okay i'm just trying not to crash we should probably go to sleep i should probably do this during the day okay let's just just take a little nap there's also blood all over the inside this is fine all right so we're still going down the uh the dangerous mountain here there's two buses no i got a piss okay oh that is you got to be kidding me nope this is this is fine we just got taken out i mean technically that was our doing this is horrible trying to get stop honking at me there's nothing i could do about this buddy i am stuck to the front of your bus right now come on come on what is stuck here oh this thing is totally destroyed hey shut up what was okay well opening the door rectified that situation somehow okay i'm just gonna have to be very polite and just share this mountain road with everybody because what is happening right now this has become the weirdest journey ever where'd he go wait the bus just just okay now the bus flew and then the bus disappeared this is yeah i don't know even i don't know how to explain what's happening here like this this is strange i'm just just slam on the brakes i'm holding the brakes right now the bus in front of us just flew off nobody can handle this road what is this thing okay come on just just try to hold on to it this is fine oh gee what the ah wait we just flew off too the road just exploded us into the sky what the heck is happening okay so we're rolling again there is something in this road it sent the bus flying which by the way editor please play that back the thing was flying through the sky and then it just sent us flying on the buses are back uh buddy you want to go in front of me because i am really afraid to drive this road okay let's just try to take our time all right keep an eye on the bus i feel like the bus is gonna take off flying here in a minute okay there's something down here in this road it's like a haunted road or something it's stupid uh okay watch the bus all right the bus is gonna pick up some extreme speed here uh there's another bus pulling in front of it is that what happened did they spawn in front of me okay they just took each other out oh it's so hard to go down this road this is ridiculously challenging i mean it probably wouldn't be as bad if we didn't have the caravan i'm trying to watch the bus down there i want to see if it goes flying again like i feel like it's pretty close to okay i'm trying to get this thing to turn around come on come on caravan i need to go that way i need to get back to the road i want to see if that bus goes flying i think it's slowing down wait why did the bus stop there is there something in the road huh is he trying to pick up like non-existent people hey oh he's got his doors open is this a ruse to get me to go first or are you gonna take back off okay you know what i don't have time for this all right let's go okay be careful i don't know where we died at last time but there's definitely something up here okay just kind of just take it slow the bus is gone what was in the road okay so i've been slightly staying off the road to see if i can get it to oh geez oh i it's just picking up so much speed okay well we haven't done it oh there goes the little test car uh there it goes okay it didn't fly so maybe the road's safe now i mean there's nothing safe here in the long drive but i'm gonna have to assume that it's somewhat safe yo this whole section of road look at it this uh it's just cursed like i never want to go on road like this ever again but we do have a stop up here you know what we haven't seen in i don't remember actually last time we've seen it's been probably uh four five six episodes ago a diner like what happened to those those just stopped like i feel like the game is changing again you don't hey look a caravan fight this gas station is literally in the road uh yep i'm telling you this road there's something not right about it the stupid ai can't drive on it we've got gas stations spawning in the middle of the road there's something strange going on here in the long drive so there's another stop up there i don't see a diner though uh that would be actually nice to find but you know what did some upgrades to this uh we've still i need some ideas like what do you guys think we should do to the caravan there's a lot of stuff that we could potentially do but i want to thank you guys for all the love and support uh we'll see you guys next time up there goes another carl
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 184,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the long drive, the long drive mods, the long drive update, ufo, long drive ufo, long drive red ufo, the long drive truck, the long drive diesel truck, the long drive game, the long drive new update, the long drive bus update, the long drive snowman, the long drive secrets, new car survival game, car survival game, my summer car, the long drive camodo gaming, camodo gaming, the long drive beta, the long drive new car, the long drive rv, the long drive camper
Id: 5lTwGCI1hD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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