My Boarding School Q&A!

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hey guys it's ella welcome back to my channel so and today i'm with my friend owen i mean best friend and yeah so in today's video you guys been wanting me to do this video for probably since i came to boarding school it's been non-stop do a q a do a q a doing q a so i thought finally i do a q a i haven't been wanting to do this video because i feel like a q a is kind of like boring but there's so many questions in my comments i thought may as well just do a q a so me and olive went through all of like my questions and like picked out a bunch of comments that we think are like good and that we're gonna answer before the video starts i just wanna say the comments that we're not gonna be answering are just like any like privacy like questions that like yeah you guys get it we're just not gonna answer any of those questions but yeah other than that let's just get straight on to the video yo okay so what's the first question the first question is do you ever miss your mom when you're at boarding school okay so for olive it's like different a little bit because her mom works at the school do you want to talk about that yeah so my mom works at the school i don't really know what she does because i know i just like visit her during the day but she's gone right now so i haven't been able to see her for a few months yeah and then for me it's really not that been that hard since it's only been a month and i always like facetime my mom and call my mom so i get homesick but definitely not as much since i have like friends here um what grade are you in okay so me and olive are almost done with eighth grade and after eighth grade we're gonna go to ninth grade so yeah i look like i'm in like fifth grade but okay the next question is when do you get to see your parents okay so we have three breaks winter break spring break spring break and summer break and usually uh summer break is really long it's about like almost four months about since we don't have you know like sometimes on those days on school where you just have like a day off school like memorial day yeah like just random kind of things like that they're not random they're they are important but at our school we don't have days off on like those days so that's why our summer is really long and then we have spring break and winter break also because since it's a boarding school most of the students don't get to see their parents yeah just at all yeah so the breaks are longer so they can spend more time with their parents yeah and also like it doesn't make sense for people to go home for like a weekend since like some people are like from like so far away like china or like australia yeah is it an all school boarding school like all girls all girls oops so no it's not actually i just don't record boys because they don't want to be in the videos and we're not really friends with anybody yeah i mean we're friends but like not like friends friends you know yeah if you're sick at boarding school what do you do okay so there's a thing called the ml and the ml is just basically like a guessing nurse's office and when you're sick you go there and if you're really really sick because you're obviously dorming and you're going to be with other students you usually stay the night there there's like a room that you could just sleep in and usually people aren't really really sick but when they are they just go to the ml yeah it's usually only if they have like coveted symptoms or something like that yeah do you like boarding school and would you recommend it i love boarding school so much i recommend it because it's a great way to like it's like kind of like a early way to like start your adulthood almost like when i think about it um like you do your own laundry you have to like take care of yourself in your own ways without like your parents helping you and it's also just really really fun because i love dorming with olive and i just think it's an amazing experience but yeah also it's a good way to make friends yeah it's a really good way to make friends would you recommend it would we recommend it i would i feel like it depends for some people like if you're very home if you get homesick very long and a lot and you're like i don't know you're like very attached to your parents or something like that then it might not be the best it also can be really really hard to leave your friends like it was really hard for me to like leave my friends but i had already had friends at this boarding school so it wasn't as hard what happens when you run out of something like skincare so there's a thing called the recreation room so of course your parents can just ship you it but there's a thing called the rec room and the rec room has tons of things there's these two vending machines with like tons of necessities like toothpaste mouthwash mouthwash and just like random things like that but then there's also this little it's almost like a place to buy things there's like two people are like running in you're like paying your money like if it was like a store kinda yeah they just have tons of things like laundry basket shampoo conditioner and yeah usually i don't use that i usually like always ask my mom but if you don't have money there's always usually a way you can like get things that you need and you usually never have to worry about it okay this one's a really big one do you like the food that you get that's that you know the food is not that bad but then again it's like school food it's not gonna be the greatest but it's not like it comes in a plastic thing and you're like going up and like using a plastic fork no there's actual like silverware and yeah it's it's okay yeah what's it like to live with kids all around here there's kids uh there's like little kids there's like teenagers there's like 18 year olds there's like there's little babies and there's like toddlers and then it goes from yeah um k through 12. yeah i think it's lower than chaos but what it's like to live with them um you know it's honestly pretty normal because like your boarding school kind of like becomes your second home so it's just kind of normal and you get used to it are there boys in the boarding school yes i mean yeah i was about to say no yes there are boys that are boarding school and if so do they live somewhere else there's like yes sections of the school that's split up into so there's one section for girls and one for boys it's like girls boys and maybe like i don't i don't know how it's all laid out but yeah it's all like separated with ours it's like like this is usually like in the middle part is where we study and on the sides is the dorms so like it's boys boys boys all the way down and then it's girls girls boys are at the very bottom on ones like just one part it's the middle school boys yeah what is dorm check what is dorm check so i say dorm jack a lot and i never really explained it so there is a dorm captain this dorm captain is usually a high schooler and it's kind of like their job um yeah they live in one room and dorm checks are in the morning and at night and on the weekends it's like different and usually dorm check is and there's no dorm check in the morning no it's just like no she checks your room to make sure it's clean yeah oh yeah she checks our room in the morning to make sure it's clean and which is called room chat which is called room check a dorm check is during the night you all have to be a dorm check at nine and if you're not there you get points so you have to be in the dorm yeah you have to be in the dorm at nine so yeah when it's storm check you just go and you'll be like here i'm here and then you get ready for bed yeah so usually like if you get points like if you're late then you'll have to do student service and student service is where you clean the school yeah and no one wants to do that so don't get points what is the time you have to be in bed so it's so early the time we have to be in bed is 9 30 but that's not technically when you like go to go to bed me and olive usually like go to go to bed at um okay so next question on the weekends the lights out is 11. so yeah feeling homesick i feel homesick but not as much because um i've only been gone for a month but there has been times when i've really missed my parents but then i usually just facetime them and i feel better but yeah i miss my dog yeah i missed him i missed his one-year birthday oh anyone got coronavirus while they were there no nope no one at all before they came here before any of the students came here there they had to be in a strict quarantine for years yeah like you can't go outside at all and like no one's allowed to like leave campus oh so yeah that's another question um that's not on this question but we'll get to it later about leaving canvas and stuff mm-hmm what's the next one okay that's it um this one do you ever do you ever miss your home at boarding school especially during this i feel like we've answered uh yeah yeah we've already answered that do you get days off so when you're sick at boarding school uh yeah you get days off you but you don't get your phone you have to stay and you just sleep all day and it's really not fun to be sick at night time you can get your phone but then yeah when it's dorm check for the other students you get your phone taken again yeah because it's not fun to be sick no one wants to be sick would you ever go like to go to public school i've never been no okay oh i public school is different from every single school but my last public school was not that good and i never want to go back again end of story that was a little aggressive that was a little aggressive i've never been to public school and i went there for like four days and i've been there for like a summer camp but i've never actually gone to public school do you have hometown friends or is or are most of your friends at boarding school so um i have hometown friends do you have any like friends that are not from british school boarding school but they're not in boarding school yeah i have friends here that go to school here they're in the same grade as me and i've known them since i was a baby so we're like really close yeah see for me um i have friends where i live um i miss them tons but i get to see them during the breaks and it's not like i really had like a best friend so you know whatever is there sports every boarding school yes yes but right now we can't play any sports at all so um obviously we like play sports during pe but like team sports there's no sports like that right now yeah but there's like volleyball basketball there used to be baseball but they i don't no one really wanted to do it so they stopped doing baseball and softball and there's cheer cheer and there's cross country and track and field yeah isn't that tennis is tennis a team yeah tennis there's not it's not like where you like it's not really a competing tennis team but a lot of the students go down to the tennis courts and play tennis um how hard is the work um so here's the thing it's can be hard for students if they want to make it hard um for our school we basically get to go at our own speed and we never have to feel rushed in our school work because basically every single student in the school is actually learning different things so yeah like it's at your own pace yeah like right now i'm learning about geometry and you're learning about which one are you on positive negative customary measurement yeah do you get to choose your classes afternoon classes afternoon classes yes sir so there's tons of afternoon classes there's art ceramics i'm not in ceramics um digital arts i'm in digital arts so the my acting classes are art digital arts shop digital arts there's wood shop uh p e but pe is an afternoon's class because it's required um what are other ones crafts crafts crafts is cancelled no yeah the teacher quit okay but there's probably more but i can't think of them yeah oh also school ends at 3 30 no it ends at 2 o'clock it ends at 2 o'clock then we do after classes which go from 2 10 to 5 o'clock yeah do you get to leave campus no not right now but um other times um oh my god other times we actually do get to leave campus we just have to be with someone like you have to ask like hey can we go to target but not obviously not during corona um but yeah you can't leave campus and usually like every weekend there's like a trip usually or on like fridays we do trips and sometimes it can be like laser tag it could be like going to get ice cream and stuff like that yeah but right now it's just the school is not open for all the students yeah what do you do on the weekends so the weekends um so on saturday we usually have our student service and our student service is usually like two hours and then we have like free time and then on saturdays there is activity um sometimes the activities are good and sometimes the activities are like the activity we just did was like an all-school scavenger yeah so there's been a scavenger hunt there's been like a carnival night there's been a carnival there's been like a game night um they're like fun but like i like some of them are good and some of them are like okay that's what we do on saturday and today's actually sunday we're filming this on a sunday sunday we have white glove white glove is so much fun white glove you get to clean your room and i just got so many wires [Music] okay white club is basically where we just get to clean our rooms and we're actually gonna do that today and i'm actually so excited we love white glove because after white glove your room looks so shiny you're like but yeah that's basically what we do on saturday saturday we don't really i mean sunday sunday we don't really do much we have like free time and you can do whatever you want and then we have study hall oh yeah we have study hall study like an hour and a half yeah we just got back from study hall before this and then we had dinner we actually didn't have dinner we weren't hungry oh do we get our phone this last question we're gonna ask do we get our phone yeah we get our phone honestly i think we get our phone like a good amount um we don't get our phone during school like normal um like i feel like every school doesn't get their phone during school like they'll have it like their backpack but like you know um and then after lights out we don't have it but but yeah we basically get our phone a lot okay that's the end oh look i'm cute that's the end of the video guys i hope you all enjoyed it if you did make sure to give it a big thumbs up press the subscribe button down below we actually have to go right now so i'm gonna do this really really fast i hope you all enjoyed this video if you did make sure to give it a big thumbs up say it again make sure you give this video a big thumbs up i hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day isabella you won't see that hi i said bye say bye bye so yeah bye guys mwah bye
Channel: Ella Katherine
Views: 532,187
Rating: 4.9568911 out of 5
Keywords: entertaining, Ella Katherine, vlog, review, funny, boarding school, viral, routine, explore page, big, famous, for teens, teen, dorm, school, morning routine, boarding school Q&A, q&a, questions, q and a, get to know me
Id: ARnNcAPQf-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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