CRAZY RUN on Triple Red Hot Slot! 🎰 Includes Tips on how to pick a slot machine 💵

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[Music] [Applause] hey guys welcome back cowboy slots here we are going to do some triple red hot sevens we are at shoshone rose casino in lander wyoming today this is a five dollar machine with two credits max bet so ten dollars a spin i have nine hundred and fifty dollars in the machine here so let's see what we can't get with triple red hot sevens five dollar dinom okay let's stop for a moment before we proceed with the live play let me explain exactly why i chose this machine and if you have not yet seen my tip videos be sure to click that card in the top right hand corner of your screen and i'm also going to include a link in the video description down below also if you're new to the channel check out the video library there's a lot of information in there on tips mythbusters casino reviews and a whole lot more don't forget to hit that subscribe button and hit that bell to stay notified when i come out with future videos okay so now that that's out of the way let's talk about why i picked this machine for starters the triple red hot game has the exact same game chip as my favorite game of triple stars which is one of the biggest reasons why i chose this machine this machine is notorious for being low in volatility however it does have some other variations such as triple red hot 7's free games which is a lot more volatile but this being the older version is a lot less volatile of a game and is notoriously good so that's one of the main reasons why i chose it when comparing slot machines within the same denomination you want to look at the top number that's listed on the max credits so for example this machine is a two credit max and the most you can win is four thousand credits however if you look at other machines that are also two credits max within the same denomination the higher that top number is the more volatile the game is going to be and the harder it's going to be to win on 4 000 credits for a two-credit max bet is a great return and shows that the game is relatively low in volatility so let's do some playing 10 to spin [Music] obviously i'm not going to play down all 920 dollars but there we go 50 bucks right there [Music] you always want to be smart when you gamble guys make sure that you set aside a certain amount come on there we go all right what happened oh it's printing a ticket [Music] so it gave me a ticket for 150 i guess the machine uh so typically what happens with that not a lot of casinos do that but some of these smaller ones do they have what's called a hopper limit so this machine probably cannot hold over a certain amount over a certain amount of money so in that case what it'll do is if it goes over the certain amount it will issue you out a ticket for the difference so we have 930 dollars in the machine and then a voucher for 150 so we're just going to set that voucher aside it's not taxable or hand pay or anything like that but it's just what's called a hopper limit and then we'll continue on [Music] and we got one again so we keep hitting our [Music] and it gives us a voucher again guys most casinos don't do this but uh it is common at smaller casinos to have which it actually to me i kind of like it because that means if the money's out of the machine if the money's out of my ooh that'd be good if the money's out of the machine it's not uh as easily spent [Music] there we go that's a good one so it's gonna do the hopper limit again here so now we got another voucher for 200 so we've got 500 right there just in those vouchers this machine's doing pretty good i'm enjoying it we still have 860 in the machine now we have 910 in the machine now if only we can get those three times symbols to drop get us a nice little handpay jackpot [Music] [Music] so we're down to 820 dollars now in the machine scoot this back a little bit so you can see it so 810 in the machine and then we've got our vouchers here that it cashed out we got 150 150 200. [Music] so not bad come on three times let's make it happen let's get a hampton jackpot here today at goodall shoshone rose casino in lander wyoming [Music] come on three times let's see him there it is come on [Music] let's line him up line up those three times [Music] [Music] how about a good nine times combo [Music] all right come on now [Music] let's make it happen [Music] oh three times right there [Music] all right we've got now six hundred dollars in the machine we are still up because i do still have those cash out vouchers [Music] there we go 50 bucks let's get a couple more of those or how about some three times three times triple red hot sevens [Music] foreign [Music] 50 bucks [Music] where's our three times come on oh there it is needs to be on the line [Music] another 50. [Music] come on triple red hot [Music] so [Music] all right triples you're slowing down now come on [Music] oh that one right there and that one right there would make my day really good make for a happy day i got to tell you guys it is so good to be able to play these old older style machines in the higher limit form class 3 right here in the state of wyoming [Music] 50 bucks [Music] oh that's a pretty picture too bad it wasn't on the line [Music] come on [Music] come back out triples all right we're building back up [Music] oh come on triple triple y sevens would be good [Music] come on come on nine times white sevens that would've been great [Music] come on 150 bucks get that a couple more times [Music] triple [Music] do [Music] there we go nice little 50 bucks there i'm telling you guys i really enjoy these machines come on they're really really good they're low volatile it's building back up [Music] triple oh that built back up pretty damn quick let's get this good three or nine times combo something [Music] do [Music] all right come on oh triple that would be great come on oh that would have made my day [Music] ah there it is again oh come on i thought it was gonna do it i thought it was gonna do it [Music] [Music] you always get excited when those triples start dropping [Music] oh come on boom boom boom [Music] three triples on this machine would be 20 000. [Music] oh come on we got to get a good nine times combo two triples and any seven [Music] all right come on come on there we go too bad that wasn't a three seven 50 bucks [Music] it looks prettier than it is [Music] all right triple red hot sevens [Music] let's get a good comeback here [Music] all right we need those triples to start coming out come on [Music] it only takes one [Music] all right triple come on [Music] come on now we're close that right there would be absolutely beautiful but it's only beautiful if it's right on the line [Music] oh come on now [Music] all right we are now down to eighty dollars in the machine now seventy dollars that is seven more spins guys [Music] we need a good comeback here triple oh [ __ ] that would have been nice even without the triple [Music] come on last spin there it is very last spin guys very last spin got 600 bucks on the last spin so we're gonna keep going now the triples are coming out that was that was lucky that was that was something else very last spin got 600 down to zero dollars in the machine and got that on the last spin [Music] now there's a lot of triples coming out come on [Music] now they just need to be right on the line [Music] all right it's building back up guys if we can get two triples [Music] two triples and one of the red hot sevens come on two triples in one of the red hot sevens any of them it can be the single it can be the two it can be the three whatever two triples and the red hot sevens that would make for a great day come on let's do it here it gets exciting when the machine when the machine starts doing this it gets exciting because you really just never know [Music] especially that last spin redemption [Music] another 50. [Music] let's wind out this blind out this session here with something really good [Music] i have not hit a jackpot on triple red hot sevens and uh it's been a minute well i hit the one in vegas oh come on two of those [Music] i was painting a pretty picture [Music] honestly not sure how far i want to play it down really i had planned on uh i had planned on nothing hitting on that last one oh come on triples all a matter of timing [Music] we go that was 250 we're back up to 640 in the machine [Music] all right guys we're building right back up now would be the best time to get a good combo of triples especially if we can get two of those triples on the [Music] triple red hot sevens can actually be very good to you it can be very good to you when it wants to be [Music] so we were down to zero dollars and now we are back up to 620 come on come on triple [Music] damn if that would have been another triple [Music] it keeps liking those two the two red hot sevens keeps liking those a lot it keeps bringing those out [Music] all the machines do it again where it's going a little quiet [Music] of course we're going to keep playing it [Music] i'm playing it because i really enjoy this game it's doing well oh come on that right there would have been a nice jackpot [Music] it would be nice to hit a jackpot on this machine that's for sure oh come on always went away [Music] will it take us back down and then build us back up we shall see [Music] by the way guys i am planning on playing this 2-0 i'm gonna play this all the way down [Music] come on triples [Music] now it's going really quiet that's what i've noticed about a lot of these machines is they go really quiet and then they hit [Music] and then they start hitting [Music] triple come on [Music] 50 bucks [Music] where are those triples they were coming out and now they're not there's one we need those triples on the line it's pretty impressive guys for a five dollar machine we have been playing it now for 22 minutes [Music] oh come on [Music] do [Music] all right guys we're getting down to our final stretch we've got 13 spins remaining want to get those triples right on the line come on do it are you kidding me it could have gone either f and way [Music] 50 bucks [Music] all right come on [Music] we're down to 150 so that's this machine really does go up and down and up and down but like i said the plan is to play it down all the way or get a jackpot one of those play it down all the way or get a handful all right last 10 spins guys [Music] no triples at all have come out with with a winning combination all right we're down to five spins we're gonna have last spin magic again is it gonna keep us around [Music] we'll see [Music] final two [Music] last spin [Music] all right guys well that was quite a run on triple red hot sevens guys uh ten dollar bets uh thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Cowboy Slots
Views: 597,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slots, slot machine, jackpot, casino, myths, facts, inside, secrets, poker, craps, roulette, gambling, massive, win, winner, lottery, high limit, how to, tech, true, false, wins, huge, reviews, tips, better, best, worst, behind the scenes, revealed, jackpots, low limit, budget, tribal, indian, bingo, server, tricks, unlocked, live play, live action, action, big, cowboy, skill, machines, winning, payout, payback, percent, player, club, card, horse racing, wager, sports, betting, bet, online
Id: EElBfGyhWrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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