My BIGGEST Hot Wheels Peg Hunting Video

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what's up guys phil here from peak time racing welcome to another video and today is december 23rd i know it's probably the worst day to go out shopping because the store is going to be absolutely crazy busy but i'm at my local walmart and i'm going to go in and buy a bunch of brand new hot wheels stuff we're gonna look for multi-packs for sets just a bunch of really cool hot wheels stuff that we can find because i'm sure the shelves are stocked with a bunch of brand new items so let's go on inside and attempt this little shopping spree wish me luck [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys it's getting really dark here so we're gonna head back over to my house and then i'm gonna show you all the stuff that i bought all right timers we're back inside of my studio it's actually the next day it was too dark out so i didn't film when i got back home so let's go ahead and go over all of the stuff that i picked up yesterday at the store look at all the cool stuff that i got and here we go we got tons of hot wheels matchbox we even got some remote control cars some monster trucks and stuff like that let's do a quick review of what we got we got these matchbox sets right here uh marine matchbox sets and all of that we've got a bunch of hot wheels sets and stuff like that five packs all five packs that we got we got these 10 packs right here which are really cool even though there's a couple of ones cars that i don't have in here already which are like that 944 recolor which is really nice uh there's a kia singer gt obviously the fastest car down the track you guys know that and we got a bunch of cool ones in this one as well there's another one of those porsche 944s same with this one has a 944 in it so we got lots of 944s which is cool we got these uh mega hauler packs right here which are really cool i mean these things will store a bunch of hot wheels and they come up you can put a bunch of them underneath which is really cool that'll be fun and then we've got these monster trucks right here i haven't bought monster trucks for a while but i thought these ones were just really really cool scorpio torque we've got all these ones roger dodger right there piranha look at that piranha and then these are the monster jam ones which are the previously licensed ones so these ones are still pretty cool monster jam still making trucks and all that we got these which is really cool check this one out this is called a mbx mbx self-driving bus we got a couple of those ones here we got this truck right here which is really cool some spider-man and wolverine stuff and then check these out right here check this out wrangler rubicon this is like a remote control car i thought that was really really cool looking it's got batteries and everything included usb powered and then check this out right here fast and furious oh my god gtr r34 gtr there we go is that not cool or what i guess it's made for like drifting and stuff like that it's made by jada uh it's got like usb and all this stuff inside let's go ahead and see if we can look in the back right here look at all the cool stuff that's included in this drifting usb charging turbo oh my gosh that is so cool that is so cool awesome awesome guys all right guys so you're probably wondering why i bought all of these cars all of these things do i really need all of these the answer is no i don't need any of these i just went out and i bought all of these and none of them are for me in fact we're gonna go over to my local toy charity and we're gonna donate every single one of these toys that i bought today so that i can give back this year and help out people who are in need it's been a very very difficult year for a lot of people and i want to help out i want to give back i don't want any family to go through christmas and not have any gifts or any toys or anything to give away to their children i just want to make sure that everybody is taken care of i'm doing my part to do that by giving away all these toys and i'm hoping that you guys can do the same thing that you guys can give back in some way maybe not necessarily toys but any way that you can help to give back to your local charities to anyone that is in need please guys do the right thing give back it's not all about getting new cars getting new toys getting all this stuff it's about helping other people that's truly what makes a difference in this world and i hope you guys can do the same thing and give back this year and help people in need we're gonna head on over to my local toy charity right now and we're gonna donate every single one of these toys i'm bringing my family along so i can teach my children that giving back is the right thing to do guys all right let's head on into my car guys and let's give away all of these toys all right guys we are just at my local christmas barrel where we're going to donate all of these toys we've got mrs peak time right here and we've got my kids in the back aria what are we doing today yes that's right all right and you're going to help me i don't want to lie okay let's go get the toys [Music] all [Music] all right guys we are back home in peak time racing studios here i just want to give a big thank you for watching this video and also something i need to address is that there is ads on this specific video and i'm going to donate 100 of the revenue on this video to my local food drive so please help out by watching this video share this video and you're doing your part uh to give back and help out as well guys and remember giving is the right thing to do guys don't just want everything give back this year and happy holidays happy new year and i wish the best for all of you guys in 2021 bye
Channel: Peak Time Racing
Views: 465,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot wheels, hot wheels peg hunting, new hot wheels, 2020 hot wheels, peg hunting hot wheels, peak time racing peg hunting, peg hunting, hot wheels 5 packs, hot wheels video, hotwheels 2020, peg hunt, peek time, peak time racing, peaktimeracing
Id: fjK72DKGe08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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