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someone is lying and spreading nasty rumors about me and we have to figure out who is my biggest hater no this isn't true but it says in the newspaper that because you're a scaredy cat Preston's breaking up with you and I know you're not a scaredy cat let's go to a haunted house Chase I'll prove to you I'm not a scaredy cat are you sure you're not a scaredy cat because I am let's make sure this place is safe Pig what is it's his eyeball sticking out I love you go to the vet Bri I don't want to go upstairs wait I'm staying down here you're not gonna hear anything because I'm fearless remember Chase I mean we'll see about that I don't look like that guys do I yeah I believe you okay you and Preston aren't breaking up okay Bree follow me here's all the different people in the village that I've conducted in investigations about to see which one of these people would hate on you and lie about you okay there's no way you're the hater yes why would Eloise be on the board though I mean Preston doesn't like Eloise Eloise might resent you because of Preston no all right Chase detective Bree is on the case nice all right you guys this is Eloise's favorite place in the entire world the Cat Cafe ham how can I help you my best friend my cat is is in there and I just want to hang out with her um actually today is catcher day and only cats are allowed in today I'm sorry Bethany yeah it's me I can give you a cat potion and it'll turn you into a cat for only two and a half minutes oh that's not very long but I'll take it yeah get counted all right good luck also take this hello we've got a new cat joining us hello welcome into the Cat Cafe it's a cat today special apparently according to the highlighted items we need to get Eloise the best cat treats in the entire world and then obviously she's not gonna be a hater because she loves me I feel like I shouldn't drain this oh catboy cat toy it is harming me though all right cat toys are dangerous everyone there we go Eloise is going to love me even more than ever before I have here oh is this the kitchen oh the potion's gonna run out Bree hurry oh wait how do it there maybe we push all the buttons yeah this makes total sense oh yes the last and final bucket of fish Eloise you are going to be so excited Eloise I have something for you it's me Bree I just want you to know there's a hater spreading rumors about me don't believe them I love you and you're my favorite thing in the entire world okay she was hungry hey what are you doing in here get out of here who's that next Caleb Caleb oh hey Brie having fun with the breakup that's not true I have a hater spreading rumors about me well I heard that you and Preston are breaking up because you're not a real game yes I am or to me that you were a gamer by beating my high score at Pac-Man 276. yeah no one's ever gonna break that I've got this whoa your high score coming for you come on come on Bree you've almost cleared all this side over here all the ghost is getting close 107. we're doing good no don't get me don't get hopefully something spawns soon so I can eat all the ghosts that always gives you extra points wait did that just happen die ooga booga well would you look at that whose name is on the board you've got 680 what there's no way you've proven you're a real gamer so obviously this headline is false exactly well that's all I needed to hear thank you Caleb all right ladies and gentlemen and with that I am checking Caleb off the list next is camman well look who we have here uh oh it's look who it is it's the girl who's so messy that Preston wanted to break up with literally I clean up for him every single day what are you talking about oh you're telling me that the newspaper is the wrong it said that you're messy and Preston doesn't like that um sounds like you could be a hater ma'am I am not a nodding I am a cam woman not a cam hater okay listen if you really want to prove that you're not breaking up with Preston how about you clean my house oh okay I'm good at that I can do it oh yeah let's see it all right and man give me a kiss like this video If you think Cam man should really be married we're dating okay we're gonna we're gonna clean oh ow I'm being harmed by insects they really need to clean this place up it's kind of a pigsty ew there's so many cockroaches that's disgusting I hate them what oh is this are they just throwing spit wads everywhere what are these things maybe they're love letters that cam woman gave Cam man and he doesn't truly love her and he threw them out in the garbage oh my gosh it is so clean in here you're welcome okay you are so clean and tidy wow okay we were wrong no you keep that vacuum okay honey okay but listen listen somebody stop by and get wanted to give you a present and also I think Chase was looking for you something like a serious emergency or something like that I don't know okay I'll open the present later um you don't hate me right y'all would never know we don't hate you honey we love you look how clean this place is I mean the activities we can do in here I mean came in we can get a new couch over here Chase I'm coming for you Chase Chase what is that on the ground is that blood and newspaper guys I can't find Chase anywhere and this is very suspicious all right we checked Cam man off the list it's time to investigate cash all right guys we're almost to Cash's house but really fast remember we got a present let's open it and see a mystery letter to Brianna have you heard all the things Preston's been saying about you your time with him is running out this sounds like somebody who's literally trying to ruin my marriage um hi cash oh hey Brie is it true that you and Preston are breaking up I heard that it's because you don't have talent ouch no somebody's literally lying about me and telling everyone well that's what the newspapers say I know I now have 47 of these they're incorrect well if you want to prove that you have talent to me I do have a talent show going on okay I'm in Welcome to the cash talent show Bree versus DJ chilaga all right I'll judge you two take your turns and let's see who's Got Talent DJ chilaga take it away [Applause] all right Bree it's your turn all right cash are you ready for the Breezy my name is debrisi and I'm singing in a song I made a beat and it's not very long the villagers are leaving but it's very deceiving they really like my rap and that's all I have all right that concludes It DJ you're fired oh well that's gonna sound Bree you got talent all right Bree I believe ya you and Preston aren't breaking up okay so you don't hate me no awesome that's all I need to no thank you I'm going to check cash off the list but guys we haven't seen Preston anywhere I have to make sure he doesn't believe these rumors next we have Nico hey Brie how are you doing um not very good now that I found out that you impressed it are breaking up it's causing a lot of drama seriously somebody's hating on me it's not true well it says in the newspaper that you're not a mom and that makes me uncomfortable it's not true and you know what I'm gonna babysit Baby Preston right here and prove to you I'm an amazing mother okay Nico your place is baby proofed right um not really it's actually kind of dangerous oh well Jerry I've got you all right let's have some fun I've never seen Nico's house before some cute little plans oh a nice TV multiple of them yep why are you climbing up there baby Jerry what are you doing Nico don't look I he's just playing jungle gym baby Jerry get down no you cannot go up there that was close baby Jerry no no no no he is a lava creeper so he'd probably be okay but we're just gonna let's go in here and play like no don't walk into the fire Jerry how many times do I have to tell you not to play with fire um Nico I feel like we should maybe go upstairs there's a lot of obstacles in here okay just be careful I have a pen up there maybe Jerry I heard a cat meow for some reason maybe he has a cute Kitty in there he is a tamed ravager this will be fine it's in his house no get away from baby Jerry hey oh don't tell Nico um yeah okay wow baby Preston is having a really good time yeah it's been great here all right I believe you you are a good mom thank you I'm gonna go play with my pet Ralphie so I'll talk to you later no okay Amigo before you leave dude you don't hate me right no I don't hate you not anymore oh interesting answer all right let's go baby Jerry before he finds out that we killed Ralphie oh Ralphie I feel really bad we only have one person left to investigate unspeakable he definitely has to be the hater or at least know who is but somebody's got a babysit Jerry hi yeah I don't have much time uh yeah baby's the baby Jerry okay I can do that um okay she took my child laughed and I didn't even have to ask her anything hey unspeakable how's it going is it true it is not true we're not breaking up me and Preston love each other even though I can't find him anywhere it says you don't listen okay calm down I do have a way of proving you are a listener head upstairs yes sir wait baby Jerry is that you free help okay so two things I have to play a game of mad gabs let me start the game because slowly the sand is falling on my son mystery B East Mr Beast right It's gotta be that let's put that in the item frame hello eyes that sounds like Eloise right nice oh baby Jerry the sand is really growing in there at my how aphmau for sure there we go um Brie March doubt calm oh it's Gotta Be My logo right here this looks really cool also you can get amazing merch like this anime shirt and Chuckles and and I know baby Jerry I'm shamelessly plugging right now in Dare rag own uh Ender Dragon easy nice baby Jerry we're halfway there come and block he command block easy die mud ah oh Diamond ax guys y'all should play along in the comments this is really fun slay ma ill slime ball slime ball only have two more left to go bow in me all oh bone meal and crafting table will be the last one bone meal there we go oh you're fine are you gonna tell me why I just dropped you off with camelman and now you're here up in unspeakable's attic I don't remember that is very suspicious Jerry come with me I have now interrogated every single person in town it's time to figure out who is my biggest hater detective free yet again is on the case all right time to Mark unspeakable off the list why is Cam woman here and why it's chasing Nathan in a cage oh yes oh yeah cam woman is real Bree look closer disguise deactivate no you and Preston are going to break up because of my lies and then I will marry Preston that is not going to happen oh really I have a plan remember the witch gave me this at the beginning what no hey wait what was that hey Anna Brie let's talk about our differences no and let's just be friends you will never be able to hate on me again well finally oh there you are Bree ready for our dates what do you not know what's been going on the past hour uh no I just logged in what's up what is that free we are not having another cat don't worry this isn't a real cat I have a lot to explain
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 156,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: qdJNsbjJ7Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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