My biggest and best gold

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[Music] I'm Steve Graf nom on another solo mission in remote Western Australia to find some of the best gold and the largest nugget I've ever found [Music] [Music] more and more difficult to find a spot where everybody feeling before you I just found a little piece be up ten feet over the air it's the little tiny piece and then I just came across here and this is my first stargazer or sudden Baker as they call them but it's funny because I actually saw it before I swung the detector over it it's just shiny nice in the Sun there it's just right in front of the coil just just the into the screen it's a nice little piece but bigger than the one I got just earlier nice to be out eight o'clock in the morning and the Flies are already in usance they seem to start at about just as the sun's rising I suppose and it's supposed to get to about thirty five degrees today so that's something to look forward to I saw a couple of snakes about a week ago one of them was about two meters long and I took some good shots of it and looked it up and it seems I'm 90% sure it's Aguada and apparently fairly common around the area highly venomous so not something that I really want to run into too much and then I saw a couple of days after that saw another little snake it was right by my feet actually just going through the vegetation it wasn't aggressive at all it just sort of slithered away it was only probably that over 12 inches long just a young one anyway going through this bit of scrubby stuff here and next thing a bit of a got a signal down here as you can see you got a little bit of deep there seems to be right in the center of the hole this is what it sounded like on the surface you can hear it through the headphones are still got the headphones on it'll be out of the hole yep yep she's out yeah that was in the scoop my signal here even see it the Sun yeah look see here's a bit of yellow looks nice you can see that they're very nice that's it the hit I've got the hit what a beauty oh yeah nice nice piece stand up oh good let's just type this something else are we on the placements not just a flash in the pan went off your hippie just in case anyone's wondering I always fill in my holes just like to leave the places close as possible to here you found it there you go but of rain and you hardly knows even here I've got another signal here and it's only actually probably 20 meters from the other one which was just through the scrub over the year but it's about an hour later I was sort of working over in that direction and then I circled back around over here and here I've got a nice signal that's through the headphones again but so as you can see she's a nice sound pretty much in the center of the hole it's sort of soft in between in between the hair some of the beard rock stuff sticking up kind of almost laity type of I used to it I made you know signal it's probably just a mister here probably be yeah that's loud off my fingers that that's that's not a piece of junk no yeah uh-huh I believe that I think maybe it that's it all right mmm I'll give it a bit of spit remember to take my he Danny it off for a second okay yeah you can see a bit of color coming through yeah that what a beauty that's gotta be three or four grams anyway he probably got four inches there I guess and take it a bit of a cleanup on it that'll really not nice the bird shown on the right is an Australian bus start which is one of Australia's largest birds of course not on the scale of a Mears or cassowary but still pretty big for a bird that flies they stand about one meter high with a wingspan up to twice that length I've got another signal here there's only probably six meters from the other one which is just the pitch just over there but it's a bit up probably half an hour since that one because I went to War II on behind me yeah circling all through the scrub anyway got the signal here and it's nice and layout I haven't all I've done is scraped the surface with my at this stage so I just hope it's gold it's a nice signal it's layered just like right off the surface so it's either very shallow what's a nice chunk again hopefully I've nearly given up on this spot as it spent the last couple of days comb in the area and find him nothing so I was about to move on in the other direction but fortunately I just feel on that first little piece which prompted me to look a bit further here somewhere uh-huh I'm gonna leave that what yet I'm lucky see all right said all right Victor's going crazy okay who's a bit awaited that you beauty nice real nice wise look at the Flies drive your nuts and of course your hands get so scratched when going under the scrub and stuff and then start bleeding and then the flies of course go for the blood drive you made that certainly there's a lot of encouragement I'll give her a bit of spit they'll give it too much spit I don't get into drawing let me off I have to gave it for a drink shortly anyway it's been nearly lunchtime I think that's maybe heavier than the last one get it beautiful all right we're just taking the weight so those three drops morning that was the first one yep no they 2.6 the second one was that one I think last one was this one yeah mmm 505 grams so that's pretty good pretty happy with it morning no twelve and a half grams for the morning very hip you were dead it's always nice to catch up with some of the larger members of the local wildlife and I managed to get quite close to this big fellow over the course of the coming weeks I ended up having many encounters with camels as well as wild horses this morning I spent quite a few hours detecting around some old diggings but unfortunately didn't find any gold at all just lots of junk rusty cans nails wire sort of everything you can think of except gold but I did find an old coin and the ring the coin is a 1964 half penny last year I got a 1914 silver threatens she's pretty good this is the oldest coin I've got this year and the ring not gold unfortunately not so I don't know what it's made of it's got a bit of a bulge inside of it the ears if it's probably been handmade and funny thing is it's actually quite small it's more like it's a woman's ring even that looks like a man's ring but it only fits on my little finger won't go over my big fingers so it's quite interesting later on I put it in some mild acid and blow me down it came up nice and yellow so it turns out that maybe it has got some gold content either that or at some kind of bronze or brass I'll have to do some tests on it to find out for sure [Music] the last few days have been pretty uneventful just the usual rubbish like rusty nails and bullets and whatever but no gold to speak of maybe a couple little speaks but nothing of any consequence and I'm just going along it's nearly midday I suppose it's getting a bit boring anyway I'm just going to do you a quick little reenactment of what happened because an exit doesn't happen right here yeah the spec behind me there somewhere but I was just coming along and I just swung that a tick there under a bit of an old stump there and this is what happened here [Applause] quite a nice signal but sort of a strange sound in a way anyway I just I just literally I thought oh it's probably just another piece of junk as usual I just literally scraped it with my boots like that and and then bang Oh yep say up that'll be just rubbish and I look down and just right there I see the bit of yellow like you can just focus just there yeah that thing yeah what a man was sitting right on the surface that nice track yeah a bit of white in it it's a beauty it's been sitting in the Sun that's a nice chunk it's got to be at least a couple of grams on it surely huh so then I started combing the whole area and be up ten minutes later I got another sort of a strange signal and it's just over that way so we'll take a look over there quite a few hot rocks around here's round still quite hot Lord but anyway here we are you have to be writing the scene to the whole so it's alright just give it a bit of spit a nice check not quite as big as the other one but still a nice nice little chunk so there's a bit more in the place a makes me more cheerful stuff these short beat the kidneys are found throughout most of Australia and along with the platypus are the world's only ear Glen mammals the very Placid and if they feel threatened they'll simply curl up in a ball just like a hedgehog okay we'll just weigh those little bits there's the two that I filmed and on the way back to the vehicle I've got another little piece I'll go out here so I am first yep [Music] in the second one I've got mm-hmm this piece that I thought should go over to greens oh nice yeah nice just over four grams that's pretty good for a morning pretty happy with it it's about three o'clock in the afternoon yeah and it's actually come up quite windy anyway another signal here which is good it's about probably 40 meters or so from the two before lunch and see that's quite nice so she's a nice sounding signal it seems to be right in the middle of the hole pretty much yeah I think that'll be over a granny might say or into Graham oh nice there's a bit more and I'll often go out to take them during a full moon because it's nice and cool with no flies and you don't need a torch unfortunately I didn't have a lot of success over the last couple of nights though only find in one piece just over a gram the next morning I moved to a new location with some promising looking ground cleared started rolling in although there was no mention of rain in the forecast so it should be a great day weather-wise with a good mix of iron stone and quartz scattered all over the surface I was pretty confident of finding something although good-looking ground still doesn't necessarily mean there's gold in it it's very overcast today and quite windy so I may have a few issues with the sand because I'm only filming on my mobile phone of course I can't actually a great day for detecting it's nice and cool even the Flies are sort of laid off a little bit anyway I got a - two little pieces this morning so nice little piece there and that piece there is a nice size but it's quite flat so it's not good it so they know got a signal on a chunk of quartz the Flies are just starting to turn up here and so what I did is I broke bits off it because it was a fairly sizable chunk and broke the pieces off the edges of it so that it could fit in my pocket and that's it the year and I'll just show you it's the cherry here so if you actually just see some little bits of gold and there's a little flick showing up just the as you probably won't see it in the camera and imagine that does another but I'll just the you could probably can't see that with my thermos piece of gold showing up Lee and this another piece the year where my thumbnail is but you probably won't picked it up but anyway so so that's good and now as you can see it's quite a bit of quartz around the place here that little mark over the year and this end of the screen is where I got that flat piece of gold before yeah what's interesting is I then came along here a bit and I'll just say tick tore up the swung it over another choke as you can see most of the cancers nothing in it but then there's this PC yeah and then this little piece so somewhere in the air there's a bit of gold will have to be crushed but then another interesting bit here I was just going around under here and so that's another chunk of quartz sticking the other ground there and all right we'll dig up rusty old quartz well she's screaming there that's good on my way back to the vehicle I spotted this wee fella he's a tiny people mimic dragon and his whole body length is not much wider than my finger okay this is what I've got after crushing up those pieces of quartz and a couple of other little pieces I still gotta separate it a bit really yep but they've just been painted off a little bit maybe lay it D happy with it very nice eysan what you can get out of those little it's a quart go for a close-up that's hard to see with that sun's so bright on it but yeah yeah you know this still a few bits going down the back here with the sand as you can see so I gotta sit right it a bit bitter yet but mmm really happy with it very happy got to be a few grams with thee it's about seven o'clock in the morning and the vehicle is approximately an hour back that way just go for a bit of a ticket or see if I can discover anything I'll heed sort of it out this way a bit more and hopefully get onto a little bit of yellow stuff heard someone got bitten by a snake the other day I don't know what sort it was and I assume they must have recovered okay because never heard any more about it another lovely day quite a bit of cloud cover so that's good alright we could find Australia has the most venomous land-based snake in the world which is the inland Taipan and apparently it's home to more venomous snakes they're non-venomous so this is always something to keep in mind when wandering the up Beck alone like I am well this is quite fascinating bit of a natural arch here there's a sandstone ridge running along and there's actually quite a few of them dotted along it great place to get a bit of shade from that midday Sun you can actually see where the animals use it it's sort of beard down inside probably kangaroos and maybe even dingoes it's pretty warm again today it's about two o'clock in the afternoon but there's quite a bit of cloud cover which is nice it just takes that real sort of drumming heati out of it but it's been a pretty slack they covered a lot of country and not much I'll just show you two little bits I got earlier this morning by crikey one of them's tiny that's I even picked it up it's it's probably not even as big as a met Chad you know small their little followers a little thing it's poison even picked it up and it was actually you know an inch or two probably a couple of inches below the surface but my mind gold takes a lot of those to get in you're decent weight but finally I've got a little target just over here just take it down a little button so now you can hear it's a definite signal can you imagine the send of the whole bigger than L of its anyway yeah oh that's good good probably be let's say we underbelly Graham that's a good stuff I spent the next few days came in the whole area but with no more success so it was time to move on and look for new ground most of the best country is already taken up with live leases so between the only available land lift for prospecting which is pending ground for te permit blocks in the Romanian open zones it's more difficult than you might think to find a new pitch that hasn't already been done over at some stage during the last 40 years of militating it's about lunchtime and the last couple of days have been ridiculously hot got up around the 40 degree mark it's a bit too much but today fortunately it's only meant to get around the low 30s so it's a bit more bearable and the last couple of weeks the area poor had virtually no gold apart from a couple of specks that are probably half the size of a shotgun pellet didn't even bother weigh in them too small anyway just on my way back to the vehicle for lunch because it starts to get a bit depressing after going day after day of nothing anyway next I'll get a layout signal just the unbel on me here so as you can see that's a layout signal now normally of course you'd say well that's just going to be a bullet or something like that piece of rusty metal or something it's obviously right on the surface and I was just to be able to scrape the top with my foot and then look in there and I can't actually see the bit of yellow there sticking out just right right in front of my boot right there but if you can see it from here but I'll take the camera down for a close look and so that's it just right then in front of my fingers should be able to see it quite easy actually my son Baker or stargazer ha it's a nice chunk crockie Diggins serious that that's a beauty I've never got to chuck that big the end of the that's all right on the surface like that that's a beauty his fee bit of weight in it I'm not very good at getting the weights probably but oh that's got a surely be over 5 grams market decadence what are the surface after lunch I'll come back around here and as type there's a few more bits around because sometimes it's just a one-off but I take great fear on this little tiny piece on the way bit to the car as well just a little follow very much for point two I must follow which I thought should go over five creams I would think see what happens nice yeah I have a six excellent very good very happy with that it's hope I can find a few more little bits out there it's quite a bit cooler today it's been a subtly changed and it's right down to about 25 26 degrees and I'm telling you it's so much nicer beautiful sleeping at night and everything nervous yeah sort of mid-day note Sonia and it's still nice and cool cool breeze lovely yesterday was quite a good day I've got quite a few pieces of gold so I was pretty happy with that I'm just sort of in the same area now and I've just got another signal here sounds like I'm nearly down to it it's uh I'm down to be up probably there's a top there probably three inches or so [Music] seems to be pretty much on the center of the whole that's it there just show you the other that's I got yesterday and this morning I don't know she tried a little bit clay here we go so here's the little one I just got near I'll just focus it so the guy quite a good little hole if I die and a half yep leaving pieces or so d1 me is quite a nice chunk that one there on out to the side they're pretty happy with all that interesting to see how much it weighs no bit for lunch and put them on the scales okay I found another piece on the way back to the car as well so I've got 12 pieces here I will just see what that one that was the biggest of the group this event rice during a half basic weight I won't see what the whole lot comes to you you're happy with that for a day and a half it always astonishes me how well those creatures survive out here I don't know how they get enough water I mean I'm out here for weeks at a time I don't come across any water at all there's no water holes all the creeks are dry as a bone so there's nothing in those and I mean rain well there was a little bit of shell about a week ago but that dried up real fast oh it's amazing how they do it any of those horses beautiful condition ignition things they seem to thrive out here they must get incredibly hot in summer it's really impressive very windy this morning and all gray and overcast looks like it's going to rain but I don't think it's supposed to nice and cool very pleasant conditions for the deck Dean I had a signal just a few minutes ago that I thought was gold turned out to be just a bullet shell but I think I think that's pretty sure that it'll be gold d that's it here we go just a little fun that's good it's still gold all right so that's what I've got oh yeah here's that little one I just got near you go one nice little selection knee a bit closer oh yeah very good watch cube it's the two but it's all good you know they're all under a green I assume like that's probably the biggest piece of the year you know just under a gram Nick biggest probably 0.6 they're all sort of a real net or under it one interesting thing is for anybody that thinks you can't get little stuff with a big coil I'm using a 17 by 13 evolution coil and surprising how small you can get stuff like that little guy over here you know point 105 you can hardly expect to get anything smaller than that really so it's quite astonishing and you're right we'll check it all on well there you go that's not bad couple of days work and it shows you even the little stuff at all adds up and they see them grams it's pretty good well it's so much more pleasing today it's only a bit up I think it's 26 27 degrees as opposed to 37 38 so much nicer just a cool breeze I think it's a southerly wind which explains it and very nice last night just nice and cool whereas some of the nights have been so hot it's just so hard to sleep but it's not going to last of course because in the next few days it's meant to get right back up to 37 38 39 so but it's nice while it's there anyway I've just got a signal down here you know I should have filmed it right off the surface because I thought it was just ground noise and I nearly walked away from it but scraped it back and now it's definitely showing up as a signal it's just it was just a very faint if you can hear that there was some rocks on top too so it was sort of higher than just ground level but it's just very faint but now I've dug it down a bit of course you can definitely hear it it's a funny sort of sounding signal too it's kind of got a bit of a wobble [Music] and they already see if we can just see it in the Sun we see this [ __ ] on here don't see anything yet oh hey art Oh why'd you see here we go look at that probably can't see you this hard to see that that thing there anyway that said yeah that's up the year nice little piece nice nasty enough beautiful it's quite a solid little piece - very nice I'm happy with it nice little check got a little bit of weight to it Kimmel's were first introduced to Australia during the mid-1800s for the purpose of transport and carrying luggage on inland expeditions they proved to be extremely useful for the Aussie outback and were used extensively for many years until other forms of transport became the norm today wild camels are scattered all over the Interior and Australia now has the largest herd of wild camels in the world I'm in a spot here where there's a bit of an iron stone outcrop coming out of the ground and it's extremely hard to detect it's all heated up in the Sun obviously but it's just so much iron stone you just get in false signals all the time drives you nuts and so it's very difficult to decide when you get a signal whether it's sexually a gold thing or just another hot rock and I've been constantly just digging up false signals but I've got a signal down here so the signal actually sounds alright but then so does a lot of the iron stone so I mean here's a couple of iron rocks here and they're making a signal as well so it gives you an idea it can be but anyway anyway I decided I'll film it anyway and if it turns out to be nothing I'll just delete it think it's right the scene to their boy she's really she's mixing me up there [Music] it's just this broad and more than this one do it old are you thinking whoa you're joking me look at that look at that freaking ish ha what a beauty look it's even got a little root sticking out the side of it the well you're joking me oh the weight of it that's a nice piece there's no unlesss makes any up the thing beauty oh yeah I'll just give it a bit of a clean go that well look at rough it is its beauty wait in it you can see it's not far from the source is it so jagged a little bit of root sticking out there stuck into it I'll give it a clean up I'll show ya after but man what a beauty okay this is a little bit exciting I just finished filling in the hole from that nice jagged chunk that I just got and I only walked about three meters just over there now that that's a loud signal I had actually been in the Syria a couple of days earlier but only found three tiny pieces of gold and nothing else and all the false signals from iron stone were making it so frustrating that I moved on now I'm certainly glad that I came back for a second look absolutely there we go look at that look at it beauty it's another beauty right there and right in front of the scoop right there that's it that's it right there that thing there look at that huh magnificent quite weighty again of course oh well Rocky I don't want those sort of jaggedy pieces all right from the source here somewhere oh yeah make nificent is beauty nificent absolutely magnificent rough and jagged beautiful all right well this guy here certainly gives you a fright suddenly comes right in there right by your feet the last thing you want uh some running up your leg not sure exactly what sort of spider it is all right I've just come back to the vehicle for a bit of lunch and okay there's a bit of cleanup with a toothbrush and water I'll give them a bit of clean when I get back home good these are few little other pieces I've got little eeeh just go there real quick I probably be on a tour so exactly perfect and on there probably just under a gram I say you go so together there then it come to maybe three grams yep just I have a two grams yeah these ones well that look how beautiful is rough and irregular shape obviously doesn't come far from the source I would say that I would say would have to go surely around seven grams oops oh yeah great yeah nearly nine and a half grams perfect and then that so that has obviously got to be a well over ten grams oh that was a beautiful piece yeah nice nice all right oh yeah what sex excellent I don't see what all comes to yeah not bad for half a day's work excellent 23 haha all over the state is lots of massive open cut mines operating and of course they're not only looking for gold but there's copper nickel and many other rare earth minerals as well so it's not uncommon to come across the odd abandoned mines like this one and of course this is just one of the smaller ones some of them are huge and incredibly deep when you see them up close they're really impressive to be up midday and it's supposed to get to around 35 degrees today but tomorrow's meet to be a bit of a scorcher 3 him 41 so that's not something to look forward to ice breeze blowing today though so it's not bad at the moment anyway I'm just heading back to the vehicle for lunch and I'm just going across the ground here just basically making a beeline because it's just kind of dirt with scattered quartz on top there's no sign of any iron stone or anything like that so it doesn't look particularly great ground but you know just kind of know I signaled er new you have a listen so you can see it's eons no I select it that could well be a gold it's a nice enough signal for it ah huh it's gone already yeah well listen that's not a not a good sign that means it's probably junk already a piece that we'll need or something the scoop piece of quartz oh well look at that look at that huh I don't know if you can see that the yellow in the end of it see that I was just thinking to myself I haven't had a love of quartz with gold on it for ages there you go it's a nice example of nice so this is a rock that hit a bit of gold but rooting at the ends of it you could see it just there it was a bit bigger than this before but I've already broken quite a bit of it off got a few little bits of gold out of it and nothing on that side visible and you can see it just there and it's broken open see the gold on it there I'll just get it focus a bit better yeah so you can see the gold coming through there and I'll smash it apart just see what we get out of it see it's a gold that's really there well there you can see sort of another piece of it there that's broken off here it's quite impressive the gold all through that yeah see that sort of prickly through it there's over 600 species of lizard found in Australia and of the great variety of unique and fascinating animals found here more than 80% of mammals and almost 90% of reptiles are endemic so found nowhere else in the world just got a nice layered signal only just just beside me and I thought oh that'll be my first piece of junk because he could tell us right on the surface here that very layout and I thought oh yeah that's got to be a bullet on the surface but then I look down and just right there in front of the coil there probably can't see it from here but there's the piece of yellow sticking up right there sitting right on the surface fantastic you notice all right so this is what I've got yeah that's the piece I just got me a linear nice little flat piece and they're all from this spot another flat piece the year and a few chunkier but that piece there's a nice chunk I'll just get the focus a bit better yeah so the area happy with it very happy and that other piece sitting on the rock there yeah hopefully there's a bit more about - we've got an interesting sounding signal down here it's got quite a bit of a warble to it and I'm pretty confident that it's gold because they've got quite a few other bits just around here as well so I've already dug it down a bit probably three inches this is what it sounded like on the surface then you get the end of it and so as you can see it's quite a bit of a warble going on it's quite a neat sound [Music] [Music] then again MySpace good excellent it's been a good page this and got what a few pieces here but I'll show you later very impressed this here is all the gold I got from just that one pitch so scared over the area for about two and a half days trying to make sure I've got every little piece out of it was an area probably around sort of roughly 50 meters by 50 meters and okay so that's it just just the one pitch there's about 80 pieces they're very impressive the most I've ever got from one spot incredible nothing very massive by any stretch of the imagination probably like ones like that sort of some of the bigger bits slip one there probably still the biggest piece and all that one possibly the biggest I mean okay that one weighs what okay just over four grams nice that one here was her very similar what those are those are the two biggest pieces I think a lot that sort of one their Fanny shaped thing that thing fit two grams any weight on the you two it's more sort of one as well what's that yep oh good all right I'll shove it all on see how much it comes to you got honey else looking good good little bits that 56 grams excellent not far off two ounces from one spot hick I wish I could find a few more pictures like that I managed to snap off a quick photo of this white dingo before he took off I don't know how rare that is but I've never seen one quite as light-colored as this before in fact I've hardly seen or who had many dingoes out this way at all but then I suppose that's to be expected the poison campaigns are certainly knocking the numbers down this is one of the dead ones I came across lovely condition beautiful blonde coton interesting thing is this doesn't look like it's even been dead long loose doesn't even stink it of course with anything like this there's always going to be the odd unintended consequences this dog died during the night and it didn't take long for the witch tale to show up on the scene which is hardly surprising though with their amazing binocular vision they'd probably spot it from a long way off they're certainly not going to turn down an easy meal when it presents itself and it doesn't take much effort to rip the guts open with their long tail ons and a hooked beak powerful enough to break small bones so it's a bit of a shame when you realize that these magnificent birds could be consuming contaminated carcasses which tail Eagles have got a massive wingspan of up to two point three meters and are capable of flying off with the weight up to five kilo which could be heavier than their own body weight I've got a really nice sounding signal down here it's pretty layout and you'll notice I've got the external speaker on today just for a change so you can hear that a lot better I haven't had any junk in this whole area so I'm assuming and hoping that it's a piece of gold but before I dig that lets show you what I got yesterday found a little patch I got 14 pieces but nothing anywhere else around it it's been very hot lately the last five days it's been over 40 degrees but today finally it's dropped and I think it's only me to get to about 31 or what a difference so much nicer so that's what I got the and you know very very thin most of them one piece here a little bit more chunky but they've quite a good size but very very flat some of them are so thin that's like paper you can actually bend them at all good right let's type it still in there to save us much janky yeah that's a good song that'd be fine yeah because it's very layout pretty soft sort of just great one dude it's good to see you so much I should be able to spot you'd think because it's a odd signal oh look at that look at that let's see this that's a beauty go ahead beautiful look at it fairly flattish again but it's a lot more solid than those other ones it's for sure Hickey it's a beauty and feel the weight of it it's a nice piece give it a bit of spit go ahead that's a nice piece nice nice beautiful ha ha I saw this little lizard sitting on a rock and he looked a bit skinny and hungry so I found a deed grasshopper and put it on my hand to see what he'd do he actually jumped off the rock onto my hand when he saw the grasshopper now amazing as that certainly having a bit of trouble getting it they are now it's a little bit bigger than its normal me also say I've just come back to a spot where I was yesterday and just down the hill a little way down there I got a nice flat piece right on dark so I'm back again and for the last two hours of being just making my way through this way and haven't found a thing yet so but finally I just got a signal down here and sounds pretty good I've already gone down probably or two or three inches and it's quite a good signal I've got the external speaker on again this morning so you can hear it a lot better you notice this is real soft again it's just like dude as you can see it's credibly soft strange must be just here somewhere [Music] closely what do makes those roots stay [Music] [Music] well any beauty if you look at a white in it I'll give it a bit of spit see if I can clean it up a little bit so you can see the yellow is right there well beautiful beautiful that magnificent give it a clean up later with the toothbrush yeah what a beauty ah antastic this is extraordinary these are wild horses way out in the middle of nowhere no idea I get this class this they were real touches you know I couldn't get within 100 meters I'd speak properly in ear just following them just gradually but closer and closer to them it started to get used to me this is like we are back sons just sitting so just got that last bit alight [Music] so this is that nice piece I got yesterday so I'm still I gave it a bit of a wash but it's still got quite a bit of do it and the crevices it's quite jagged so it's a bit hard to clean we're in a bit closer for you they're not the focus right yeah it's very sharp and lots of crevices in me anyway and then this piece this piece over he is that flat piece I mentioned that I got just the Underhill from another one this was actually only a third of the size when I got out of the ground and it was all sort of folded up so I literally just unfolded it with my fingers it's so thin it's like paper thin see it look at it it's incredible huh cleaned up quite nicely and then this fella here yet I just got that this morning he was right on the surface it thing son Baker and you're right all right we'll see what they weigh just do that one first and I can't imagine my weight too much just like a thin it is Oh yep still just over 2 grams sort of almost surprising that I got this morning well it's a bit heavier than that so nice very nice if you were led very good then this fella Oh should weigh and it should be well that's got to be I write grams or something like say surely all very nice 10.6 the excellent so we've got total well nearly 17 grams over half an ounce fantastic it's about 6 o'clock in the morning Suns been up about an hour this time of the day of course nice and cool although it's quite windy but that's probably a good thing because believe it's meant to get quite hot later up to about 38 I've got a little piece of gold just over there about 30 metres away and now I've got another signal down here it's got a bit of a warble to the sound which I quite like because that fluctuation and the CL is often due to the shape of the piece of gold that's if it is gold we hope so now have a listen to this if you can hear that pick up that sort of a warble and the sound there or not through the headphones but there you go anyway okay let's see what we can find at this stage I was starting to have doubts as to whether the signal was actually gold or just an old fearing piece of tin or something although the surface look like virgin ground I did find some old worthless relics nearby meaning there had been people here at some time in the past and the signal was such that I knew it had to be something of reasonable size I think it's right in the center I get very serious signal hmm okay so this is the going point [Music] yes anyway are you joking me you are joking oh I don't believe this hahahahahaha I just saw it had something serious I can't believe it do you see that you see that thing there that look at that oh my goodness look at the size of that oh the weight of it it is sort of cold nugget yeah believe it Oh a million a TV well I'll just put a bit of spit on it - you see the yellow looks like it's just pretty much gold I can't even see any iron stone or quartz or anything it's just a solid gold chunk I wonder what's giving that wobbly sort of sound cuz look at the shape of it it's just nobody does anything mean it's just astonishing just sit in on that bedrock probably if it was down on that little gutter there maybe maybe a foot down the other foot it wasn't that lowest point oh I can't believe it I'll clean it up give it a bit of a wash and everything and show you a look at it later on the scales I'll just show you something funny while I'm here that down there just there there's an old beer bottle that somebody's left lying around and just over here about two meters away as where I pulled out that magnificent thing there yeah it's quite funny because that's what they call poetic justice isn't it someone leaves the rubbish lying around and then the seal on that beauty okay so this years after I've given her a nice clean up I've actually had it an acid as well because it did have a few bits of iron stone on it focus Peter yes I've got rid of those yes just come up beautiful that nice clean gold nugget had it all nobly there for something and on the scales she goes I've 80 grams so go ahead ha ha beautiful it's over two and a half ounces absolutely magnificent all right so I ended up melting down all my small stuff again the same as I did last year into lumps like and these are some of them here they carry out absolutely magnificent of course just sort of various shapes but I don't write about that look how beautiful they come up just never some things and each one of them weighs over on ants so what I did is I took I weighed a little batches of small stuff before I started and I made sure they were all just over an ounce before I started so that by the time I lost a little bit and impurities and stuff I'd end up with each lump just over an ounce which I have where they come up nice that they're that close up things all right good of course I've kept all the larger pieces intact years ago practically all gold was melted down it's only in more recent times due to the realization of the scarcity and uniqueness that the demand for genuine naturally-occurring gold nuggets found just the way nature created them has become evident they're becoming more and more pillar for jewelry and escapers items there's just one more thing I thought I'd mention before I go I've noticed that there's a few what I like to call fake gold clips on the internet and a lot of you out there will know exactly what I'm talking about it's the ones where you see someone repeatedly finding lots of what are supposed to be really large gold nuggets the kind that most professional miners will never find in their lifetime let alone over and over again with little or no effort it's a shame and a bit of an insult to the majority of genuine honest people out there who know just how hard it is to find and how exciting it can be to even find the smallest of pieces if a real larger chunk is encountered then the emotions are hard to control and that speaks for itself I'm afraid if gold was that easy to find then everybody would be doing it not to mention of course the fact that it wouldn't be worth as much either even gold buyers have to be careful when purchasing gold it's amazing just what lengths some people will go to just to create fakes like for instance painting or coating inferior metal to make it look like gold one simple test you can do is to just get a magnet like that little follow the air run it over your subject if it attracts to the magnet and I'm afraid it just simply isn't gold it may be gold-plated but it's certainly not solid gold because unfortunately when you run a magnet over gold that's what happens absolutely nothing because gold is Anita nice if it was I'm afraid searching for gold with a magnet just isn't an option because you won't find anything now just because it doesn't stick to a magnet doesn't necessarily mean it's real gold either because there's plenty of other metals that are not magnetic as well like lead for instance so it could be just coated lead and still pick it up with a metal detector but it's just not real gold and while I'm on the subject of lead for anyone that's not familiar gold is not far off twice the weight of lead so it's very heavy for its size anyway it's enough for Nia so have fun e up there and I'll catch you later [Music]
Channel: TheGrafBoys
Views: 220,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YeJytiqqWWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 35sec (4595 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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