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hey guys I'm Joy from Belgium and my story is all about how one little prank can change your life forever but before we get started please like And subscribe growing up I was the only child in a family of artists my parents were always busy with their creative work leaving me with plenty of time to play the Rogue I was a little red-headed ball of energy and from a young age I love to joke and prank my parents and their friends whether it was acting like a zombie or playing dead on the floor by the time I was six years old I was already pulling the fire alarm for fun cutting my parents hair in their sleep and secretly turning up the thermostat although I could be a handful I was able to get out of trouble with my charming smile and big pleading eyes surprisingly I didn't have any issues at school either many of my classmates found me hilarious and I had a talent for creating a fun atmosphere wherever I went of course not everyone appreciated my sense of humor especially the teachers who were often the target of my pranks but I never went too far and they always forgave me in the end things were going great for me until we went to high school suddenly my Joe folks started to seem childish and annoying to my classmates and I became bored and stopped playing pranks around that time a new student named David showed up at her school he was a football star whose parents had just moved into our neighborhood with trainers watching over him clubs hunting for him and a personal fan club of cheerleaders David was the quintessential jock with a perfect reputation I couldn't resist the opportunity to pull a trick on him I started with some classic gags like shock pens sticky notes and even a snake in a can but David didn't even seem to notice then I got more creative and put baby powder in his helmet but it turned out that his fan club wanted to try it on and one of the cheerleaders ended up getting covered in powder of course it was funny but I wanted to get him so I decided to break out the heavy artillery I set up slime buckets above the door of the locker room and when the football team walked in they all got covered in slime except freaking David who was the last to enter but to my surprise he started laughing so hard that I couldn't help joining in along with the whole team as expected my my prank got me suspended for a few days and the principal made me clean up the mess I'd made before leaving hey I see you can use a hand why are you helping me clean up the Slime because I'm a decent human being or maybe I just wanted to talk to you what about why you don't stop trying to prank me did I do something to upset you or are you secretly in love with me and just trying to get my attention please as if you're capable of upsetting me and ew in your dreams you just seemed too good to be true so I felt like getting to you with a prank you know like trying to find out what your Kryptonite is wow did you just call me Superman and my kryptonite is pizza really so boring and beautiful redheaded girls who deny thinking about me are there cameras here somewhere nope but I wish there were so I could relive how you blushed at my words over and over again uh I'm getting a call I gotta take this I didn't hear anything it's on silent mode yes hello oh my God my cat needs CPR hold on whiskers he'll be right there I ran off before things could get more Awkward as I sat at home the next day thoughts of David filled my mind it's like really falling for a football star ugh so cliche suddenly I got a text from an unknown number hey look outside smiley face David's car was parked near my house and he was waving at me don't you have some cool masculiney stuff to do I thought spending time with a pretty girl might be more fun you know I still owe you for helping me clean up that slime let's go grab some pizza be careful Joy I might just fall in love with you after this I rolled my eyes but my stomach fluttered maybe this cliche wasn't so bad after all we spent the entire day together and he opened up as a romantic and attentive guy who had a lot in common with me like me he was hyperactive which is why his parents enrolled him in football at a young age soon David asked me out on a date and shortly we were together as we walked down the school hallways I noticed the jealous glares from his cheerleader fan club the girls tried to spread stupid rumors about me or even pranked me and I just laughed it off soon the cheerleaders even began to to imitate me dying their hair red in an attempt to capture his attention but David only had eyes for me and he made me feel like I was the only girl in the world but three months into the relationship I started wondering if David was keeping something from me I knew he was very busy with his training but a few times I found out that his football buddies had gone home while he'd disappeared somewhere else I didn't believe it was about another girl but something was off and I started to be cautious one day a Tinder notification popped up on his phone I couldn't read the message but it made me feel uneasy I didn't want to confront him about it directly because I knew he would brush it off as nothing and I would believe him so I decided to create a fake Tinder account and play a prank on him if he had nothing to hide we would both have a good laugh and move on I post on Tinder as a young artist with a red ponytail and soon matched with David we exchanged messages and he suggested a date at that moment I realized he might actually be cheating on me it was no longer a joke okay let's find out who you really are David I wore makeup a wig Violet contact lenses and clothes to look like my fake Tinder profile we met at the cafe and he was in his best mood to avoid revealing my real voice I pretended to be less talkative he led the conversation but sometimes he would stop speaking gays admirably into my eyes and touching my hand and I was getting angrier by the second it was time to tell him he'd been caught suddenly a beautiful girl with curly carrot hair rushed to our table and David turned white what the heck David you said it was a one-time thing Georgia listen to me it's not what it looks like Ben what is it David you're with another girl while you're still with me before her it was Francesca from the flower shop or are you seeing her too how could you do this to me please give me a chance to explain as she stormed out of the cafe David ran after her my mind was racing as I tried to process everything David was a womanizer obsessed with redheads me fake Tinder artist Georgia Francesca were there more I needed more answers and I decided to track down Francesca it didn't take long before I founder surrounded by Gorgeous Flowers that paled in comparison to her beauty she was a knockout by any chance are you David's Girlfriend yes is everything okay to tell you the truth Georgia asked me to check if he's still with you poor girl I feel sorry for her she's David's ax and she's obsessed with him even now she can't seem to accept that he's moved on and he's in love with me only David was an amazing liar and I felt angry at myself for falling for his stupid lies I wish there was something like the cheating police and I could call to have him arrested but it was only me and I had to do something so I chose the one thing I was best at I was gonna prank David while we were hanging out the next day I spied his phone password and when he went off for training I posted on this Facebook from his phone hey Bae if you're seeing this get ready for a surprise tonight winky face heart 7pm at the fountain at seven the meeting point was crowded with red-haired girls and I was just as shocked to see the number I saw some familiar faces like George and Francesca who hadn't seen each other yet finally David arrived the army of girls rushed to him and then suddenly stopped to look at each other David stared at them all in horror realizing he'd been exposed he panicked and just jumped back into his car driving away like a maniac this was you wasn't it Georgia you arranged all of this so I'd break up with him you're such a crazy ex-girlfriend what are you talking about we haven't broken up yet they all started fighting like crazy and I escaped I felt Victorious about exposing the truth but also heavy-hearted because of David's deceit the day after was a really big football match David performed horribly and our team lost the game the other team was trash talking so much today just got to me and I felt distracted also I think I'm coming down with a stomach bug and I just didn't sleep much last night David please stop lying I know why your head wasn't in the game today it's because your cheating got exposed yesterday yeah I'm the one who called all the redheads there I described how my investigation and he broke down in tears Joy please don't give up on me I care about all my girls and I never meant to hurt you love just happens you know but you're the only one who truly knows the real me and I feel closer to you than anyone else please let's work this out David you should work this out with a therapist not me but firstly they all deserve the truth and an apology you'll feel better once you're honest and as for us it's too late I can't trust you anymore soon the whole school seems to know the cheerleaders were giving me smug Grins and David's football team looked angry at me for making him perform badly at the big match suddenly I found myself at the center of unwanted attention and began searching for a way to escape it and process everything that had happened fortunately Georgia set up an online club for girls who were hurt by David we all shared our stories and found out that David had been dating multiple red-haired girls for years even proposing to some of them I shared my story too and it felt good to let it out the girls even encouraged me to share it on the MSA Channel but I needed some offline in support too so I reached out to Georgia and Francesca we kept meeting regularly and slowly we became we became friends we all we all story in a magazine article and it David was getting plenty of negativity so he publicly apologized and said he'd get therapy for his issues well clearly it didn't work because years later when he'd become a famous footballer and married a beautiful singer she exposed his cheating publicly divorced him and left him almost penniless finally David got what he really deserved yeah also you can tell that I had a talent for acting which I went on to pursue at a prestigious School you see Georgia had an older brother Chase who had the same curly red hair as her when I first met him he pulled a classic prank on us switching the sugar and salt in our tea Francesca spat it out and looked mad but I couldn't help laughing you better watch out or you'll wake up a pranking dragon in me challenge accepted from that day on Chase always found a way to be around us and we had a blast playing pranks on each other one day at the premiere of my first feature film Chase said he had to talk to me about something important I'm so proud of you and you fill up my life with joy joy I'm in love with you chase wow I I think I feel the same way I'm in love with you too oh my God Joy what I was just joking what oh yeah me too duh okay I'm kidding now the first one wasn't a joke I do love you I'm gonna kill you foreign
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 7,512,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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