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anyways boys I want to test out my luck really quickly okay we know that we talked to like the Blox through Goa like a hell of times but I got myself like a flame thr this is so darn garbage man bro bro bro what is it number I need your help you want me to help me out with that special favor that you've been asking for I'm not even in the mood to do that number no no no no shh not that favor there's another favor I need you for I think somebody is stalking me dude why would anyone stalk you number I mean like you're handsome and all that but like you're broke have you seen your fit like you have like a furry tail and everything like why would anyone stalk you money doesn't mean anything when I have a sugar W well number what do your stalker look like is it a guy or a girl bro I hope it's a girl how do you not know if it's a guy or a girl have you not seen them before no I never saw them that's why I said I think somebody is stalking me you know what number how about you just go ahead and roll me a fruit because I'm tired of waiting bro fine but this is your payment you have to protect me if somebody is stalking me dude I got a rubber fruit damn bro I'm about to be using this later on somebody if you know what I mean okay buddy wait whoa whoa whoa whoa who is this bro oh my God number I missed you he's acting really confused it's like he doesn't even know who this girl is why you acting cless we literally were in your house yesterday night I even saw you sleeping with your body pillow we I was alone bro trust me she's a liar are you even sure about that or is this your new girlfriend that you're not telling me about Buddy no bro I don't even know her a is this your friend that you've been talking about I seen you around when did you even see me what oh you don't even need to know because I'm everywhere I could even be in your shower if I I need to be okay if I give you these fruits would you leave us alone yeah sure I love money so I'll take it all right let me go ahead and give her like the flame fruit and give like this girl the rubber fruit don't think this is a Last of Me by the way I'll be watching you too number boo wait bro she's actually leaving I was not expecting her to leave that fast was that your soccer that you've been talking about yeah it sure sounds like it why don't me and you just go ahead and just spy on her bro that's such a good idea all right follow me let me go ahead and teleport me a number straight to like the sea castle and we literally just caught him and this guy just ran up to her I'm not even sure if we're supposed to be here bro baby I missed you and he's literally just kissing her bro okay calm down there big boy I brought you these two fruits and it's like the flame fruit and like the rubber fruits H hell did you get me anything because I'm expecting a gift from you do you want me to grind on your account again I did that for 9 hours yesterday I don't want any more grinding I'm looking for better fruits like leopard you promise bab I don't have any I'll get it next week my mom is going to pay me I can't wait one more week I found a few rich people earlier and if you don't give me anything by the time being I'm going to leave you trust me I can't my mom won't let me well it sucks to be you then and she literally just said bye and literally just pushed him away man who was not expecting her to kill her own boyfriend number where do you think that she went to do you think she's going to come meet up with us I think so because she thinks that you have money and she thinks I have money too bro let's both be honest we know I'm the broke one here yeah but we both know that you got ultimate R hey bro you already know me we should probably head back to like the Mansion to see if she would actually show up we actually found her by like the blog through dealer oh what are you two doing here are you looking for me because I got you this fruit bro I don't think me a number want that freaking Spike fruit that is so darn bad do you want that instead oh yeah sure a I knew that you like it and for being a good boy I got you a bonus and it's a barrier bro that is your loss for not taking the fruit yeah I'm not going to lie kind of fumble there I was not expecting that she would have like an 800k fruit anyways I want to ask you an important question are you single uh maybe H I'll be the only girl in your life pretty soon so don't worry I'll be back and she just straight up left I'm not going to lie that was pretty weird I think we should go to like a new location since I don't want her being here so let me go ahead and teleport myself straight to like the haunted castle with number her all right bro I think I know like a safe SP oh really where is it I got to take number to like this little scary area bro wait why is this guy doing here huh oh hey do I know you guys no but what are you doing here this is Jackie's boyfriend or something oh I'm just hiding away from my crazy girl well she wants to scam me out of my fruits and stuff it's very sad do we give this guy something I mean I do got some stuff remember oh yeah he has like the spike fruit and the berry fruit here you go pal you literally just became like nearly 1 million valued richer and the girl just hopped out of the window and she's right behind him oh god um what are you guys doing those truits were meant for you not my stupid boy please just don't make her mad can you just shut your mouth you little kitten you're nothing but useless anyway anyways I told you guys I know where you guys are at at all time bro she seems scary the only thing that I really want is to date one of you guys number you can take my spot on that bro I don't want to be dating this psychopath n bro what are you doing I'm going to pass on all that dude I'll give you like a leopard fruit just get her out of my hands because I don't want to be dating the psychopath girl bro if you want me to be with her you got to give me a leopard and a katune okay how about this bro I'll give you one leper and a kiss okay that is my final offer oh say less I didn't know you were going to make to offer that good all right I got her oh is it you that going to go on a date with me because I always wanted to try something blow bro what why is like this girl being weird anyways Melody I'm breaking up with you you're just a sore loser I just hope that you just sit in the corner and cry yourself to sleep and the guy just ran away anyways take me to the boat at P I want to be in the most romantic boat with you oh gosh and they just like teleported away okay I got to go see if number is not in big trouble wait did they actually get them themselves like a giant boat here no that's pretty crazy right before that I was about to get on they actually put it in gear bro calm down this girl definitely doesn't want anyone on this ship so now that we're alone here I did some digging about you and your friend and apparently you two are famous YouTubers oh yeah why does that even matter though obviously you're missing the point here you guys have money so you want us for our money yes and no but I want you to do me like a little favor and number is super confused I want you to get me like a physical Katon or else I'm going to be exposing you entirely huh what do you mean I got videos of you throwing it back for somebody and I don't think you want me to L those okay what this girl is being wild this can't be true right uh-oh just chill I'll get you a r I'm not going to let you spend your pretty little time on getting me one so there's going to be a little time limit so I want you to come back to me within 20 minutes or it's over for you right all right now number just teleported so fast I might as well just go in here as well so she doesn't see me and we're literally back at Turtle Mansion dude what is this I need to get myself like a physical katun brood that girl threaten you or something be honest with me uh maybe all right listen I got like a perfect idea on what we can do we're going to get her current boyfriend and we'll just give him the katun a bro that's super smart that's such a good idea maybe that guy is grinding in some other area and wait is that like his ex-girlfriend she literally just dipped I can't already tell like everything just sounds like bad news bro yo what do you Boos want do you want to repair your relationship with your exgirlfriend because we got an idea to fix it of course I do she's my princess told me how to do it now oh I got got you just follow me this is probably going to be like the worst decision of my entire life I'm going to be doing like a quick trade with him and just going down like infinite fruits that I got in my inventory your boy is going to be placing the only katun fruit that I have and this man instantly put down like a ler fruit bro I mean hey the tra went through so he got himself like a free katun dang you love me or something bro why did you give me something this nice obviously we want your girlfriend to love you again dude me and number do not want to deal with this eager ho wait so if I give this to her will she take me back hey dang when did you get katune oh I just rolled this out I'm just super lucky with this H better luck than these two anyways I know that you got more fruit bro why are you talking to me about all this because I was watching the whole thing I also got some spicy videos of you and Mara that's if you don't want that to be late what is this girl even talking about but anyways can you hand me that rud again Melody I'll take you back bro don't do it anymore of course babe then we can make out there is no way this guy's sitting on like a table with her it's like he doesn't even want me to involve him all right babe can we go on a date now thanks I'm not going to go on any type of date until you help me awaken my Rumble for you got it but but can I have a kiss bro this guy is down bad yeah like who actually gives up like an 8 million fruit bro that is like the dumbest thing ever I even regret giving him is katun fruit just meet me at the Awakening room I need to talk to these two really quickly all right my love and he's actually like sniffing her hair ew don't do that anyways I know that you idiots gave him that fruit I'm going to get stronger and stronger and I'll destroy you until you hand over your whole inventory why would I give away all these permanent fruits to this stupid eagro bro I got myself like over 14 katun and 57 permanent leopards Doodles bro we need to save this guy even if he's down bad I'm not going to lie I have to agree with you on that one I'll just make her fall in love with me and then we'll get her bro now let me go ahead and teleport the both of us to the sea castle and she's talking to the guy right here in the raid room are you going to buy me the chip or what babe I don't have enough so you just gave me the most expensive fruit in the game and you're you're broke now I really hate brokies like you all right now BR watch this Riz bro bro do you know who you're talking to I'm the rizzly bear all right buddy the only thing that you're going to be rizing is your freaking mom because she's like the only person that loves you but anyways I'm going to be walking up into like this Awakening room we're about to be sacrificing like this leopard fruit just so we can go ahead and just like buy like the rumble chip did you seriously just use your leopard fruit to buy a chip yeah bro I own 57 leop for babe that's not even impressive shut up broki it is now sit down on on the pad and be a good boy I actually feel bad man he's just being treated like dog water anyways I'm going to go ahead and just like SAR up this big boy Ray now your boy is going to go ahead and just like transform into like the ultimate Buddha now it's time for us to go ahead and just like slice and dice all these NPCs around us even number one ahead and just like use up his boot up two to just carry we managed to clear off like the first island like it was absolutely nothing and these guys just sat here doing nothing oh Melody really you just sat there and let big man do all the work for you what I just try my hardest yeah okay munching on Doritos is not that hard to do buddy do any of you guys have katsune I want to be a princess and ride one of you that's going to be all you buddy why are you trying to throw me under the buts hey no please don't Rite another guy I mean you are the richest and shut up I can ride anyone that I want okay anyways me and number are just going to go straight to like the second island not for me and him to just go ahead and like slice everyone and he's just getting smacked by like those freaking spiky balls your boy is dealing like over 50k damage I think we're we're like nearly done clearing this whole entire Island and we did and how are they still in that stupid little boat together seriously I wanted to see some action Are you seriously that slow I'm sorry I got distracted by your beautiful face I hear that all the time from you it makes me want to throw up just take this garbage because it reminds me of you damn bro she literally just gave him like the spin fruit all right number we should probably go before we get caught in the loop dude anyways we made it to like the fourth island and oh my God we're getting set by like all these freaking Bots bro I just like how the guy just zooming by and absolutely doing nothing dude why you even climbing that stupid tree you're not a monkey my guy I think after killing these two NPCs we got Lefty here should be able to clear off the forth Island which we did oh no bro that girl is getting off of that boat man and she's not looking too happy why did I ever date you did you even see me out there babe yeah and I saw you climbing trees you're not a monkey stop trying to act super cool I already made my choice and as for you you seem like a broy as well bro don't talk to him like that don't even say a word or that video is getting late what is with this girl just threatening everyone the only video just me and Mara kissing that's all you got bro calm down sugar plum don't tell me what to do idiot anyways I'm going to let them fight it out there bro I'm probably just going to go ahead and just like equip my Buddha fruit we got ourselves like 3 minutes left on the clock to actually like destroy this raid and that's if we can which me and number are probably dealing like over 100k damage each and this boss is getting like shredded like it's nothing boys I guess it's time for us to un equip Buddha really quickly I'm probably going to be putting all my my Rumble fruit seems like number's about to be shooting his giant balls I'm probably going to be doing like the same thing too and this is how like we destroy the rumble rated itself bro those guys did absolutely nothing finally I got my Rumble fruit awaken I don't even need none of you idiots anymore I can handle Everyone by myself so you did all this mess for a root and Awakening oh D I only see meta's money and melodyy I got one more gift for you follow me I wouldn't even trust this girl bro how this girl got this guy on like the edge and wait what do she do when she's literally try to kill this guy and push him off into like the middle of the ocean bro no you see my Powers you idiots are going to be next and now she's like freaking attacking all of us bro all right n me and number are about to be taking this girl all out like this bro she literally got herself like drowned into like the middle of the ocean I got myself like a 10,000 Bounty off of her bro that girl was crazy I think I'm going to consider my options next time so are you saying that you're trying to move on to men cuz I'm pretty sure like spec is single you know maybe you can like give him a gift and maybe he'll give you that kissy oh no bro I think I'm good but I kind of feel bad about the other guy he lost his girl he lost everything oh you're right follow me really quickly we're going to go find him so what do you think that I should give him number any permanent fruit in the game he'll have it oh he wants rubber reway oh I got you like that permanent rubber my guy let me spend 1.2 th000 Robux and gifted to this guy you're so cool bro are you single no bro never he's all yours see you later huh
Channel: Rektway
Views: 130,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits codes, blox fruit, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits roblox, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits race awakening, roblox blox fruits rare fruit, blox fruits dough awakening, roblox blox fruits update, blox fruit roblox, rektway, leopard fruit, haki colors, observation blox fruit, blox fruit noob to pro, blox fruit all fruit, blox fruit tier list, race awakening v4, mammoth fruit, blox fruit update 20, kitsune fruit, trex fruit
Id: xQH3OhyqMTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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