My Best Bulking Meals As a Teenage Athlete

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this video is about some of the meals and the foods that I eat to help me stay healthy promote muscle growth and be able to stay fueled and hydrated for all the sports training that I do now keep in mind that all the calories and the macronutrients for these meals will be on the screen to help you show how these meals actually help okay guys so meal number one is a berry protein shake with toast on the side now you definitely don't need all the ingredients shown here and you can make substitutions if you don't have what's needed now to start you're going to weigh out around 165 G of frozen fruit into a bowl now I like to use mixed berry with like strawberries blueberries raspberries but you can really use whatever kind of fruit that you want but just know that the calories will change next you'll want to weigh out about 35 G of sliced almonds to put into the shake now you can really use whatever kind of nuts you want just like the fruit but I like Al almonds cuz they're high in protein and they have a lot of good minerals in them okay so after that you're going to want about a full cup of oats to put into the shake now I really like oats because they're high in calories they have a lot of fiber in them which is great for your diet and they're also a great source of carbs to have either before or after your workout add around 1 tblspoon of chia seeds because they're great for protein and micronutrients finally for the shake you're going to want to add one full scoop of protein powder this is the one that I've been using for around a year now it's vanilla it tastes really good in these shakes but it doesn't really matter what protein you use as long as you have some now when it comes to blending up your shake I can't really tell you how long to put it in for how strong because of course all the blenders are different so at least while that's going on make sure to put down your toast I use three slices but maybe use two if you're on a cut when the toast is done I like to put all natural peanut butter on one of the slices because this is a great source of fats and doesn't have any seed oils or anything in it and with the other two I like to put butter you don't have to but it's great to have in a bulk okay so this is the calories and the macronutrients for meal number one you may notice this is really high calories but it's a great way to start off your day since you won't have to scarf down spoonfuls of peanut butter at the end of the day cuz you're missing 500 calories so it's a great thing to do and as you can see I actually spread some of the shake on the toast like a jam I think it tastes really good and it's the best part of the meal okay so for lunch I have a mous burger with half a slice of cheddar cheese one large banana and a bowl with 65 G of salted mixed nuts now usually I'd get unsalted but I've ran out so this will have have to do now mix nuts are one of the best ways to get calories in for bulking because there's so many calories and such a little amount of food volume so this is really going to help you reach your goals meal number three is just simply two peanut butter sandwiches with a clementine on the side now this meal is would usually be my supper which of course make what your mom cooks but today the oven is not working it's being clean clean so I had to make my own food this is what I came up with peanut butter sandwiches although they're kind of plain and they taste kind of bad it's a great way to get in some fats and some calories so the final meal I'll be showing you guys in this video is what I like to call Chicken English muffins now as you can see start by frying two eggs into a pan and try and keep them not runny so it doesn't make a mess with your sandwiches next you're going to need two English muffins and put them in the toaster now I like to use one whole wheat and one white English muffin but it's really up to you whole wheat's healthier so it's your choice just takes after that you're going to want to weigh out 80 g of chicken this to go on your sandwiches now make sure either microw wave it or oven roast it to heat it up cuz obviously you don't want cold Chicken in your sandwiches now this is the meal this what it should look like and it's a pretty simple and easy recipe so it shouldn't take you that long to prepare and if you want to have something on the side with it I usually do you should either have fruit or if it's close to bedtime you don't want that Sugar maybe have some nuts okay guys I hope you guys enjoyed watching the video and maybe I help you guys start a new healthy eating habit for 2024 now if you guys tried these meals and you actually really enjoyed them let me know in the comment section cuz I love reading them and I always reply now see you guys soon bye
Channel: PeytonRossFitness
Views: 660
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Id: jRdS4pxwkso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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