My 80s Obsession: Cabbage Patch Kids!

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when I was a kid back in the 80s I had an obsession with Cabbage Patch Kids along with the whole rest of the country so today we're going to talk about that [Music] I'm ashamed to admit on a small scale I also got into this craze so Keith how many Cabbage Patch Kids did you have I think I had two real ones and my grandma made me a fake one oh that was a popular craft a lot of grandmas were out there stitching handmade Cabbage Patch dolls because you couldn't get them they were so hard to find so this is my first Cabbage Patch doll isn't she cute and her name was betta now you didn't get to pick their names the names came with the doll because it came with a birth certificate mm-hmm and on the birth certificate had their names and so today we're gonna play a game to see if I can name my Cabbage Patch dolls alright so as Keith mentioned he had a couple of these dolls a few of them here's here's a his first one we did save all of their birth certificates and thankfully I had the foresight of taking their pictures so that and putting them with the birth certificate so we know all the names they're in this book and I have not looked at the book a bunch oh I did I actually had 13 didn't it's kind of embarrassing but I had 13 Cabbage Patch dolls and for each one I took their picture and then we put their birth certificates so we already know this one because this was my first one and her name was betta and I'm gonna guess my personhood I feel like it was a Byron Byron okay so let's see it in the book here yes in the book now this book we made I made the book years later I think Zoe made it actually she helped me I was right oh you got it Byron Alfie oh you're in having 13 of these there's no way I'm gonna know the names of all of them but there were some that were like my favorites I know you're not supposed to have a favorite kid but I did have some that were my favorites okay so those I'll be able to identify I think all right well let's play name that Cabbage Patch Kid okay we we already established Abby remembers the name of her first Cabbage Patch Kid mm-hmm so let's see how many more she knows okay all right we have this Bynes over there with some nice blonde hair and the pasties came out and this was like very exciting if you got one that had a pacifier um and he was my second Cabbage Patch doll and his name is Herbie Quentin ding ding ding ding ding birth certificate ah he has not looked at this but no not in many years Herbie quit I've even remembered the middle name because he was very special who's next ok this one has a tooth you see look isn't that so cute and I think her name is Diana you know what the middle name is no I'll give you credit for first name how would I get it Diana le Diana Ali so when I was like 12 or 13 or something I got braces and I had to wear the dreaded headgear I mean you didn't think I came by these naturally did you so anyway I had to sleep in that only sleeping in so when I got my first Cabbage Patch doll that had a tooth um I also got headgear uh someone at like a craft fair or something with making these and I was like oh my doll needs a headgear so she can be like me that's OTT what does that mean over the time oh but I feel bad for Diana because she used to have really cute hair and then at some point I check her pigtails down and I tried to do a French braid but I didn't do a great job at it so her hair is kind of ruined with the mistakes sorry Diana all right there we go next or who do we have it okay next we have this guy weird a fashionable windbreaker there okay and he has toured like fuzzy hair he's very cute and I it oh look at his dimples now they say that every Cabbage Patch Kid was different in the whole world that no two were alike based on their facial features their eye color their hair color and that that could be true no way well it could be true billions of these things they were sold that to I I believe it well anyway I think this guy in is named Blake I think this would be Blake Nelson Blake Nelson oh that's crazy his name is Nelson that's how his family name has died in grandpa's name is Nelson so Oh somebody fell who's our next contestant I think that Turk she was anxious she was excited um I think this is Brooke no that would be Bonita Gail Bonita I don't remember I'm sorry I don't remember having that name but that's a beautiful name okay maybe this one's Brooke she looks very similar to Bonita is this Brooke is that your says that your final guess wait do I have any more oh wait that one's gonna be Brooke um I don't know this one that would be Lynette Bridget Lynette okay that rings a bell she's cute look at her hair okay little Baldy here well Baldy um Allister Allister Cody oh I can't believe I got that I did not think I could remember it just came just came to me look at him with his little tongue little Bobby they're so cute I love I still love these aren't they cute okay who do we have next um Isaac Isaac Doyle that's correct I think oh it's nice to see you again I'm sorry I messed up his hair a little bit at some point sorry okay here all right okay are we down to them we're down to this end Abby had 13 of these I did I mean I'm an only time okay I'm supreme II this one is it now when they came out with the preemies I was so excited I really wanted one and I got one for Christmas and I was very excited this is her you can see like they're just a little bit smaller it's kind of hard to tell look at their little bottoms all their bottoms are signed by the creator of Cabbage Patch Kids okay uh this is Matraca Maddie you got it ah she's so cute soon after that I got another preemie a little this time a little boy in the cube and I think that his name was Dexter stars for the D not Dexter it's not Dexter yeah I don't know Danny skip where did they come up with these names okay sorry Danny skip I did you some random name generator no they made it no therefore at the Babyland General Hospital key follow it on me okay I really do think that this one is are you okay I really do think that this one is Brooke that's Brooke aleena kalenna holiness Oh Halina Brooke Helena's mikulina oh she's so cute okay I'm doing better than I thought I would but now we come to the redhead I'm bettin five dollars you don't guess this was there so there's two redheads I know this one but this one I just I don't remember did we bet five dollars no I didn't take that bed I don't remember Delta JP chick Oh JP what how do you spell it JC Oba like Jacoby jacoba Delta jacoba interesting Jacob uh Delta I think we just go by Delta yeah okay but this one the next one I do remember her and I believe that her name is Esther is that right it's close it's not Esther it's as dry Esther that's dry Roxana how do you spell it est RA extra coaster that sounds made up okay sorry I've been calling her Esther Esther the whole time oh well she's exotic exotic yeah was that it no oh yeah that was it next one was mine and we already did yours and then we had one other guy oh oh okay this is uh the the rare kusa that's actually what they called them these weird Cabbage Patch animals that came out also in the 80s and it was called a Kusa and this one I believe you got to name it yourself and then they sent you a little tag and it says its name is sugar sugar sugar these are so weird I don't understand it's like is it a cat cat baby with clothes I don't know what's going on they have a tail a very odd animal but that's a Cusack this whole thing is weird not only the cusack well one of these days I really want to go to Babyland General Hospital it's still open guys in Atlanta isn't it it's outside of Elena it's in Georgia somewhere put that on our list of things to do add that to have his budget going to the Cabbage Patch General Hospital yes why also in addition to that I had the dolls I also had a lot of memorabilia such as yes the Cabbage Patch Kids cat pache dreams record album I also had birthday parties for my Cabbage Patch dolls and I received cards in the mail so I'm not really sure how this works I think if you signed up for the parents club and sent them your address and stuff they would send you things in the mail so I got little birthday cards for my dolls and on the inside says and you're number one with me happy first birthday and then the other ones I think I made myself are yeah Oh Kirby Kirby have a happy happy first birthday mommy oh I made a little birthday card and I had a party and I specifically remember my friends came over with their Cabbage Patch dolls and we played games and stuff and we listened to the Cabbage Patch record album and we played like musical chairs and stuff and then I also have this my Cabbage Patch Kid and me and it's like a photo book where you write in it that's all kinds of offensive hilarious things in there that I wrote and some pictures I also used to pose my dolls and take their pictures some good pictures so that was fun we might just insert some of those in here for you to to enjoy [Music] [Music] it's also pretty coldly the birth certificate adoption papers would cool come in these long lips a time that a BSA saved um there were pink for the girls and blue for the boys and but I think the name showed through so you at least knew their name before you went in the box I said oh and you support before you body I know you I think so yeah the Carson in that day and time they were so popular you just took whatever you didn't care yeah in fact I don't know if you bought a choice when they were super popular and they came in I believe my mom got on like some kind of waiting list and they would call her and then you just have to take whichever one they handed you and so you didn't know what is it gonna be a boy or a girl or what you didn't get to pick then the parents would be waiting outside the store the doors to open when they do they're gonna man they'd run yeah they'd run I think there were some fights all kinds of good stuff would happen to be the Cabbage Patch Kid dogs oh you've got to love the 80s I will stay my parents did not ever fight other people for the Cabbage Patch dolls but there was one time I specifically remember my mom and I were at Kmart we were shopping and they made an announcement that there was a new shipment that come in and they brought out like a palette or something just loaded with them and we did run to the back of the store wherever they the toy section wherever they had him and we ran over there and we did grab one but it wasn't like a situation where everyone was fighting it was like we just happened to be there at the right time and so this big but everybody that was in the store did sort of like run over there beeline over to the toy so that was the only time I remember it being like really exciting so in the 80s there was Cabbage Patch Kids yes and 2020s its toilet paper [Music] oh man not sad sad Oh society has to grasped Oh No well at least we have all our Cabbage Patch dolls to play with during this quarantine well of course in addition to the frenzy for all the dolls then there were the accessory you have to have accessories right you have to have clothes that's where all the money is it's in the accessories oh yeah I mean I bought a lot of clothes I also got a lot of like knockoff clothes and baby I like real baby clothes and diapers to put on my dolls and then of course there was all the ladies at the craft fair selling the handmade clothes and whatnot I have some things here to show you this is dated in 1983 it's a little um it's oh I thought it was a blanket oh you know what this is Jake it's a carrier carry oh no what's a changing I don't know what it is it's like a blanket but I did have a carrier and my friend and I would carry our dolls like on our bellies on these carriers to the store and my mom was so embarrassed she's like really you're gonna bring them and but we did oh here's the carrier here it is this is the baby carrier you should try it on for that are it on okay we'll try it on hey Abby you look sweet thank you I'm ready to go to the store now let's go we can start with my toilet paper I the shoes they came with shoes but you could buy like little sneakers look how cute little sneakers all of the shoe the shoes didn't fare well the plastic is kind of like sticky now I think it's degrading it's turning brown and they oh and we should say they used to smell really good like baby powder yeah they smell like nope not they're not they're not stinky but they smell musty musty baby powder little bunny slippers and I have like this whole bin of clothes whoa crazy um well when you have 13 babies you got to take care of them you got you got it but here's something we've found this is funny Cabbage Patch Airwaves it's a little travel bag some glasses oh I remember these you can put them on the dolls who wants to try it on their glasses here you go oh oh I broke it I totally just broke it I fixed them it's okay I'll sleep better tonight it was a lot of fun to take a trip down memory lane and revisit Abby's obsession of Cabbage Patch Kids I won't lie it's a little scary all right so Abby what else do we have planned for a future video this couch patch related well Cabbage Patch Kids were so popular in the 80s that when I was looking through those old cookbooks I was telling you about for my moms I actually found a recipe called Cabbage Patch stew they're gonna taste delicious I don't think it has any dolls no dong in the making of the Cabbage Patch - but we are gonna try that recipe so watch for that video coming soon its boiler Larry I don't like cabbage well we're you know these are hard times so we're gonna make it quarantine you're gonna like it I'm just kidding I know you guys like to see Keith trying new foods you like to see that face I make when I don't like it but maybe you'll be surprised maybe you'll like it I think it's kinda like chili anyway stay tuned for that it's like chili yeah all right stay tuned for that we will see you soon let us know in the comments below did you guys have Cabbage Patch Kids and what were their names do you remember did your parents get in a fight we'll see you next time in in case we don't see ya good afternoon good evening good night [Music]
Channel: Our 80s Life
Views: 33,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cabbage patch kids, cabbage patch dolls, cabbage patch kids 80's, 1980's, 1980s, cabbage patch, cabbage patch kids collection, cabbage patch kids names, 80s toys, 80's toys, 80's toys collection, 80's cabbage patch doll, cabbage patch doll clothes, k-mart, aka our 80's life, aka our 80s life, koosa, cabbage patch koosas, koosas, koosas cabbage patch, cabbage patch airways, cabbage patch kids birth certificate, cabbage patch dolls collection, cabbage patch kids dolls
Id: 3dTmWQr3klA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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