How to Clean a Cabbage Patch Kid Doll | Full Step-By-Step Tutorial

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hi i'm mandy wildman and welcome back to the vibrant crafter channel today i'm going to show you how to bathe and clean and fix up a cabbage patch doll show me colors [Music] so i have to show you how dirty this doll is okay so cabbage patch dolls have been around since the mid 80s and they're really really durable so you can still get a really a lot of great love from them and it's definitely worth rescuing a cabbage patch doll ask anybody who's like me who has like 100 of them or something i'm just going to show you i've seen some dirty cabbage patch dolls in my time but this girl takes the biscuit let's have a look at her okay so this is her arm can you see that this oh look here's my other arm can you see how filthy and dirty she is and she has a little bit of an odor so we're going to be fixing that now see these stains on the back of her on her back really and her little tushy and you see how very very dirty this cabbage patch doll is i'm going to show you her feet i know this is a little undignified honey um you might be thinking why would you want to rescue such an obviously yucky dirty doll and my answer to that is i i want to rescue everything why do we need to get new package dolls and they cost a hundred dollars and they're so marvelous and wonderful and somebody's making a lot of money while other dolls could easily be rescued and made really really cute and they make just a wonderful gift and of course cabbage batch dolls are very very they were very very very popular and they still are and you know what i love about them see this she has sort of a natural hug do you see that cabbage patch dolls have a natural hug especially these older ones so i'm gonna this doll is not beyond rescue and i am gonna show you how to completely rescue this doll and make her look amazing again stay tuned so the first thing i do is i get a plastic tote i fill it with nice warm soapy water and i put just a little bit of dish detergent in it this is the kind i like but you can use anything that you like i managed to take the nasty elastic bands out of her hair and i wrestled that binky out of her mouth it was tricky i'm going to show you my secret weapon it's this grandma's secret spot remover this stuff is like magic and you have to run out and get yourself some if you don't have it already and what i do i'm just going to spray her i'm going to be pretty generous with her i'm going to spray her wherever there's dark stains she really is filthy and i'm going to let this soak in for a few moments next i'm going to rub her gently with a simple sponge and you'll see the marks start to come out now this girl's very dirty and she may need several washings i'm rubbing her with the spongy side not the scratchy side i wanted to show you another way that you can get some of these stains out so we talked about grandma's secret and giving it a good squirt giving the doll a good squirt you can take a gentle nail brush one that you don't use for your nails anymore and scrub look what happened can you see that can you see how clean that spot is that's what's possible to clean the face i like to use this stuff it's nice and gentle you can just put a little little bit on the face not too much and then again you get your soft sponge this time i'm going to use the little the slightly more scratchy side it's not too scratchy it's fairly soft we don't want to rub off the paint but we do want to get the dirt off this stuff is marvelous and you can see her face looks a lot cleaner i'm going to finish scrubbing her getting all these spots out and then i'm going to leave her to soak for a little while so now she's been scrubbed and soaked and cleaned she's pretty clean i've rinsed her a number of times so this is how i wring out my doll i put her legs up like this and i squeeze i squeeze each limb like that and i get out as much water as i can get her hair squeeze it like this and then i take a regular coat hanger and i hang her in the corner of the coat hanger like this so that her hair is hanging down and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go probably hang her on the line with a bunch of other cabbies i've been washing another way you can dry a cabbage patch doll is by putting them in the dryer all i would recommend is wrap her head in a towel and secure it tightly i'm using a shoelace here because this is an old doll and you don't want to chip her face and ruin her so if you want to dry her quickly rather than hanging her on the line this would be the way to do it so here we are back again she is dry and look how clean she is she's very proud of this look here's one hand there and one hand there hello and she's clean on her back her tushy her legs her feet all nice and clean and i can tell you this she smells a lot better so the next thing i would do is i want to fix her hair because clearly it's a mess and also look she's got some stitching issues i'm going to show you this see her little belly button there is just not there so other than that her stitching on her limbs is pretty good but um i'll show you how to do her hair and her limbs in another video thanks for watching bye
Channel: Mandy Wildman Upcycled
Views: 46,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doll rescue, doll clothes, upcycled dolls, how to clean Cabbage Patch, vintage Cabbage Patch, Coleco Cabbage Patch, Paci Cabbage Patch, Vibrant Crafter, upcycled clothing and crafts, tutorial, diy doll clothes, doll restoration, doll restoration videos, cabbage patch rescue, cabbie rescue, CPK doll
Id: nyS6sTYByqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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