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after all this time I am finally at 5 million subscribers that is a lot of people and uh at one point five million individual people have hit subscribe now I know that's not exactly accurate there is definitely a handful of people that may have subbed with multiple accounts that kind of thing but it's still pretty crazy to think about the fact that that button has been clicked probably over five million times I know I've gained a lot of Subs in my time on YouTube but I'm also aware that I've probably lost a lot as well and that's just a part of it uh I if I was to give any advice over the time that I've been on YouTube I'd say it's a battle of ups and downs and dealing with that and learning how to deal with that is just something that comes along with it I spent so many weeks if not years Imagining the point where I'd hit 5 million subscribers and wondering what the hell I would do for a subscriber special for this Milestone and you know I could sit here and talk about my journey on the platform and the videos I've uploaded in my favorite moments and you know make a best of or whatever but instead I don't want to talk about myself I want to talk about my friends and other creators around me because honestly I truly believe that no one becomes successful on this plat platform or any similar platform without a good support group of friends or even just other creators around you so I I guess that's what I'm gonna do for this video so I guess I should start this list off with probably the most obvious person if you've been on the channel for a while you'll know who this is uh my good friend kryos which from this point forward I will just be referring to as John because that's just what I like to call him John in my opinion is truly one of the most creative people I've ever met the guy is loaded with ideas aside from being a hot piece of ass John is an incredibly talented artist if you guys haven't really been keeping up with that I actually purchased a couple paintings from him I'm very happy with them I love them so much I love the fact that they're one of one and he's actually interested in selling more so if you are a content creator or Mutual of John and I and you want to buy a painting just hit him up he does want to sell them he is literally just too shy to ask you to buy them and when he's not creating art he's putting his Creative Energy somewhere else he still uploads on his YouTube channels a lot and in my opinion truly has one of the most unique comedic personalities on the platform [Music] dude I'm gonna also his titles are just hilarious if you want a good time go read all of John's titles for his videos it they're fantastic John is definitely one of the people at this point that has been around me and my channel for a very long time uh as a friend and a co-content Creator and uh yeah John if you're watching I love you dude I I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors and whatever you're doing and yes I'm still mad that you make money when we play power washing I will make sure to link everything John cryos is up to in the description along with everyone else I talk about in this video so make sure you go peep them and check them out if you haven't already uh I highly recommend it [Music] moving on I think I should talk about this next person because it's literally a no-brainer this person has provided so much content to his audience to my audience and uh many others and that person is Matt AKA blarg fun fact about myself and Matt is that we actually met in high school and became friends in high school and funnily enough we actually rode the same bus ride home nearly every day from school I can't remember if it was the first day of high school that we'd met but it was probably somewhere within the first few weeks and very early on I told Matt that I made YouTube videos on my channel that you're watching right now and back then it wasn't anything you know probably at that point I was under a thousand Subs which even then was a lot I mean Flash Forward 10 years later and uh here we are funny enough and only a handful of you know this and when I say a handful I mean a literal handful there is a video on my channel it's one of my oldest videos called Matt's flying lesson and I [ __ ] you not that is blarg that's blarg and I playing Battlefield three ten years ago at this point which just blows my mind and I've never confirmed it with them but I'm sure at this point Matt never really had an interest in creating a channel back in 2012 I might be wrong but you know he can tell me differently later but Matt actually created his channel officially the one he's on now December 11 2015. and you have to remember this is when we knew each other and we were friends and we would talk and whatnot and there's just one really big part about Matt that I respect a lot with him as a YouTuber and where he is now it's that he never asked me for help he was one of my good friends he knew what I did and yet he still never asked for my help on growing his channel and I should just clarify what I mean by asking for help I totally think it is okay to go to a content creator that is more established and ask them for advice on how to grow a channel that is fine it's a little different when you ask an established content creator to play games with you just for the sole reason of growing your channel Matt never did that and that's a big thing that that was and in fact still is one of the greatest qualities as to why I am so happy and proud for where Matt and his channel are right now he he basically did this by himself he Started From The Bottom never asked me for help even though he knew I was a remotely successful YouTuber in the career path he was trying to break out into Matt is definitely one of the funniest people I know on this platform so if you aren't subscribed to him or you aren't watching his his videos what are you doing [Music] all right segwaying from that idiot let's move on to the next one Grizzy Grizzy is someone I would describe that has the perfect package of being a content creator in my opinion he fulfills all three of the categories I am about to list funny good at games and good looking my God is he a hunk of a man Brizzy as a creator has everything you need to be successful he's got a great personality he's funny he's talented he's got that [ __ ] wheeze laugh that is so rare nowadays but when you get him to do it it is absolutely priceless oh hey Smitty I love this dude so much he's an absolute pleasure to be around in person he's got so much potential and so much talent and it's just crazy to see it flourish I have no Grizzy since probably it was about 15 or 16 year olds and seeing him evolve into the content creator he's become today is amazing he even makes his own music now I don't know if he releases any of it actually but he's got some he's got some you got some Talent buddy all right very excited to see where you take that in the future Grizzy uh you definitely have more rhythm in your one finger than I do in my entire white ass body just an absolute Joy of a person to record content with and I'm so glad you're along this journey with me man I appreciate it [Music] okay moving on let's talk about puffer I'm not kidding when I say this I think puffer is actually one of the most creative content creators streamers I have come across in a while with my time on YouTube Huffer has a ridiculous amount of original ideas that he quite frequently capitalizes on the guy literally had an entire series called The Gauntlet where he would bring a bunch of content creators on and they would compete to see who could beat the most games within a certain amount of time not only that but I really admire the fact that he's able to make so much content just using his twitch chat from doing stuff like Warzone Bingo GTA 5 story mode with the chat deciding what happens next in the game and even something as simple as playing Minecraft while his chat tries to intentionally sabotage him these streams when he does them are absolute gold and I will always find myself tuning in and not to mention he uploads great content as well on his YouTube channel either from those streams or just recording with us or others puffer you're a great friend but I [ __ ] hate you because you're too good at Mario Kart [Music] on for a really long time and I believe is one of the most witty people I have ever come across during my time on YouTube and that person is buys AKA self-titled the biggest [ __ ] on YouTube and fun fact about bias he is actually the person that originally inspired me to use the 3D glasses on my avatar for a little bit in the past so if you were one of the [ __ ] that went to him and was complaining that he stole the 3D glasses from me no it's the complete opposite I stole them from him with permission of course this was of course ages ago bis's videos are literally the definition of friends casually playing video games for fun and turning it into a video and I think that's part of what makes them so special it's just banter between friends that's all it is I have never seen anyone be able to whip up such a creative insult in seconds flat like he does being that I've known buys for so long and he's a little bit older than me he's always been that person I can come to and he's always given me great advice for any problem I was having in my life so buys I really appreciate you for that and I love you so much dude highly recommend checking out his channel if you need a good laugh or just a video to relax to they are fantastic oh I should also say as well he does this thing where he makes like cinematic ass intros for his GTA 5 videos that are super sick and he actually has music that he produces that he uses in the intros as well they're super dope check him out [Music] person we have elastic Droid I honestly think that Droid is it I think Droid has so much potential and talent if there was a draft for upcoming YouTubers I'm fairly certain I would draft him as number one Droid in my opinion has the most character and personality out of most people that I know on YouTube this guy could sit in front of a webcam on stream and make an entire video from it if he wanted to he's so good at making content out of nothing which is something that is very rare and even something that I struggle to do at times he makes solo content look like it's a walk in the park and on top of that he's super easy to bounce off of if you record with him he is literally a danger to my career and I will destroy him he confidently say that Droid is one of my favorite content creators to watch whether he's streaming or when he uploads a video they're always gold he always just seems to bring 110 even when he's doing something as simple as like sitting in front of his camera and talking to his chat the way the videos are structured on his channel is just chef's kiss it's her perfect I can't recall of many creators doing this but he literally does a style where it's a bunch of Random clips and random games but it's not in like a chronological order it's all mixed up throughout the video so you'll get Minecraft and then him talking to chat and then GTA 5 and then a horror game and then it's just they're a really refreshing style of content and speaking from a fellow content creators headspace Droid I definitely don't want to lock you into this genre by talking about it and praising it so heavily in this video but damn those videos are good and you should continue to do them for as long as you're comfortable with this guy has so much potential go check him out [Music] and on to the next person we go now I'd like to talk about someone very special in my YouTube career that has given me a lot of inspiration to be where I'm at today ladies and gentlemen I am talking about Teo or lag X peanut poner as what he's originally known by this guy and this might not be totally accurate coined the term funtage to be used for online gaming videos on YouTube I'm a vet or he was just the first person that I saw use the term way back in the day and I mean way back in the day I'm talking Modern Warfare 2 days and no not the new Modern Warfare 2 that's coming out I'm talking the original Modern Warfare 2. Teo is actually one of the first people I saw on YouTube make funny moments videos on Call of Duty it goes that far back Tio's channel in my opinion is one of the most criminally underrated channels on YouTube the best way I could describe his channel is simply this friends having fun and there's just something so natural and raw about it that makes it really appealing and fun to watch the chemistry between his friends it's just it's just natural I don't know another way to describe it it literally feels like you are a part of a Discord call playing video games with them while watching their videos and with one of the most welcoming communities I have ever witnessed on Twitch and YouTube In My Eyes a true YouTube Legend he's been around for so long and I still think he's criminal counter-rated so if you haven't checked them out I highly recommend them him and his group of friends are are truly some of the best things on YouTube in my opinion so and I honestly consider myself pretty lucky that I'm even somewhat friends with the guy in fact he might be watching this on stream now and if you are I might be in the chat so Tio I just want to say thank you for the inspiration and the many years of content I love your stuff and uh yeah I hope you keep making it [Music] all right and last but not least let's get on to it let's talk about someone named Ty wittus and a fun fact about Tai is that he is one of three people including myself to have access to my sound effect folder and no to anyone else asking I am not giving you my sound effect folder now Ty has been helping me and my channel for the past few years but that's not what I want to talk about I want to talk about the sheer amount of ideas and creativeness in this man's mind I want to talk about his YouTube channel the amount of effort he puts into his videos and the amount of ideas he has is truly remarkable some of the ideas include climbing a mountain in clown shoes it's it's very entertaining and I know for a fact he has so many more ideas he wants to do and I damn well know he deserves an audience that should be lucky enough to be able to watch them come to life if you need somewhere to start with this channel I recommend checking out my favorite video from him it's the we went camping on the lowest budget video that being said all of his videos are really well made and and I highly recommend checking out all of them if you have the time for as long as I've known Tai I could confidently say he's never backed down from a challenge he is one of the most hard-working people that I know he's literally a robot sometimes it's insane he also seems like he has a really good friend group around him in the videos and honestly I'm just glad to be one of his friends that's on the sidelines behind the scenes Ty thank you so much for all your time your help I appreciate everything [Music] I know it was a bit unconventional and I know I'm supposed to use these Milestone videos to uh speak about myself and my accomplishments but I felt that wasn't warranted this time around and I wanted to do something a little bit different so let's just say we're gonna save all the gloating and the ego inflation for what I hopefully hit 10 million subscribers I think that's good with me if that's good with you thank you so much for watching this video I hope you did enjoy it I know it's not like my usual stuff but you know I needed to put a milestone video out for something such as God that's half of 10 million subscribed that's insane 5 million people wow okay I guess uh thank you so much for watching and sticking with me for all this time if you've been around for a while or even just for a little bit it all counts and it all matters and it means so much to me thank you so much for watching this video hopefully you did enjoy if you did make sure to leave a like on it that and also if you are new to the channel or find yourself coming back on the regular and you aren't subscribed why not you're already coming back anyway so I guess uh here's to another 5 million subscribers sometime down the road I'm looking forward to it have a good rest of your evening Morning Noon whatever time it is where you are and yeah I'll see you in whatever I upload next cause honestly I never know [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 1,334,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smii7y, smii7yplus, smii7y+, smii7y plus, subscriber count, subscriber special, 5 million subscribers
Id: tw-I2nLJnww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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