My ¥16,500/month ($160USD) Japanese Apartment Tour 2021

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good morning welcome back to my channel my name is azaria you can call me aj uh i didn't put on my face today because this is the only time you'll see my face probably uh today i figured i would give you an apartment tour um because i know that some jets some new jets will be coming to uh japan and i know that in the in the process of or in the leading up to the plane ride you're like looking at all the videos you're you're looking at all the apartment options you're looking at feeling and everything so i figured i would show you one possible situation that you might be in or one possible apartment that you could get and that is my apartment someone will be replacing me next august so you might get this apartment oh anyways so i hope you enjoy apologize for some of the mess that i left because i was too lazy to actually finish cleaning let's get started so i won't bother showing the front of the door because it's a door and it doesn't really matter so this is my entryway apologize for the trash i forgot to take it out this morning but this is a gingkong where you put all your shoes right are not all of them but the ones that you wear most often and then you take them off and you step into the apartment right um i have this little decoration here i don't know where it's from one of the previous alts left it's nice so i left it there over here i have emergency water because the first year i was here we had an accident where um a ship hit our main bridge and it cut the main water line so we had no running water for like a month and a half so now i have emergency water um this is my stuff for tea i have scars my reusable bags and then my trash bags and stuff um yes the garbage system is as complicated as everybody says it is but once you get used to it you get used to it so straight off of the gank on is my kitchen my kitchen is a stained mess from years and years of people living here this is a very old apartment so i have my sink i have a few dishes left i did them all this morning haha i'm productive my two stove area i have some storage here i have more storage up there that i don't use unless i don't want to see something i have spices and random stuff my rack of utensils do you like how it splits from pink to blue it's great i can't match anything here's my main counter space i know it's pathetic um so i have my toaster back there i have cereal bread it's almost new year so i have um prosecco and cider more spices and stuff and then i have my favorite aisle not aisle my favorite part of the kitchen my ramen box my ramen box is amazing don't look down there that's just stuff i have my microwave oven up here it does double as an oven it does a pretty good job actually it's really small though so i can't cook like a roast dinner or anything fridge um freezer this is drawer fridge has nothing of special i mean like for one person it's a pretty packed fridge but i'm used to i'm used to six people in a house so i tend to buy a little more than i need which is a really bad habit but i will use it all and then from the fridge area circles around there's the living room i'll get back to that in a second um this is my favorite area of my kitchen i have my trash um manual tells me what goes where um i have my water heater this thing is amazing and i love it so much i got it for 25 bucks at the recycle store and they're usually over 100 and i'm so happy anyways i have my mini rice cooker because i am one person um random razor blade for boxes i guess i don't know um here i have this is where i put my cups but because i just washed all the dishes they're not there um tea coffee more tea from stevia because i tried to lower my sugar intake but that stuff is so bitter so i don't really use it all that much um random protein supplement powders and then this tea y'all this tea is amazing okay greenbox tea is from south africa it's amazing it's like non-caffeinated it's awesome um some nuts random refills and more coffee stuff for the refills up here um this is my trash situation please excuse the pet bottles i don't have space for them anywhere and they only get taken out once a month so i have my burnables i have my plastics and i have my cans and some other stuff in there also only taken out once a month and i don't have the schedule now so i don't know when it's taken out so then we have my little hallway little hallway it has a light but i never turn on the light because that's my bedroom and so the bedroom light always flows into the hallway um and then from the hallway right here is my sink area not quite a bathroom um random stuff sink uh this is where like my makeup and or not make up my skincare and stuff and you know all that jazz right um random hair slash teeth slash um what is it called what is called i forgot the english sanitizer that's what it is um hair products brushes hair styling tools towels this thing is important so yo predecessor don't take that out trust me i tried it holds the whole shelf so i haven't moved it since i got here oh great okay here's my toilet my teeny teeny tiny toilet i have towels and cleaning supplies up there toilet um it is one of the fancy toilets so it has a bidet attached um also this is like 30 centimeters between the wall and my toilet so i usually leave the door open because i i live alone um and it's claustrophobic in there so let's shut that and then here is my bathroom um that's more glass and stuff i have to take out but because it's once a month and i lost a schedule i don't know what it has to take out bath stuff stuff i need to throw away and then boom bathroom it's dirty and i won't show you the floor but stuff for hair bathtub it's um it's not an automatic bathtub which i was really sad about but so i don't know i don't take baths all that much i just go to the onsen down the street stool because every japanese bathroom has to have a stool shower head window great um okay okay this is my bedroom i didn't finish the laundry i apologize um this is where i keep my everyday wear pants because i re-wear jeans and stuff because everybody should because you're not actually supposed to wash your jeans random stuff down there my main closet that i use every day um my giant pikachu that has been with me since i was very very small um he is 20 i think he's like 22 or 23 years old now yeah he's great um second closet third closet this place has a lot of storage which i'm like really happy about um excuse that that i have to take to the recycle store because that stuff i don't need no more i won't bother opening the closets because it's just clothes and like random boxes and stuff it's not interesting um i have my oh this thing best hundred bucks ever spent so i use a ladder as my bedside table because i didn't want to buy a bedside table and i had this and i didn't know where to put it so i'm just using it as a bedside table i never open these curtains because there's a giant windowsill and it kind of creeps me out okay into the living room area oh these doors get stuck very easily okay so here's the overview of the living room that is my favorite part of the living room i love it so much okay so we have my tv over here this tv cost me a lot of money uh because technology here costs a lot of money and it's unfair ac unit up there that's giving me heat right now because it's kind of cold um i'll close this because it's gonna escape um i have my kotatsu because it's winter and it's cold and kotatsu's are amazing if you live in japan i highly recommend buying one you can get some for very cheap um it's basically a table with a blanket and then underneath the table is a heater and you turn it on over there and it blasts and heated your legs and it's amazing apparently there is a is a like a new year's trope in japan like a stereotype where you'll find your cat underneath the kotatsu and that's like a thing it's great oh love it um so over here i have a shelf or a bookshelf camera bag or a bag i use mainly for my camera because it has a lot of space um random stuff books medicine and some other cleaning supplies and then random stuff down there like old wallets and things that's my main bag yeah and then up here i got my picture of me my dad and my mom when i was younger um it was the year of the wrap this year so my my host mom in tokyo sent me these little rats it was my year i am the year of the rat and it was a terrible year for the world i mean not technically for me but anyways yeah it wasn't a great year that's okay though um elias from my best friend he is the cutest and only funko pop i have um random stuff i have this other artwork um that my friend found at a con of elias calendar from my uh what are they called mechanic i'm covering their address because they're kind of close to my house okay and then stamps from when i went to beppu my karate schedule a a random hat and jacket and then over this way is my desk and right now i don't use it because the wood turn is cold i have my scanner for my film um i haven't used yet i'm really excited to use it it's the v600 it's oh my god i'm so excited album for my negatives and i have various things from my students all here they're so cute i love them i just got packaged they're so cute i love them my my host mom made that for me yeah and letters from my students more letters um here's a junk stuff like you know how you have a drunk junk drawer well i have a junk pile um i have my fame favorite cameras here the ones that actually work my other ones don't work right now and i'm in the process of getting them fixed i have my canon this is my favorite one oh i love this one oh love it i have my rolly smallest compact film camera oh it's so cute it's so cute i love it so much um i need to learn how to use it though because it is a little bit more complicated than the rest of them it doesn't have a focus i mean it does have a focus but it's not a straight viewfinder so um this one just recently broke and i don't know why um it's the minolta autofocus but the shutter won't it won't uh it was working fine and now it doesn't anyhow um that's my drawing tablet that i got a couple years ago i sometimes still use it um most of the time it just kind of sits there sad the color's all off too and it really pisses me off and i don't know how to fix it anyway um my plant sill this is my favorite area i have i don't know what each of them are called i think this one's a spider plant i don't know this one i recently got he's so cute and then i have a little a little one here and then i have a monstera from a very good friend of mine who said she had some and she didn't want me spending a lot of money to buy one so she's awesome and then i have this i think it's called like devil's ivy or something i don't know but this is the longest i've ever kept plants alive i'm so proud of myself like you have no idea um here i have incense i have this is the watering pail obviously um incense refill down here all of my makeup that i haven't touched in maybe a month or so i don't know it's been a long time then i have stationary stuff up here stationery half stationary half like art supply stuff because that's art supplies but this this and that is stationary yeah and i have another bookshelf this is another bookshelf art supplies there uh japanese study books here important documents here own letters for my students because i can't get rid of them they're too cute um i have a lamp from amazon that has a bulb that is controlled by my alexa yeah by my by my echo dot i have my camera my newly upgraded camera i'm so happy with it um i need to like get out of my house and use it because i'm lazy and i don't like going outside so yeah i use it mainly to film videos for my my tv channel yeah um laundry stuff because you gotta have laundry stuff more camera it's like small camera material small camera tools and stuff down there and then my phew isn't that so nice um here my balcony i have my washing machine sucks that it's outside because it gets really gross um random old plant pots and stuff and then yeah hello i lied saying that you would only see my face in the beginning but what happened yeah okay so um this apartment is a teacher's apartment so it's subsidized by the government and so my rent is 165 dollars a month sixteen thousand five hundred yen so about 165 bucks um it's the cheapest rent i will ever have in my entire life and so i'm not looking forward to leaving it uh so yeah 165 for rent and then uh i have various utilities um there is uh gas obviously there's water that's charged every two months yeah every two months and then um obviously electricity every month and then i have wi-fi wi-fi is about 50 bucks a month um i upgraded from my last one which was like 10 bucks a month but i was like nah i want that fast internet so i got the platinum plan which is um 100 megabytes a month because all i do is look on the internet so uh 50 bucks for internet and then my uh my gas bill is the most ridiculous because every month there's a kihon joking which is a basic fee so it doesn't mean it doesn't even matter how much i use that fee is the base line and then they add on top of that so the base i never use more than the base amount which is why it pisses me off so much so the base amount is 1800 yen and then what i use usually is about two to three meters cubed of gas which turns out to be 1300 to 1500 yen and then there's a um there's like another fee which i'm i think it's just tax um so my gas bill because of that stupid basic fee uh is usually about thirty to thirty five dollars three thousand to three thirty five hundred yen around yeah and then water is charged every two months and obviously they charge for bringing water in and taking water out right because plumbing and all that um for two months it usually is about 47 i guess yeah because it says 4724 yen um so it's about like 20 three dollars a month for water i don't use a lot of water i really discovered that when we had no water for the that one and a half months that i was here um that i don't actually use some so much so yeah water bill is about 23 25 bucks a month and then electricity bill is the one that changes the most uh the electricity depending on the time of year um it'll be really low it'll be really high so usually in the summer it's quite high because it's really hot and so i have the ac going all the time because i'd rather just pay some extra money to feel comfortable in my own home during the hot summer months um and then during like spring and fall i like don't use it at all um so it kind of balances out too so for spring and fall i don't turn it on at all so my electricity bill is usually about like 15 to 20 bucks a month um it's really low the highest it's ever been was about 95 and that's because i was using an old heater that i thought worked better than my ac unit so it was really inefficient and sucked up a lot of electricity so that was the highest it's ever gone really check how much electricity your like stuff uses because and like you might as well be eco-friendly and all that you know like don't use inefficient products anyways so uh during the summer months it's super high during the winter it's not it's not super super high um surprisingly um so this month's i guess it was live last month was 20 bucks i don't know why because i did use ac a lot so rent 165 internet 50 water 23 a month electricity on the time of year um summer is usually very high and then gas is my highest i guess um at 35 bucks a month because that's stupid basic fee so that was my apartment tour and the breakdown of costs every month um if you enjoyed please leave a like or write a comment down below i would appreciate it and yeah thanks for watching
Channel: Azaria Jade
Views: 12,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, apartment tour, japanese apartment, japan apartment tour, japanese apartment tour, house tour, tatami, countryside, ALT, JET Program, JET Programme, aesthetic, japanese countryside, affordable apartment
Id: 1tLFg808D9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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