Must Watch Before GODZILLA X KONG | Monsterverse Recap | Movie Series Explained

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The Godzilla and Kong MonsterVerse begins in  season one of the television series Monarch:   Legacy of Monsters. In 1952, US Army Lieutenant  Lee Shaw is sent on a mission to escort a Japanese   scientist, Keiko, on a mission to the Philippines  to investigate strange radiation levels. While on   their mission, they cross paths with a Navy  vet named Bill Randa. Randa explains that a   decade prior, while fighting in World War  II, his ship was attacked by a mysterious   creature and he was the lone survivor. He has  dedicated his life ever since to finding this   monster and proving its existence to the world,  and believes that unbeknownst to Shaw and Keiko,   their mission is one in the same. Bill’s seemingly  crazy tale is proved right when the group are   attacked by a creature known as the Ion Dragon,  and they all narrowly escape with their lives. Two years laters, Shaw, Keiko, and Randa all work  for a secret international organization known as   Monarch, whose mission is to hunt and study the  mysterious monstrous creatures hidden throughout   the Earth, which have been dubbed Titans. The trio  have discovered that the Titans feed on radiation,   and upon discovering the footprints of one  of the monsters, they believe they can lure   it out of hiding for research purposes by  baiting it with uranium. The group gets   funding from the US military, and uses uranium  to lure a massive lizard-like Titan known as   Godzilla out of the ocean. Unfortunately,  the military has no interest in research,   and instead drops bombs on the creature to  kill it. Lee reluctantly allows the attack   to go through, while Keiko is devastated.  The military is impressed by this event   and gives Monarch a blank check to  fund their discovery of more Titans. In 1955, Randa and Keiko follow a lead to a  place known as Monster Island, where a Monarch   scientist has detected the presence of a Titan.  Shaw abandons a meeting to secure more government   funding for Monarch to travel to Monster Island,  as he has developed romantic feelings for Keiko   and wants to ensure her safety. The group are  then confronted by a Titan, which reveals itself   to be Godzilla, alive and well after surviving  the military’s attack. Not wanting to reveal   Godzilla’s survival to the military, inspiring  them to create dangerous superweapons to combat   the Titans, Shaw, Keiko, and Randa keep Godzilla’s  survival a secret. With years going by since a   Titan spotting, the military takes control of  Monarch, places the gruff Lieutenant Hatch in   command, and threatens to cut off government  funding. Knowing the future of Monarch is in   jeopardy, Randa works harder than ever before  having a revelation and coming up with the Hollow   Earth Theory. The Titans can hide themselves  so easily because the Earth is in fact hollow,   and there is an entire secret world hidden beneath  its surface. Upon taking this theory to Keiko,   Randa discovers that she has a secret child named  Hiroshi. Randa professes his love for Keiko,   and offers to help raise her son. Meanwhile,  the military pay no mind to Randa’s Hollow Earth   Theory, so Shaw is forced to reveal Godzilla’s  survival to ensure Monarch’s continued funding. In 1959, Keiko and Randa, now married, travel to  Kazakhstan with Shaw to study a location that they   believe could confirm Randa’s Hollow Earth Theory.  Underneath an abandoned nuclear power plant,   they uncover caverns containing the eggs of a new  Titan species known as Endoswarmers. As the eggs   begin to hatch, the group attempts to flee from  the attacking Titans. Tragically, Keiko becomes   overwhelmed by the Endoswarmers and is pulled  into the depths of the caverns to her death. In 1962, Monarch has discovered a way to  enter the supposed Hollow Earth. Shaw bids   farewell to his best friend, Bill Randa, and  his surrogate nephew Hiroshi, before leading   a team on a journey to hopefully discover a new  world. The team’s state of the art pod follows   a Titan into an underground rift, but quickly  loses control and communication to the Monarch   team above. Randa is left devastated as Shaw  and his team plummet into an unknown oblivion,   with no way of determining their fates,  or if the Hollow Earth even exists. Breaking bad habits can be really difficult,   but it’s never been simpler than  with this video’s sponsor, FUM. Not everything in a bad habit is  wrong, so instead of a drastic,   uncomfortable change why not just  remove the "bad" from your habit? FÜM is an innovative, award-winning  flavored air device that does just that. Instead of electronics, FÜM is completely natural. 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FÜM has served  over 150,000 customers and has thousands   of success stories, and there’s no  reason one of those can’t be you. So join FÜM in accelerating humanity’s  breakup from destructive habits by   picking up the Journey Pack today. Head  to or scan the   QR code and use code RECAPANDCHILL to get  10% off when you get the Journey Pack today. That’s and use code RECAPANDCHILL  to save an additional 10% off on your order   today. Thanks so much to FUM for sponsoring  this video, now let’s get back to the recap! The story continues in the film Kong: Skull  Island. In 1973, Bill Randa finally secures   government funding to continue his research into  the Hollow Earth, now aided by fellow scientist   Houston Brooks. Brooks believes that the key to  confirming the existence of a Hollow Earth resides   on the mysterious Skull Island. Joining Randa and  Brooks on their journey are a team of researchers,   Lieutenant Colonel Preston Packard and his  unit of U.S. army soldiers, expert tracker   and former British Special Forces Captain James  Conrad, and anti-war photographer Mason Weaver. Upon arriving at Skull Island, the group  begins dropping seismic bombs developed   by Brooks to detect whether or not its  surface is hollow. This experiment is   abruptly halted when the group is attacked by  a giant ape, which kills many of the soldiers,   and separates the survivors into disparate groups.  Conrad and Weaver lead a faction of survivors to   discover a group of island natives known as  the Iwi, and a US air force pilot named Hank   Marlow who crash landed and has been stranded  on the island for nearly three decades. Marlow   explains that the giant ape has been named Kong  by the island natives, who view the creature as   the island’s protector. Kong is the last of his  kind, as all of his species has been killed by   another group of dangerous island creatures,  known as Skullcrawlers. After the remaining   survivors regroup, Conrad and Weaver insist  on fixing up a boat to leave the island and   Kong in peace. When the group are attacked by a  Skullcrawler, which tragically kills Bill Randa,   Packard insists on salvaging their weapons  supply and killing the Skullcrawlers and   Kong to avenge his fallen comrades. As Packard  and his team head off to gather their weapons,   Conrad and Weaver prepare to leave the island with  Marlow and Brooks. But after a peaceful encounter   with Kong, the group decides to intervene  to stop Packard and save the giant ape. As Packard and his team lure Kong into a trap,  Conrad and Weaver arrive and persuade Packard’s   soldiers to abandon their Colonel’s commands.  Packard refuses to stand down, but is interrupted   when a giant Skullcrawler arrives to battle  Kong. Packard is crushed to death as Kong and   the Skullcrawler get into a brutal fight. Just as  the Skullcrawler gets the upper hand and prepares   to kill Kong, the humans intervene and help their  new ape friend defeat its Skullcrawler rival. The surviving humans then depart Skull Island  safely. Marlow returns to his family after   thirty years away, while Brooks recruits Conrad  and Weaver to join Monarch, revealing that many   other Titans, like Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, and  King Ghidorah, posed a giant threat to humanity. The story continues decades later in the movie  Godzilla. In 1999, Monarch scientists Ishiro   Serizawa and Vivienne Graham uncover a massive  Titan skeleton in the Philippines that resembles   Godzilla, as well as two giant spores, one which  remains dormant, but the other has already hatched   and escaped. The creature birthed from that spore  secretly arrives in Japan, and its massive size   begins creating dangerous tremors and seismic  activity. At the Janjira Nuclear Power Plant,   the volatile reactor is damaged by the tremors,  causing a meltdown. The supervisor of the plant,   American scientist Joe Brody, is forced to  watch as his wife, Sandra, and her team of   scientists are trapped inside the reactor room  where they all die in the plant’s collapse. In 2014, Joe Brody is still grieving his  wife’s death, and refuses to believe the   government’s explanation that an earthquake  caused the reactor meltdown. Joe’s son,   US Navy Officer Ford Brody, comes over from  America to help investigate the quarantined   reactor zone for any evidence on what caused  the meltdown. Inside the plant’s ruins, Monarch   scientists are studying a massive chrysalis  that has grown for the past fifteen years,   feeding off the radioactive energy.  A Titan emerges from the chrysalis,   killing many of the scientists, including,  tragically, the grieving Joe Brody. Serizawa and Graham explain to Ford the  origins of Monarch, and that a Titan had   in fact been responsible for the meltdown,  as it feeds on nuclear energy. Ford reveals   that Joe had been tracking echolocation  from inside Janjira before his death,   which the Monarch scientists theorize  was the Titan communicating with the   long dormant Godzilla. As the scientists use  this newfound information to track the Titans,   Ford prepares to return home to San Francisco  to reunite with his wife, Elle, and son,   Sam. As Ford awaits to board a plane in Honolulu,  the Titan attacks, killing many innocent people.   Godzilla arrives and fights the Titan, causing  it to flee, which spares the lives of Ford and   many other innocent people. Serizawa deduces that  Godzilla is an enemy of the Titan, and therefore,   it must have been using echolocation to  communicate with a different creature. The second spore, which was taken to be stored at  a nuclear site in Las Vegas, hatches and wreaks   havoc on the city. Serizawa realizes that the  Titans’ communications are actually mating calls,   and if they unite, they could create an army of  deadly Titan babies. Gruff Navy Admiral William   Stenz approves a plan to use nuclear warheads to  lure the two Titans and Godzilla into the ocean   off the coast of San Francisco and destroy  them all. Serizawa and Graham are resistant   to this plan, but Ford joins a squad to deliver  the warheads necessary to complete the mission.   Unfortunately, the Titans steal a warhead  and bring it to the center of San Francisco,   where its detonation would cause catastrophic  damage and kill countless innocent civilians.   As Godzilla arrives to fight the Titans,  Ford joins a strike team to enter the   city’s battleground and deactivate the  bomb. Unable to deactivate the bomb,   Ford’s team decides to take it out into the  ocean where it can safely be detonated. As the   Titans kill off Ford’s team to take back the  warhead, Godzilla arrives to fight them off,   killing both Titans before collapsing from  exhaustion. Thanks to Godzilla’s help,   Ford manages to get the warhead into the  ocean, and then safely return to reunite   with his family. Godzilla then retreats  into the ocean, and the media names him   the “King of the Monsters”, theorizing  that he may in fact be humanity’s savior. Back to season one of Monarch: Legacy of  Monsters, it’s now 2015, a year after the   fight between Godzilla and the Titans destroyed  large portions of San Francisco. Cate Randa,   the daughter of Hiroshi and granddaughter  of Bill and Keiko, is still suffering from   PTSD from having survived the attack. Hiroshi  has recently died in a mysterious accident,   and Cate travels to Japan to settle his affairs,  only to discover that her father had a secret   second family, including another wife, Emiko,  and a son, Kentaro. Cate and Kentaro are both   shocked by this revelation about their father,  and agree to work together to uncover all of his   secrets. The long-lost half-siblings team up with  Kentaro’s hacker ex-girlfriend, May, to uncover   Monarch secrets that their father, Hiroshi, and  step-grandfather, Bill Randa, had been working on. May is actually a hacker named Corah Mateo who  worked for a company called Apex Cybernetics,   under the guidance of Dr. Brenda Holland, that  promised to help change the world. Unfortunately,   May discovered that in Apex’s desire  to help disabled humans walk again,   they were conducting dangerous  and unethical experiments on apes,   which caused May to destroy their research and  flee, changing her name and living on the run. Cate, Kentaro, and May follow Hiroshi’s clues to  find a shockingly alive and well Lee Shaw. Back   in 1962, Shaw’s team had successfully crossed  through a portal into a world between worlds,   known as the Axis Mundi. After  being attacked by an Ion Dragon,   Shaw became the team’s lone survivor. After  escaping back through the portal, Shaw was   shocked to discover that time works differently  in Axis Mundi, and the year was now 1982. There,   Shaw met the adult Hiroshi, now working for  Monarch, who sadly informed Shaw that Bill   Randa is now dead. Monarch then placed Shaw  under house arrest in a retirement community,   where he has been living ever since. Now, in  2015, Cate, Kentaro, and May bust Shaw out of   his Monarch prison to join them on their quest  to uncover the truth behind Hiroshi’s death. On the group’s journey, they are joined by  rogue Monarch agents Tim and Duvall. Duvall   reveals herself to be the sister of Sandra  Brody, the late mother of Ford Brody who died   in the Janjira power plant collapse. The new  Deputy Director of Monarch, Natalia Verdugo,   has no interest in studying Titans, as is Shaw’s  desire, and only wants to destroy them at any   cost. Shaw’s group travel the world, following  Hiroshi’s trail and encountering Titans like the   Frost Vark, and even the infamous Godzilla  himself, before discovering that Hiroshi is   in fact still alive. Shaw and Duvall part ways  with the others to follow Godzilla and protect   it from Monarch, while Cate, Kentaro, and  May continue their journey to find Hiroshi. Shaw and Duvall rally Monarch members to betray  Verdugo and join them, using explosives to close   a rift to Hollow Earth in Alaska, preventing  dangerous Titans from escaping to the Earth’s   surface. The closing of the rift causes spikes  in radiation across Earth’s surface at other   rift openings, which Monarch believes could cause  more Titans to emerge on the surface and cause   worldwide devastation. Verdugo sends a team of  agents to stop Shaw’s team, and Cate, Kentaro,   May, and Tim volunteer to try to talk Shaw  down from his master plan. Everyone reunites   at Shaw’s next rift target at the Kazakhstan  power plant where Keiko had died half a century   prior. Undeterred by both Cate and Monarch’s  warnings, Shaw explodes the rift. Unfortunately,   as the rift collapses, Shaw, Cate, and May are  pulled inside and land in the Axis Mundi. Cate   is separated from Shaw and May, and while  attacked by a Titan known as a Bramble Boar,   she is rescued by her unaged grandmother, Keiko.  Keiko has an emotional reunion with Shaw and an   even more emotional introduction  to her adult granddaughter, Cate,   but is devastated to learn that a few months for  her in Axis Mundi has equaled a half century on   Earth’s surface, and that her beloved husband,  Bill Randa, has been dead for several decades. Kentaro and Tim are rescued from the  wreckage of the collapsed rift by Monarch,   and they assume Shaw, Cate, and May have  died. Kentaro returns home to Tokyo,   where his alive and well father, Hiroshi, finally  reveals himself. Kentaro rebukes his father,   devastated that his life of secrecy and  lies has now led to Cate’s death. Hiroshi   explains that he has spent his life and career  trying to prove the Hollow Earth’s existence to   honor his parents legacy. He believes that  if Monarch and the government had trusted   them and funded their research, then the  Titan attacks would have never occurred. In the Axis Mundi, Shaw leads the group to  his original exploratory pod, while Keiko   activates a distress signal in the hopes that  their allies on the surface can pull them out   of the rift. As the group attempt to escape Axis  Mundi, they are attacked by the Ion Dragon, which   damages the pod’s cables. As Godzilla arrives to  fight the Ion Dragon and save his human allies,   Shaw sacrifices himself to fix the cables and  ensure his friends make it back to the surface,   falling back into the rift and  leaving his fate unknown. Cate,   May, and Keiko exit the pod on the Earth’s surface  where they reunite with Kentaro, Hiroshi, and Tim,   who reveal that it is now 2017. May is shocked to  discover that the group was aided by Dr. Brenda   Holland and her reformed Apex Cybernetics, now  operating at a research base on Skull Island. The story continues in the film Godzilla:  King of the Monsters. The year is now 2019,   and Monarch has developed a device known as  the Orca which can attract and calm Titans.   As Monarch scientist Dr. Emma Russell and her  teenage daughter, Madison, use the Orca on a   Titan known as Mothra, their base is attacked  by former British Army Colonel Alan Jonah and   his team of eco-terrorists. Jonah kidnaps Emma  and Madison, and steals the Orca for himself. Fellow Monarch scientists Serizawa and Graham  track down a former colleague named Mark Russell,   who is the ex-husband of Emma and father  of Madison. Mark has become disillusioned   with Monarch and their mission of peacefully  studying the Titans after the Godzilla battle in   San Francisco resulted in the death of his son.  Despite his hesitance, Mark agrees to accompany   Serizawa and Graham in their mission to stop  Jonah and rescue Emma and Madison. The trio   track the terrorists to Antarctica, where they  discover that Emma is actually working alongside   Jonah to awaken all of the dormant Titans in an  effort to have the beasts re-terraform the Earth,   as humans have decimated the environment.  Jonah awakens the three-headed Ghidorah,   King of the Titans, and Godzilla arrives  to fight its hostile rival. In the battle,   Godzilla is quickly overpowered, and  Ghidorah kills Dr. Graham before escaping. Jonah’s team flees with Emma and Madison, who  is devastated upon learning that her mother is   willingly working with terrorists. In Mexico,  Madison uses the Orca to wake another Titan,   Rodan, leading to a battle between Rodan,  Godzilla, and Ghidorah. Godzilla manages   to rip off one of Ghidorah’s heads before  Admiral Stenz and the U.S. military drops   a new Titan killing bomb dubbed the Oxygen  Destroyer, which seemingly kills humanity’s   Titan savior. Ghidorah survives the blast and  regrows its lost head, before awakening all of   the dormant Titans around the world and forcing  them, including Rodan, to submit to its rule. A near death Godzilla retreats to the  Hollow Earth to heal itself. Knowing   that Ghidorah and his army of Titans  could soon destroy the entire world,   Serizawa chooses to sacrifice himself  by delivering a nuclear warhead near   Godzilla’s location so the Titan can  absorb its energy and heal itself faster. After arriving in Boston, Emma finally begins  to realize the destruction that Ghidorah will   cause to the Earth, but Jonah refuses to  halt his mission. In her own efforts to   thwart Jonah and save the world, Madison steals  the Orca and attempts to use it to calm Ghidorah   and his Titan army. Unfortunately,  the Orca has no effect on Ghidorah,   who arrives to destroy the machine. Luckily, the  healed Godzilla also arrives and battles Ghidorah   once again. Mark leads Monarch to the battle  site, where they attempt to aid Godzilla and   help Madison escape. Amidst the chaos, Mothra  arrives to help Godzilla, defeating Rodan,   but becoming critically injured in the process.  As Ghidorah begins to overpower Godzilla,   Mothra sacrifices herself to allow Godzilla to  absorb her energy. As Ghidorah tries to intercept   this power transfer, and absorb all of Mothra and  Godzilla’s powers for itself, a remorseful Emma   reconciles with her family and then uses the Orca  to distract Ghidorah, allowing Mark, Madison, and   the Monarch team time to escape, and sacrificing  herself in the process. With Ghidorah distracted,   Godzilla is able to fully absorb Mothra’s powers,  which it uses to go nuclear, killing Ghidorah and   destroying most of the city. Rodan and the other  Titans then bow down to Godzilla, their new King. The story continues in Godzilla vs. Kong. It is  now 2024, and Monarch has taken control of Skull   Island to monitor Kong. The Iwi tribe of island  natives have all died out, except for a young deaf   girl named Jia, who communicates via sign language  with her friend and protector, Kong. Jia has   been adopted by Monarch scientist Ilene Andrews,  whose job is to study and monitor the giant ape. Meanwhile, Apex Cybernetics employee and  Titan conspiracy theory podcast host Bernie   Hayes discovers that his employers may be plotting  something sinister. As Bernie downloads evidence,   the Apex facility is attacked by Godzilla.  In Godzilla’s wake, Bernie discovers a giant,   robotic eye. Due to the unexpected and unprovoked  attack, the world begins to turn on Godzilla and   fear his potential for destruction. Among those  that have begun to fear Godzilla is Monarch’s   new director, Mark Russell. His daughter,  Madison, is a fan of Bernie’s podcast and   insists that there must be more going on. When  her father refuses to listen, Madison teams up   with her friend Josh to seek out Bernie and  investigate the Godzilla attack themselves. Apex Cybernetics CEO Walter Simmons promises  the world he will find a way to defeat Godzilla,   and develops Hollow Earth  Aerial Vehicles, or HEAVs,   which will allow humans to finally travel through  the Axis Mundi into the actual Hollow Earth,   believing that the hidden world could  contain the untold resources needed to   defeat Godzilla. Simmons recruits former Monarch  scientist Nathan Lind to lead the team into the   Hollow Earth. Nathan recruits his old friend  and colleague, Ilene, to aid the mission,   as the team needs a Titan to guide them  to the Hollow Earth, and Kong, whose home   on Skull Island is becoming uninhabitable, could  potentially find a new home in the hidden world. Madison, Josh, and Bernie investigate the wreckage  of the Apex lab before accidentally stumbling into   an underground hyperloop system that transports  them all the way to an Apex lab in Hong Kong.   There, the trio discover that Walter Simmons  has villainously plotted to turn the world   on Godzilla to gain support for his secret  superweapon, a giant Titan-esque robot known   as Mechagodzilla. Simmons’ right hand man is Ren  Serizawa, the villainous son of Ishiro Serizawa,   who resents his father largely abandoning him to  fulfill his mission with Monarch that eventually   led to his death. Using a skull of Ghidorah  that he bought from Alan Jonah, Ren is able to   telepathically control Mechagodzilla to do his  bidding. Apex does not yet have enough energy   to fully power such a massive weapon, leading  to Simmons’ need to explore the Hollow Earth. As Nathan, Ilene, Jia, and an Apex team, led  by Simmons’ daughter, Maia, transport Kong to   a Hollow Earth rift in Antarctica, their convoy is  attacked by Godzilla, who battles and defeats Kong   before retreating. The Apex team takes the injured  Kong to the rift, where Jia tells the giant ape   that he may find a long lost family inside the  secret world. And so, Kong enters the rift,   leading the Apex HEAVs into the Hollow Earth.  Nathan and Ilene are dazzled by this hidden world,   with an ecosystem and Titan creatures similar  to Kong’s home on Skull Island. The team journey   through this world with Kong as their protector  from its dangerous inhabitants, before finding an   ancient throne room. Nathan and Ilene realize  that Kong and Godzilla’s ancestors had fought   many battles for supremacy of the Hollow Earth.  Kong finds a giant battle ax, made from the bones   of Godzilla’s ancestors, and places it into a  shrine, before taking his seat on a giant throne.   The battle ax then reveals Hollow Earth’s energy  source, which Maia and her Apex team immediately   steal and send back to Simmons at the Apex base  in Hong Kong. When Nathan and Ilene protest this,   Maia’s team turns on them, holding them all at  gunpoint. Maia and her team flee, abandoning   Nathan, Ilene, and Jia to the creatures of the  Hollow Earth, but Kong acts as their protector,   fighting off a swarm of Titan creatures known as  Hellhawks before killing Maia and her entire crew In Hong Kong, the new energy source is  enough to fully power up Mechagodzilla,   which attracts Godzilla, who had been  attacking Apex bases in an attempt to   thwart their superweapon’s creation. But instead  of battling his robotic rival, Godzilla uses his   atomic breath to drill a hole straight from Hong  Kong into the Hollow Earth, where he calls on Kong   to engage him in battle, just as their ancestors  had. Kong races to Hong Kong to fight Godzilla,   followed closely behind by Nathan, Ilene, and  Jia in the last remaining HEAV. In Hong Kong,   Godzilla and Kong get into a brutal battle,  in which Kong uses the ax to defend himself   against Godzilla’s atomic breath. Ultimately,  Godzilla defeats Kong, resulting in the giant   ape being left for dead. As Mechagodzilla  is activated to battle Godzilla, the mind of   Ghidorah takes control, killing Simmons, leaving  Ren for dead, and quickly overpowering Godzilla. In the Apex base, Madison, Josh, and Bernie search  for a way to deactivate Mechagodzilla. Outside,   amidst the battle, Nathan manages to detonate  the HEAV on Kong’s chest, acting as a giant   defibrillator to resuscitate the giant ape.  Jia convinces Kong to align with Godzilla,   leading to the former Titan rivals teaming up  to battle Mechagodzilla together. As Madison,   Josh, and Bernie temporarily short circuit  Mechagodzilla, Godzilla uses his atomic breath   to power up Kong’s battle ax, which the ape  uses to destroy Mechagodzilla once and for all. In the end, Godzilla and Kong decide  to end their species’ eternal feud   and co-exist in peace. Madison reunites  with her father, Mark. And Nathan, Ilene,   and Jia return with Kong to the Hollow Earth,  where Monarch sets up a new research station,   and Kong is able to live safely and freely,  and take on his rightful mantle as King.
Channel: Recap & Chill
Views: 51,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monsterverse, monsterverse recap, godzilla x kong the new empire, godzilla x kong recap, godzilla x kong explained, recap before godzilla x kong, godzilla movie recap, godzilla 2014 recap, godzilla 2 recap, godzilla king of the monsters recap, kong skull island recap, godzilla vs kong recap, monarch season 1 recap, monarch legacy of monsters season one recap, monarch season 1 explained, monarch season 1 ending, godzilla vs kong ending explained, godzilla vs kong ending
Id: Bd5OUh5LabE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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