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[Music] hi guys it's jody welcome back to my channel today i'm gonna make baked chicken breasts yes so here i have a tree chicken breast that i already washed and cleaned with lime okay so what i'm gonna do guys i'm gonna wrap cover it with a cling fling and i'm gonna take my roller and beat it okay because you want it to cook evenly and you know chicken breast is really thick you're just gonna smash it like that make sure that it is dry okay dry it with a paper towel so that's done that's perfect so here are my chicken breasts i just put in my bowl so firstly guys i'm gonna add at least two teaspoon of my olive oil then these are some of my seasoning here i have one teaspoon of smoked paprika one teaspoon of garlic powder and one teaspoon of onion salt okay you just want to mix it just a bit and then just add it on to your chicken breast like so i'm gonna also add some complete seasoning at least quarter teaspoon some cajun seasoning and quarter teaspoon okay and some adobo and quarter teaspoon that's it and some parsley which is totally optional and just a small amount of my dark soy sauce that's it not a lot then i'm going to take my nice clean ends and you're just going to blend it all in just massage all those seasoning guys all over on your chicken okay look at that chicken guys you see a little seasoning i'm telling you and it smells so good so you can always leave it to marinade for at least 30 minutes okay but this is nicely nicely done that's perfect look at that so here we have my baking tray guys and what i did i just added a baking paper yes and i just cut it neatly so it fit so now i'm gonna add some olive oil to my baking pan you just wanna make sure guys that you wipe it all across you can always take a brush yeah like so that's perfect then i'm also gonna take some fresh thyme and i'm just gonna add it at the bottom like so and i'm just gonna lay my chicken breasts they look so nice guys honestly these chicken breasts look like it's already been cooked the color is just amazing and i'm just gonna add some butter like so and i'm gonna put it in my oven guys for 30 to 40 minutes okay and 150 degrees celsius 100 to 200 degrees celsius okay yes look at that perfect in the oven it goes stay tuned so guys i just removed my chicken from my oven and this is what is look like i'm telling you it looks super super delicious you just want to pour all that liquid all over on it look at that oh my goodness this is like food prawns it's been in the oven guys just over 30 minutes okay i'm gonna put it back in my oven for at least five to eight minutes okay no longer than that and it is ready the chicken breast is so nice so juicy look at that guys look at her let me give you guys an up close look oh my goodness this is the best best baked chicken you guys will ever have it is so juicy and so mice [Music] perfect so guys my chicken breast is finally finished and i'm telling you it looking super super delicious all together it's been baking for just over 35 minutes all together okay so you just want to take all that sauce and just pour it all over it so keep nice and juicy please guys don't forget to give me a thumbs up share this video to your families to your friends and everyone on your social media i will really really appreciate it this recipe right here is a moisturize it is more to water and it looks so so so so good so you can always serve it with some rice with some salad some mashed potato i serve mine with some chicken alfredo which goes so perfectly with it i'm telling you if you guys want to know on oh i made my chicken or frito check out my youtube channel for it okay and guys honestly it is so juicy super super juicy just look at it this right here is like full prawn it looks so so good know what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna plate it up and show you guys and how it looks on the plate okay so stay tuned so now that it is all plated up no i'm just gonna pour all that delicious delicious liquid from my baking pan all over on my chicken oh my goodness look at that so so so so so good super super delicious [Music] [Music] so now i'm just gonna sprinkle some parsley on top just for presentation guys i thank you all so much for watching this video don't forget to share please guys share this video to your friends to everyone on your social media as i said i really really appreciate it i worked so hard just to get this video out for you guys so please support my channel if you have been supporting my channel i thank you guys so much from the bottom of my art thank you thank you i'm telling you this recipe right here is a must try if you try this recipe comment below and tell me what it's like so i'm just gonna taste my chicken breast for you guys and tell you what it's like as you can see the knife goes through it so smoothly it is perfectly perfectly cut and honestly guys it tastes amazing it is so juicy and so flavorful i mean just look at that chicken breast guys oh my goodness you look good super super delicious guys i thank you all so much for watching this video i hope you all enjoy it and i hope you try it also until next time bye don't forget to keep laughing keep smiling no matawa cause god is always on your side bye guys much love and that's my chicken afrido that i have it with yes and as i said check out my youtube channel
Channel: Jody Cooking
Views: 438,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KH-VlY52eH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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